47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

Your dimestore gaslighting carries no weight, cultist.
The real cultists are the Leftists. They are always accusing the other side of things they are more guilty of. Next time they level an accusation like “vote for us or Democracy is at risk”, know that they mean the exact opposite, don’t vote for them, because they are dictatorial fascists.
The real cultists are the Leftists. They are always accusing the other side of things they are more guilty of. Next time they level an accusation like “vote for us or Democracy is at risk”, know that they mean the exact opposite, don’t vote for them, because they are dictatorial fascists.
Get your crybaby whataboutism out of your system. Take all the time you need, the criminal investigations of Trump aren't going anywhere.
Haha, unoriginal, reflexive, childish, baseless.
Unoriginal, reflexive, childish and baseless best describe Democrat obsession with everything Trump. Remember, they accuse the other side of what they they themselves are most guilty of. If you just go by that rule, then their entire strategy is completely exposed.
Get your crybaby whataboutism out of your system. Take all the time you need, the criminal investigations of Trump aren't going anywhere.
Oh don't worry, the Biden investigations and impeachments of both him and other members of his cabinet are slotted to begin very soon. Democracy will be reestablished.
Remember, you told us for four years that Trump colluded with Putin and in fact he’s a Russian “asset”?
I stand by Trump being a Russian asset! He still is....!!!!!! :D He's enamoured and in love with Putin....never, ever a bad word about Putin, just continual, sickening and unAmerican praise!

You can have him..... The piece of traitorous shit, is all yours!
Oh don't worry, the Biden investigations and impeachments of both him and other members of his cabinet are slotted to begin very soon. Democracy will be reestablished.
Go for it!

That's just a guaranteed, Blue Tsunami, in 2024!!!

I stand by Trump being a Russian asset! He still is....!!!!!! :D He's enamoured and in love with Putin....never, ever a bad word about Putin, just continual, sickening and unAmerican praise!

You can have him..... The piece of traitorous shit, is all yours!
So even though they came up with jack shiite after having spent four years criminally lying to courts and treasonously using the FBI, CIA and IRS plus a special prosecutor to prove that Trump is an “asset”, you in your TDS heart of hearts believe that Trump is and that’s what counts. :cuckoo:
So even though they came up with jack shiite after having spent four years criminally lying to courts and treasonously using the FBI, CIA and IRS plus a special prosecutor to prove that Trump is an “asset”, you in your TDS heart of hearts believe that Trump is and that’s what counts. :cuckoo:
Here's YOUR PROBLEM, you've never read the Mueller report, or the Senate investigative report, which is evident by your post.

You've only taken Trump's faux interpretation of the report, and believed it, sight unseen.... :(
Go for it!

That's just a guaranteed, Blue Tsunami, in 2024!!!

Biden‘s approvals are so low that polls indicate that if he were to run today against Trump, he would lose his ass off. In fact, the main reason for the red wave we’re about to witness is exactly because of Biden. Plus this isn't 2020 where Biden can pretend he’s this able uniter, the American public knows what an incompetent lying buffoon he truly is.

It will be fun watching the Democrat party self destruct, once the republicans are done exposing how crooked disgusting Democrats and the media covered up all the crimes and treason committed by Biden and his family, the Biden administration, other individuals in media and certain Democrat politicians.

That’s going to be your blue wave.
Here's YOUR PROBLEM, you've never read the Mueller report, or the Senate investigative report, which is evident by your post.

You've only taken Trump's faux interpretation of the report, and believed it, sight unseen.... :(
Mueller report threw egg on the Democrats face, it very clearly said no evidence of collusion. It was an embarrassment and exposed the depths of Democrat depravity.
The report concludes that the investigation "did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities
You have no idea what you cited, as you never read it, nor did your link support your embarrassing cult lie. Sorry.

Retard, Egan established - rather CONFIRMED that the Commanded In Chief may classify or declassify anything he so chooses, at any time he chooses, in any manner he chooses.

Now you never finished grade school, you certainly aren't looking at the nuance of law.

But Herr Leaksensmears full well knew all about this 1988 Supreme Court decision long before he used his thugs to raid the political opponent of his party.

He knew that his actions have NO basis in law, but like Idi Amin or Pol Pot, he went full banana republic.
Named by whom?

The Nazi scum of the NY Times?
Here is the point where you respond with a claim that the House Jan. 6th Committee is "not a legal/legitimate investigative body."

The part where you pretend that all their evidence isn't going to be used by the DOJ in prosecuting Trump.

Go ahead.
I'll wait.


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