60 - 70% Of ACA Exchange Site Is Still Under Construction


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WzE3naHcq4]Rep. Cory Gardner Questions Security of Obamacare Website - YouTube[/ame]

During Congressional testimony yesterday one of the builders, Henry Chao speaking for Heathcare.gov said that it is still 60 -70% under construction. He said one of the processes that hasn't been built yet is the payment process. That means not only can they not process payments from the consumer but make payouts to health care providers.

So essentially, even if you went through the whole process you still don't have health coverage if you signed up for Obamacare.

The information-technology systems of Obamacare are still anywhere from 30 to 70 percent unfinished, an administration official testified today.

Admittedly, the answer from Henry Chao, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services deputy chief information officer, in a House hearing today isn’t really clear. At one point he seems to indicate 30 to 40 percent of the information-technology system supporting the Obamacare exchanges is unfinished; at another point it sounds more like he’s saying 60 to 70 percent. But the news is stunning either way: HealthCare.gov was launched with some massive parts unfinished, and they are still unfinished.

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius promised that the website would be fixed and completely working by November 30th.


Administration Official: Obamacare Payment Systems Still Need to Be Built | National Review Online

Mr. President, Tear Down This Website
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I wonder if anyone has grasped the significance of this.

When they rolled it out it wasn't set up to be fully functional. It was meant simply to collect everyone's information. That's it.
mudwhistle, why does this not surprise me in any way? Why has this become the expected, rather than the exception? Sad state of affairs our country is in. Sad state for those actually signing up and have no coverage at this point.
The regime believes that bank ATMs are killing the Obama economy so clearly this is an effort to stimulate the economy
I find it impossible to believe that this whole website debacle wasn't done intentionally. I can not fathom that any company is this inept, especially one that supposedly does this for a living.
I find it impossible to believe that this whole website debacle wasn't done intentionally. I can not fathom that any company is this inept, especially one that supposedly does this for a living.

well, they did the same in Canada...
It's called ~who cares how crappy your work is if you know the right people~, you can still profit millions...

At least, I heard, Canada withheld payment. Not here, though. This administration did all they could to help these poor inept idiots survive and survive well...
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I wonder how many of those millions will suddenly appear in the Dems political and personal coffers soon?
In states [mostly blue] who went along with the ACA, things are going smoothly. The red states who didn't, think they're defeating the ACA, but they are just delaying it. If it's so bad why don't they just let it self destruct.
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I wonder if anyone has grasped the significance of this.

When they rolled it out it wasn't set up to be fully functional. It was meant simply to collect everyone's information. That's it.

If that was the case, don't you think they should have had a better story waiting when people couldn't finish enrolling? They ended up with egg on their faces. Obama wouldn't want to come out looking the fool as he did.
I wonder if anyone has grasped the significance of this.

When they rolled it out it wasn't set up to be fully functional. It was meant simply to collect everyone's information. That's it.

If that was the case, don't you think they should have had a better story waiting when people couldn't finish enrolling? They ended up with egg on their faces. Obama wouldn't want to come out looking the fool as he did.

Major Mud listens to too much Rush. :lol:

A Rush Theorem. Drug addled logic formulas
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60 - 70% Of ACA Exchange Site Is Still Under Construction

So what?

Sebelius promised it would be done in 9 days. Why did she do that? It won't be done. That woman should be replaced.

She is ultimately responsible for:

Selecting the company for the work on the website, CGI
It was a no bid contract, not American
The contracted navigators were not screened or vetted for security
Not communicating with the administration the status of the work, ultimately being responsible for launching a website that was not completed

The woman needs to be fired
60 - 70% Of ACA Exchange Site Is Still Under Construction

So what?

Sebelius promised it would be done in 9 days. Why did she do that? It won't be done. That woman should be replaced.

She is ultimately responsible for:

Selecting the company for the work on the website, CGI
It was a no bid contract, not American
The contracted navigators were not screened or vetted for security
Not communicating with the administration the status of the work, ultimately being responsible for launching a website that was not completed

The woman needs to be fired
Broken promises are not lies unless the promise was made with false pretenses. Your rant is not supportive of that scenario so, no lies.

Broken promises are a part of grown up life. A political appointee promised something they actually have no control over and you buy into it? Get a lobotomy.

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