50,000 Russian Dead

Doubt it is quite that high though nobody knows with any true sense of certainty .Most" reliable and top "experts , imo , believe the figure is around the 30, 000 mark which suggests that the US-Ukey Nazi losses are 300 , 000 ( killed )or even higher . I have heard , up to half a million , from otherwise sane and independent investigators . The biggest clue comes from comparison of strength of artillery fire and even senior Ukey military sources acknowledge they are literally outgunned in the minimum ratio of 10-1 .
BTW, anybody thinking that the fighting would be over in a month is seriously delusional . When Russia moved to pre-empt Donbas being invaded , they were faced with around 180 000 troops and their initial force was very quickly at 150 000 and probably at least matched the Ukey figure by April 2022 . With numbers like that,warfare was certain to last for up to a year at minimum . Given highly unusual winter and then spring weather and a big change in Russian fighting tactics , a longer fighting period became inevitable . In simple terms , Russia sucked in their enemy ( Bakhmut Meat Grinder tactic) rather than advancing themselves . This in itself is another prime reason for the horrendously high Ukey losses compared to those of Russia .
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Doubt it is quite that high though nobody knows with any true sense of certainty .Most" reliable and top "experts , imo , believe the figure is around the 30, 000 mark which suggests that the US-Ukey Nazi losses are 300 , 000 ( killed )or even higher . I have heard , up to half a million , from otherwise sane and independent investigators . The biggest clue comes from comparison of strength of artillery fire and even senior Ukey military sources acknowledge they are literally outgunned in the minimum ratio of 10-1 .

None of the reports of casualties are clear.
Each side is deliberately lying and inflating numbers while minimizing their own.

Prigozhin (of all the yo yo) actually gave some accurate numbers during a rant one time....and that's been a while .....and I can't believe that Russia is quickly losing its grip on Bakhmut. (9 months fighting to get it and 2 months to lose it).

Artillery fire?
There's going to be some drastic changes in that coming soon. There's a reason why fire control discipline is taught and maintained throughout NATO. The unrestricted carpet shelling can only last for so long. And Russian supplies, not only logistically difficult, are running low from the sustained fire rates. Production in Russia isn't that great. Sure the factory is in Western Russia....but it's been way past its functional capacity for over a year. Meaning quality of production is not good. (Typical)

Russia, like everyone else in the WHOLE WORLD, has been rounding up old stocks of artillery rounds but the West is ramping up production to try and meet the need.

Of course there's been the usual Charlie Foxtrots for Ukraine....not all same caliper shells fits are universal. And Ukraine has a huge assortment of various equipment pieces....talk about Russian logistics being a nightmare Ukraine's has to be something even crazy people wouldn't think up intentionally. The right shells for the right artillery has to be in hand or else it likely isn't coming...once it's fired it's gone.

War is hard. And started by assholes that don't care how many lives they destroy.
Taking into account that

1. The Russian military far exceeded the Ukrainian one in terms of servicemen as of the invasion date;
2. Their more than 300 000 draft of reservists last fall;
3. Integration of so-called armies of LDNR into Russian military;
4. Vide use of volunteers, mercenaries and convicts in the war

and despite of all that there haven't been any front-wide offensive operations since the 2022 spring, one can conclude that their numbers of losses aren't so encouraging to what the Russian trolls here are trying to imply.
Taking into account that

1. The Russian military far exceeded the Ukrainian one in terms of servicemen as of the invasion date;
2. Their more than 300 000 draft of reservists last fall;
3. Integration of so-called armies of LDNR into Russian military;
4. Vide use of volunteers, mercenaries and convicts in the war

and despite of all that there haven't been any front-wide offensive operations since the 2022 spring, one can conclude that their numbers of losses aren't so encouraging to what the Russian trolls here are trying to imply.
Stop being a baby and calling everybody who has a different point of view from yours a Troll.You make yourself look immature .Your first point is novel but unproven . The second is only half true because there is no evidence that they have been called into active use .The third is / was assumed by everybody and is not an additonal factor . And the last is nonsense -- you are double counting -- there is no such thing as Reservists AND Volunteers or Mercenaries AND Convicts .And you give no mention to Ukey Mercenaries who now are mainly ex NATO troops who switched to private group contracts to avoid the Sheeple realising that a huge number of NATO forces -- present and past --are engaged.
It's difficult for either side to have complete accuracy at this point but the short answer is, "too many". All self inf!icted by Russian leadership. I've lost hope in our species, if I ever won the lottery it will be a life of as much nature as possible for me. This would have been an unhearrd of statement from me just a few years ago as a born and bred city kid.
None of the reports of casualties are clear.
Each side is deliberately lying and inflating numbers while minimizing their own.

Prigozhin (of all the yo yo) actually gave some accurate numbers during a rant one time....and that's been a while .....and I can't believe that Russia is quickly losing its grip on Bakhmut. (9 months fighting to get it and 2 months to lose it).

Artillery fire?
There's going to be some drastic changes in that coming soon. There's a reason why fire control discipline is taught and maintained throughout NATO. The unrestricted carpet shelling can only last for so long. And Russian supplies, not only logistically difficult, are running low from the sustained fire rates. Production in Russia isn't that great. Sure the factory is in Western Russia....but it's been way past its functional capacity for over a year. Meaning quality of production is not good. (Typical)

Russia, like everyone else in the WHOLE WORLD, has been rounding up old stocks of artillery rounds but the West is ramping up production to try and meet the need.

Of course there's been the usual Charlie Foxtrots for Ukraine....not all same caliper shells fits are universal. And Ukraine has a huge assortment of various equipment pieces....talk about Russian logistics being a nightmare Ukraine's has to be something even crazy people wouldn't think up intentionally. The right shells for the right artillery has to be in hand or else it likely isn't coming...once it's fired it's gone.

War is hard. And started by assholes that don't care how many lives they destroy.
Deaths and other casualy figures from both sides must inevitably be treated with caution . Which is why I have half a dozen different figure sources and know their background agendas where applicable .But YOU cannot then cherry pick and want to use Priggy figures because they seem to suit you . He is not half the figure imagined . He only has about 5000 fighters in Ukey Land -- Wagner operate in multiple world locations and experts say that it was not even his crack troops at Bakhmut . Further , he has been very close pals with Dear Uncle for over two decades and anything he says is carefully monitored by the Kremlin before a rehearsed release -- Russias answer to the Midget War Criminal , if you like . As for ammo production . They have pre-empted this scenario years ago in planning terms and are literally a long way ahead of the US and NATO .They even moved a couple of production companies to Siberia just as the UKeys moved their largest bread producers from Kharkov and Kyiv to Lyiv . No paragraphs /indents due to keyboard malfunctions .
Stop being a baby and calling everybody who has a different point of view from yours a Troll.You make yourself look immature .Your first point is novel but unproven . The second is only half true because there is no evidence that they have been called into active use .The third is / was assumed by everybody and is not an additonal factor . And the last is nonsense -- you are double counting -- there is no such thing as Reservists AND Volunteers or Mercenaries AND Convicts .And you give no mention to Ukey Mercenaries who now are mainly ex NATO troops who switched to private group contracts to avoid the Sheeple realising that a huge number of NATO forces -- present and past --are engaged.
There was no double counting in my post. There are more than 300 000 reservists; there are the LDNR armies that were incorporated to Russian armed forces (though, they indeed took part in this war from the beginning as formally separate units); there are paramilitary units consisting of volunteers and convicts, the most famous of which is the Wagner Group (that according to American officials had 50 000 people at the peak).

All that additionally to the 'second army in the world'.
Stop being a baby and calling everybody who has a different point of view from yours a Troll.You make yourself look immature .Your first point is novel but unproven . The second is only half true because there is no evidence that they have been called into active use .The third is / was assumed by everybody and is not an additonal factor . And the last is nonsense -- you are double counting -- there is no such thing as Reservists AND Volunteers or Mercenaries AND Convicts .And you give no mention to Ukey Mercenaries who now are mainly ex NATO troops who switched to private group contracts to avoid the Sheeple realising that a huge number of NATO forces -- present and past --are engaged.
I don't call 'everybody' a troll. I call 'them' useful idiots, Putin-heads and Putinsuckers. Whom I call troll is someone who tries to push Russian propaganda narratives with Slavic accents posing as Americans or West Europeans. Except of you, I can count two your 'colleagues' here. Should I write their usernames?

I tried to clear up that question up in the Feedback section, but the mods seem to consider this information too 'touchy' to answer directly.

In the article you didn’t read before posting it states this estimate starts in 2014. It does identify 27,000 military dead
Apparently she doesn't realize the Soviet Union ended over 30 years ago too.
I guess the war mongers think if they convince the right that Russia is still communist, we will ignore the actual Nazis in Ukraine we are supposed to support despite the corruption & lies.
They want us to believe that if the Ukey fascists fall, the US is next... or something equally stupid

I thought Ukraine may last a month against the Soviets. Instead they have fought gallantly and effectively.

Production in Russia isn't that great.

I've been watching the Ruble🐷 🇷🇺 over time and I've never seen a currency collapse to the extent it has. It was incredibly bad after the start of the war initially, but the sustained decline since February is eye-opening. Just in the last week the Ruble has lost 7% of its value.​

Apparently she doesn't realize the Soviet Union ended over 30 years ago too.
I guess the war mongers think if they convince the right that Russia is still communist, we will ignore the actual Nazis in Ukraine we are supposed to support despite the corruption & lies.
They want us to believe that if the Ukey fascists fall, the US is next... or something equally stupid
Hey moron...any idea why the Wagner Group had that name?

Odd name for a Russian merc army eh? It's not named after it's leader or founder

It's named after HITLER'S favorite composer. THEY are the fucking Nazis here

Hey moron...any idea why the Wagner Group had that name?

Odd name for a Russian merc army eh? It's not named after it's leader or founder

It's named after HITLER'S favorite composer. THEY are the fucking Nazis here
Interesting theory of yours -- that only Uncle Adolf was a Wagner fan .Silly Billy . They are more popularly known as The Musicians with the name Wagner probably coming from their overall commander( Utkin) who used it as his radio call sign .DYOFR

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