6 Ways Income Inequality Makes Your Life Worse

Yea, just because we know that the great disparity in income has become a very big problem d.

no, you do not KNOW that.

You are being brainwashed by this strawman fallacy and you BELIEVE that.

That is a big difference.
Yea, just because we know that the great disparity in income has become a very big problem does not mean anyone wants income equality where everyone earns an equal wage. To even think that shows how little you understand the issue.

Income inequality is a term created by Leftists in the last 5 years; during which time the wealth disparity of the top 1% and the bottom 50% has widened more than any time in American history.

Looks like the answer is to get rid of fuckwad Obama.

I am not sure where this idea came about that it is a good thing for so few to control so much of the wealth, but here is the kicker. It's not so much about how much these people have or how much they have made but about how little the middle class has grown. In fact, while the wealthy have seen their fortunes soar over the past 40 years, the middle class has been stagnant. With all of the money floating to the top, the middle class is shrinking, and all we get from conservatives is that we need to cut wages to make things better. It really boggles the mind.

Yet the "rich" you democrats target are always wage earners in the $250K range,

Funny dat..
They really won't say if it's good or bad. They just take the same stance as with any other topic (global warming, racism, sexism, income inequality, rising healthcare costs, America being a bunch of fat asses) and the response to everyone is "I'm not saying it's good or bad. I'm just saying it's not a problem"

They don't even know why it's not a problem. They just know it isn't.
Yea, just because we know that the great disparity in income has become a very big problem does not mean anyone wants income equality where everyone earns an equal wage. To even think that shows how little you understand the issue.

Income inequality is a term created by Leftists in the last 5 years; during which time the wealth disparity of the top 1% and the bottom 50% has widened more than any time in American history.

Looks like the answer is to get rid of fuckwad Obama.

I am not sure where this idea came about that it is a good thing for so few to control so much of the wealth, but here is the kicker. It's not so much about how much these people have or how much they have made but about how little the middle class has grown. In fact, while the wealthy have seen their fortunes soar over the past 40 years, the middle class has been stagnant. With all of the money floating to the top, the middle class is shrinking, and all we get from conservatives is that we need to cut wages to make things better. It really boggles the mind.

Yet the "rich" you democrats target are always wage earners in the $250K range,

Funny dat..

Those are the main goals of the dimocraps - to enrich the 1% first and foremost ( since the ruling dimocraps ARE the 1%) and expand the government dependency class to eventually wipe off the self-sufficient middle class - the core enemy of the leftard ideas...

and even the high school student knows that the main tax target is ALWAYS the middle class - as they are the cow to milk.
The issue is growing income inequality and the degree of inequality.

There is income inequality when one person makes $10 and another makes $20. There is also income inequality when one person makes $1 and another makes $29.

Thus ends your lesson for today. Confuse the two again and it will be clear to me that you are incapable of learning.

No, there is not. The ten dollar guy could be washing cars while the company paying the 20 dollar guy may require someone with more technical knowledge.........or there may be more demand for washed cars and that dude may be making more than the dude selling his art for 10 bucks an hour. It's market driven based on demand and supply.


Take a deep breath. Its not that difficult to understand.
Actually one of the real long term threats of never ending growth in income inequality is fanaticism. It is only a matter of time. Although in this nation I think it will be the right that finally breaks.

which the left demonstrates over and over again.

there is nothing wrong with income inequality.
That is what got us all from caves and send to the Moon.

and there is EVERYTHING wrong in it's equality - because it can be achieved ( more or less) only in a concentrated camp.

The issue is growing income inequality and the degree of inequality.

There is income inequality when one person makes $10 and another makes $20. There is also income inequality when one person makes $1 and another makes $29.

Thus ends your lesson for today. Confuse the two again and it will be clear to me that you are incapable of learning.
Is it really up to Government to set the value/price of work or the businessman whom owns the company? And WHY is government involved at all?
Those are the main goals of the dimocraps - to enrich the 1% first and foremost ( since the ruling dimocraps ARE the 1%) and expand the government dependency class to eventually wipe off the self-sufficient middle class - the core enemy of the leftard ideas...

and even the high school student knows that the main tax target is ALWAYS the middle class - as they are the cow to milk.

Very true.

The left is at war to destroy the middle class, and has been since the time of Marx.

You've heard the left attack the "bourgeoisie," and some might think this means the rich; but it doesn't and never has. The bourgeoisie that democrats and (other) Marxists seek to destroy are the Merchant class, AKA the middle class.

Obama rails against "the rich" and then pumps hundreds of billions of dollars into the DOW - which is direct transfer payments to the most wealthy Americans. At the same time he attacks small business owners with ever mounting taxes and regulations.

This isn't an accident or malfeasance, this a direct and concerted attack on the middle, the bourgeoisie. democrats seek to destroy the middle, the top is reserved for the rulers of the party and must be preserved. But the middle is to be destroyed and the masses kept in poverty and dependance. We'll give you perpetual unemployment, but not jobs...
They really won't say if it's good or bad. They just take the same stance as with any other topic (global warming, racism, sexism, income inequality, rising healthcare costs, America being a bunch of fat asses) and the response to everyone is "I'm not saying it's good or bad. I'm just saying it's not a problem"

They don't even know why it's not a problem. They just know it isn't.

no, that is because "they" unlike you and other leftists are not brainwashed parrots and are able to look at least a step ahead and ask a question - cui bono.

If you take even a little step aside form your mainstream brainwashing and start asking that simple question and compare the possible answers - you will find out that creating "problems" in order to benefit financially from their solving is pretty lucrative type of business
Those are the main goals of the dimocraps - to enrich the 1% first and foremost ( since the ruling dimocraps ARE the 1%) and expand the government dependency class to eventually wipe off the self-sufficient middle class - the core enemy of the leftard ideas...

and even the high school student knows that the main tax target is ALWAYS the middle class - as they are the cow to milk.

Very true.

The left is at war to destroy the middle class, and has been since the time of Marx.

You've heard the left attack the "bourgeoisie," and some might think this means the rich; but it doesn't and never has. The bourgeoisie that democrats and (other) Marxists seek to destroy are the Merchant class, AKA the middle class.

Obama rails against "the rich" and then pumps hundreds of billions of dollars into the DOW - which is direct transfer payments to the most wealthy Americans. At the same time he attacks small business owners with ever mounting taxes and regulations.

This isn't an accident or malfeasance, this a direct and concerted attack on the middle, the bourgeoisie. democrats seek to destroy the middle, the top is reserved for the rulers of the party and must be preserved. But the middle is to be destroyed and the masses kept in poverty and dependance. We'll give you perpetual unemployment, but not jobs...
Interesting...but yet the left always states they're for the "Middle Class"...

Last time I checked? WE weren't a 'Cast system'...nor were we designed that way by the Founders.
The rich guy made me spend myself into bankruptcy, REALLY? Is that really your story and ya gonna stick to it? ROFLMFAO :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Interesting...but yet the left always states they're for the "Middle Class"...

Last time I checked? WE weren't a 'Cast system'...nor were we designed that way by the Founders.

Indeed not, yet the rhetoric of Obama is aimed at class warfare.

100%. The Progressives play it well and have for over 100 years.
The rich guy made me spend myself into bankruptcy, REALLY? Is that really your story and ya gonna stick to it? ROFLMFAO :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Astounding, isn't it. FIRST rule these leftists have to understand is that it isn't Government's money...the Government produces ZERO...they only take.

WHY are they killing that which pays for Government's existence?

Their golden goose is producing shit, and they still choke it wanting more.
Those are the main goals of the dimocraps - to enrich the 1% first and foremost ( since the ruling dimocraps ARE the 1%) and expand the government dependency class to eventually wipe off the self-sufficient middle class - the core enemy of the leftard ideas...

and even the high school student knows that the main tax target is ALWAYS the middle class - as they are the cow to milk.

Very true.

The left is at war to destroy the middle class, and has been since the time of Marx.

You've heard the left attack the "bourgeoisie," and some might think this means the rich; but it doesn't and never has. The bourgeoisie that democrats and (other) Marxists seek to destroy are the Merchant class, AKA the middle class.

yep. That is the ultimate truth.

I always recommend my leftist counterpart - READ THE BASICS - at least the Chapter II of the Manifesto by Marx.
There are other works which one needs to read but even that one part - if read originally - explains why Obama and current leftard loons from the dimocrap party are the direct descendants of the pure marxists of the day - and that is NOT the Glenn Beck's invention :D

Obama rails against "the rich" and then pumps hundreds of billions of dollars into the DOW - which is direct transfer payments to the most wealthy Americans. At the same time he attacks small business owners with ever mounting taxes and regulations.

This isn't an accident or malfeasance, this a direct and concerted attack on the middle, the bourgeoisie. democrats seek to destroy the middle, the top is reserved for the rulers of the party and must be preserved. But the middle is to be destroyed and the masses kept in poverty and dependance. We'll give you perpetual unemployment, but not jobs...

yes, this is an evolutionary way to socialism - it is all described by Marx, including increasing the progressive taxation - nothing new under the sun. and the government mama take over individual life as well...
Income equality cannot be achieved until everybody has absolutely nothing.

Just another slice of reality the left prefers to not understand. But that's because "everybody" would include them.

You presented two alternative states as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist.
Also known as the false dilemma, this insidious tactic has the appearance of forming a logical argument, but under closer scrutiny it becomes evident that there are more possibilities than the either/or choice that is presented. Binary, black-or-white thinking doesn't allow for the many different variables, conditions, and contexts in which there would exist more than just the two possibilities put forth. It frames the argument misleadingly and obscures rational, honest debate.

Please tell me how you have everyone equal if some people work and some dont?

Not to worry, the Democrats have that already figured out. They will take from the rich and give it to the poor. However, since there will be a likelihood that they will want the rich to suffer, they may take all of the rich's money and give it to the poor.

It's called "get-even-with-em-ism".
Do the rich get these services for free which the "people in poverty get for free.."

People in poverty in the USA get:
a) Free Cell phone (my cell phone I PAY is about $100/month)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:
* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 40 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients. Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large

c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...

So these people get
=== $ 5,666 in EIC cash,
=== $12,000 free housing ,
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.
So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

Do any rich people get any of these services for free? If they do they are breaking the law!

Don't forgot Earned Income Credit which could amount upwards of 1000s of dollars.
Ok so stress does have an effect on the body then? Or no? Or will you choose both?

Of course stress has an effect on the body. But I don't live in your fantasy world where poor people stress but rich people dont.

So stress can make you sick like I said. Why do you always do this? Ask a question like you dont understand. Agree with my response then disagree with the straw man you just made. Who (other than you) said that one side stresses and the other doesnt?

Why do you always avoid answering questions and use fallacies to make irrational points?
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They havent touched ONE link. They saw the red cape and like an attack dog they went in.

Avatar was even applauded for knocking out his own strawman.

Now thats something...

Except I havent made a straw man. I've attacked your ridiculous argument that somehow making the rich poor is going to make people healthier. As well as your ridiculous argument that somehow the poor get sick and are stressed while the rich are not.

Illness and bacteria don't pay attention to the amount of money in your bank account. Nor does life cause accidents for the poor while avoiding the homes of the rich.
A strawman fallacy doesnt involve politics or economies. Are you listening?

It can when you are having a discussion on politics or economics. I would think that was obvious.

You are welcome to challenge any point I made. When you refuse you are in essence waving your white flag.

I have multiple times. You still haven't adressed one of my points, but continue to engage in red herrings to distract from your failure to respond to my points.
Don't forgot Earned Income Credit which could amount upwards of 1000s of dollars.

I am not sure 100% but one has to actually work to get it - however, one can declare the amount in such an amount that one won't have to pay eve a cent of payroll taxes.

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