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6 Reasons Obama is Worst President in US History

Only 6?

1. The largest deficits in history

When adjusted for inflation, Obama owns the seven highest deficits in history—surpassing the deficits incurred during World War II. Obama’s smallest deficit was still higher than the last deficit before he took office. While many try to argue that 2009’s spending should not count towards Obama’s spending record, 2009 was not actually constrained by the budget approved by President Bush. In fact, only three of FY2009’s 12 appropriations bills passed under Bush because the Democrats in Congress waited until Obama took office before going on a spending binge. So most of the spending that took place in 2009 was, in fact, approved by President Obama. This spending, which included Obama’s failed stimulus and bailouts, resulted in a 17.9 percent increase in spending over FY2008 compared to the 3 percent increase proposed by George W. Bush. This increase in spending was the highest annual spending increase since the Korean War.. The largest deficits in history

When adjusted for inflation, Obama owns the seven highest deficits in history—surpassing the deficits incurred during World War II. Obama’s smallest deficit was still higher than the last deficit before he took office. While many try to argue that 2009’s spending should not count towards Obama’s spending record, 2009 was not actually constrained by the budget approved by President Bush. In fact, only three of FY2009’s 12 appropriations bills passed under Bush because the Democrats in Congress waited until Obama took office before going on a spending binge. So most of the spending that took place in 2009 was, in fact, approved by President Obama. This spending, which included Obama’s failed stimulus and bailouts, resulted in a 17.9 percent increase in spending over FY2008 compared to the 3 percent increase proposed by George W. Bush. This increase in spending was the highest annual spending increase since the Korean War.

Six reasons why Barack Obama is the worst president in history - Hot Air
Obama left office with less than 500 billion deficit. Trump has added 1.5 trillion.

You’re not smart.

Obama ALSO had TARP repaid with a PROFIT dummy!
$627.4 Billion Outflowed charged agains GWB in 2008 as part of his deficit.

INFLOW of $713B back into Federal govt. as revenue... Which included $86.1 B in profits to the govt.

Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica
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Well there was that Muslim thing. I mean I no the Constution doesn't specify a Muslim (or Jew or Hindu) can't be potus, but it just struck some of us as being wrong. (-:
I could care less what religion he was. Tutored by a communist, quoted Socialists, mentored by America-hating racist hate-spewing pastors and sired by an America-hating anti-colonialist whose views he shared...'Nuff Said.
Cool story.
Thank you for ADMITTING Obama took the country to war TWICE Un-Constitutionally, without Congressional authority, to help TERRORISTS.

That, by the way, makes him a TRAITOR!...and you a LIAR and an idiotic Obama apologist.
Textbook ODS ^^^
Are you still here? Dude, you were exposed as a liar with no credibility....
Ironic post is ironic.

Your ODS is rotting your brain
The fact that he gives Bush II a complete and total pass for Iraq is all anyone needs to know, that renders his opinion worse than useless.

WHY do you have to constantly LIE in an attempt to protect your proven terrorist sympathizer / accomplice?

I NEVER gave Bush a pass for anything, LIAR.

I pointed out that Bush went before Congress and asked for the authority to go to war. I pointed out that Congress voted to give Bush the authority to take the country to war...and did so. Democrats even argued that the United States 'MUST go to war' and declared Regime Change was necessary. I am even reminding people that Hillary Clinton voted to give Bush that authority!

"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq"
-- CNN.com - Hillary Clinton: No regret on Iraq vote - Apr 21, 2004

FYI, not that you give a rat's a$$ about the facts or what is true, but I thought - despite the different arguments for and against going to war in Iraq, I was AGAINST it and thought it was the WRONG thing to do, LIAR! President Bush, however, as President and Commander and Chief, used the Constitutional authority given to him by a bipartisan Congress! Like it or not, dill-hole, that is the FACT!

I also pointed out that Barak Obama NEVER went before Congress to make the case for using the United States Military to help AL QAEDA - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - overthrow and murder the President of another nation, one who was HELPING THE COALITION FIGHT TERRORISTS LIKE AL QAEDA IN NORTHERN AFRICA, to help AL QAEDA murder that President, and then take over their own country as much more than just a 'Safe Haven'.

Had President Obama gone before Congress and told them that he was going to drag the United States into a war to use the US military to help AL QAEDA take over their own country he would have been chased out of Congress and set upon by the American people.

That was just the 1st UN-Constitutional War the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' dragged the United States into. H also ordered the invasion of Syria, another independent sovereign nation who was in the midst of a complex civil war. The United States was never ASKED to join in or given permission by the Syrian President to enter into Syria.


And sorry - the Constitutional authority to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq that Congress gave BUSH did not carry over, was not a 'legacy' authority for Obama, and did NOT give Barak Obama the authority to drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, UN-authorized wars to help TERRORISTS! (That has to be one of the most stupid things I have ever heard a snowflake on this board suggest!)

..and let's not forget, these 2 are the only UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized wars Barry dragged the US into, but they are not the only wars that resulted in American soldier deaths for which Obama is responsible:

Charged with protecting the success in Iraq after American troops helped liberate Iraq from the madman dictator Hussein, Obama sat on his hands and watched ISIS mile-long militant convoys flow into Iraq to begin taking over territory our troops had liberated at great expense / sacrifice. He told the military to STAND DOWN (a tactic he loved to use to the benefit of terrorists) - to NOT attack and completely destroy ISIS as they made the trek through open desert on the way to Iraq. He facilitated the ISIS invasion which led to Iraq having to be liberated all over again...which led to more American deaths.

So, we have established AGAIN that you are a LYING POS who can not be honest when conversing, that you have to LIE, that you have ZERO credibility.

Despite the fact that you are deeply OFENDED by the facts / truth, Bush had Constitutional Authority to take the country to war, authority GIVEN TO HIM BY CONGRESS! Barak OBAMA dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists and tried to hand newly liberated Iraq over to ISIS as well.

And you continue to ignore facts and make up your lies. Obama had the exact same congressional authority to go to war that Bush II had, the authority was not given to a single man, it was given to the Office the President.

The 2nd lie is that a AUMF is Constitutional, that is bullshit. Congress abdicated their Constitutional duties and handed the power to the executive branch.

Obama could not have fucked up Iraq worse had we never invaded. You are like the moron who sets his house on fire and then gets pissed at the fire department because your shed burnt down also.

You are nothing but a fucking partisan sheep that is ignorant of the facts, willfully ignorant for that matter

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Here easy
1. The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare is considered to be his greatest domestic achievement. The goal was to provide affordable health insurance for millions without coverage.

2. He authorized the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. He announced the terrorist leader's death in a live speech to the country saying, "Last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action and authorized an operation to get Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice."

3. Obama and Raul Castro reversed over 60 years of tension between the U.S. and Cuba by restoring diplomatic ties.

4. He urged states in 2013 to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Since then 18 states and Washington, D.C. have responded.

5. He helped stimulate the auto industry after the financial crisis. Chrysler and GM have created 250,000 jobs since then.

6. President Obama was one of the key leaders that fought for the Paris Agreement. It created a comprehensive framework to reduce global climate change.

7. He commended and supported the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage saying, "In my second inaugural address, I said that if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. It is gratifying to see that principle enshrined into law by this decision."

8. He passed the Dodd-Frank Act, which holds Wall Street accountable in the event of another financial crisis.

9. Obama repealed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. By reversing the law, LGBT members of the armed forces no longer have to hide who they are.

10. Finally, he jumpstarted the economy during the worst recession since the Great Depression. In the wake of the global recession, Obama signed the Recovery Act, which cut taxes and saved millions of jobs.
And you continue to ignore facts and make up your lies. Obama had the exact same congressional authority to go to war that Bush II had, the authority was not given to a single man, it was given to the Office the President.
I stopped reading right here because you doubled down on you obvious LIE!

Please post the link and information specifying when Barak Obama went before Congress and asked for the authority to drag the United States into a war to help AL QAEDA take over Libya and / or to INVADE SYRIA.

Provide the link, the dates he went before Congress to do these things, a quote from him trying to convince Congress that helping the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans was a good idea or that becoming a war criminal by invading a sovereign nation that never asked for our help or gave us permission to send troops into their country was a good idea.

Bush specifically asked for the authority to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush took the country to war with Congressional authority in hand after appearing before Congress asking for it, to FIGHT TERRORSTS.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner dragged the US into 2 wars to HELP TERRORISTS, to include the ones who slaughtered 3,000 Americans.

Anyone trying to claim that Obama CLAIMED as his RIGHT to wage war using the authority given to Bush to fight terrorists to HELP terrorists and did so is an insane, Obamapologist. and LIAR.
Here easy
1. The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare is considered to be his greatest domestic achievement. The goal was to provide affordable health insurance for millions without coverage.

2. He authorized the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. He announced the terrorist leader's death in a live speech to the country saying, "Last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action and authorized an operation to get Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice."

3. Obama and Raul Castro reversed over 60 years of tension between the U.S. and Cuba by restoring diplomatic ties.

4. He urged states in 2013 to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Since then 18 states and Washington, D.C. have responded.

5. He helped stimulate the auto industry after the financial crisis. Chrysler and GM have created 250,000 jobs since then.

6. President Obama was one of the key leaders that fought for the Paris Agreement. It created a comprehensive framework to reduce global climate change.

7. He commended and supported the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage saying, "In my second inaugural address, I said that if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. It is gratifying to see that principle enshrined into law by this decision."

8. He passed the Dodd-Frank Act, which holds Wall Street accountable in the event of another financial crisis.

9. Obama repealed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. By reversing the law, LGBT members of the armed forces no longer have to hide who they are.

10. Finally, he jumpstarted the economy during the worst recession since the Great Depression. In the wake of the global recession, Obama signed the Recovery Act, which cut taxes and saved millions of jobs.

1. The ACA fucked up our healthcare system even more than it was before.

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Here easy
1. The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare is considered to be his greatest domestic achievement. The goal was to provide affordable health insurance for millions without coverage.

2. He authorized the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. He announced the terrorist leader's death in a live speech to the country saying, "Last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action and authorized an operation to get Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice."

3. Obama and Raul Castro reversed over 60 years of tension between the U.S. and Cuba by restoring diplomatic ties.

4. He urged states in 2013 to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Since then 18 states and Washington, D.C. have responded.

5. He helped stimulate the auto industry after the financial crisis. Chrysler and GM have created 250,000 jobs since then.

6. President Obama was one of the key leaders that fought for the Paris Agreement. It created a comprehensive framework to reduce global climate change.

7. He commended and supported the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage saying, "In my second inaugural address, I said that if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. It is gratifying to see that principle enshrined into law by this decision."

8. He passed the Dodd-Frank Act, which holds Wall Street accountable in the event of another financial crisis.

9. Obama repealed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. By reversing the law, LGBT members of the armed forces no longer have to hide who they are.

10. Finally, he jumpstarted the economy during the worst recession since the Great Depression. In the wake of the global recession, Obama signed the Recovery Act, which cut taxes and saved millions of jobs.

1. It FAILED miserably.
- It won't cost a dime.
- It will pay for itself.
- It will lower the cost of health care insurance
- If you like your doctor / plan you can keep them....

2. Barry can thank Bush who put the entire program / process that eventually found UBL together. He can thank SEAL Team 6 for actually successfully carrying out the mission. The only thing Obama did was reduce incredibly critical information collected in the raid to useless toilet paper when he went on the TV and announced to the world - and to terrorists - that we now knew where their secret hideouts were, what their phone numbers were, etc... HE WARNED THE TERROISTS...JUST LIKE HE DID WHEN HE WARNED ISIS THAT THE FRNCH AND RUSSIANS WERE COMING TO ATTACK AFTER THE PARIS BOMBING.

3. Obama opened up Cuba....and the people are no longer under a dictator? They have freedom now? Nothing changed.

4. Trump has created the best economy in DECADES, lowest unemployment in DECADES, lowest unemployment for blacks and Latinos in recorded US history, more jobs, more full time jobs, salary increases, bonuses, fewer Americans on unemployment / welfare / food stamps, most Americans working in decades, higher home values, record stock market.....nut hey, thanks for Obama encouraging a raise in the minimum wage. :p

5. Obama 'nationalized' the US car manufacturing industry (GM / Chrystler), taking govt ownership of it - giving half of it to the UNIONS, selling off part of it to foreign companies, and in the end the US tax payers took a HUGE loss when the govt sold off the stock. His stimulus bill was $1 trillion failed 'jobs bill' containing over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork and in the end cost tax payers approx. $747,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved.

6. The Paris agreement....you mean that thing that USED to exist? :p

7. He also allowed men in women's bathrooms. :p He did all that yet hacked/released DNC e-mails showed they were still a bunch of racist sexist, homophobic anti-Semites.

8. Dodd-Frank was a POS that caused immeasurable harm.

9. So along with Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, North Korea, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, violent gangs, violent illegals, and cities that provided a safe haven for violent illegals AND while he was illegally spying on Americans, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices Obama found the time to help the LGBT community. That's nice.

10. And finally you are going to attempt to give the failed Community Organizer credit for the policy changes - which completely deviated away from Obama's ideology and policies, for the economy that has been turned around?

And you continue to ignore facts and make up your lies. Obama had the exact same congressional authority to go to war that Bush II had, the authority was not given to a single man, it was given to the Office the President.
I stopped reading right here because you doubled down on you obvious LIE!

Please post the link and information specifying when Barak Obama went before Congress and asked for the authority to drag the United States into a war to help AL QAEDA take over Libya and / or to INVADE SYRIA.

Provide the link, the dates he went before Congress to do these things, a quote from him trying to convince Congress that helping the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans was a good idea or that becoming a war criminal by invading a sovereign nation that never asked for our help or gave us permission to send troops into their country was a good idea.

Bush specifically asked for the authority to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush took the country to war with Congressional authority in hand after appearing before Congress asking for it, to FIGHT TERRORSTS.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner dragged the US into 2 wars to HELP TERRORISTS, to include the ones who slaughtered 3,000 Americans.

Anyone trying to claim that Obama CLAIMED as his RIGHT to wage war using the authority given to Bush to fight terrorists to HELP terrorists and did so is an insane, Obamapologist. and LIAR.

Of course you quit reading, you revel in your ignorance, as a partisan sheep ignorance is a badge of honor.

Obama did not need to go to congress, congress had already given the CIC the authorization to use force, no matter who the CIC is. That authorization has never been taken back and is still in effect. Congress could have at any time stopped it, but they have chosen not to do so.

Those are the facts, nothing you saw can change those facts.

So, run along and brag to all your sheep friends how you spent the day ignoring facts and bragging about your ignorance.

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Of course you quit reading, you revel in your ignorance, as a partisan sheep ignorance is a badge of honor.
And you just proved again you can NOT read or you lie. I stopped reading because you proved yourself to be a liar in your 1st sentence. Continuing on would be a waste of time.


Who needs facts, statistics, recorded history of things he actually did ... Like finance / supply / arm / train / protect terrorists, illegally spy on Americans / US Senators / USSC JUSTICES, etc...


Dumbass, it'a survey of HISTORIANS...you know, people that study the subject closely and write HISTORY books.

Nobody gives a shit about your dumbass, ignorant, politico opinions.

The fact that he gives Bush II a complete and total pass for Iraq is all anyone needs to know, that renders his opinion worse than useless.

Add in his ignorance of the facts and he is almost criminally stupid

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W was just a few clicks worse than Big Ears. It’s a relative matter.

Both men are criminals and both should be in Supermax.
You forgot Crooked Donnie
You’re an idiot as usual. Donnie needs to complete his term and murder thousands, to get even close to your criminal Messiah.
Too funny

Crooked Donnie will be lucky to finish his term.
The Great Obama had eight years scandal free
Of course you quit reading, you revel in your ignorance, as a partisan sheep ignorance is a badge of honor.
And you just proved again you can NOT read or you lie. I stopped reading because you proved yourself to be a liar in your 1st sentence. Continuing on would be a waste of time.

Keep rolling in your ignorance, like a pig rolling in shit!

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The fact that he gives Bush II a complete and total pass for Iraq is all anyone needs to know, that renders his opinion worse than useless.

WHY do you have to constantly LIE in an attempt to protect your proven terrorist sympathizer / accomplice?

I NEVER gave Bush a pass for anything, LIAR.

I pointed out that Bush went before Congress and asked for the authority to go to war. I pointed out that Congress voted to give Bush the authority to take the country to war...and did so. Democrats even argued that the United States 'MUST go to war' and declared Regime Change was necessary. I am even reminding people that Hillary Clinton voted to give Bush that authority!

"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq"
-- CNN.com - Hillary Clinton: No regret on Iraq vote - Apr 21, 2004

FYI, not that you give a rat's a$$ about the facts or what is true, but I thought - despite the different arguments for and against going to war in Iraq, I was AGAINST it and thought it was the WRONG thing to do, LIAR! President Bush, however, as President and Commander and Chief, used the Constitutional authority given to him by a bipartisan Congress! Like it or not, dill-hole, that is the FACT!

I also pointed out that Barak Obama NEVER went before Congress to make the case for using the United States Military to help AL QAEDA - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - overthrow and murder the President of another nation, one who was HELPING THE COALITION FIGHT TERRORISTS LIKE AL QAEDA IN NORTHERN AFRICA, to help AL QAEDA murder that President, and then take over their own country as much more than just a 'Safe Haven'.

Had President Obama gone before Congress and told them that he was going to drag the United States into a war to use the US military to help AL QAEDA take over their own country he would have been chased out of Congress and set upon by the American people.

That was just the 1st UN-Constitutional War the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' dragged the United States into. H also ordered the invasion of Syria, another independent sovereign nation who was in the midst of a complex civil war. The United States was never ASKED to join in or given permission by the Syrian President to enter into Syria.


And sorry - the Constitutional authority to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq that Congress gave BUSH did not carry over, was not a 'legacy' authority for Obama, and did NOT give Barak Obama the authority to drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, UN-authorized wars to help TERRORISTS! (That has to be one of the most stupid things I have ever heard a snowflake on this board suggest!)

..and let's not forget, these 2 are the only UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized wars Barry dragged the US into, but they are not the only wars that resulted in American soldier deaths for which Obama is responsible:

Charged with protecting the success in Iraq after American troops helped liberate Iraq from the madman dictator Hussein, Obama sat on his hands and watched ISIS mile-long militant convoys flow into Iraq to begin taking over territory our troops had liberated at great expense / sacrifice. He told the military to STAND DOWN (a tactic he loved to use to the benefit of terrorists) - to NOT attack and completely destroy ISIS as they made the trek through open desert on the way to Iraq. He facilitated the ISIS invasion which led to Iraq having to be liberated all over again...which led to more American deaths.

So, we have established AGAIN that you are a LYING POS who can not be honest when conversing, that you have to LIE, that you have ZERO credibility.

Despite the fact that you are deeply OFENDED by the facts / truth, Bush had Constitutional Authority to take the country to war, authority GIVEN TO HIM BY CONGRESS! Barak OBAMA dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists and tried to hand newly liberated Iraq over to ISIS as well.

And you continue to ignore facts and make up your lies. Obama had the exact same congressional authority to go to war that Bush II had, the authority was not given to a single man, it was given to the Office the President.

The 2nd lie is that a AUMF is Constitutional, that is bullshit. Congress abdicated their Constitutional duties and handed the power to the executive branch.

Obama could not have fucked up Iraq worse had we never invaded. You are like the moron who sets his house on fire and then gets pissed at the fire department because your shed burnt down also.

You are nothing but a fucking partisan sheep that is ignorant of the facts, willfully ignorant for that matter

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Obama created Isis because of his cowardly political correctness
Keep rolling in your ignorance, like a pig rolling in shit!
You are the idiot who claimed that - because Congress gave BUSH the Constitutional authority to go to war with terrorists after 9/11/01 - Obama had the Congressional approval to commit a WAR CRIME by invading another sovereign nation to help terrorists without being asked for help or given permission to bring in troops by the President of that nation.

Good lil' piggy.....
Here easy
1. The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare is considered to be his greatest domestic achievement. The goal was to provide affordable health insurance for millions without coverage.

2. He authorized the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. He announced the terrorist leader's death in a live speech to the country saying, "Last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action and authorized an operation to get Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice."

3. Obama and Raul Castro reversed over 60 years of tension between the U.S. and Cuba by restoring diplomatic ties.

4. He urged states in 2013 to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Since then 18 states and Washington, D.C. have responded.

5. He helped stimulate the auto industry after the financial crisis. Chrysler and GM have created 250,000 jobs since then.

6. President Obama was one of the key leaders that fought for the Paris Agreement. It created a comprehensive framework to reduce global climate change.

7. He commended and supported the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage saying, "In my second inaugural address, I said that if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. It is gratifying to see that principle enshrined into law by this decision."

8. He passed the Dodd-Frank Act, which holds Wall Street accountable in the event of another financial crisis.

9. Obama repealed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. By reversing the law, LGBT members of the armed forces no longer have to hide who they are.

10. Finally, he jumpstarted the economy during the worst recession since the Great Depression. In the wake of the global recession, Obama signed the Recovery Act, which cut taxes and saved millions of jobs.
All of that that you speak of is socialist shit...
Socialism has been proven a failure every time it’s been tried

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