51% America Makes Less Than $30K

And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

It's already happening. Illegals will generally work for lower wages. And the greedy love that. So opening the border floodgates is going to hurt American Workers. And they can't afford to make even lower wages.
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

Certainly it would. Throw in all the legal workers brought in to take the better paying tech jobs and it certainly is driving down wages.
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million, plus there are all the legal immigrants, especially the tech workers who come in on H1-Bs. Almost all new jobs go to immigrants of one kind or another.
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million, plus there are all the legal immigrants, especially the tech workers who come in on H1-Bs. Almost all new jobs go to immigrants of one kind or another.

And Illegals will work for lower wages.
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

It's already happening. Illegals will generally work for lower wages. And the greedy love that. So opening the border floodgates is going to hurt American Workers. And they can't afford to make even lower wages.

8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

Certainly it would. Throw in all the legal workers brought in to take the better paying tech jobs and it certainly is driving down wages.
The facts simply don't suppor
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

It's already happening. Illegals will generally work for lower wages. And the greedy love that. So opening the border floodgates is going to hurt American Workers. And they can't afford to make even lower wages.
The facts simply don't support your conclusion. More than two decades of research have reached a near consensus that increased immigration has a very small although discernible negative effect on employment in the low skilled labor market in specific area but there is no detectable effect on low skilled labor across the nation.

Who's saying we should open our boarders? All immigration reform bills in congress have proposed strengthening our boarders. If immigration reform is done right, it will use the fact-based reality that immigrants of all skill levels are good for the economy, including wages, jobs, and economic growth.

Be precise
I just heard it reported on CNN... No one is hiring. Read it in my local paper two days ago. It's bad out there for folks that are unemployed or underemployed.

There are all kinds of jobs out there, it's just that you can't get Americans to work them.

Not good paying ones. If there were wages wouldn't be stagnant.

There are two sides to this. While I keep hearing how there are no good paying jobs, many people believe they should just get a job and be paid $20 or $30 per hour or more. It doesn't usually work that way unless you have the right education or experience and you are in a field that actually needs employees, say nursing or almost anything medical for instance. For many, it might mean needing to take a lower paying job with growth potential. My youngest son, who is 18, is not very book smart, but he busts his ass working. He started out at McDonald's and Subway, and then found work at a locally owned new start up that is opening its third store in January. He also worked, for a short time, at one of the top restaurants in our area where the average meal for two with drinks will run $200 to $300, so a very upscale restaurant. He ended up having to choose between the two, so he left the job at the upscale place where he was making close to $15 per hour and was in line to make over $20 per our within a year's time. He took the job with the growing chain where he is making about $13 per hour now, but will be making $15 to $20 within a year, and with the potential to make much more down the line as he is in their management program and will likely become a regional manager by the time he is 25, assuming of course that the company grows as planned. My oldest son who is 19 delivers pizza part-time and works for a trucking company loading and unloading trucks. He makes $15 to $20 per hour and will be starting school in January. These are young kids making good money for their age, and both have potential to earn much more down the road. BTW, we live in a city that is not considered one of the best places to find work, so it can't be said that we live somewhere with a great economy and great paying jobs.
I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already
Unions grew because a capitalist decided to make something someone wanted.
Where would the unions be without manufacturing. Union jobs built the middle class not unions alone.

Without the unions, those jobs would have barely paid above minimum wage.

Explain why I make many times the minimum wage. I don't belong to a union.

Because unions raised wages for everyone over the years, and then not all jobs need union representation to provide good wages. Unions aren't necessary in every field, but they are beneficial in many. Unions, for the most part, help raise wages for those in blue collar type jobs, where education is not the determining factor for pay. The thing is that when those union people make more, it does push wages up for everyone in general.
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to
And more Illegals is going to
drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

It's already happening. Illegals will generally work for lower wages. And the greedy love that. So opening the border floodgates is going to hurt American Workers. And they can't afford to make even lower wages.

8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

Certainly it would. Throw in all the legal workers brought in to take the better paying tech jobs and it certainly is driving down wages.
The facts simply don't suppor
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

It's already happening. Illegals will generally work for lower wages. And the greedy love that. So opening the border floodgates is going to hurt American Workers. And they can't afford to make even lower wages.
The facts simply don't support your conclusion. More than two decades of research have reached a near consensus that increased immigration has a very small although discernible negative effect on employment in the low skilled labor market in specific area but there is no detectable effect on low skilled labor across the nation.

Who's saying we should open our boarders? All immigration reform bills in congress have proposed strengthening our boarders. If immigration reform is done right, it will use the fact-based reality that immigrants of all skill levels are good for the economy, including wages, jobs, and economic growth.


But it obviously does. A shortage of workers increases wages, more workers decreases wages. We have an employer economy.
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to
And more Illegals is going to
drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

It's already happening. Illegals will generally work for lower wages. And the greedy love that. So opening the border floodgates is going to hurt American Workers. And they can't afford to make even lower wages.

8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

Certainly it would. Throw in all the legal workers brought in to take the better paying tech jobs and it certainly is driving down wages.
The facts simply don't suppor
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

It's already happening. Illegals will generally work for lower wages. And the greedy love that. So opening the border floodgates is going to hurt American Workers. And they can't afford to make even lower wages.
The facts simply don't support your conclusion. More than two decades of research have reached a near consensus that increased immigration has a very small although discernible negative effect on employment in the low skilled labor market in specific area but there is no detectable effect on low skilled labor across the nation.

Who's saying we should open our boarders? All immigration reform bills in congress have proposed strengthening our boarders. If immigration reform is done right, it will use the fact-based reality that immigrants of all skill levels are good for the economy, including wages, jobs, and economic growth.


What about the fact our wages are stagnant?
I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already
Unions grew because a capitalist decided to make something someone wanted.
Where would the unions be without manufacturing. Union jobs built the middle class not unions alone.

Without the unions, those jobs would have barely paid above minimum wage.

Explain why I make many times the minimum wage. I don't belong to a union.

Because unions raised wages for everyone over the years, and then not all jobs need union representation to provide good wages. Unions aren't necessary in every field, but they are beneficial in many. Unions, for the most part, help raise wages for those in blue collar type jobs, where education is not the determining factor for pay. The thing is that when those union people make more, it does push wages up for everyone in general.

Unions did not raise wages for everyone. They only raised wages for union members. They lowered wages for non-union members, so your entire post is based on bullshit.

Most unions exist in highly skilled trades like pipe fitters and electricians where the wages would be high regardless of union representation.
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

Obamacare provides a loophole that offers employers a $3,000.00 per employee incentive to hire illegal aliens over American citizens. You are free to thank Obama for this gift to the employers and to the illegal aliens.
I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already
Unions grew because a capitalist decided to make something someone wanted.
Where would the unions be without manufacturing. Union jobs built the middle class not unions alone.

Without the unions, those jobs would have barely paid above minimum wage.

Explain why I make many times the minimum wage. I don't belong to a union.

Because unions raised wages for everyone over the years, and then not all jobs need union representation to provide good wages. Unions aren't necessary in every field, but they are beneficial in many. Unions, for the most part, help raise wages for those in blue collar type jobs, where education is not the determining factor for pay. The thing is that when those union people make more, it does push wages up for everyone in general.

Some but not all, and it all depended on the economy at the time.

Not so much in a slower economy because people took whatever job they could get union or not. However when the economy did good and employers had to compete against union companies to get workers, some did increase their starting salary in order to attract workers.

That is what caused inflation and we eventually priced ourselves right out of the world market. It got so bad that Americans wouldn't even buy their own products and we still don't because of price.
And more Illegals is going to
And more Illegals is going to drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.

drive wages even lower. We are rapidly becoming a broken-down Welfare/Warfare State. We'll soon be a nation of miserable slaves making their $8-9 an hr. and depending on Government Entitlements to survive. Only the few Elites will thrive.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

Sure they can because it's the domino effect.

If blue-collar workers are not spending money, it does effect the entire economy. Immigrants working for less give employers the opportunity to pay less which in many cases is what takes place.

The less residual income we have, the less we spend. It's fortunate that we got into Fracking years before so that we can enjoy the great fuel prices today. The savings realized on fuel is what is responsible for the economy we have today even though it's far from great.

"You can’t support a middle class family in America today on just $2,500 a month – especially after taxes are taken out."

says article that cites NET wage statistics :blowup:
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.


6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Only Obama fluffers swallow those figures. The reality is that many more illegals are in this country. I see them everywhere I go. Every building I've ever worked in has janitorial staff that doesn't speak a word of English. The same goes for hotel maids. What are the chances that these people are legal immigrants? Just about none.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Know-Nothings think that all Hispanic people are illegal immigrants

I am personally aware of dozens of illegals.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Only Obama fluffers swallow those figures. The reality is that many more illegals are in this country. I see them everywhere I go. Every building I've ever worked in has janitorial staff that doesn't speak a word of English. The same goes for hotel maids. What are the chances that these people are legal immigrants? Just about none.
When faced with actual facts the Right simply deny, deny, deny.

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