6 time convicted felon caught buying guns from individual seller at gun show, caught by the feds...

See....this guy was not caught with a universal background check....and he didn't buy his guns from a licensed seller at a gun show.......but he was still caught....and now faces jail time.......we don't need more laws...we need to actually enforce the laws we have...

he should go to prison for 30 years.....or more...not just 8....

Felon gets 8 years for buying guns at gun show

According to court documents, agents surveilling “The Nation’s Gun Show” in Chantilly on April 25, 2015, saw Weiss give a seller a large amount of cash for two pistols and an AR-15. They followed him as he walked to the parking lot with two pistol boxes and the rifle.

Along with his behavior, Weiss bought pistols in Virginia but had Maryland tags on his car leading agents to suspect he had committed a crime. Under federal law, patrons can only buy handguns in the state where they live.

Wow...they used actual police work....and not a universal background check to catch this guy.....who knew....?

With six felony convictions, prosecutors said that Weiss “may not qualify as a career offender, but (he) is a person dedicated to a life of crime” and recommended 10 years in prison.

why didn't he get the 10 years?
One down and ... how many to go?

Ask obama.....he has reduced gun crime prosecutions by about 40% since he has been in office...why is that?
I didn't know Obama was a federal prosecutor. Thought he was president.

He is the chief law enforcement officer in the country and he tells the prosecutors what to focus on...that is why they are not enforcing immigration laws either.....or pot laws.....gun prosecutions at the federal level are down about 40% from when he took office.....why is that?
Hey asshole.......the place where the children were killed....was a gun free zone created by you...specifically targeted by the shooter because it was a gun free zone...created by assholes like you...since he also had attended the Middle School and the High School...but they had armed security, the elementary school...gun free.........

Yeah, so, where's your proof, exactly? Because this sounds like speculation to me.

I could come up wiht a bunch of far more plausible reasons why he picked that school. You know, like he was a fucking monster who wanted to do something truly horrible.

And people like you let him have a gun.
Guy............... Are you saying there is loophole at gun shows? Wow really? Or did you made a mistake posting this?
There is no gun show loophole. If you think there is, you are deluded. Private sales are not required to have background checks performed.
That was a private sale.
Then we should change the law that........... Private seller should require a back ground checks. Or no private seller at gun shows. How is that?
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.

Since you and 2aguy don't compromise.............. Why don't we just sell guns to everyone without any licensing, no id, vending machine, groceries ............
Because that is what you are eluding. Sell more guns so you make more money. Just like Middle East. Hey don't worry about it.
Wrong moron......what is your fixation with the NRA.....obama is the one not prosecuting gun crimes.....his prosecution for gun crimes is down about 40%....why is that genius?

You mean why do you keep throwing out bullshit numbers? I have no idea.

yeah, I have a real problem with an organization that sees 20 dead children being wheeled out in body bags and their response is, "We need more guns!!!"

Hey asshole.......the place where the children were killed....was a gun free zone created by you...specifically targeted by the shooter because it was a gun free zone...created by assholes like you...since he also had attended the Middle School and the High School...but they had armed security, the elementary school...gun free.........

Those deaths are on morons like you.

If a lunatic want to commit a mass shooting or murder........... Does he care if it's a gun free zones or not?
I don't think so.
Does a Gun Nuts like you even care or respect a gun free zones? I don't think so. You can easily hide your gun in your backpack, brief case or under your waste or arm or purse.
Dude be honest.

Yes, actually, they do....I have posted the shooters who selected gun free zones over and over again....they are not looking for a gun fight, they are looking to murder unarmed people who cannot resist...off the top of my head...

--Sandy Hook
--The Colorado theater shooter
--the Santa Barbara shooter
--the muslim jihadi who was going to target a mega church in Minnesotta
--the South Carolina Church shooter...

Then the rest....they don't have to make a choice because you guys have made almost every public space a gun free zone for them...no choice is needed.....

And yes....I respect gun free zones and will not carry in them...it is a class B misdemeanor here in Illinois.....and you can lose your permit to carry if you do.....for me there is an actual cost...for the mass shooter, there is no cost....

Are you saying you represent all gun nuts.................. that they don't bring their to a gun free zones? A mom got shot at Walmart by her own gun. Who will check or even know that you have gun in your backpack or brief case? You are not being honest.
I interviewed an executive once with his gun under his arm pit wearing a suit.
Guy............... Are you saying there is loophole at gun shows? Wow really? Or did you made a mistake posting this?
There is no gun show loophole. If you think there is, you are deluded. Private sales are not required to have background checks performed.
That was a private sale.
Then we should change the law that........... Private seller should require a back ground checks. Or no private seller at gun shows. How is that?
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.
Since you and 2aguy don't compromise....
How do you know?
Has anyone offered a compromise?
What are you willing to give us in exchange for universal background checks?

Well what compromise are you asking? All we are asking is UBC......... but you and Guy are so scared.
There is no gun show loophole. If you think there is, you are deluded. Private sales are not required to have background checks performed.
That was a private sale.
Then we should change the law that........... Private seller should require a back ground checks. Or no private seller at gun shows. How is that?
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.
Since you and 2aguy don't compromise....
How do you know?
Has anyone offered a compromise?
What are you willing to give us in exchange for universal background checks?
Well what compromise are you asking? All we are asking is UBC..
You want UBC.
What are you willing to give us in return?
That can't happen until a majority of voters agree that guns should be banned and confiscated. And if they do, it will be your fault for failing to compromise and give some respect to the safety of unarmed citizens.
As proven earlier... you do not seek compromise as you offer the pro-gun side in return for the restrictions you seek.
You didn't prove anything earlier. You decide it can't be "compromise" unless you get something in addition to what you've already got for gun rights.
Do you not understand the meaning of compromise?
noun: compromise; plural noun: compromises
an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

You want something from me. You offer something in return for what you want from me. That's compromise.
You do not seek compromise because you only seek to take from gun owners with nothing given in return - you believe compromise means you get what YOU want with nothing more than a promise that you will later seek to take more.

That's not compromise, that's acquiescence; given your definition of the tr, there's no reason gun owners should ever compromise with you -- and then you have the audacity to cry about owners not giving you want you want, so you're taking your ball and going home.

Why do you not understand this?
Calling 'compromise' acquiesence doesn't change the fact that you are making up your own definition and making it clear that you have no intention of compromising with anyone. You are keeping all the ridiculous rights you've got and it is a total waste of breath discussing this with you. Again.
Hey asshole.......the place where the children were killed....was a gun free zone created by you...specifically targeted by the shooter because it was a gun free zone...created by assholes like you...since he also had attended the Middle School and the High School...but they had armed security, the elementary school...gun free.........

Yeah, so, where's your proof, exactly? Because this sounds like speculation to me.

I could come up wiht a bunch of far more plausible reasons why he picked that school. You know, like he was a fucking monster who wanted to do something truly horrible.

And people like you let him have a gun.

And here you go...of course you have seen these before and you pretend they don't exist...

FBI: Dearborn Heights ISIS supporter planned to attack Detroit church

In conversation's between Abu-Rayyan and the undercover agent, Abu-Rayyan described his desire to commit a martyrdom operation.

The complaint filed in federal court doesn’t specify which Detroit church he was allegedly planning to attack, only that it was close and could seat 6,000 members.

The complaint quotes Abu-Rayyan saying:

“It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news. Everybody would've heard. Honestly I regret not doing it. If I can't do jihad in the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here."

He had also told the undercover agent that a church would be an easy target because people are not allowed to carry guns there and that it would make the news.


This kid planned on making the school a gun free zone by murdering the police resource officer first......after drawing the local cops to a fire in a field.....

Teen made bombs, stockpiled guns in prep for Minnesota school massacre: police

The unhinged teen told cops, after being busted Tuesday, that he planned to shoot his sister, mom and dad with a .22-caliber rifle before he went to a rural field and set a fire to distract cops.

The 11th-grader then said he planned to go to Waseca Junior and Senior High School where he would toss Molotov cocktails and explode pressure-cooker bombs to try and kill “as many students as he could” in the cafeteria during lunchtime.

About 1,000 students, in 7th through 12th grade, attend the school.

LaDue, according to the notebook of his plan, would kill the school resource officer before continuing to kill other students. He was prepared to be gunned down by a SWAT Team, police said.


Vince Vaughn is right about guns (and was brave to be so honest) | Fox News

Last June, Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in Santa Barbara, Calif., explained his own choice. In his 141-page “Manifesto,” Rodger turned down alternate targets because he worried that someone with a gun would cut short his killing spree.

That same month, Justin Bourque shot to death three people in Canada. His Facebook page made fun of gun bans, with pictures of defenseless victims explaining to killers that they weren’t allowed to have guns.

The diary of the Aurora, Colorado, “Batman” movie theater killer, James Holmes, was finally released this past week. It was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater, but he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their “substantial security.”

Of course, there are numerous other examples such as the Columbine killersopposing the concealed carry law that was then working its way through the state legislature. The bill would have allowed people to carry permitted concealed handguns on school property. The killers timed their attack for the very day that final passage of the law was planned for in the legislature.

If you go to the link for the Colorado theater shooter they have a photo of his journal where he has notes about airports…..he lists one of the items…."Substantial Security"


Sandy hook, did not have police resource officer

Building a safer Sandy Hook | News21: Gun Wars

The high school and middle school, which already had armed resource officers, doubled down on security and restricted all visitors that didn’t have prior permission to enter.

Lupica: Lanza plotted massacre for years

They don’t believe this was just a spreadsheet.

They believe it was a score sheet,” he continued. “This was the work of a video gamer, and that it was his intent to put his own name at the very top of that list.

They believe that he picked an elementary school because he felt it was a point of least resistance, where he could rack up the greatest number of kills. That’s what (the Connecticut police) believe.”

The man paused and said, “They believe that (Lanza) believed that it was the way to pick up the easiest points. It’s why he didn’t want to be killed by law enforcement. In the code of a gamer, even a deranged gamer like this little bastard, if somebody else kills you, they get your points. They believe that’s why he killed himself.


Blame school security?

There were no armed security guards at Sandy Hook Elementary School, nor did any of the staff have a weapons.
There is no gun show loophole. If you think there is, you are deluded. Private sales are not required to have background checks performed.
That was a private sale.
Then we should change the law that........... Private seller should require a back ground checks. Or no private seller at gun shows. How is that?
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.
Since you and 2aguy don't compromise....
How do you know?
Has anyone offered a compromise?
What are you willing to give us in exchange for universal background checks?

Well what compromise are you asking? All we are asking is UBC......... but you and Guy are so scared.

Can you explain why you want Universal Background checks? Can you explain how they would stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

We have already explained that current, Federally mandated Background checks are circumvented by criminals easily.......they either steal their guns or get someone with a clean record to buy the gun for them.....

So how would that change with Universal Background checks?

Also.....almost all mass shooters pass one or more background checks before they murder....what would change with universal background checks? Or they get their guns by stealing them or illegally.....Sandy Hook and Columbine.....

So you say you want UBCs....Why?

We have explained why anti gun leaders want them...they want universal gun registration.....so that 10-20 years from now they can ban and confiscate guns like Germany, Britain and Australia did.....

So...why do you want UBCs?
There is no gun show loophole. If you think there is, you are deluded. Private sales are not required to have background checks performed.
That was a private sale.
Then we should change the law that........... Private seller should require a back ground checks. Or no private seller at gun shows. How is that?
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.
Since you and 2aguy don't compromise....
How do you know?
Has anyone offered a compromise?
What are you willing to give us in exchange for universal background checks?

Well what compromise are you asking? All we are asking is UBC......... but you and Guy are so scared.

No gun registration....ever. National concealed carry Reciprocity.........
That can't happen until a majority of voters agree that guns should be banned and confiscated. And if they do, it will be your fault for failing to compromise and give some respect to the safety of unarmed citizens.
As proven earlier... you do not seek compromise as you offer the pro-gun side in return for the restrictions you seek.
You didn't prove anything earlier. You decide it can't be "compromise" unless you get something in addition to what you've already got for gun rights.
Do you not understand the meaning of compromise?
noun: compromise; plural noun: compromises
an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

You want something from me. You offer something in return for what you want from me. That's compromise.
You do not seek compromise because you only seek to take from gun owners with nothing given in return - you believe compromise means you get what YOU want with nothing more than a promise that you will later seek to take more.

That's not compromise, that's acquiescence; given your definition of the tr, there's no reason gun owners should ever compromise with you -- and then you have the audacity to cry about owners not giving you want you want, so you're taking your ball and going home.

Why do you not understand this?
Calling 'compromise' acquiesence doesn't change the fact that you are making up your own definition...
I've used the dictionary definition of 'compromise' cited earlier, this entire time.
You have not. YOU fail to understand the meaning of compromise as you clearly do not believe it is necessary for your side to give when it asks to take.
That is, you demand acquiescence and throw a tantrum when you don't get it.
Kinda like my 4-yr old nephew.

And so, because of people like you, the pro-gun side will fight tooth fang and claw to hang on to every scrap it has.
Then we should change the law that........... Private seller should require a back ground checks. Or no private seller at gun shows. How is that?
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.
Since you and 2aguy don't compromise....
How do you know?
Has anyone offered a compromise?
What are you willing to give us in exchange for universal background checks?
Well what compromise are you asking? All we are asking is UBC..
You want UBC.
What are you willing to give us in return?

Gave up your M16 and other big guns that can be use to massacre people. You are allowed hand guns.
Then we should change the law that........... Private seller should require a back ground checks. Or no private seller at gun shows. How is that?
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.
Since you and 2aguy don't compromise....
How do you know?
Has anyone offered a compromise?
What are you willing to give us in exchange for universal background checks?

Well what compromise are you asking? All we are asking is UBC......... but you and Guy are so scared.

No gun registration....ever. National concealed carry Reciprocity.........

Exactly. Just flood the streets with more guns. Don't worry about it just like the Middle East. I'm sure you will make more money. Good job dude.
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.
Since you and 2aguy don't compromise....
How do you know?
Has anyone offered a compromise?
What are you willing to give us in exchange for universal background checks?
Well what compromise are you asking? All we are asking is UBC..
You want UBC.
What are you willing to give us in return?

Gave up your M16 and other big guns that can be use to massacre people. You are allowed hand guns.

Who owns M-16s?
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.
Since you and 2aguy don't compromise....
How do you know?
Has anyone offered a compromise?
What are you willing to give us in exchange for universal background checks?
Well what compromise are you asking? All we are asking is UBC..
You want UBC.
What are you willing to give us in return?

Gave up your M16 and other big guns that can be use to massacre people. You are allowed hand guns.

We don't have M16s......

And yet.......we have, according to a recent article I posted.....8 million AR-15s in the United States.....and their use in crime has gone down....not up.........they are used mayber once or twice a year, if that for crime...

In fact.....all rifles are used less often to commit murder than knives, clubs and empty hands...

Yet you are concerned with a rifle type that is technically never used for crime....if you look at the numbers in civilian hands and how often they are used for any kind of crime......

Are you well.....do you see a therapist?
Universal background checks are unenforceable w/o universal registration.
The anti-gun loons know this, which is why they push universal background checks.
No one wonders why they want universal registration.
Since you and 2aguy don't compromise....
How do you know?
Has anyone offered a compromise?
What are you willing to give us in exchange for universal background checks?

Well what compromise are you asking? All we are asking is UBC......... but you and Guy are so scared.

No gun registration....ever. National concealed carry Reciprocity.........

Exactly. Just flood the streets with more guns. Don't worry about it just like the Middle East. I'm sure you will make more money. Good job dude.

Why do you anti gun loons equate normal, law abiding people owning guns......people who never use them to commit crime or murder, as flooding the streets with guns....?

Do you have a problem with comprehending the reality of guns in the U.S.?

More Americans since the 1990s have bought, owned and carried guns.......4.7 million concealed carriers in 2007 up now to 13 million concealed carriers in 2016.....and our gun murder rate has gone down...our gun crime rate has gone down, our violent crime rate has gone down....

So you are wrong in your point.......do you acknowledget that?

We have not flooded the streets with guns...normal people have been carrying them for self defense and our gun crime rate and gun murder rate has gone down, not up......do you admit your point was stupid and uninformed?

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