60 year old NYC cabbie viciously beaten by 5 sociopaths (including women!) in midtown Manhattan in broad daylight

Jesus Christ are we degenerating as a country.

I don't think it's just the prevalence of social media, these type of incidents do really seem to be becoming more ubquituous.

Particularly in Democrat run cities.

It just can't go on like this.

Can it?

Now how did I know....
Signs painted on police cars? Signs in every classroom?

How about virtual signs in everybody's heads?

So far nobody GAF Mike.
My buddy used to care, then when he saw how the Marxists/Demofascists use the blacks for votes, then tossed them aside when they arent needed he moved to the Right side and is waking up more of the blacks in the neighborhoods not the inner cities. Even he sees how hopeless the cause is, in trying to bring civility in a Democrat run city.

Jesus Christ are we degenerating as a country.

I don't think it's just the prevalence of social media, these type of incidents do really seem to be becoming more ubquituous.

Particularly in Democrat run cities.

It just can't go on like this.

Can it?

It will go on as long as black people remain a lib pet minority
You can try to deny the facts, but i wont let you.

Of course it's not a problem of too many guns in Canada, as it's not the problem in America. It's not the problem in any of those countries listed as examples either.

It's in the mindset of the country's people.

A new thread on Canada re. gun violence, guns, gun murder rates, whatever you choose, would be appropriate.

I won't deny there's a problem but I will deny that there's a problem to the scale that America has a problem!

I see no indication that any signs are going to fix the problem in either country.
Jesus Christ are we degenerating as a country.

I don't think it's just the prevalence of social media, these type of incidents do really seem to be becoming more ubquituous.

Particularly in Democrat run cities.

It just can't go on like this.

Can it?

Well if he was wearing a MAGA cap he deserved it and more.
Wouldn't all that be an unnecessary sacrificing of freedom in exchange for losing control of the gun violence?

As the mass shootings in America passes 400 for the year, neither side is taking any action to correct the problem!
You need a prefrontal.
Well wouldn't it? Do you'all want to live your lives with one eye on a handgun that has become necessary to survive?

The pro-gun side of the issue is promoting that themselves!

Maybe it's time to start putting up their signs? What could go wrong with that, other than more bullets will be flying both ways?
You need to lay off the LSD.
We've already established that the guns aren't to blame. In simple terms, it's the people who need to kill using their gun that are to blame.

Try putting up signs! Try strongly supporting the police's right to kill black people. Try vigilante justice in small towns!
Have your doctor adjust your medication.
There's a problem and statistically it's mostly with blacks in America.

Now it's time to start asking and understanding why.
The reasons are no secret, but nobody dares say anything.

One big problem is simply that not enough attackers end up too dead to try again.
My buddy used to care, then when he saw how the Marxists/Demofascists use the blacks for votes, then tossed them aside when they arent needed he moved to the Right side and is waking up more of the blacks in the neighborhoods not the inner cities. Even he sees how hopeless the cause is, in trying to bring civility in a Democrat run city.

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I think you're onto a factual truth for the reason the left romances the blacks in America. I've always said that the left is every bit as racist as the right, but need to pose otherwise for political reasons.

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