6 Black Churches burned

More Killed by White Extremists Than Jihadists Since 9/11


"since 9-11?"

games libs play with stats.

sure, why would you talk about 9-11 when discussing jihadists murder counts?


I remember when RWer's used to say Bush kept us safe since 9-11. lol

if you are counting jihadist murders, leaving 9-11 out of the count is obviously dishonest.

if you are judging gwbush's security policies put into place AFTER 9-11 including the deaths of 9-11 is obviously misleading.

Those security policies made us less safe, but thanks to Obama we've had no 9-11's on his watch, even though that was the NeoClown prediction. Can you say "thank you, Obama?" :p

we had a race war more like massacres of Blacks by whites
The Rosewood Massacre of 1923

And the Tulsa race riot of 1921.

The Tulsa race riot was a large-scale, racially motivated conflict on May 31 and June 1, 1921, in which a group of whites attacked the black community of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It resulted in the Greenwood District, also known as 'the Black Wall Street' and the wealthiest black community in the United States, being burned to the ground.

During the 16 hours of the assault, more than 800 people were admitted to local white hospitals with injuries (the two black hospitals were burned down), and police arrested and detained more than 6,000 black Greenwood residents at three local facilities.:108–109 An estimated 10,000 blacks were left homeless, and 35 city blocks composed of 1,256 residences were destroyed by fire. The official count of the dead by the Oklahoma Department of Vital Statistics was 39, but other estimates of black fatalities vary from 55 to about 300.:108, 228

The events of the riot were long omitted from local and state histories. "The Tulsa race riot of 1921 was rarely mentioned in history books, classrooms or even in private.

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

yep, 1921

white racists today could never assemble the numbers to attack a town today.

which is why a church burning is a good possible racist attack. one guy, maybe two, attacking a target likely to have no one around.

oh, and of course i mean real racist, not people who just disagree with libs.

I'm going to agree with you Einstein, it does take a real racist to burn down a black church. (eye roll)

you libs normal use of the term racist is to mean anyone that disagrees with you.

i was just trying to be clear.

there are plenty of people who disagree with libs and get called racist, but would never band together and destroy an whole town of blacks.

No, the definition of "racist" has stayed the same.

  1. 1.
    a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More

  1. 1.
    having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.
    "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"
the term "race baiter" is used by the Right wing on anyone who does not agree that racism is a thing of the past and its only Obama , Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and "libruls" who are racists...
Yet none of these RW palookas can cite any "race baiting" from Reverend Al Sharpton post Tawana Brawley.


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right. because there was so much money to be made off of flag sales.

the mob is howling, and the meek are trying to appease it.

it will not work. the mob will never be sated.

It is not just the selling of Chinese made Rebel Flags

It is corporate sponsorships at major events. While once, you would see Confederate flags flown proudly at concerts, fairs, NASCAR races, you will see corporations reluctant to participate in events where the flag is prominantly displayed

Follow the money........Today, those who are flying the flag are chasing away the money

and tomorrow the mob will find some other reason to howl.

what will you have accomplished?

Again, times change

What once may have been publicly acceptable, no longer is
Mr Roof forced a change in the perception of what that flag means

I doubt if we will go back

not an answer.

i asked what you will have accomplished, you and your corporate allies.
They accomplished removing a historic racist symbol from the public sphere that has been divisive and holding the country back. Finally.

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the flag is what has been holding this country back?!

when ALL the dem appointees on the supreme court voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination (new haven firefighter case)?


so, when nothing changes, what is next on the hit parade?

what is the next target for the mob?
Both sides are very similar in their behaviors.

No they are not and I have put up plenty of post showing they are not equivalent...why are those GOP Chairpersons agreeing on GOP racism....why is the GOP trying to disenfranchise Black votes...where is the equivalent to that ...
Don't you understand..? It just is!

*stomps foot*

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Yeah, that's the kind of response I get from both ends.

right. because there was so much money to be made off of flag sales.

the mob is howling, and the meek are trying to appease it.

it will not work. the mob will never be sated.

It is not just the selling of Chinese made Rebel Flags

It is corporate sponsorships at major events. While once, you would see Confederate flags flown proudly at concerts, fairs, NASCAR races, you will see corporations reluctant to participate in events where the flag is prominantly displayed

Follow the money........Today, those who are flying the flag are chasing away the money

and tomorrow the mob will find some other reason to howl.

what will you have accomplished?

Again, times change

What once may have been publicly acceptable, no longer is
Mr Roof forced a change in the perception of what that flag means

I doubt if we will go back

not an answer.

i asked what you will have accomplished, you and your corporate allies.

Seems quite a lot has been accomplished in a very short time

I have never seen so much movement in the perception of the Rebel Flag. Up until now, there has been a tolerance in the use of the Confederate Flag. Thanks to Dylann Roof.....that tolerance is now gone

Blame the racists who you tolerated for so long

so you've managed to "move perception".

how does that make things better? what is the payoff? what is the gain for america?

Who said that?

Jeez, you people.

Read what I wrote, again. Read the second paragraph. That's what I'm talking about.

Or are you just being obtuse?
Perhaps you should be more clear. Stick to the topic instead of going off on one of your butthurt rants about PC.
Ah, so you're just being obtuse.

You folks are so consistently dishonest that trying to communicate with you is a waste of time. What I don't understand is why you feel you have to behave this way, you could get plenty of victories just on the issues. Instead you choose to go dishonest and obtuse and nasty. Maybe it's just in your genes, who knows.

If you don't like the point I made, perhaps you could either ignore it or address it honestly.

Right, it is my fault you expressed yourself badly.

As LOneLaugher asked, how about some examples?
So my little stalker friend (and you now I don't see his posts) is still posting directly to me. That's okay with you, he's a fellow hardcore left wing partisan ideologue.

If you have a question, ask it. Examples of what? And parenthetically, I already know that examples of anything are immediately going to be denied, which is another example of how dealing with you people is a waste of time.

Examples of what you stated in your rant.
What rant?

How long is the game of yours going to continue? Not a big fan of games.

It is not just the selling of Chinese made Rebel Flags

It is corporate sponsorships at major events. While once, you would see Confederate flags flown proudly at concerts, fairs, NASCAR races, you will see corporations reluctant to participate in events where the flag is prominantly displayed

Follow the money........Today, those who are flying the flag are chasing away the money

and tomorrow the mob will find some other reason to howl.

what will you have accomplished?

Again, times change

What once may have been publicly acceptable, no longer is
Mr Roof forced a change in the perception of what that flag means

I doubt if we will go back

not an answer.

i asked what you will have accomplished, you and your corporate allies.
They accomplished removing a historic racist symbol from the public sphere that has been divisive and holding the country back. Finally.

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the flag is what has been holding this country back?!

when ALL the dem appointees on the supreme court voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination (new haven firefighter case)?


so, when nothing changes, what is next on the hit parade?

what is the next target for the mob?

Looks like your beloved Confederate Flag has been pushed into the shadows

You have only yourself to blame when you allowed racists to take over your flag

Dylann Roof...put an end to your flag

Are you showing pictures of Ferguson to somehow justify the recent killings, and setting black churches on fire?

There is no justification for the shootings............the one who did the shooting was a Lunatic....................but the aftermath of the other incidents have been leading to escalation...............

Your side has no problem, after fanning the flames, of saying look this flag caused it...................

but don't say a word to the incidents leading up to this..................

It's only matters if it suits your agenda....................It's not ok to point out other factors...........unless it supports your opinion..........

don't worry.........getting tired of listening to a bunch of dumb ass hypocritical libs anyway......and have work to do around here anyway...................

so enjoy..................
It is not just the selling of Chinese made Rebel Flags

It is corporate sponsorships at major events. While once, you would see Confederate flags flown proudly at concerts, fairs, NASCAR races, you will see corporations reluctant to participate in events where the flag is prominantly displayed

Follow the money........Today, those who are flying the flag are chasing away the money

and tomorrow the mob will find some other reason to howl.

what will you have accomplished?

Again, times change

What once may have been publicly acceptable, no longer is
Mr Roof forced a change in the perception of what that flag means

I doubt if we will go back

not an answer.

i asked what you will have accomplished, you and your corporate allies.
They accomplished removing a historic racist symbol from the public sphere that has been divisive and holding the country back. Finally.

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the flag is what has been holding this country back?!

when ALL the dem appointees on the supreme court voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination (new haven firefighter case)?


so, when nothing changes, what is next on the hit parade?

what is the next target for the mob?
So what's the "nothing" that won't get changed?

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Now, based on the thread topic, perhaps there is adult or two here who would like civilly and honestly discuss either (a) the specific event addressed in the OP or (b) the larger, macro picture of what to do about it.

Doesn't hardcore partisan ideology ever get tedious?


I would say the President has addressed it, quite eloquently as well.

The LIBs are behind the church fires.

similar behavior from the right.

what is your point?
Can you post an example?

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Eleven Hate-Crime Hoaxes National Review Online

7. Last fall Vassar College was struck by a string of hateful remarks spray-painted on student residences, including “Fuck N*ggers” and “Hey Tranny, Know Your Place.” A few days after the university’s Bias Incident Response Team reported that multiple offenses had occurred on campus, the university announced that the perpetrators were actually two members of the Bias Incident Response Team.

Read more at: Eleven Hate-Crime Hoaxes National Review Online"
Why....just look at how Obama has been all over the Elite Liberal Media talking about all these church burnings! That uppity negro is fanning the flames of hate. Any church burning is on him! He could have been THE force for healing. Instead......he riled up the racists. Before he came along, our racists were slowly coming around to accepting all humans as equal.

He fucked it up!

In a nutshell this is what they are saying. Its the black persons fault even when they are the victim. Any black person!

Then I'm sure they are playing the "who knows if its racism" or the better one:

"There is no evidence of racism" - like they are going to find a burnt piece of racism at the scene

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