6 Black Churches burned

How about 6 of them? With a sprinkle of 9 dead? And a side of history of church bombings and burnings?

I bet you still say "who knows"? While pretending to be fair.

The jig is up...everyone can see what you're doing man.

rw is trying to imply that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

i just want him to support that.

he has one example from 1963.

that is not very convincing.

Thats because you have a vested interest in not being convinced. You're not fooling anyone dude if you think teh reason black churches being bombed and burned for decades can be anything BUT what all of them had in common.

The common denominator is they are all black churches. Still perplexed? Then play stupid by yourself.
As if you gave a flying fuck about a church being burned.

The key point is it was "BLACK" churches.

If it was white churches...you'd break out the marshmallows

If your If's was a Fifth we'd all be drunk too.

Not an if.

They're burning Christians and their churches all over the Middle East, bud. Have been since Obozo pulled out of Iraq and even before.


Oh well then you're wrong because I havent been attended any white church burnings. Sucks to prove yourself wrong dont it?
This is the "Southern Heritage" your flag represents


one example does not define all church arsonists.

all churchs attract pyros..

How about 6 of them? With a sprinkle of 9 dead? And a side of history of church bombings and burnings?

I bet you still say "who knows"? While pretending to be fair.

The jig is up...everyone can see what you're doing man.

rw is trying to imply that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

i just want him to support that.

he has one example from 1963.

that is not very convincing.

Thats because you have a vested interest in not being convinced. You're not fooling anyone dude if you think teh reason black churches being bombed and burned for decades can be anything BUT what all of them had in common.

The common denominator is they are all black churches. Still perplexed? Then play stupid by yourself.
As if you gave a flying fuck about a church being burned.

The key point is it was "BLACK" churches.

If it was white churches...you'd break out the marshmallows

How many white churches have been burned in the last week?
Instapundit uses this one quite a bit. It's really the all purpose response to race issues in America today.

Instapundit uses this one quite a bit. It's really the all purpose response to race issues in America today.

View attachment 43441
A wasted opportunity of historic proportions.


Actually, Obama used the opportunity exactly the way he intended: to foment hyper identity politics and to shred the "extraordinary" nature of America. The rest of the world is rife with racial and religious conflict; there's nothing special about America, according to the Gospel of The Won.
Now, based on the thread topic, perhaps there is adult or two here who would like civilly and honestly discuss either (a) the specific event addressed in the OP or (b) the larger, macro picture of what to do about it.

Doesn't hardcore partisan ideology ever get tedious?


I would say the President has addressed it, quite eloquently as well.

So, seven years into his presidency, he says this (whatever he said on your 37-minute video).

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that, during that speech, he challenged both ends of the issue to seriously and sincerely look in the mirror and work diligently to clean their own house before pointing the finger at the other, yes? Let me know where that is in the speech, I'd be happy to see him saying that at such an important moment.

Seven years - that is my point.


If you aren't willing to watch the entire video and honestly try to understand the context of his messages to America, then you have no credibility to speak to what the pres has said or not said.
It is exactly that sort of willful ignorance and baseless assertions about the actions of the pres that brings racist recriminations upon you.
Instapundit uses this one quite a bit. It's really the all purpose response to race issues in America today.

View attachment 43441
A wasted opportunity of historic proportions.


Actually, Obama used the opportunity exactly the way he intended: to foment hyper identity politics and to shred the "extraordinary" nature of America. The rest of the world is rife with racial and religious conflict; there's nothing special about America, according to the Gospel of The Won.

i remember how i felt when he accused mccain of running a racist campaign.

i knew better than to expect better, but i did have some hope.

i would have loved to be proved wrong.

Now, based on the thread topic, perhaps there is adult or two here who would like civilly and honestly discuss either (a) the specific event addressed in the OP or (b) the larger, macro picture of what to do about it.

Doesn't hardcore partisan ideology ever get tedious?


I would say the President has addressed it, quite eloquently as well.

So, seven years into his presidency, he says this (whatever he said on your 37-minute video).

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that, during that speech, he challenged both ends of the issue to seriously and sincerely look in the mirror and work diligently to clean their own house before pointing the finger at the other, yes? Let me know where that is in the speech, I'd be happy to see him saying that at such an important moment.

Seven years - that is my point.


If you aren't willing to watch the entire video and honestly try to understand the context of his messages to America, then you have no credibility to speak to what the pres has said or not said.
It is exactly that sort of willful ignorance and baseless assertions about the actions of the pres that brings racist recriminations upon you.

37 minutes?

post a link to the transcripts. cut and paste the bits you consider so relevant.
Instapundit uses this one quite a bit. It's really the all purpose response to race issues in America today.

View attachment 43441
A wasted opportunity of historic proportions.


Actually, Obama used the opportunity exactly the way he intended: to foment hyper identity politics and to shred the "extraordinary" nature of America. The rest of the world is rife with racial and religious conflict; there's nothing special about America, according to the Gospel of The Won.
Well, I don't want to believe that, and I hope you're wrong.

Look at the posts on this thread from his supporters, though, and I can understand your point.

rw is trying to imply that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

i just want him to support that.

he has one example from 1963.

that is not very convincing.

Thats because you have a vested interest in not being convinced. You're not fooling anyone dude if you think teh reason black churches being bombed and burned for decades can be anything BUT what all of them had in common.

The common denominator is they are all black churches. Still perplexed? Then play stupid by yourself.
As if you gave a flying fuck about a church being burned.

The key point is it was "BLACK" churches.

If it was white churches...you'd break out the marshmallows

If your If's was a Fifth we'd all be drunk too.

Not an if.

They're burning Christians and their churches all over the Middle East, bud. Have been since Obozo pulled out of Iraq and even before.


Oh well then you're wrong because I havent been attended any white church burnings. Sucks to prove yourself wrong dont it?

Uh......so you're saying Christians in the Middle East don't count?

Thanks for the admission.
Instapundit uses this one quite a bit. It's really the all purpose response to race issues in America today.

View attachment 43441
A wasted opportunity of historic proportions.


Actually, Obama used the opportunity exactly the way he intended: to foment hyper identity politics and to shred the "extraordinary" nature of America. The rest of the world is rife with racial and religious conflict; there's nothing special about America, according to the Gospel of The Won.
Well, I don't want to believe that, and I hope you're wrong.

Look at the posts on this thread from his supporters, though, and I can understand your point.


I don't Want to believe this. My view is based on objective observations of the happenings of the Obama era.
Mac wants to bring people together.

He thinks the President blew it in SC. He should have said the following:

"Ladies and gentlemen, now is a time for the races to come together."

"To all racists and bigots and white supremacists, please....... accept our apologies. We are so sorry that we have gotten upset when you have shown hatred toward us. We will work harder to meet your approval. We will pull our pants up. Our young women will close their legs and we will pay our higher interest rates with smiles on our faces. We won't demand that our unarmed men not get shot. Whatever we can do to change how you feel about us. Just give us time. Meanwhile, go ahead and say whatever you like about our culture. We don't want to upset you by demanding that you treat us with respect. We haven't earned that yet."

"We are so so sorry"
I find it odd that you spend so much time whining about how unfair the loss of your beloved Confederate Flag is.....all the while you make excuses and demand more proof of the racist events that led to its downfall

you have stated that you know these church burnings are racist attacks because they have always been racist attacks.

i have asked you to support that and you have not.

one example from 1963 does not prove that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

I am not buying into your obfuscation...it does not help your cause

Racists killed your beloved flag...trying to defend or mitigate their deeds will not bring it back

no, you made the claim that these church arsonists are the same people they always were.

so, show me who they always were.

one example does't do that.

you are trying to distract with the confederate flag. we have discussed that before and will again.

but right now the topic is church arsonists.

please support your claim that they are generally white racists attacking blacks.

a link to a fbi data sheet would be good.

What I find most offensive about your posts is the effort you spend defending a 150 year old flag and trying to excuse the actions of racists while you ignore the fact that 9 people were slaughtered and it was followed up by the burning of six black churches

Attitudes like yours are why you lost your fucking flag

what i find offensive about your posts is that you think you can define my thoughts and actions and then tie me to other peoples actions based on your assumptions about me, and then you get offended when i call you on your nonsense.

you stated that these church arsonists are the same people they have always been.

i have asked you to support that claim.

you posted one photo from 1963.

how many church arsons have there been since 1963?

how many of them were black churchs, and how many white?

how many of them were white racists attacking blacks?

why do you think that you get to define reality based on what you want to be true, and why do you think i should accept this reality?

you made a claim, support it or admit that you were just making up crap.

OK...you got me there

It is not the "same people" that were burning churches and lynching 50 years ago
It is their descendants who we thought would have learned by now

That is the "Southern Heritage" that you defend so much
Last edited:
Now, based on the thread topic, perhaps there is adult or two here who would like civilly and honestly discuss either (a) the specific event addressed in the OP or (b) the larger, macro picture of what to do about it.

Doesn't hardcore partisan ideology ever get tedious?


I would say the President has addressed it, quite eloquently as well.

So, seven years into his presidency, he says this (whatever he said on your 37-minute video).

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that, during that speech, he challenged both ends of the issue to seriously and sincerely look in the mirror and work diligently to clean their own house before pointing the finger at the other, yes? Let me know where that is in the speech, I'd be happy to see him saying that at such an important moment.

Seven years - that is my point.


If you aren't willing to watch the entire video and honestly try to understand the context of his messages to America, then you have no credibility to speak to what the pres has said or not said.
It is exactly that sort of willful ignorance and baseless assertions about the actions of the pres that brings racist recriminations upon you.

37 minutes?

post a link to the transcripts. cut and paste the bits you consider so relevant.

You're right, if only Obama were less wordy , you might have been able to understand his message. Thanks Obama, thanks for dividing us with our short attention spans.
you have stated that you know these church burnings are racist attacks because they have always been racist attacks.

i have asked you to support that and you have not.

one example from 1963 does not prove that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

I am not buying into your obfuscation...it does not help your cause

Racists killed your beloved flag...trying to defend or mitigate their deeds will not bring it back

no, you made the claim that these church arsonists are the same people they always were.

so, show me who they always were.

one example does't do that.

you are trying to distract with the confederate flag. we have discussed that before and will again.

but right now the topic is church arsonists.

please support your claim that they are generally white racists attacking blacks.

a link to a fbi data sheet would be good.

What I find most offensive about your posts is the effort you spend defending a 150 year old flag and trying to excuse the actions of racists while you ignore the fact that 9 people were slaughtered and it was followed up by the burning of six black churches

Attitudes like yours are why you lost your fucking flag

what i find offensive about your posts is that you think you can define my thoughts and actions and then tie me to other peoples actions based on your assumptions about me, and then you get offended when i call you on your nonsense.

you stated that these church arsonists are the same people they have always been.

i have asked you to support that claim.

you posted one photo from 1963.

how many church arsons have there been since 1963?

how many of them were black churchs, and how many white?

how many of them were white racists attacking blacks?

why do you think that you get to define reality based on what you want to be true, and why do you think i should accept this reality?

you made a claim, support it or admit that you were just making up crap.

OK...you got me there

It is not the "same people" that were burning churches and lynching 50 years ago
It is their descendants who we thought woulf have learned by now

That is the "Southern Heritage" that you defend so much

Yes - the KKK Segregationist Southern Democrat Culture that you support.
Mac wants to bring people together.

He thinks the President blew it in SC. He should have said the following:

"Ladies and gentlemen, now is a time for the races to come together."

"To all racists and bigots and white supremacists, please....... accept our apologies. We are so sorry that we have gotten upset when you have shown hatred toward us. We will work harder to meet your approval. We will pull our pants up. Our young women will close their legs and we will pay our higher interest rates with smiles on our faces. We won't demand that our unarmed men not get shot. Whatever we can do to change how you feel about us. Just give us time. Meanwhile, go ahead and say whatever you like about our culture. We don't want to upset you by demanding that you treat us with respect. We haven't earned that yet."

"We are so so sorry"

Yeah LoneLaugher keep praising a man who done nothing to actually to fix the racial scars of this nation. Oh he made some speeches very good speeches but on policy he is just same as and even worse than Bush. If Pres Obama wanted to fix the scars of racism of this nation he would look to end the war on drugs that has killed and destroyed more black lives then Jim crow ever did.
you have stated that you know these church burnings are racist attacks because they have always been racist attacks.

i have asked you to support that and you have not.

one example from 1963 does not prove that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

I am not buying into your obfuscation...it does not help your cause

Racists killed your beloved flag...trying to defend or mitigate their deeds will not bring it back

no, you made the claim that these church arsonists are the same people they always were.

so, show me who they always were.

one example does't do that.

you are trying to distract with the confederate flag. we have discussed that before and will again.

but right now the topic is church arsonists.

please support your claim that they are generally white racists attacking blacks.

a link to a fbi data sheet would be good.

What I find most offensive about your posts is the effort you spend defending a 150 year old flag and trying to excuse the actions of racists while you ignore the fact that 9 people were slaughtered and it was followed up by the burning of six black churches

Attitudes like yours are why you lost your fucking flag

what i find offensive about your posts is that you think you can define my thoughts and actions and then tie me to other peoples actions based on your assumptions about me, and then you get offended when i call you on your nonsense.

you stated that these church arsonists are the same people they have always been.

i have asked you to support that claim.

you posted one photo from 1963.

how many church arsons have there been since 1963?

how many of them were black churchs, and how many white?

how many of them were white racists attacking blacks?

why do you think that you get to define reality based on what you want to be true, and why do you think i should accept this reality?

you made a claim, support it or admit that you were just making up crap.

OK...you got me there

It is not the "same people" that were burning churches and lynching 50 years ago
It is their descendants who we thought woulf have learned by now

That is the "Southern Heritage" that you defend so much

i don't play gotcha games like that.

if i was making a joke, i would have used a laughing icon to let you know.

no. link to support your claim that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

i may be assuming something here incorrectly.

you are aware that white churches get burned too, right?
Now, based on the thread topic, perhaps there is adult or two here who would like civilly and honestly discuss either (a) the specific event addressed in the OP or (b) the larger, macro picture of what to do about it.

Doesn't hardcore partisan ideology ever get tedious?


I would say the President has addressed it, quite eloquently as well.

So, seven years into his presidency, he says this (whatever he said on your 37-minute video).

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that, during that speech, he challenged both ends of the issue to seriously and sincerely look in the mirror and work diligently to clean their own house before pointing the finger at the other, yes? Let me know where that is in the speech, I'd be happy to see him saying that at such an important moment.

Seven years - that is my point.


If you aren't willing to watch the entire video and honestly try to understand the context of his messages to America, then you have no credibility to speak to what the pres has said or not said.
It is exactly that sort of willful ignorance and baseless assertions about the actions of the pres that brings racist recriminations upon you.

37 minutes?

post a link to the transcripts. cut and paste the bits you consider so relevant.

You're right, if only Obama were less wordy , you might have been able to understand his message. Thanks Obama, thanks for dividing us with our short attention spans.

i generally don't listen to speeches. from anyone.

to much filler and low information content bs.

the points can almost always be summed up in a few bullet points.

37 minutes of obama?

no fucking way.
I am not buying into your obfuscation...it does not help your cause

Racists killed your beloved flag...trying to defend or mitigate their deeds will not bring it back

no, you made the claim that these church arsonists are the same people they always were.

so, show me who they always were.

one example does't do that.

you are trying to distract with the confederate flag. we have discussed that before and will again.

but right now the topic is church arsonists.

please support your claim that they are generally white racists attacking blacks.

a link to a fbi data sheet would be good.

What I find most offensive about your posts is the effort you spend defending a 150 year old flag and trying to excuse the actions of racists while you ignore the fact that 9 people were slaughtered and it was followed up by the burning of six black churches

Attitudes like yours are why you lost your fucking flag

what i find offensive about your posts is that you think you can define my thoughts and actions and then tie me to other peoples actions based on your assumptions about me, and then you get offended when i call you on your nonsense.

you stated that these church arsonists are the same people they have always been.

i have asked you to support that claim.

you posted one photo from 1963.

how many church arsons have there been since 1963?

how many of them were black churchs, and how many white?

how many of them were white racists attacking blacks?

why do you think that you get to define reality based on what you want to be true, and why do you think i should accept this reality?

you made a claim, support it or admit that you were just making up crap.

OK...you got me there

It is not the "same people" that were burning churches and lynching 50 years ago
It is their descendants who we thought woulf have learned by now

That is the "Southern Heritage" that you defend so much

i don't play gotcha games like that.

if i was making a joke, i would have used a laughing icon to let you know.

no. link to support your claim that church arsonists are generally white racists attacking blacks.

i may be assuming something here incorrectly.

you are aware that white churches get burned too, right?


How many white churches have been burned in the last week?

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