6 Black Churches burned

you are speculating on the motive of the arsonists.

To protest the flying of the Confederate flag, blacks peacefully demonstrated, petitioned their representatives and engaged the media

To protest the flag coming down, flag lovers burned black churches

Speaks volumes about the true meaning of that flag

you are speculating on the motive of the arsonists.

The arsonists are the same as they have always been

Cowards who are upset that their lily white south is a thing of the past. They have used your beloved flag to represent your southern heritage

Why aren't you outraged at that?

same as they have always been?


This is the "Southern Heritage" your flag represents


one example does not define all church arsonists.

all churchs attract pyros.

link to show that church arsonists are generally racists, which is what you are trying to say.
Again, times change

What once may have been publicly acceptable, no longer is
Mr Roof forced a change in the perception of what that flag means

I doubt if we will go back

not an answer.

i asked what you will have accomplished, you and your corporate allies.
They accomplished removing a historic racist symbol from the public sphere that has been divisive and holding the country back. Finally.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


the flag is what has been holding this country back?!

when ALL the dem appointees on the supreme court voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination (new haven firefighter case)?


so, when nothing changes, what is next on the hit parade?

what is the next target for the mob?

Looks like your beloved Confederate Flag has been pushed into the shadows

You have only yourself to blame when you allowed racists to take over your flag

Dylann Roof...put an end to your flag

are you agreeing with marc that the flag was what was holding american back?

when nothing changes what is next on the hit parade?
What's the "nothing?"

And please define "race baiter"


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
So far the strategy has been to attack, insult and berate the racists at every opportunity. And to accuse anyone who dares to say anything within ten miles of what could be construed as racist as being a racist, in an apparent attempt to intimidate them.

Concrete examples asked for.
So you really can't think of an example. I believe it's possible, I believe you really can't.

I know this won't be good enough, but it is just one of many, many examples. I'm not going to chase 'em down for a person who won't admit they exist:

Rep. Bennie Thompson defends calling Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom - CBS News

“That Mitch McConnell would have the audacity to tell the president of the United States — not the chief executive, but the commander-in-chief — that ‘I don’t care what you come up with we’re going to be against it.’ Now if that’s not a racist statement I don’t know what is.”

And nice little bit of "Thomas is an Uncle Tom" for good measure.

There's two. Though I'm not seeing how that was an attempt to intimidate McConnell.
If you had an ounce of intellectual curiosity, half an ounce, you would look it up and find all the examples you could handle, and more.

"Google" works.

But I know that's not going to happen.

I'd rather bring people together, I'd rather heal wounds, you keep doing what you're doing.

Of course, how did I miss that your efforts at USMB are to bring people together?
You miss it because it challenges you, and you can't handle that.

Therefore you don't "see" it.

So far the strategy has been to attack, insult and berate the racists at every opportunity. And to accuse anyone who dares to say anything within ten miles of what could be construed as racist as being a racist, in an apparent attempt to intimidate them.

Concrete examples asked for.

Controversies about the word niggardly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"On January 15, 1999, David Howard, an aide to Anthony A. Williams, the mayor of Washington, D.C., used "niggardly" in reference to a budget.[3] This apparently upset one of his black colleagues (Howard is white), identified by Howard as Marshall Brown, who misinterpreted it as a racial slur and lodged a complaint. As a result, on January 25 Howard tendered his resignation, and Williams accepted it.[4] However, after public pressure from LGBT individuals, an internal review into the matter was brought about, and the mayor offered Howard the chance to return to his position as Office of the Public Advocate on February 4. Howard refused but accepted another position with the mayor instead, insisting that he did not feel victimized by the incident. On the contrary, Howard felt that he had learned from the situation. "I used to think it would be great if we could all be colorblind; that's naïve, especially for a white person, because a white person can't afford to be colorblind. They don't have to think about race every day. An African American does.""

guy lost his job for using the word niggardly.
Okay, there is one. Though the guy got rehired after it was realized how retarded the entire episode was.

no, the guy was rehired after the gay community mobilized.

if you review the link, there are other examples.

and this is just a very clear cut small slice of the problem.

after all, how many people really use the word niggardly in normal conversation?

but it validates mac claim quite nicely.

are you prepared to deal with the implications?
One example does not a trend make.


a widespread constant behavior from a significant portion of the population overrepresented in the media, does.
not an answer.

i asked what you will have accomplished, you and your corporate allies.
They accomplished removing a historic racist symbol from the public sphere that has been divisive and holding the country back. Finally.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


the flag is what has been holding this country back?!

when ALL the dem appointees on the supreme court voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination (new haven firefighter case)?


so, when nothing changes, what is next on the hit parade?

what is the next target for the mob?

Looks like your beloved Confederate Flag has been pushed into the shadows

You have only yourself to blame when you allowed racists to take over your flag

Dylann Roof...put an end to your flag

are you agreeing with marc that the flag was what was holding american back?

when nothing changes what is next on the hit parade?
What's the "nothing?"

And please define "race baiter"


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

the nothing is the change that removing the confederate flag from viewing will cause.

nothing will change. it would be a victory for you guys, but nothing would change.

black poverty rates won't change. black murder rates won't change. ect.

define race baiter? no. you know what it means. if you have a question or a point, make it. i will not play sophist word games with libs.
Doesn't burning black churces because you are upset over the loss of the confederate flag say a lot about the true meaning of that flag?

It has always been a flag of hate and burning churches proves that

No, they'll just tell you that burning black churches after the flag went down was a total coincidence OR they can go for burning black churches is about Heritage and Pride.

You are correct

Burning black churches and murdering innocent black churchmembers is part of their heritage

That is what they are fighting to preserve
That's EXACTLY the heritage involved.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
So far the strategy has been to attack, insult and berate the racists at every opportunity. And to accuse anyone who dares to say anything within ten miles of what could be construed as racist as being a racist, in an apparent attempt to intimidate them.

Concrete examples asked for.
So you really can't think of an example. I believe it's possible, I believe you really can't.

I know this won't be good enough, but it is just one of many, many examples. I'm not going to chase 'em down for a person who won't admit they exist:

Rep. Bennie Thompson defends calling Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom - CBS News

“That Mitch McConnell would have the audacity to tell the president of the United States — not the chief executive, but the commander-in-chief — that ‘I don’t care what you come up with we’re going to be against it.’ Now if that’s not a racist statement I don’t know what is.”

And nice little bit of "Thomas is an Uncle Tom" for good measure.

There's two. Though I'm not seeing how that was an attempt to intimidate McConnell.
If you had an ounce of intellectual curiosity, half an ounce, you would look it up and find all the examples you could handle, and more.

"Google" works.

But I know that's not going to happen.

I'd rather bring people together, I'd rather heal wounds, you keep doing what you're doing.

Of course, how did I miss that your efforts at USMB are to bring people together?

LOL! Yeah, he's been bringing people together the whole time but the reason you dont see it is because Obama is tearing us apart.
Concrete examples asked for.

Controversies about the word niggardly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"On January 15, 1999, David Howard, an aide to Anthony A. Williams, the mayor of Washington, D.C., used "niggardly" in reference to a budget.[3] This apparently upset one of his black colleagues (Howard is white), identified by Howard as Marshall Brown, who misinterpreted it as a racial slur and lodged a complaint. As a result, on January 25 Howard tendered his resignation, and Williams accepted it.[4] However, after public pressure from LGBT individuals, an internal review into the matter was brought about, and the mayor offered Howard the chance to return to his position as Office of the Public Advocate on February 4. Howard refused but accepted another position with the mayor instead, insisting that he did not feel victimized by the incident. On the contrary, Howard felt that he had learned from the situation. "I used to think it would be great if we could all be colorblind; that's naïve, especially for a white person, because a white person can't afford to be colorblind. They don't have to think about race every day. An African American does.""

guy lost his job for using the word niggardly.
Okay, there is one. Though the guy got rehired after it was realized how retarded the entire episode was.

no, the guy was rehired after the gay community mobilized.

if you review the link, there are other examples.

and this is just a very clear cut small slice of the problem.

after all, how many people really use the word niggardly in normal conversation?

but it validates mac claim quite nicely.

are you prepared to deal with the implications?
One example does not a trend make.


a widespread constant behavior from a significant portion of the population overrepresented in the media, does.
Like flying the con flag on government property to appease racists and traitors? IMO that is a much worse expression of PC than stupid misunderstanding over the word niggardly. But no one on the right will admit that.
Doesn't burning black churces because you are upset over the loss of the confederate flag say a lot about the true meaning of that flag?

It has always been a flag of hate and burning churches proves that

you are speculating on the motive of the arsonists.

To protest the flying of the Confederate flag, blacks peacefully demonstrated, petitioned their representatives and engaged the media

To protest the flag coming down, flag lovers burned black churches

Speaks volumes about the true meaning of that flag

you are speculating on the motive of the arsonists.

The arsonists are the same as they have always been

Cowards who are upset that their lily white south is a thing of the past. They have used your beloved flag to represent your southern heritage

Why aren't you outraged at that?
They always misplace their hatred, rage and outrage.

Bush lied us, or at the very least, led us to two disastrous wars. Obama gave us health care and tried to get out of the wars. Guess who gets their rage.

That's rightwing radicals for you.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
But they do. Are you denying it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
In most of the cases the evidence proved otherwise..............Hand's up don't shoot was a Lie..........
Part of Fergusen was burned for a Lie.............

And in all of the cases, Obama and the usual race baiting idiots FANNED THE FLAMES.............

And then wonder why it escalates.........they have set back race relations in this country not advanced it.........

Now they enhance it even more..........LOOK A REBEL FLAG............which now escalating............where it will lead who knows........

You throw gas on a fire and you get a bigger fire...............and it is DUMB ASS POLICY and is the exact opposite of the duty of the POTUS.
It's more than just those specific cases dummy. Obama did exactly what he's supposed to do, shine some much needed light on a problem in America.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Sorry, but his job is detailed in the Constitution very clearly.

If he wants to shine a light on injustice he should have stayed a community organizer. All he's doing is shirking his responsibility and causing a worsening of race relations in America. Nothing good can come from what he's doing, not to mention the fact that he's committing fraud along with causing deaths and millions in property damage.
Concrete examples asked for.
So you really can't think of an example. I believe it's possible, I believe you really can't.

I know this won't be good enough, but it is just one of many, many examples. I'm not going to chase 'em down for a person who won't admit they exist:

Rep. Bennie Thompson defends calling Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom - CBS News

“That Mitch McConnell would have the audacity to tell the president of the United States — not the chief executive, but the commander-in-chief — that ‘I don’t care what you come up with we’re going to be against it.’ Now if that’s not a racist statement I don’t know what is.”

And nice little bit of "Thomas is an Uncle Tom" for good measure.

There's two. Though I'm not seeing how that was an attempt to intimidate McConnell.
If you had an ounce of intellectual curiosity, half an ounce, you would look it up and find all the examples you could handle, and more.

"Google" works.

But I know that's not going to happen.

I'd rather bring people together, I'd rather heal wounds, you keep doing what you're doing.

Of course, how did I miss that your efforts at USMB are to bring people together?

LOL! Yeah, he's been bringing people together the whole time but the reason you dont see it is because Obama is tearing us apart.
I thought his entire point of posting here was to whine about PC on the left while ignoring it from the right.
To protest the flying of the Confederate flag, blacks peacefully demonstrated, petitioned their representatives and engaged the media

To protest the flag coming down, flag lovers burned black churches

Speaks volumes about the true meaning of that flag

you are speculating on the motive of the arsonists.

The arsonists are the same as they have always been

Cowards who are upset that their lily white south is a thing of the past. They have used your beloved flag to represent your southern heritage

Why aren't you outraged at that?

same as they have always been?


This is the "Southern Heritage" your flag represents


one example does not define all church arsonists.

all churchs attract pyros..

How about 6 of them? With a sprinkle of 9 dead? And a side of history of church bombings and burnings?

I bet you still say "who knows"? While pretending to be fair.

The jig is up...everyone can see what you're doing man.
To protest the flying of the Confederate flag, blacks peacefully demonstrated, petitioned their representatives and engaged the media

To protest the flag coming down, flag lovers burned black churches

Speaks volumes about the true meaning of that flag

you are speculating on the motive of the arsonists.

The arsonists are the same as they have always been

Cowards who are upset that their lily white south is a thing of the past. They have used your beloved flag to represent your southern heritage

Why aren't you outraged at that?

same as they have always been?


This is the "Southern Heritage" your flag represents


one example does not define all church arsonists.

all churchs attract pyros.

link to show that church arsonists are generally racists, which is what you are trying to say.

Yes and six arsons of black churches following the massacre are just a "coincidence"

You mourn the loss of your beloved Confederate Flag? It is morons such as yourself who have been making excuses for their actions that lost your flag
So you really can't think of an example. I believe it's possible, I believe you really can't.

I know this won't be good enough, but it is just one of many, many examples. I'm not going to chase 'em down for a person who won't admit they exist:

Rep. Bennie Thompson defends calling Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom - CBS News

“That Mitch McConnell would have the audacity to tell the president of the United States — not the chief executive, but the commander-in-chief — that ‘I don’t care what you come up with we’re going to be against it.’ Now if that’s not a racist statement I don’t know what is.”

And nice little bit of "Thomas is an Uncle Tom" for good measure.

There's two. Though I'm not seeing how that was an attempt to intimidate McConnell.
If you had an ounce of intellectual curiosity, half an ounce, you would look it up and find all the examples you could handle, and more.

"Google" works.

But I know that's not going to happen.

I'd rather bring people together, I'd rather heal wounds, you keep doing what you're doing.

Of course, how did I miss that your efforts at USMB are to bring people together?

LOL! Yeah, he's been bringing people together the whole time but the reason you dont see it is because Obama is tearing us apart.
I thought his entire point of posting here was to whine about PC on the left while ignoring it from the right.
Yes, I absolutely believe you thought that.

Blind adherence to hardcore partisan ideology has distorted your perceptions. Common on both ends of the spectrum.

Amazing how similar your behaviors are to those you so loathe, right wing hardcore partisan ideologues.

Hope their insurance is paid up. Isn't that what was told to the church owned senior citizen center in Ferguson?
There's two. Though I'm not seeing how that was an attempt to intimidate McConnell.
If you had an ounce of intellectual curiosity, half an ounce, you would look it up and find all the examples you could handle, and more.

"Google" works.

But I know that's not going to happen.

I'd rather bring people together, I'd rather heal wounds, you keep doing what you're doing.

Of course, how did I miss that your efforts at USMB are to bring people together?

LOL! Yeah, he's been bringing people together the whole time but the reason you dont see it is because Obama is tearing us apart.
I thought his entire point of posting here was to whine about PC on the left while ignoring it from the right.
Yes, I absolutely believe you thought that.

Blind adherence to hardcore partisan ideology has distorted your perceptions. Common on both ends of the spectrum.

Amazing how similar your behaviors are to those you so loathe, right wing hardcore partisan ideologues.

I've not seen you post about anything aside from PCism. And jumping in threads and calling people partisan.

What have you done to bring people together, specifically?
Controversies about the word niggardly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"On January 15, 1999, David Howard, an aide to Anthony A. Williams, the mayor of Washington, D.C., used "niggardly" in reference to a budget.[3] This apparently upset one of his black colleagues (Howard is white), identified by Howard as Marshall Brown, who misinterpreted it as a racial slur and lodged a complaint. As a result, on January 25 Howard tendered his resignation, and Williams accepted it.[4] However, after public pressure from LGBT individuals, an internal review into the matter was brought about, and the mayor offered Howard the chance to return to his position as Office of the Public Advocate on February 4. Howard refused but accepted another position with the mayor instead, insisting that he did not feel victimized by the incident. On the contrary, Howard felt that he had learned from the situation. "I used to think it would be great if we could all be colorblind; that's naïve, especially for a white person, because a white person can't afford to be colorblind. They don't have to think about race every day. An African American does.""

guy lost his job for using the word niggardly.
Okay, there is one. Though the guy got rehired after it was realized how retarded the entire episode was.

no, the guy was rehired after the gay community mobilized.

if you review the link, there are other examples.

and this is just a very clear cut small slice of the problem.

after all, how many people really use the word niggardly in normal conversation?

but it validates mac claim quite nicely.

are you prepared to deal with the implications?
One example does not a trend make.


a widespread constant behavior from a significant portion of the population overrepresented in the media, does.
Like flying the con flag on government property to appease racists and traitors? IMO that is a much worse expression of PC than stupid misunderstanding over the word niggardly. But no one on the right will admit that.

the niggardly example was just to show a very clear example of a gratuitous accusation of racism.

what do you call a mindset where an accusation is all that is required to prove guilt?

that's what happened to that guy.

one moron made an accusation and he was fired.

you realize that that mindset is not limited to the word niggardly, right?
you are speculating on the motive of the arsonists.

The arsonists are the same as they have always been

Cowards who are upset that their lily white south is a thing of the past. They have used your beloved flag to represent your southern heritage

Why aren't you outraged at that?

same as they have always been?


This is the "Southern Heritage" your flag represents


one example does not define all church arsonists.

all churchs attract pyros..

How about 6 of them? With a sprinkle of 9 dead? And a side of history of church bombings and burnings?

I bet you still say "who knows"? While pretending to be fair.

The jig is up...everyone can see what you're doing man.

rw is trying to imply that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

i just want him to support that.

he has one example from 1963.

that is not very convincing.
If you had an ounce of intellectual curiosity, half an ounce, you would look it up and find all the examples you could handle, and more.

"Google" works.

But I know that's not going to happen.

I'd rather bring people together, I'd rather heal wounds, you keep doing what you're doing.

Of course, how did I miss that your efforts at USMB are to bring people together?

LOL! Yeah, he's been bringing people together the whole time but the reason you dont see it is because Obama is tearing us apart.
I thought his entire point of posting here was to whine about PC on the left while ignoring it from the right.
Yes, I absolutely believe you thought that.

Blind adherence to hardcore partisan ideology has distorted your perceptions. Common on both ends of the spectrum.

Amazing how similar your behaviors are to those you so loathe, right wing hardcore partisan ideologues.

I've not seen you post about anything aside from PCism. And jumping in threads and calling people partisan.

What have you done to bring people together, specifically?
Since my opinion of such importance to you, I'd suggest looking through my posts.

Providing examples? I'm afraid I don't care enough about your opinion to put forth such effort. Look it up.

Since people like you are a large part of the problem in general, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Wasted effort.

The arsonists are the same as they have always been

Cowards who are upset that their lily white south is a thing of the past. They have used your beloved flag to represent your southern heritage

Why aren't you outraged at that?

same as they have always been?


This is the "Southern Heritage" your flag represents


one example does not define all church arsonists.

all churchs attract pyros..

How about 6 of them? With a sprinkle of 9 dead? And a side of history of church bombings and burnings?

I bet you still say "who knows"? While pretending to be fair.

The jig is up...everyone can see what you're doing man.

rw is trying to imply that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

i just want him to support that.

he has one example from 1963.

that is not very convincing.

Thats because you have a vested interest in not being convinced. You're not fooling anyone dude if you think teh reason black churches being bombed and burned for decades can be anything BUT what all of them had in common.

The common denominator is they are all black churches. Still perplexed? Then play stupid by yourself.

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