60 year old NYC cabbie viciously beaten by 5 sociopaths (including women!) in midtown Manhattan in broad daylight

Jesus Christ are we degenerating as a country.

I don't think it's just the prevalence of social media, these type of incidents do really seem to be becoming more ubquituous.

Particularly in Democrat run cities.

It just can't go on like this.

Can it?

Democrats don't see a problem in that type of violent behavior.
One big problem is simply that not enough attackers end up too dead to try again.
I wouldn't argue with that!

And I've repeatedly said that vigilante justice and increased police brutality are both attempting to deal with the problem!

Can we just forget about 2aguy's and 14Shooter's signs?
I knew the race of the shithead cowardly thugs before even clicking on the video.

This is what happens in a Democrat controlled Commie city where it is almost impossible to get government permission to enjoy the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

If that happen here in Free Florida the cabbie would have taken out his Glock and shot the assholes. Later the Sheriff would be at a news conference commenting on the good self defense shoot and we would have a gaggle of dead Negro assholes.
Democrats don't see a problem in that type of violent behavior.

Agree. Just watch the first few minutes of new Netscape #1 movie "they cloned Tyrone". Every word is ni**er. Drug dealing, cadillacs. Guy runs over dealer with a 6 yr old in his car (who just keeps drinking his juice bag), then asks something about "that boy". Driver gets out takes all his stuff, gun too? Blacks rush to see this and live like this.

40s, beggars....inner city markets.

Democrats,Hollywood, Welfare, five kids five fathers by age 20. Kids run streets. There is your problem. They commit Crime, get locked up. Superbadbr IM2 never shut up screaming racist. Blacks are the racist 24-7 looking to take what whitey has or kill them if they cross paths.
Jesus Christ are we degenerating as a country.

I don't think it's just the prevalence of social media, these type of incidents do really seem to be becoming more ubquituous.

Particularly in Democrat run cities.

It just can't go on like this.

Can it?

You go from WOW to winner for using the word.
No idea meaning at this time? Singularity? lol! Must be the medication.
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Of course it's not a problem of too many guns in Canada, as it's not the problem in America. It's not the problem in any of those countries listed as examples either.

It's in the mindset of the country's people.

A new thread on Canada re. gun violence, guns, gun murder rates, whatever you choose, would be appropriate.

I won't deny there's a problem but I will deny that there's a problem to the scale that America has a problem!

I see no indication that any signs are going to fix the problem in either country.
Stop trying to make it like it is everyones problem, when it clearly is a certain type of people who are doing the crime.
I think you're onto a factual truth for the reason the left romances the blacks in America. I've always said that the left is every bit as racist as the right, but need to pose otherwise for political reasons.
So wanting to see black people work for their money is RACIST?
Jesus Christ are we degenerating as a country.

I don't think it's just the prevalence of social media, these type of incidents do really seem to be becoming more ubquituous.

Particularly in Democrat run cities.

It just can't go on like this.

Can it?

Most be those 130 pound rogue Jewish teenagers. GEEZ.. who else can it be.

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