62% Think Trump Committed a Crime

But Trump totally owned them with his mugshot, though, so it's perfectly okay. Oh, and somehow Republicans are now going to win the black vote.

Anyone feel free to explain the path to 270 with this public sentiment.

They sampled 1000 voters based upon their race.


That's not scientific; that's racist.
But Trump totally owned them with his mugshot, though, so it's perfectly okay. Oh, and somehow Republicans are now going to win the black vote.

Anyone feel free to explain the path to 270 with this public sentiment.


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it is the classic tactic of democrats, commit the crimes, blame the republicans

Apparently all the intelligent people are Democrats because it’s genius to commit the crime of submitting fake GOP electors documents to Congress and then get the stupid Republicans to sign them and then tell the jury that Trump told them to do it.

Nikki Haley: on FOX…yech! About abortion.
I think that we have to humanize this issue. We’ve got to stop demonizing this issue.

Nikki might be the only one on the stage the other night who knows no matter who the
“ saving baby fetus” Party puts up in ‘24. Abortion rights is going to clobber them with women.

If She hopes to humanize Maga angry white not religious males - good luck with that.

GenZ Will be fired up over Climate Change and being gunned down at whatever Nazi mass shooting happens right before the election

If Jack Smiths DC trial starts in Spring it will be over in Summer and Trump will be fired.

You know it because the Deep State already has hand picked the Jury. He’s already convicted.

Trump needs ‘from prison’ to seriously back any best shot who could Pardon him.

Because white Evangelicals will slowly be learning they lost their way striking the deal with Trump and now must repent of their sins, they will go for the boring decent Evangelical who saved the American self governing experiment from the great Satan DJT.

They’ll say Trump who? They have no reason to stay loyal to the Pussy Grabber after the Deep State lock’s him Up.
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OP, there are many words to describe those posts...

Apparently all the intelligent people are Democrats because it’s genius to commit the crime of submitting fake GOP electors documents to Congress and then get the stupid Republicans to sign them and then tell the jury that Trump told them to do it.
our electoral process allows for alternate electors

sadly, democrats are tyrants, we all see this
Most people knows Trump's will be convicted. What's going to trigger you is when it's appealed to the supreme court and over turned
First, if convicted, he goes to jail.. He will be going in jail when he appeals are going on...

Second, Can you tell us where in the constitution these convictions could be challanged...

Third, The Supreme Court is not very likely to overturn convictions because they see Trump... This would effectively make no consquences for his criminal activity... If he or his ilk ever came to power they would get rid of the supreme court..
First, if convicted, he goes to jail.. He will be going in jail when he appeals are going on...

Second, Can you tell us where in the constitution these convictions could be challanged...

Third, The Supreme Court is not very likely to overturn convictions because they see Trump... This would effectively make no consquences for his criminal activity... If he or his ilk ever came to power they would get rid of the supreme court..
You never heard of the appeals process?
But Trump totally owned them with his mugshot, though, so it's perfectly okay. Oh, and somehow Republicans are now going to win the black vote.

Anyone feel free to explain the path to 270 with this public sentiment.

All smoke and mirrors with no substance of proof to any charges......unlike the daily evidence presented against Joey Capone and bagman Hunter.
So the path to 270 is provided by you and your other "independent" conclusion jumpers just making the Trump base stronger and stronger.
But Trump totally owned them with his mugshot, though, so it's perfectly okay. Oh, and somehow Republicans are now going to win the black vote.

Anyone feel free to explain the path to 270 with this public sentiment.

Most folks know these indictments are political and not criminal.
The only non-politician in modern times to become president. The first President that was filthy rich before being elected. That is notable, Trump is filthy rich, has his own plane and supermodel wife, yet we are to believe that Trump wanted to take over the government and be a dictator?

Nothing makes sense that our politicians are doing to Trump, unless it is all to keep the traditional crooks in power, the crooks that do need the government to be rich, the crooks that must keep Trump from investigating them and taking away the Goose that lays the golden eggs.
But Trump totally owned them with his mugshot, though, so it's perfectly okay. Oh, and somehow Republicans are now going to win the black vote.

Anyone feel free to explain the path to 270 with this public sentiment.

If even members of his own republican party see Trump as doing wrong such as Chris Christie and Mitt Romney then I definitely agree with the 62%. I applaud Chris Christie and Mitt Romney speaking the truth even if it goes against their republican party. Even more reasons why we are better off keeping Biden in office another 4 years rather than risking another Trump presidency.
If even members of his own republican party see Trump as doing wrong such as Chris Christie and Mitt Romney then I definitely agree with the 62%. I applaud Chris Christie and Mitt Romney speaking the truth even if it goes against their republican party. Even more reasons why we are better off keeping Biden in office another 4 years rather than risking another Trump presidency.
Those two RINOs are just as interested in keeping Trump at bay as you and your Dimtard ilk.
You brownshirts sure are blind to individual thinking.
There is no proof against Trump at all just comjecture and political persecution.
Members of his own republican party what a hoot....
our electoral process allows for alternate electors

sadly, democrats are tyrants, we all see this

did you see the fakers in Michigan trying to get into the State House on the day the real electors were casting their votes for Biden,

There were two or three Michigan State Police who stopped them at the entrance and one kind officer 👮‍♀️ told them silly fools the real electors were inside and nobody else is getting in.

So the FAKE electors musta went to the nearest Jesus owned Chik-Filet to conduct their business, where they swore before God and on their mamas graves they were conducting official business of the State of Michigan selecting Trump as winner.

They ignorantly signed their names to a piece of paper that they signed this official historic document inside the Michigan State Capitol as is required by law.

Maybe they just got mixed up on the paperwork who the fuck knows? The other alternate electors document has Chick-fil-A written on it and then those might be legal but Rudy had Grecian Formula in his eyes and copied the wrong ones.

Nevertheless, the evidence is in that Trump was hands on in the fake electors scheme, and there ain’t no such thing as an alternate slate of electors performed officially by any body of government subsequent to the 2020 presidential election.

Trumps future residency is going to be in a Georgia state prison where not even the Hindu MAGA or the supreme court is going to get him out of the shit he is in.
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did you see the fakers in Michigan trying to get into the State House on the day the real electors were casting their votes for Biden,

There were two or three Michigan State Police who stopped them at the entrance and one kind officer 👮‍♀️ told them silly fools the real electors were inside and nobody else is getting in.

So the FAKE electors musta went to the nearest Jesus owned Chik-Filet to conduct their business, where they swore before God and on their mamas graves they were conducting official business of the State of Michigan selecting Trump as winner.

They ignorantly signed their names to a piece of paper that they signed this official historic document inside the Michigan State Capitol as is required by law.

Maybe they just got mixed up on the paperwork who the fuck knows? The other alternate electors document has Chick-fil-A written on it and then those might be legal

Nevertheless, the evidence is in that Trump was hands on in the fake electors scheme, and there ain’t no such thing as an alternate slate of electors performed officially by any body of government subsequent subsequent to the 2020 presidential election.

Trumps future residency is going to be in a Georgia state prison where not even the Hindu MAGA or the supreme court is going to get him out of the shit he is in.
no such thing as fake electors, but the democrats where no crime exists, must make things up, we all understand that.

Trump in jail, maybe on the very last day before the civil war where people like you get crushed.
no such thing as fake electors,
So why did the fake electors in Michigan sign a piece of paper that they were doing it inside the Michigan state capital when they weren’t. Then they sent the documents to the national archives with that lie.

You need to address that instead of having your nose up the orange man’s butt crack and sending him your beer money every time he gets arrested.
So why did the fake electors in Michigan sign a piece of paper that they were doing it inside the Michigan state capital when they weren’t. Then they sent the documents to the national archives with that lie.

You need to address that instead of having your nose at the orange man’s butt crack.
there is no such thing as fake electors,

the only crime is the persecution of Trump by the Democrats and the Republicans

your life is getting worst without Trump, not better,
No one THINKS that.

If any thinking was involved, such a conclusion can not be reached. Bed wetters and imbeciles may believe the bullshit agitprop, but even a 10 year old with legitimate information would confirm the DNC is engaged in banana Republic politics.

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