6 Black Churches burned

There are very few people who are saying that racism doesn't exist. The question is what to do about it.

So far the strategy has been to attack, insult and berate the racists at every opportunity. And to accuse anyone who dares to say anything within ten miles of what could be construed as racist as being a racist, in an apparent attempt to intimidate them.

Doesn't really seem to be working, and is almost certainly making things worse.

So either those who are doing this are making a sincere mistake, or they're not really all that concerned about improving things.


Since when has the US been a country of looking at its problems and attempting to solve them?

Other countries have black people living along side other races and they seem to have far less problems.

The UK for example has tried to directly confront racism. In the same period of time the US has managed to keep many of the black people impoverished, under-educated and then when people complain about it all the comes back is that "everyone can make it in the US with hard work" as if the under-educated could suddenly rise to be CEO if Walmart or something.

Things aren't working. To tackle racism you need to start with education. Old people are generally a lost cause. Young people are those who you can direct. However then people start shouting that it's indoctrination.

I mean, in a country where it's almost impossible for people to change school meals to be healthy for young growing minds to learn effectively with good "study fuel". Instead people jump up and down when Michelle Obama says that kids should have only one ketchup sachet. How the hell are you going to tackle racism if you can't solve a problem like ketchup sachets?

Often people say what they see. They try and show racists that it is not acceptable for them to be racist, and to keep as few people from being affected by racist thought. They can't change anything else, so they do the next best thing.
only someone looking to smear america would try to spin that little bit of support into saddam being "our regional leader".

wrong "apologia breath"

Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He gassed Iran ...
US Protected Iraq at UN from Iranian Charges of Chemical ...

and as i said, we had a vested interest not having iran conquer iraq.

but the minor aid we gave was tiny compared to what he was able to get for himself on the open market, mostly from the soviet union, and to a far lesser extent europe.

thus calling him "our regional leader" is nonsense.
The LIBs are behind the church fires.
It wasn't a problem there until the Federal Gov't made it one...........to save a turtle that they were actually killing......

But that is a diversion to the Racial Tensions now isn't it.

Hey stooge boy...Cliven Bundy, a white Rancher parasite, has been in litigation with the Federal Government more than 20years..moron...way before Obama...he has lost in Court every single time....he claims the Federal Government has no authority over him ............your posts are diversions from reality and logic and common sense........
It wasn't a problem there until the Federal Gov't made it one...........to save a turtle that they were actually killing......

But that is a diversion to the Racial Tensions now isn't it.

Hey stooge boy...Cliven Bundy, a white Rancher parasite, has been in litigation with the Federal Government more than 20years..moron...way before Obama...he has lost in Court every single time....he claims the Federal Government has no authority over him ............your posts are diversions from reality and logic and common sense........
Of course he was..........the federal gov't ensured that everyone else tucked tail and ran...........
and................nevermind..................your diversion again is noted...................

Bottom line the Race Baiters have led us to this place, and after ramping it up are blaming everyone but themselves.
9 blacks slaughtered by a white racist

The family offers forgiveness to the shooter, blacks pray peacefully and sing "Amazing Grace"

I can see why white racists are outraged by this over the top response by the black community

Yes, it's a travesty, what?

And we have people here talking about a "response" to an "attack" on the Confederate flag.

Go figure.
Yep. Didn't you know that an "attack" on the Confederate flag and burning down 6 churches are both the same. They're equivalent. Both sides need to calm down.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Calm down you say?

U.S. Citizens Sign Petition to Ban American Flag
The Perfect Storm continues.....................which was by design of the Race Baiters.........I heard that Al Sharpton and Jesse are both buying new boats.
[................which was by design of the Race Baiters.........I heard that Al Sharpton and Jesse are both buying new boats.

Murdering 9 Negroes in Church, a long standing tradition among racists , had nothing to do with it ...it was Sharpton and Jesse...why did I not see it before ....Unnnnnnnbelievable
[................which was by design of the Race Baiters.........I heard that Al Sharpton and Jesse are both buying new boats.

Murdering 9 Negroes in Church, a long standing tradition among racists , had nothing to do with it ...it was Sharpton and Jesse...why did I not see it before ....Unnnnnnnbelievable
Didn't see anything leading up to this...............

Do you live under a rock..........
Isn't that WRIGHT .............
I would name you Vulture 1462010
Complaints about my views are being taken in the 3rd Port O Let to the right........basement section........feel free to register your complaints there.
Isn't that where you keep your facts and opinions ...smegmatoid...
Call the mods and put this in a different zone...........so can trash each other properly...........punk..

The Democratic party start shit and then make excuses of how they didn't do anything...............

They are the party of Excuses....................and blaming someone else for shit they start..........and call people names when they can't finish what they start.
Isn't that WRIGHT .............
I would name you Vulture 1462010
Complaints about my views are being taken in the 3rd Port O Let to the right........basement section........feel free to register your complaints there.
Isn't that where you keep your facts and opinions ...smegmatoid...
Call the mods and put this in a different zone...........so can trash each other properly...........punk..

The Democratic party start shit and then make excuses of how they didn't do anything...............

They are the party of Excuses....................and blaming someone else for shit they start..........and call people names when they can't finish what they start.

If I'd known where it was going, I'd have started it in the Flame Zone.
Liberals rule by emotion...........

They live under the false pretense that if they insult someone that that someone will go off crying and blubbering, making themselves superior..........

I don't care about their emotions............don't care what they call me..............their strategy for decades has been to falsely label anyone with opposing views.................the standard talking points..........

Racist, Bigots, Homophobes, womanizers................etc...............they are transparent in this strategy...........and it only works on those who actually give a shit what they think.
and as i said, we had a vested interest not having iran conquer iraq.

but the minor aid we gave was tiny e.

thus calling him "our regional leader" is nonsense.
If the US has strategic interests in someone being attacked with prohibited gas weapons we support it ...of course...why ?

we have no real principles...

US and British Support for Hussein Regime - Global Policy For

so you are dropping the "our regional leader" smear against the us?

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