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50 years later: has government dependency helped or hurt blacks?

You do know being Human alone means we share DNA right?

Just like I'm sure youre aware that in order to share that DNA we would have to come from one source right?

The same species. When God made man he made a bunch of us at once.

I havent heard this theory before. So not just Adam and Eve but also Jack and Jill, Kevin and karina and so on? Different areas of the world? Sounds interesting. Why are the oldest remains constantly found in Africa though?
This is how you can tell a poser from a real scholar. A real scholar would not get angry. Your probably destroying your keyboard in anger right about now!:lol:

No, I'm laughing at the moron who thinks he knows something and yet cannot defend his position.

I dont need to defend anything though. Youre the one saying the Greek philosophers didnt travel to Africa to learn at the feet of Africans. I know history has been altered but I thought that at the very least was common knowledge. What are they teaching you these days in that scholarly environment you say you stay in?

Son, I had more years in grad school than you probably had in school altogether. Post proof or admit you're just repeating propaganda.
According to your link, it says Sam stole the idea of a comb from his father.

History also shows that since time immemorial, in India, there was a device that was specialized in removing seed from long staple cottons.

Whitney's device was different. He utilized pulleys, etc. This doesn't look like a "comb" to me, and in fact, it utilizes a brush roller, and not a comb which is the claim in your interesting article:


Whitney's Cotton Gin - patented in 1793.

Thats right he mechanized something the slaves had been using and took credit for the entire concept. If there was an prior invention in India why is Eli credited with inventing it? A link to that Indian one would be a nice touch. Sounds interesting.

It was a mechanical device. So mechanizing it means inventing it. Whitney invented the gin to replace manual labor.
No, I'm laughing at the moron who thinks he knows something and yet cannot defend his position.

I dont need to defend anything though. Youre the one saying the Greek philosophers didnt travel to Africa to learn at the feet of Africans. I know history has been altered but I thought that at the very least was common knowledge. What are they teaching you these days in that scholarly environment you say you stay in?

Son, I had more years in grad school than you probably had in school altogether. Post proof or admit you're just repeating propaganda.

In all that time no one every taught you even once that Greek philosophers traveled to Africa to learn at the feet of Africans? :lol: Youre killing me dude!
I dont need to defend anything though. Youre the one saying the Greek philosophers didnt travel to Africa to learn at the feet of Africans. I know history has been altered but I thought that at the very least was common knowledge. What are they teaching you these days in that scholarly environment you say you stay in?

Son, I had more years in grad school than you probably had in school altogether. Post proof or admit you're just repeating propaganda.

In all that time no one every taught you even once that Greek philosophers traveled to Africa to learn at the feet of Africans? :lol: Youre killing me dude!

Yeah, here's your chance to educate me. Post your proof. Third time I'm asking.
Dont buy that Black Africa was not the foundation of all knowledge.

All knowledge? Really? I hate to burst your bubble here, Asclepias but "knowledge" developed in many different places than just in Africa. Mesopotamia for one...China for another. Herding of cattle was something that came from the Far East...not Africa. You've decided to bend history to suit your own rather biased viewpoint. Quite frankly...I'm not seeing it.

Did you read any of my earlier posts that show proof that the first settlers in China were Afrcans? This is not a so called Afrocentric view but proven by a respected Chinese researcher using DNA and actually trying to prove the Chinese were not descended from Africans.

I'm sorry, Asclepias but I'm still not buying your notion that Africa being where all of mankind originated from let alone all knowledge is a determined fact. That simply isn't the case. I can only assume that you are unaware that there are other studies that show man originating in the "Fertile Crescent" in the area that is now modern Iraq?
To be honest...whenever anyone speaks in absolutes I tend to raise an eyebrow...especially when it comes to things that took place that long in the past. The number of times what we THOUGHT we knew what took place only to have it turn out to be completely wrong would fill volumes.
With all due respect for both Aristotle and Herodotus...the Egyptians themselves considered themselves to be "brown"...a mix between the cultures that surrounded them.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLk4Ia0otko]Family Guy - OMG WHO THE HELL CARES! - YouTube[/ame]

First this Asclepias clown tries to be as stupid at tank and matthew, and now you are trying to be as stupid as him. Interrupt the cycle somewhere.
I'm sorry, Asclepias but I'm still not buying your notion that Africa being where all of mankind originated from let alone all knowledge is a determined fact. That simply isn't the case. I can only assume that you are unaware that there are other studies that show man originating in the "Fertile Crescent" in the area that is now modern Iraq?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNsrK6P9QvI]Picard's Epic Double Facepalm - YouTube[/ame]
50 years later: has government dependency helped or hurt blacks?

Yes, Patrick Moynihan said as much decades ago.....

The link between family breakdown and poverty had been noticed much earlier than the 1990s. In 1965, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then Assistant Secretary of Labor, published a report that noticed a disturbing trend in the black community in America. Despite desegregation and efforts to ensure equal opportunity, welfare dependence was on the rise among blacks. Moynihan and his fellow researchers pointed to the disintegration of family as a major cause. But as with many prophets, his message was not very welcome at the time and went largely unheeded. Here is a paragraph of warning from the Moynihan Report:

Indices of dollars of income, standards of living, and years of education deceive.… The funda*mental problem…is that of family structure. The evidence…is that the Negro family in the urban ghettos is crumbling. A middle-class group has managed to save itself, but for vast numbers of the unskilled, poorly educated, city working class the fabric of conventional social relationships has all but disinte*grated.… So long as this situation persists, the cycle of poverty and disadvantage will continue to repeat itself.[1]

[1]Office of Policy Planning and Research, U.S. Department of Labor, "The Negro Family: The Case for National Action," March 1965, at http://dol.gov/oasam/programs/history/webid-meynihan.htm (August 2, 2006).

and yes sallow, it has done same to a smaller extent/scale to whites:rolleyes:
All knowledge? Really? I hate to burst your bubble here, Asclepias but "knowledge" developed in many different places than just in Africa. Mesopotamia for one...China for another. Herding of cattle was something that came from the Far East...not Africa. You've decided to bend history to suit your own rather biased viewpoint. Quite frankly...I'm not seeing it.

Did you read any of my earlier posts that show proof that the first settlers in China were Afrcans? This is not a so called Afrocentric view but proven by a respected Chinese researcher using DNA and actually trying to prove the Chinese were not descended from Africans.

I'm sorry, Asclepias but I'm still not buying your notion that Africa being where all of mankind originated from let alone all knowledge is a determined fact. That simply isn't the case. I can only assume that you are unaware that there are other studies that show man originating in the "Fertile Crescent" in the area that is now modern Iraq?

You dont have to buy my notion. Have you ever heard of "Mitochondrial Eve"? 140k-200k BP is the age on the remains found in Africa. Nothing older so far. Look it up. Sumerian were also Black Africans descended from the Nubians or Kushite and indeed had a civilization in what is now Iraq but that has nothing to do with with what we are talking about. The knowledge long touted as the "Greek miracle" was provided by the Egyptians who were undoubtedly Black Africans. Found something really wack that links the Sumerian with Eve in Africa that is really crazy but gotta go.
So blacks used to be really smart?

WOW, what happened?
Did you read any of my earlier posts that show proof that the first settlers in China were Afrcans? This is not a so called Afrocentric view but proven by a respected Chinese researcher using DNA and actually trying to prove the Chinese were not descended from Africans.

I'm sorry, Asclepias but I'm still not buying your notion that Africa being where all of mankind originated from let alone all knowledge is a determined fact. That simply isn't the case. I can only assume that you are unaware that there are other studies that show man originating in the "Fertile Crescent" in the area that is now modern Iraq?

You dont have to buy my notion. Have you ever heard of "Mitochondrial Eve"? 140k-200k BP is the age on the remains found in Africa. Nothing older so far. Look it up. Sumerian were also Black Africans descended from the Nubians or Kushite and indeed had a civilization in what is now Iraq but that has nothing to do with with what we are talking about. The knowledge long touted as the "Greek miracle" was provided by the Egyptians who were undoubtedly Black Africans. Found something really wack that links the Sumerian with Eve in Africa that is really crazy but gotta go.

Well, wait a second...just because someone can trace a lineage through MRCA doesn't mean that there wasn't some other human ancestor that predated that earliest ancestor. Simply because one branch of the human tree died out doesn't mean they didn't exist nor that they contributed to the accumulated "knowledge" of humans. "Human" teeth recovered in Israel are dated at 400,000 years old...one more point for those who maintain that humans developed in the "Fertile Crescent".

Once again, you make the claim that Egyptians were "undoubtedly" Black Africans and that is in no way an established fact other than in your mind.
Did you read any of my earlier posts that show proof that the first settlers in China were Afrcans? This is not a so called Afrocentric view but proven by a respected Chinese researcher using DNA and actually trying to prove the Chinese were not descended from Africans.

I'm sorry, Asclepias but I'm still not buying your notion that Africa being where all of mankind originated from let alone all knowledge is a determined fact. That simply isn't the case. I can only assume that you are unaware that there are other studies that show man originating in the "Fertile Crescent" in the area that is now modern Iraq?

You dont have to buy my notion. Have you ever heard of "Mitochondrial Eve"? 140k-200k BP is the age on the remains found in Africa. Nothing older so far. Look it up. Sumerian were also Black Africans descended from the Nubians or Kushite and indeed had a civilization in what is now Iraq but that has nothing to do with with what we are talking about. The knowledge long touted as the "Greek miracle" was provided by the Egyptians who were undoubtedly Black Africans. Found something really wack that links the Sumerian with Eve in Africa that is really crazy but gotta go.

I have no doubt that many of the greek technological/mathematical 'discoveries' were based on forgotten/re-discovered Egyptian ( or Babylonian) knowledge, history supports it, is there a question on that?

as far as Egyptians being 'black african'? Uhm, no. I am sure theres some evolutionary roots, but to classify them as African as we understand them, would be to deny their own vision of themselves, their location, growth in the nile valley and the real differences prevalent, example-


from the funerary palace of Seti I.....
I'm sorry, Asclepias but I'm still not buying your notion that Africa being where all of mankind originated from let alone all knowledge is a determined fact. That simply isn't the case. I can only assume that you are unaware that there are other studies that show man originating in the "Fertile Crescent" in the area that is now modern Iraq?

You dont have to buy my notion. Have you ever heard of "Mitochondrial Eve"? 140k-200k BP is the age on the remains found in Africa. Nothing older so far. Look it up. Sumerian were also Black Africans descended from the Nubians or Kushite and indeed had a civilization in what is now Iraq but that has nothing to do with with what we are talking about. The knowledge long touted as the "Greek miracle" was provided by the Egyptians who were undoubtedly Black Africans. Found something really wack that links the Sumerian with Eve in Africa that is really crazy but gotta go.

Well, wait a second...just because someone can trace a lineage through MRCA doesn't mean that there wasn't some other human ancestor that predated that earliest ancestor. Simply because one branch of the human tree died out doesn't mean they didn't exist nor that they contributed to the accumulated "knowledge" of humans. "Human" teeth recovered in Israel are dated at 400,000 years old...one more point for those who maintain that humans developed in the "Fertile Crescent".

Once again, you make the claim that Egyptians were "undoubtedly" Black Africans and that is in no way an established fact other than in your mind.

What you are saying is true in some aspects. There are remains found that are millions of years old but they are not considered homo sapiens but an earlier branch of humanid. Genetically the Sumerians are from the Kushishite region or Nubia.
I'm sorry, Asclepias but I'm still not buying your notion that Africa being where all of mankind originated from let alone all knowledge is a determined fact. That simply isn't the case. I can only assume that you are unaware that there are other studies that show man originating in the "Fertile Crescent" in the area that is now modern Iraq?

You dont have to buy my notion. Have you ever heard of "Mitochondrial Eve"? 140k-200k BP is the age on the remains found in Africa. Nothing older so far. Look it up. Sumerian were also Black Africans descended from the Nubians or Kushite and indeed had a civilization in what is now Iraq but that has nothing to do with with what we are talking about. The knowledge long touted as the "Greek miracle" was provided by the Egyptians who were undoubtedly Black Africans. Found something really wack that links the Sumerian with Eve in Africa that is really crazy but gotta go.

I have no doubt that many of the greek technological/mathematical 'discoveries' were based on forgotten/re-discovered Egyptian ( or Babylonian) knowledge, history supports it, is there a question on that?

as far as Egyptians being 'black african'? Uhm, no. I am sure theres some evolutionary roots, but to classify them as African as we understand them, would be to deny their own vision of themselves, their location, growth in the nile valley and the real differences prevalent, example-


from the funerary palace of Seti I.....

Lots of people make that mistake. Politics and nationalism has always been a hall mark of humans. Africans are capable of producing all shades of skin colors as I pointed out earlier. However, we have been so accustomed to the purposeful separation of Egypt from Africa it boggles the mind even though the proof is there for all to see. Egypt is not its own continent. its in Africa. Its not even isolated and on top of that had the most fertile areas for miles around. My question is why would someone try and alter the perception of what the Egyptians were?



My favorite


I can do this all day.
Ancient Egypt was founded and built by Mediterranean Caucasians as far back as 4500 B.C. Egypt’s period of greatness was from 3400 B.C. to 1800 B.C. and was characterized by its amazing architecture, pyramids, temples, and mastery of mathematics and engineering, the remnants of which are still evident today. The White Egyptians pioneered medicine, chemistry, astronomy, and law; In many cases, their achievements remain unequalled.

But, about 3400 B.C. Egypt civilization began to spread up the Nile River, bringing it in close contact with the black Nubians to the south. Soon they were using Blacks for slave labor and Egypt became history’s first melting pot.

In time the infusion of Negro blood worked itself up from the bottom of Egyptian society. The slaves were eventually freed, received political equality, and took posts of authority in government.

By the time of King Tut (1370-1352 B.C.) even the ruling classes had been mongrelized and Egypt began a tailspin downward. Today, the once-mighty Egypt is very much a Third World country, having lost its art, its medicine, its architectural ability, and its position in world affairs.

The absurd notion that Ancient Egypt was a product of Negro ingenuity is now being widely disseminated in the schools. Though scholars know this is a blatant lie, they justify the deception by assuming it will boost the “self-esteem” of Black children
You dont have to buy my notion. Have you ever heard of "Mitochondrial Eve"? 140k-200k BP is the age on the remains found in Africa. Nothing older so far. Look it up. Sumerian were also Black Africans descended from the Nubians or Kushite and indeed had a civilization in what is now Iraq but that has nothing to do with with what we are talking about. The knowledge long touted as the "Greek miracle" was provided by the Egyptians who were undoubtedly Black Africans. Found something really wack that links the Sumerian with Eve in Africa that is really crazy but gotta go.

I have no doubt that many of the greek technological/mathematical 'discoveries' were based on forgotten/re-discovered Egyptian ( or Babylonian) knowledge, history supports it, is there a question on that?

as far as Egyptians being 'black african'? Uhm, no. I am sure theres some evolutionary roots, but to classify them as African as we understand them, would be to deny their own vision of themselves, their location, growth in the nile valley and the real differences prevalent, example-


from the funerary palace of Seti I.....

Lots of people make that mistake. Politics and nationalism has always been a hall mark of humans. Africans are capable of producing all shades of skin colors as I pointed out earlier. However, we have been so accustomed to the purposeful separation of Egypt from Africa it boggles the mind even though the proof is there for all to see. Egypt is not its own continent. its in Africa. Its not even isolated and on top of that had the most fertile areas for miles around. My question is why would someone try and alter the perception of what the Egyptians were?



My favorite


I can do this all day.
Do what? Make racist assertions all day?
You dont have to buy my notion. Have you ever heard of "Mitochondrial Eve"? 140k-200k BP is the age on the remains found in Africa. Nothing older so far. Look it up. Sumerian were also Black Africans descended from the Nubians or Kushite and indeed had a civilization in what is now Iraq but that has nothing to do with with what we are talking about. The knowledge long touted as the "Greek miracle" was provided by the Egyptians who were undoubtedly Black Africans. Found something really wack that links the Sumerian with Eve in Africa that is really crazy but gotta go.

Well, wait a second...just because someone can trace a lineage through MRCA doesn't mean that there wasn't some other human ancestor that predated that earliest ancestor. Simply because one branch of the human tree died out doesn't mean they didn't exist nor that they contributed to the accumulated "knowledge" of humans. "Human" teeth recovered in Israel are dated at 400,000 years old...one more point for those who maintain that humans developed in the "Fertile Crescent".

Once again, you make the claim that Egyptians were "undoubtedly" Black Africans and that is in no way an established fact other than in your mind.

What you are saying is true in some aspects. There are remains found that are millions of years old but they are not considered homo sapiens but an earlier branch of humanid. Genetically the Sumerians are from the Kushishite region or Nubia.

So who determines which "branch" of humanoid contributed to the knowledge of mankind and which hasn't? You've made a huge leap of logic that all human knowledge derives from "black Africans" and that's simply nonsense.

You still haven't addressed the fact that the Egyptians viewed themselves as a separate "race" from the Nubians, depicting the different peoples that surrounded them as well as depicting Egyptians in scores of wall murals. It's quite obvious to anyone who's not pushing a preconceived viewpoint that the Egyptian people are racially a mix of Arab and African.

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