5 Reasons Israel Is Losing the Public Relations Battle

Rachel Corrie was a terrorist PROTESTER.

Anyone who buys into the NaZionist propagandistic Talking Points about a US citizen who was sadistically crushed to death by TWO IDF twerps hiding inside a US-made Caterpillar is an Israel-Firster not an America-Firster.

Next I suppose you're going to regurgitate the other Talking Points - such as "she was protecting terrorist gun-running tunnels".

Don't wait til next year- GO TO JERUSALEM NOW! What's keeping you?

ALOT more Americans were killed by Muslims/Arabs than this Corrie girl. Why don't you fly to the West Bank, and celebrate 9/11 with the Palestinians?

Would you agree that any group that kills Americans should face the consequences of retribution?

Or, is it OK when IDF slime do it?
Depends who. If a terrorist or terrorist supporter is killed they should get a BIG cash reward.
You are obviously an Arab terrorist firster.

Why aren't you in an Iranian terror training camp?
Would you agree that any group that kills Americans should face the consequences of retribution?

Or, is it OK when IDF slime do it?

That IDF slime, as you put it, show more bravery fighting the Arab savages in one day, than you probably showed in your whole life. And anyone who thinks that Israeli soldiers would purposely kill an American, has probably never been to Israel, and doesn't know how much Israelis worship America.

You don't know what I've done in my whole life, and it's got NOTHING to do with the sadistic crushing to death of my fellow American, Rachael Corrie.

For you to stand up for and defend her MURDERERS- whose names you don't even know, because they are in hiding tells me all I need to know about your loyalties.

You are obviously and Israel-Firster, and all I can ask is: Why the funk aren't you in Israel?

PS- I don't think you want to get into the purposeful murder of Americans by Israelis- hell, they even shot a poor Jewish American girl last year!
That IDF slime, as you put it, show more bravery fighting the Arab savages in one day, than you probably showed in your whole life. And anyone who thinks that Israeli soldiers would purposely kill an American, has probably never been to Israel, and doesn't know how much Israelis worship America.

You don't know what I've done in my whole life, and it's got NOTHING to do with the sadistic crushing to death of my fellow American, Rachael Corrie.

For you to stand up for and defend her MURDERERS- whose names you don't even know, because they are in hiding tells me all I need to know about your loyalties.

You are obviously and Israel-Firster, and all I can ask is: Why the funk aren't you in Israel?

PS- I don't think you want to get into the purposeful murder of Americans by Israelis- hell, they even shot a poor Jewish American girl last year!

They didn't see her. Israelis worship anything that has to do with America.
Electronic intifada said so.

That's good enough for the Arab terrorist supporters.
I think any American life is worth 10,000 of any other. That anyone would cheer the death of an American is beyond contempt, and if in the military, would most likely warrant a Section 8.

Just because she was born in America doesn't make her an American IMO.

She was a terrorist supporter. She got what she deserved. She was killed because of her own stupidity and in support of arab terrorists.

I also question what team you are on when you rely on electronic intifada for yor information.

Rachel Corrie was a terrorist PROTESTER.

Anyone who buys into the NaZionist propagandistic Talking Points about a US citizen who was sadistically crushed to death by TWO IDF twerps hiding inside a US-made Caterpillar is an Israel-Firster not an America-Firster.

Next I suppose you're going to regurgitate the other Talking Points - such as "she was protecting terrorist gun-running tunnels".

Don't wait til next year- GO TO JERUSALEM NOW! What's keeping you?

A friend of yours was on TV yanno.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwOL4rB-go]Jeff Dunham - Achmed the Dead Terrorist - YouTube[/ame]
I will tell you the real reasons that Israel loses the PR war:

1) Most countries are chicken shit and are afraid of the brainwashed bloodthirsty lunatic arabs. They don't want to be targets. So they claim to believe any bullshit the arabs make up. Even though they secretly know the truth.

2) The media are made up of radical liberals whose number one mantra is they hate the United States. Inside and outside the US. Not the touchy feely Oprah US but the real US that can and has come to greatness and riches while much of the rest of the world is mired in poverty and tragedy due to their own stupidity. The US supports Israel. So they are hated by the arabs. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Even though the radical religious arabs are everything that the liberal media should hate their hatred of the US trumps that so they pander to the arabs. And despite everyone's denials the media shapes minds. Especially weak minds.
Israel and Zionism are a core part of Judaism.
Which part of the Torah says that?

G-d speaking to Abraham:
(Genesis 17:8) "And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land of their sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession, and I will be their G-d."
Israel and Zionism are a core part of Judaism.
Which part of the Torah says that?

G-d speaking to Abraham:
(Genesis 17:8) "And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land of their sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession, and I will be their G-d."


Talk to them:



Israel is part of almost every Jewish prayer.
Israel and Zionism are a core part of Judaism.
Which part of the Torah says that?

G-d speaking to Abraham:
(Genesis 17:8) "And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land of their sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession, and I will be their G-d."


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