51% America Makes Less Than $30K

6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Know-Nothings think that all Hispanic people are illegal immigrants

I am personally aware of dozens of illegals.
And that trumps actual studies. :cuckoo:
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Only Obama fluffers swallow those figures. The reality is that many more illegals are in this country. I see them everywhere I go. Every building I've ever worked in has janitorial staff that doesn't speak a word of English. The same goes for hotel maids. What are the chances that these people are legal immigrants? Just about none.
When faced with actual facts the Right simply deny, deny, deny.

Nothing the Obama Administration publishes can properly be called a "fact."
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Know-Nothings think that all Hispanic people are illegal immigrants

I am personally aware of dozens of illegals.
And that trumps actual studies. :cuckoo:

It gives me plenty of reason to doubt Obama Administration propaganda.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Only Obama fluffers swallow those figures. The reality is that many more illegals are in this country. I see them everywhere I go. Every building I've ever worked in has janitorial staff that doesn't speak a word of English. The same goes for hotel maids. What are the chances that these people are legal immigrants? Just about none.
When faced with actual facts the Right simply deny, deny, deny.

Nothing the Obama Administration publishes can properly be called a "fact."
It was published by the Right-wing Pew Research Center.
IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Know-Nothings think that all Hispanic people are illegal immigrants

I am personally aware of dozens of illegals.
And that trumps actual studies. :cuckoo:

It gives me plenty of reason to doubt Obama Administration propaganda.
And it gives me even more reason to doubt your phony crapaganda.
6 to 8 million undocumented immigrants, most of which are working seasonal, part time, or temp are not going to drive the wages down of 123 million full time workers.

IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Know-Nothings think that all Hispanic people are illegal immigrants

I am personally aware of dozens of illegals.

That's great because anecdotal evidence is the most authoritative. :rolleyes:
IT's more like 30 million,
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Only Obama fluffers swallow those figures. The reality is that many more illegals are in this country. I see them everywhere I go. Every building I've ever worked in has janitorial staff that doesn't speak a word of English. The same goes for hotel maids. What are the chances that these people are legal immigrants? Just about none.
When faced with actual facts the Right simply deny, deny, deny.

Nothing the Obama Administration publishes can properly be called a "fact."
It was published by the Right-wing Pew Research Center.

Yeah, because a rightwing polling organization would publish a study titled:

"Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News"
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Know-Nothings think that all Hispanic people are illegal immigrants

I am personally aware of dozens of illegals.
And that trumps actual studies. :cuckoo:

It gives me plenty of reason to doubt Obama Administration propaganda.
And it gives me even more reason to doubt your phony crapaganda.

Yeah, because I was trying so hard to convince you!
Total illegal immigration is 11.3 million and illegal Mexican immigration is about half of that total.



Only Obama fluffers swallow those figures. The reality is that many more illegals are in this country. I see them everywhere I go. Every building I've ever worked in has janitorial staff that doesn't speak a word of English. The same goes for hotel maids. What are the chances that these people are legal immigrants? Just about none.
When faced with actual facts the Right simply deny, deny, deny.

Nothing the Obama Administration publishes can properly be called a "fact."
It was published by the Right-wing Pew Research Center.

Yeah, because a rightwing polling organization would publish a study titled:

"Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News"
Typical Right-wing liar. There is no Pew study with that title, your source gave the study that title.

This is why the GOP loves the Right, they are ALL too stupid to figure anything out for themselves.

The actual Pew study with the actual title:

Millennials No Less Trusting (or Distrusting) of News Sources
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism...
Yes, I wish we had Socialist utopia like Cuba, where if you earn one penny over $25 a day your tossed in a hell hole prison to rot.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.

Now refute this...

I'll save you sometime, you can't...
Only Obama fluffers swallow those figures. The reality is that many more illegals are in this country. I see them everywhere I go. Every building I've ever worked in has janitorial staff that doesn't speak a word of English. The same goes for hotel maids. What are the chances that these people are legal immigrants? Just about none.
When faced with actual facts the Right simply deny, deny, deny.

Nothing the Obama Administration publishes can properly be called a "fact."
It was published by the Right-wing Pew Research Center.

Yeah, because a rightwing polling organization would publish a study titled:

"Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News"
Typical Right-wing liar. There is no Pew study with that title, your source gave the study that title.

This is why the GOP loves the Right, they are ALL too stupid to figure anything out for themselves.

The actual Pew study with the actual title:

Millennials No Less Trusting (or Distrusting) of News Sources

Ed your a moron, here's the link ass wipe...

Only Obama fluffers swallow those figures. The reality is that many more illegals are in this country. I see them everywhere I go. Every building I've ever worked in has janitorial staff that doesn't speak a word of English. The same goes for hotel maids. What are the chances that these people are legal immigrants? Just about none.
When faced with actual facts the Right simply deny, deny, deny.

Nothing the Obama Administration publishes can properly be called a "fact."
It was published by the Right-wing Pew Research Center.

Yeah, because a rightwing polling organization would publish a study titled:

"Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News"
Typical Right-wing liar. There is no Pew study with that title, your source gave the study that title.

This is why the GOP loves the Right, they are ALL too stupid to figure anything out for themselves.

The actual Pew study with the actual title:

Millennials No Less Trusting (or Distrusting) of News Sources

The source is MediaMatters.org

Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism...
Yes, I wish we had Socialist utopia like Cuba, where if you earn one penny over $25 a day your tossed in a hell hole prison to rot.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.

Now refute this...

I'll save you sometime, you can't...

CON$ervoFascist "logic" According to Uncle Milty, "Mankind is inherently greedy, evil, and self-centered, so worship greed and don't ever try to improve."
When faced with actual facts the Right simply deny, deny, deny.

Nothing the Obama Administration publishes can properly be called a "fact."
It was published by the Right-wing Pew Research Center.

Yeah, because a rightwing polling organization would publish a study titled:

"Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News"
Typical Right-wing liar. There is no Pew study with that title, your source gave the study that title.

This is why the GOP loves the Right, they are ALL too stupid to figure anything out for themselves.

The actual Pew study with the actual title:

Millennials No Less Trusting (or Distrusting) of News Sources

Ed your a moron, here's the link ass wipe...

Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News
Another characteristic of the Right, when caught lying, play dumb and lie some more.

I posted the link to the actual Pew study with the ACTUAL title Pew gave the study, and you post a link to MediaMatters and the title MEDIAMATTERS gave THEIR article.

The Right believes that if you pretend to be too stupid to know you are lying then you are not a liar no matter how many lies you tell, instead of just being a STUPID liar.
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism...
Yes, I wish we had Socialist utopia like Cuba, where if you earn one penny over $25 a day your tossed in a hell hole prison to rot.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.

Now refute this...

I'll save you sometime, you can't...

CON$ervoFascist "logic" According to Uncle Milty, "Mankind is inherently greedy, evil, and self-centered, so worship greed and don't ever try to improve."

Really, wow your just stump dumb aren't you?

Mankind has improved well before recorded time, but you Ed are f'ing perfect...
When faced with actual facts the Right simply deny, deny, deny.

Nothing the Obama Administration publishes can properly be called a "fact."
It was published by the Right-wing Pew Research Center.

Yeah, because a rightwing polling organization would publish a study titled:

"Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News"
Typical Right-wing liar. There is no Pew study with that title, your source gave the study that title.

This is why the GOP loves the Right, they are ALL too stupid to figure anything out for themselves.

The actual Pew study with the actual title:

Millennials No Less Trusting (or Distrusting) of News Sources

The source is MediaMatters.org

Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News
But to discredit the Right leaning Pew Research Center you claimed that Pew gave the Pew study the title MediaMatters gave MediaMatters' article, which makes your claim to discredit Pew a lie.
Get it?
Nothing the Obama Administration publishes can properly be called a "fact."
It was published by the Right-wing Pew Research Center.

Yeah, because a rightwing polling organization would publish a study titled:

"Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News"
Typical Right-wing liar. There is no Pew study with that title, your source gave the study that title.

This is why the GOP loves the Right, they are ALL too stupid to figure anything out for themselves.

The actual Pew study with the actual title:

Millennials No Less Trusting (or Distrusting) of News Sources

The source is MediaMatters.org

Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News
But to discredit the Right leaning Pew Research Center you claimed that Pew gave the Pew study the title MediaMatters gave MediaMatters' article, which makes your claim to discredit Pew a lie.
Get it?

The study is misleading. It interviews the entire spectrum of people and then asks them if they trust Rush Limbaugh. Of course, a large percentage of the people in the study are liberal, and most of them have never listened to Rush, so that information is absolutely worthless. It only shows what a bunch of anti Rush bigots and people who never listen to him think of him.

That leads me to conclude they are biased leftwingers, or they are totally incompetent.
Be precise
I just heard it reported on CNN... No one is hiring. Read it in my local paper two days ago. It's bad out there for folks that are unemployed or underemployed.

There are all kinds of jobs out there, it's just that you can't get Americans to work them.

Not good paying ones. If there were wages wouldn't be stagnant.

There are two sides to this. While I keep hearing how there are no good paying jobs, many people believe they should just get a job and be paid $20 or $30 per hour or more. It doesn't usually work that way unless you have the right education or experience and you are in a field that actually needs employees, say nursing or almost anything medical for instance. For many, it might mean needing to take a lower paying job with growth potential. My youngest son, who is 18, is not very book smart, but he busts his ass working. He started out at McDonald's and Subway, and then found work at a locally owned new start up that is opening its third store in January. He also worked, for a short time, at one of the top restaurants in our area where the average meal for two with drinks will run $200 to $300, so a very upscale restaurant. He ended up having to choose between the two, so he left the job at the upscale place where he was making close to $15 per hour and was in line to make over $20 per our within a year's time. He took the job with the growing chain where he is making about $13 per hour now, but will be making $15 to $20 within a year, and with the potential to make much more down the line as he is in their management program and will likely become a regional manager by the time he is 25, assuming of course that the company grows as planned. My oldest son who is 19 delivers pizza part-time and works for a trucking company loading and unloading trucks. He makes $15 to $20 per hour and will be starting school in January. These are young kids making good money for their age, and both have potential to earn much more down the road. BTW, we live in a city that is not considered one of the best places to find work, so it can't be said that we live somewhere with a great economy and great paying jobs.
As long as young people are single or have a spouse that can hold down a decent job, life is good. The problems usually start when they start having kids and that one room apartment isn't big enough, one car won't cut it anymore, the kids need braces at about $4,000 each and then there's school lunches, activity fees, after school care, tutoring fees, swim lessons, and of course more life insurance, and a savings plan for the kids college education, etc, etc. Suddenly, $25/hr an hour is hardly enough to keep the creditors at bay.
It was published by the Right-wing Pew Research Center.

Yeah, because a rightwing polling organization would publish a study titled:

"Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News"
Typical Right-wing liar. There is no Pew study with that title, your source gave the study that title.

This is why the GOP loves the Right, they are ALL too stupid to figure anything out for themselves.

The actual Pew study with the actual title:

Millennials No Less Trusting (or Distrusting) of News Sources

The source is MediaMatters.org

Pew Study: Right-Wing Radio Shows Among Most Distrusted Sources Of News
But to discredit the Right leaning Pew Research Center you claimed that Pew gave the Pew study the title MediaMatters gave MediaMatters' article, which makes your claim to discredit Pew a lie.
Get it?

The study is misleading. It interviews the entire spectrum of people and then asks them if they trust Rush Limbaugh. Of course, a large percentage of the people in the study are liberal, and most of them have never listened to Rush, so that information is absolutely worthless. It only shows what a bunch of anti Rush bigots and people who never listen to him think of him.

That leads me to conclude they are biased leftwingers, or they are totally incompetent.
Now wait just a minute there Slick, the Right keep telling us they don't listen to your MessiahRushie and most of his listeners are Libs. The Right on this board claim if the Libs didn't post his lies they would never what your MessiahRushie said. Now suddenly you say Libs don't listen to the pathological liar.

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