6 Ways Income Inequality Makes Your Life Worse

Amazing how the hater dupes can ignore incontrovertoble facts and come back with the same brainwashed BS TALKING POINTS AND HATE...

IT'S NOT LEFT WING PROPAGANDA, IT'S FACT,see sig para 3 FOR PUBCRAPPE- there's nothing but that in your tiny brains lol...
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2. THE TOP 10% GET A LARGER SHARE.Share of National Income going to Top 10%:1950 = 35%1960 = 34%1970 = 34%1980 = 34% – Reagan1990 = 40%2000 = 47%2007 = 50% TO MAKE UP FOR THE LOSS.Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95% An increase of 16% since Reagan.

3. WORKERS COMPENSATED FOR THE LOSS OF INCOME BY SPENDING THEIR SAVINGS.The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.1950 = 6.0%1960 = 7.0%1970 = 8.5%1980 = 10.0% – Reagan1982 = 11.2% – Peak1990 = 7.0%2000 = 2.0%2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

4. Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95%A 45% increase after 1980.

5. SO THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICHEST AND THE POOREST HAS GROWN.Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%and the bottom 80%:1980 = 10%2003 = 56%A 5.6 times increase.

6. AND THE AMERICAN DREAM IS GONE.The Probabilityy of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:1945 = 12%1958 = 6%1990 = 3%2000 = 2%A 10% Decrease.Links:1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Researc...s/No7Nov04.pdf1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez | The White House3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/imag...ving_thumb.gif3 = http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb/...&LastYear=20104 = http://www.prudentbear.com/index.php...or-debt-of-gdp4 = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--June 6, 20135/6 =
Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insiderhttp://factleft.com/2011/03/28/the-demise-of-the-american-middle-class-in-numbers/

Reaganism has ruined America- Thank god for flag waving, bible thumping, chickenhawk bs propaganda for the ugly American hater dupes. see sig para 1...

Blah blah blah blah. Do y'all all have the hive mentality?

What's that, Beck's newest bs- read the facts, DINGBAT.
Milton Friedman on Redistribution of Wealth.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRpEV2tmYz4&list=PL658A06660848E2D8]Milton Friedman - Redistribution of Wealth - YouTube[/ame]

Friedman explains that the only effective way to redistribute wealth is to destroy the incentive to have wealth. He also answers the question about taxing inheritance at 100 percent by making the point that wealth creators tend to be motivated by the prospect of leaving wealth to their children. If you impose a 100 percent inheritance tax, you encourage wealth creators to consume all their wealth, which would in turn reduce savings and investments, with negative consequences for economic growth.

This idea of leaving a better world for our children is an appealing one, and it makes me wonder how most people feel about the fact that, without reforms, we are likely to leave our children a world of debt.

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Headed to the Good Ol days

How Inequality Hurts the Economy - Businessweek

During the 1920s and the most recent decade the rich enjoyed large income gains, while politicians encouraged the poor and middle class to use credit to make up for flat-lining wage income, according to Rajan’s 2010 book, Fault Lines. Household debt nearly doubled in both periods, setting the stage for the Great Depression and the latest financial crisis, says a December 2010 paper by economists Michael Kumhof and Romain Rancière of the IMF. That increasing debt burden exposed the economy to widespread defaults when the financial shocks of 1929 and 2008 hit. “If nothing is done about income inequality, there may be recurring crises,” says Kumhof. “Leverage has not significantly improved. In terms of the danger of another crisis, we’re right back where we started.”
Notice how the far left continues to push the far left authors and the far left propaganda as fact.

Then again Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, etc. saw their net worth go up 10 fold and the far left just ignores them.
Notice how the far left continues to push the far left authors and the far left propaganda as fact.

Then again Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, etc. saw their net worth go up 10 fold and the far left just ignores them.

Especially when you never present an alternative argument. Thats kind of what happens when no one refutes a lie...it takes off.

So save everyone the trouble and show us all how wrong it is.
Income equality cannot be achieved until everybody has absolutely nothing.

Just another slice of reality the left prefers to not understand. But that's because "everybody" would include them.
The only state where everyone is equal is death. Which pretty much tells you just about everything you need to know about progressive wealth redistributionists.
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more leftard brainwashing of class warfare?

preparing for the new concentration camps?

Actually one of the real long term threats of never ending growth in income inequality is fanaticism. It is only a matter of time. Although in this nation I think it will be the right that finally breaks.
Income equality cannot be achieved until everybody has absolutely nothing.

Just another slice of reality the left prefers to not understand. But that's because "everybody" would include them.
The only state where everyone is equal is death. Which pretty much tells you just about everything you need to know about progressive wealth redistributionists.

Does it bother you to argue against straw men? Or do you really think you made a good argument there?

I am not sure which option is worse. Either way you should probably go back to school or something.
more leftard brainwashing of class warfare?

preparing for the new concentration camps?

Actually one of the real long term threats of never ending growth in income inequality is fanaticism. It is only a matter of time. Although in this nation I think it will be the right that finally breaks.

which the left demonstrates over and over again.

there is nothing wrong with income inequality.
That is what got us all from caves and send to the Moon.

and there is EVERYTHING wrong in it's equality - because it can be achieved ( more or less) only in a concentrated camp.
Income equality cannot be achieved until everybody has absolutely nothing.

Just another slice of reality the left prefers to not understand. But that's because "everybody" would include them.
The only state where everyone is equal is death. Which pretty much tells you just about everything you need to know about progressive wealth redistributionists.

unfortunately our brainwashed parrots do not know history or political economy - therefore your concise summary of the goals of their puppeteers will not be understood by the leftards.
more leftard brainwashing of class warfare?

preparing for the new concentration camps?

Actually one of the real long term threats of never ending growth in income inequality is fanaticism. It is only a matter of time. Although in this nation I think it will be the right that finally breaks.

which the left demonstrates over and over again.

there is nothing wrong with income inequality.
That is what got us all from caves and send to the Moon.

and there is EVERYTHING wrong in it's equality - because it can be achieved ( more or less) only in a concentrated camp.

Yeah if you like the Great Depression. It was great...hence the name

During the 1920s and the most recent decade the rich enjoyed large income gains, while politicians encouraged the poor and middle class to use credit to make up for flat-lining wage income, according to Rajan’s 2010 book, Fault Lines. Household debt nearly doubled in both periods, setting the stage for the Great Depression and the latest financial crisis, says a December 2010 paper by economists Michael Kumhof and Romain Rancière of the IMF. That increasing debt burden exposed the economy to widespread defaults when the financial shocks of 1929 and 2008 hit. “If nothing is done about income inequality, there may be recurring crises,” says Kumhof. “Leverage has not significantly improved. In terms of the danger of another crisis, we’re right back where we started.”

How Inequality Hurts the Economy - Businessweek

I actually remember my grand dad telling us tales about how awesome it was....not
Income equality cannot be achieved until everybody has absolutely nothing.

Just another slice of reality the left prefers to not understand. But that's because "everybody" would include them.
The only state where everyone is equal is death. Which pretty much tells you just about everything you need to know about progressive wealth redistributionists.

unfortunately our brainwashed parrots do not know history or political economy - therefore your concise summary of the goals of their puppeteers will not be understood by the leftards.

I understand it... its called a Strawman Fallacy
Income equality cannot be achieved until everybody has absolutely nothing.

Just another slice of reality the left prefers to not understand. But that's because "everybody" would include them.
The only state where everyone is equal is death. Which pretty much tells you just about everything you need to know about progressive wealth redistributionists.

Does it bother you to argue against straw men? Or do you really think you made a good argument there?

I am not sure which option is worse. Either way you should probably go back to school or something.
It's no straw man at all. Life itself is unequal.

The mountains are unequal to the seas. This is really handy in getting water from Colorado to irrigate the cropland of the plains.

And do the people in Kansas bitch and moan that Colorado is "more equal" because they have cool ski resorts that they don't? Nope, they just make the best of their lives ans go visit them from time to time, or move there if the really like the lifestyle.

Or is such a metaphor beneath such a lofty learned scholar such as yourself?
more leftard brainwashing of class warfare?

preparing for the new concentration camps?

Actually one of the real long term threats of never ending growth in income inequality is fanaticism. It is only a matter of time. Although in this nation I think it will be the right that finally breaks.

which the left demonstrates over and over again.

there is nothing wrong with income inequality.
That is what got us all from caves and send to the Moon.

and there is EVERYTHING wrong in it's equality - because it can be achieved ( more or less) only in a concentrated camp.

The issue is growing income inequality and the degree of inequality.

There is income inequality when one person makes $10 and another makes $20. There is also income inequality when one person makes $1 and another makes $29.

Thus ends your lesson for today. Confuse the two again and it will be clear to me that you are incapable of learning.
The only state where everyone is equal is death. Which pretty much tells you just about everything you need to know about progressive wealth redistributionists.

Does it bother you to argue against straw men? Or do you really think you made a good argument there?

I am not sure which option is worse. Either way you should probably go back to school or something.
It's no straw man at all. Life itself is unequal.

The mountains are unequal to the seas. This is really handy in getting water from Colorado to irrigate the cropland of the plains.

And do the people in Kansas bitch and moan that Colorado is "more equal" because they have cool ski resorts that they don't? Nope, they just make the best of their lives ans go visit them from time to time, or move there if the really like the lifestyle.

Or is such a metaphor beneath such a lofty learned scholar such as yourself?

So you deny the straw man only to repeat it. Congratulations I guess.

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