71% of Polled Doctors Believe Hillary Health Serious, Potentially Disqualifying

Its been determined that she is braindead.
no wonder she wears a wig. got to hide those craters
If she picked her nose, her head would cave in...
if she picked her nose, it would come off on her finger.
And NYcarbineer would want to eat it.
Huma has a spare nose on her at all times

Are you three posting from your play pens at daycare?
I hope her health doesn't call this slave of Satin home before she has filled up the full measure of her inequities.

But, it should get her out of the race.

She needs to get out of the race and take a less stressful job, one within her range of competency---like Night Court Judge in some sequestered borough in Chicago...where she can takes bribes to let gun-toting drug-selling gangbangers back out on the street for the remainder of her career....and which is about where the coat-tail riding bitch would have been if she hadn't married a pussy loving Southern boy--who happened to be a political genius.

Then, she can go to Hell.

You give her too much credit, Mac. I've stated before that she only qualifies to be the men's room attendant at Union Station in DC, until she becomes a toothless old hag, at which time she can transfer to the Greyhound Bus Station.
I posted a similar thread earlier today with a link and some asshole moderator switched it over to the conspiracy board. Are the moderators on here as bad as the reviews i've read online?
Not at all.
no wonder she wears a wig. got to hide those craters
If she picked her nose, her head would cave in...
if she picked her nose, it would come off on her finger.
And NYcarbineer would want to eat it.
Huma has a spare nose on her at all times

Are you three posting from your play pens at daycare?
Yes and we know you're posting from your sheep ranch.
Seems to me only quacks would respond to such a poll as to the health of anybody without making a physical exam and having lab results.
I posted a similar thread earlier today with a link and some asshole moderator switched it over to the conspiracy board. Are the moderators on here as bad as the reviews i've read online?

The moderators seem to be mostly liberals, but I have never had a complaint about them deleting posts or imposing Political Correctness rules. If this board sucks, its not their fault....it is the fault of these dumb-ass liberals whose entire repertoire of political discussion (on a board set up for political discussion) consists of demeaning the poster, most often Racist or Bigot, or Xenophobe etc.

It is almost impossible to get one to actually engage in political discussion....for the obvious reason that their Libero/Socialist/Progresso Bullshit is entirely Bankrupt.

They have tweaked Marx and declared that they can save America...now 20 trillion in debt...all they need is more money.
7 out of 10 Doctors Polled Say Hillary Health Appears Potentially Disqualifying For Run For President:

Hillary's Health Concerns Serious, Say Most Doctors Polled by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

Hillary's Health Concerns Serious, Say Most Doctors Polled by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 8, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Concerns about Hillary Clinton's health are "serious—could be disqualifying for the position of President of the U.S.," say nearly 71% of 250 physicians responding to an informal internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).
President Caine/Kaine...however its spelled...if she "wins".
Get ready for it. And he might holler for Johnson to be HIS vp. Double whammy.
can anyone just imagine her attempting to be inaugerated? will she need a walker and a teleprompter? maybe an ear piece?
So 250 physicians who have not examined her and have 0.00 knowledge of her medical condition have weighed in.

Your desperation gets more humorous every day loser boy
imagine if Trump had one coughing fit or a lesion on his tongue? Let alone dozens of coughing fits over almost a decade?
So 250 physicians who have not examined her and have 0.00 knowledge of her medical condition have weighed in.

Your desperation gets more humorous every day loser boy
No desperation here - just thought it was an interesting article. Sorry you are so threatened by it you feel you must attack me.
Given the AAPS' background, I must admit I'm a bit surprised that the figure isn't 117%.
So 250 physicians who have not examined her and have 0.00 knowledge of her medical condition have weighed in.

Your desperation gets more humorous every day loser boy
No desperation here - just thought it was an interesting article. Sorry you are so threatened by it you feel you must attack me.

I showed your posts to my assistant. We both think you’re a dumbass. 100% of those polled, think you have shit for brains.
Same validity.
What a foolish stupid statement, but coming from you, why not.
You don't believe in scientists that investigate findings about climate change, yet......., you choose to listen to a so-called "doctor" that has never looked at any of Hillary Clinton's laboratory work ups or examined her in any fashion.
You are a complete bafoon.

No legit doctor would render an opinion on someone they've never had the chance diagnose.
I'll let the 250 highly respected doctors who were polled and who answered know you said so.
Like you swallow all you can from "the donald" and you know what that entails.

Its been determined that she is braindead.
no wonder she wears a wig. got to hide those craters
If she picked her nose, her head would cave in...
if she picked her nose, it would come off on her finger.
And NYcarbineer would want to eat it.
imagine if Trump had one coughing fit or a lesion on his tongue? Let alone dozens of coughing fits over almost a decade?

'coughing fits'?

LOL oh horrors 'dozens of coughing fits' over 10 years?

Right Wing Nuts- now they believe they are doctors too!

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