9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Funny thing, I didn't see the FIRST cable or pulley attached to Bldg. 7, DID YOU??

that's because there wasn't one

Then why use the term? Unless, of course, it is commonly understood to mean 'controlled demolition'...

..as a matter of fact there was no one in wtc7 when it fell ...there were no reports of ant death or injuries associated with it either.

Not according to Barry Jennings...

Barry Jennings is the only person to ever make those observations. the guy that was with him didn't report any bodies. the firefighters didn't report any bodies, but you'll use their conversations as proof of molten steel.....

You truthers are so funny.....
Do you have any clue what the word Pull means in demolition?
[ame=http://youtu.be/1uxlrcQL5Dk]WTC 7 - Pull means pull with cables - YouTube[/ame]

You got to be kidding me, do you really think Larry Silverstein meant pulling WTC 7 down with a steel cable? Pulling a building down with a steel cable that is in a very very weaken state may be practical, but not a building that is structurally sound with 47 floors with other good buildings around it. WTC 7 was still structurally sound and pulling down WTC 7 with a steel cable would be highly impractical and very difficult to do. Pulling WTC down with a steel cable would damage the other buildings around it. Do some research, when demolitionists use the term "pull it", it means to bring a building down with explosives. Larry Silverstein did not mean using a steel cable. When asked about this later his response was "I mis-spoke" (He weaseled out by lying of course). He didn't say he meant a steel cable.

You are a fool or a liar.... You may take your pick.......
two farts in a row from Gomer.:poop:

amazing isnt it how his handlers are getting so worried that a lurker might come on here and see how Gomer has been exposed as the troll he is that they sent him back here so quickly to humiliate himself again? He sure is getting paid very well obviously for his ass beatings they keep sending him back for.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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I know it has nothing to do with cables and winches, wiseass. It's a term that has been around controlled demolition for decades.

And if that's what Silverstein meant, why do we not see cables and winches attached to Bldg. 7?

as always.Gomer gets his ass handed to him on a platter.Thats true that pull it is a term used in demolitions.they proved that because there was this one radio talk show host that called into a demlotion company and asked the receptionist if the term pull it is ever used in their demolitions.she said she did not know and she would go ask one of the top demolition guys and she later came back and said that pull it indeed is a term used in demolitions.as always,Gomer loses.:lol::lol::lol: must suck being him.:lol:

Fucking idiot.............
Yes, yes you are...


Gomer Ollie sure is.thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:lol:

As this video shows the folks over at Popular Mechanics are either lying or they don't know what they're talking about. It's hard for me to imagine that Popular Mechanics would state they never heard the term "pull it" for bringing a building down.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LZsQxy8XhnM#]--What Does "Pull It" Mean?-- - YouTube[/ame]!

Thank you for once again showing us that Bldg 7 was not Pulled........
someone farted in here.

this is what Gomer keeps doing in his posts as he very well knows.:lol:


This troll is really going to suffer in the future for his participation in this coverup and he will find out the hard way money wont buy him the happiness he seeks and thinks he has.Bush sr and Clinton are already suffering greatly from the karma they committed of their murderous acts while in office with all kinds of health problems,thats just in THIS life now,they have not seen anything yet,when they leave this earth,they will suffer greatly in their future afterlife in the worst way possible.expect the same to happen to Bush jr in the future as well when he gets older.same with gomer of course.
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You got to be kidding me, do you really think Larry Silverstein meant pulling WTC 7 down with a steel cable? Pulling a building down with a steel cable that is in a very very weaken state may be practical, but not a building that is structurally sound with 47 floors with other good buildings around it. WTC 7 was still structurally sound and pulling down WTC 7 with a steel cable would be highly impractical and very difficult to do. Pulling WTC down with a steel cable would damage the other buildings around it. Do some research, when demolitionists use the term "pull it", it means to bring a building down with explosives. Larry Silverstein did not mean using a steel cable. When asked about this later his response was "I mis-spoke" (He weaseled out by lying of course). He didn't say he meant a steel cable.

You are a fool or a liar.... You may take your pick.......

It's is you that is the misled fool. You honestly think that sporadic fires that weren't even hot enough to weaken the steel columns in WTC 7 caused all the steel columns to give out simultaneously and then the building proceeded to collapse symmetrically non-stop without any resistance all the way into it's own footprint? Demolition experts, that aren't corrupt that is, from around the world have stated on video and in articles, that it looked like a controlled demolition to them. That's because it was!

I'm going to repost this image just for you

Funny thing, I didn't see the FIRST cable or pulley attached to Bldg. 7, DID YOU??

that's because there wasn't one

Then why use the term? Unless, of course, it is commonly understood to mean 'controlled demolition'...

..as a matter of fact there was no one in wtc7 when it fell ...there were no reports of ant death or injuries associated with it either.

Not according to Barry Jennings...
how can sombody be so full of shit in so little space?
actually -pull means just what they said it did.. (to pull a building with cables or or to pull firefighters out.)
2. Barry was lying.. and was rescued several hours before the collapse, so anything he said is not relevant to what or how wtc7 fell.
Sporadic fires? Really? You sure you want to go with that?
Yes! :razz:
Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T2_nedORjw]HOW DID WORLD TRADE CENTER 7 FALL? - YouTube[/ame]

Fire, Steel, & WTC 7
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMxRvoT_AeI]Fire, Steel, & WTC 7 - YouTube[/ame]
Sporadic fires? Really? You sure you want to go with that?
Yes! :razz:
Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T2_nedORjw]HOW DID WORLD TRADE CENTER 7 FALL? - YouTube[/ame]

Fire, Steel, & WTC 7
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMxRvoT_AeI]Fire, Steel, & WTC 7 - YouTube[/ame]
wake up Dorothy! you're having that dream again.....
that's because there wasn't one

Then why use the term? Unless, of course, it is commonly understood to mean 'controlled demolition'...

..as a matter of fact there was no one in wtc7 when it fell ...there were no reports of ant death or injuries associated with it either.

Not according to Barry Jennings...
how can sombody be so full of shit in so little space?
actually -pull means just what they said it did.. (to pull a building with cables or or to pull firefighters out.)
2. Barry was lying.. and was rescued several hours before the collapse, so anything he said is not relevant to what or how wtc7 fell.

"Pull it" is a demolition term for a controlled demolition with explosives. That's a fact! Larry Silverstein said "pull IT" not pull (them). Firemen are not an IT!... IT refers to an inanimate object, such as a building.

Then why use the term? Unless, of course, it is commonly understood to mean 'controlled demolition'...

Not according to Barry Jennings...
how can sombody be so full of shit in so little space?
actually -pull means just what they said it did.. (to pull a building with cables or or to pull firefighters out.)
2. Barry was lying.. and was rescued several hours before the collapse, so anything he said is not relevant to what or how wtc7 fell.

"Pull it" is a demolition term for a controlled demolition with explosives. That's a fact! Larry Silverstein said "pull IT" not pull (them). Firemen are not an IT!... IT refers to an inanimate object, such as a building.

another ignorant fuck ...you just said silverstein was lying...!!?
Sporadic fires that burned out of control for 7 hours or more? Really, sporadic? Something there doesn't pass the smell test.....

The point I was making is that the fires were scattered throughout the building.
Steel melts at 2800 F degrees. The steel columns in WTC 7 were thick steel. Those fires didn't get hot enough, nor could they have, to cause those thick columns to give out. The way the building collapsed all the thick steel columns gave out simultaneously and symmetrically (What could cause that?). All of WTC 7 was not ablaze. The fires were scattered throughout the building. Hot did scattered (sporadic) fires cause ALL the columns to give out simultaneously when a lot of the columns in WTC 7 weren't even exposed to fire? Again those fires weren't capable of causing the thick steel columns to even give out to begin with.
You just lack the intelligence to understand that the SCATTERED fires in WTC 7 could not have got hot enough to cause ALL the columns to give way simultaneously and symmetrically.
Fires that burn uncontrolled for 7+ hours are not sporadic nor really scattered...

And the building did not fall all at the same time it was a progressive collapse as anyone can see. first the penthouse fell into the inside of the building, then the supports gave way from east to west if my understanding of how the building sat is correct.

Most truther videos leave out the penthouse falling.....
how can sombody be so full of shit in so little space?
actually -pull means just what they said it did.. (to pull a building with cables or or to pull firefighters out.)
2. Barry was lying.. and was rescued several hours before the collapse, so anything he said is not relevant to what or how wtc7 fell.

"Pull it" is a demolition term for a controlled demolition with explosives. That's a fact! Larry Silverstein said "pull IT" not pull (them). Firemen are not an IT!... IT refers to an inanimate object, such as a building.

another ignorant fuck ...you just said silverstein was lying...!!?

You're either misrepresenting what I said or you didn't understand it. either way you're a low IQ monkey. I said he was lying about his reply when questioned about his statement about deciding to "pull it". His reply was I mis-spoke, I meant pull the fireman. He's lying!
Fires that burn uncontrolled for 7+ hours are not sporadic nor really scattered...

And the building did not fall all at the same time it was a progressive collapse as anyone can see. first the penthouse fell into the inside of the building, then the supports gave way from east to west if my understanding of how the building sat is correct.

Most truther videos leave out the penthouse falling.....

They were scattered throughout the building, that's the context I using the word sporadic for.... you're fucking moron!!

"The building did not fall at the same time it was a progressive collapse?"

You're delusional, you don't know what you're talking about and you're not intelligent all. The building clearly falls down together AT THE SAME TIME symmetrically without any resistance. It's quite apparent that you don't have any understanding of physics whatsoever. You're a hammer head!

Building 7 - Experts Explain It Was Controlled Demolition!

watch and learn

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUdhdTXHcn4]Building 7 - Experts Explain It Was Controlled Demolition! - YouTube[/ame]

Fireman and Police telling people to back up....notice what they're telling the people what's about to happen. Testimony after testimony of hearing explosions.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWorDrTC0Qg]Compiled Footage of Building 7's Collapse - YouTube[/ame]

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