9/12/01 - The Day We were Truly the United States of America


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Not that this will get much attention nowadays, given the hyper divide we have amongst ourselves politically, but I can remember the day after it happened. September 12, 2001. The embers were still smoldering and cadaver dogs were still combing the ruins. People everywhere were still in shock. As the naive child I was, I went back to playing with my toys and blocked it all out of my mind as if it didn't happen.

But for a brief moment in time, that day, America was truly united as one. Sure, there was hatred directed at Muslims, but the mature and level headed of us embraced them and said "it's not your fault, it's theirs". Bush made clear that the people responsible for this cowardly attack were "going to hear from all of us soon". We all embraced each other regardless of gender, religion or creed. We were exactly as our founders intended us to be, the United States of America.

But today... today we view each other with disdain based on what we believe or what we are. The exact opposite of the united nation we were all those years ago. I miss that unity. I'm tired of the bickering and the fighting. I'm tired of people on both sides unwilling to find common ground on issues that truly matter, not on ones they (respectively) think that matter.

When can we go back to the way things were? I for one yearn for it. I yearn for a time when our national pride transcended our individual beliefs, our race, or religion. Eh, but who am I kidding. This will probably be lost on most. Very few will understand, or care.

But I remember that day, 9/12/01, we were truly the United States of America.

Not that this will get much attention nowadays, given the hyper divide we have amongst ourselves politically, but I can remember the day after it happened. September 12, 2001. The embers were still smoldering and cadaver dogs were still combing the ruins. People everywhere were still in shock. As the naive child I was, I went back to playing with my toys and blocked it all out of my mind as if it didn't happen.

But for a brief moment in time, that day, America was truly united as one. Sure, there was hatred directed at Muslims, but the mature and level headed of us embraced them and said "it's not your fault, it's theirs". Bush made clear that the people responsible for this cowardly attack were "going to hear from all of us soon". We all embraced each other regardless of gender, religion or creed. We were exactly as our founders intended us to be, the United States of America.

But today... today we view each other with disdain based on what we believe or what we are. The exact opposite of the united nation we were all those years ago. I miss that unity. I'm tired of the bickering and the fighting. I'm tired of people on both sides unwilling to find common ground on issues that truly matter, not on ones they (respectively) think that matter.

When can we go back to the way things were? I for one yearn for it. I yearn for a time when our national pride transcended our individual beliefs, our race, or religion. Eh, but who am I kidding. This will probably be lost on most. Very few will understand, or care.

But I remember that day, 9/12/01, we were truly the United States of America.

That was the first time I really started to understand basic politics, so it confused me when I saw MSNBC and Fox News basically on the same side for a short period of time.

I was in the 6th grade at the time.
Not that this will get much attention nowadays, given the hyper divide we have amongst ourselves politically, but I can remember the day after it happened. September 12, 2001. The embers were still smoldering and cadaver dogs were still combing the ruins. People everywhere were still in shock. As the naive child I was, I went back to playing with my toys and blocked it all out of my mind as if it didn't happen.

But for a brief moment in time, that day, America was truly united as one. Sure, there was hatred directed at Muslims, but the mature and level headed of us embraced them and said "it's not your fault, it's theirs". Bush made clear that the people responsible for this cowardly attack were "going to hear from all of us soon". We all embraced each other regardless of gender, religion or creed. We were exactly as our founders intended us to be, the United States of America.

But today... today we view each other with disdain based on what we believe or what we are. The exact opposite of the united nation we were all those years ago. I miss that unity. I'm tired of the bickering and the fighting. I'm tired of people on both sides unwilling to find common ground on issues that truly matter, not on ones they (respectively) think that matter.

When can we go back to the way things were? I for one yearn for it. I yearn for a time when our national pride transcended our individual beliefs, our race, or religion. Eh, but who am I kidding. This will probably be lost on most. Very few will understand, or care.

But I remember that day, 9/12/01, we were truly the United States of America.

That was the first time I really started to understand basic politics, so it confused me when I saw MSNBC and Fox News basically on the same side for a short period of time.

I was in the 6th grade at the time.

It was a rare moment when we were all on the same side. Regrettably, that isn't the case anymore.
The country rallied around the President

It was his finest hour
Not that this will get much attention nowadays, given the hyper divide we have amongst ourselves politically, but I can remember the day after it happened. September 12, 2001. The embers were still smoldering and cadaver dogs were still combing the ruins. People everywhere were still in shock. As the naive child I was, I went back to playing with my toys and blocked it all out of my mind as if it didn't happen.

But for a brief moment in time, that day, America was truly united as one. Sure, there was hatred directed at Muslims, but the mature and level headed of us embraced them and said "it's not your fault, it's theirs". Bush made clear that the people responsible for this cowardly attack were "going to hear from all of us soon". We all embraced each other regardless of gender, religion or creed. We were exactly as our founders intended us to be, the United States of America.

But today... today we view each other with disdain based on what we believe or what we are. The exact opposite of the united nation we were all those years ago. I miss that unity. I'm tired of the bickering and the fighting. I'm tired of people on both sides unwilling to find common ground on issues that truly matter, not on ones they (respectively) think that matter.

When can we go back to the way things were? I for one yearn for it. I yearn for a time when our national pride transcended our individual beliefs, our race, or religion. Eh, but who am I kidding. This will probably be lost on most. Very few will understand, or care.

But I remember that day, 9/12/01, we were truly the United States of America.

That was the first time I really started to understand basic politics, so it confused me when I saw MSNBC and Fox News basically on the same side for a short period of time.

I was in the 6th grade at the time.

It was a rare moment when we were all on the same side. Regrettably, that isn't the case anymore.
I am a lot more cynical about that unity than you are.

I think it just surprised everyone so much that they huddled together until they found out what it was and then back to business as usual.
It was pretty cool. Everyone was super nice to each other.
Awesome thread.

The OP longs for the day when all Americans stood shoulder to shoulder in support of our leader George W Bush.

And then he squandered the opportunity.

And the OP stood with him as he did.
Awesome thread.

The OP longs for the day when all Americans stood shoulder to shoulder in support of our leader George W Bush.

And then he squandered the opportunity.

And the OP stood with him as he did.
While your side said FUCK YEAH! to creating the DHS, TSA, Patriot Act, Real ID, FISA and NSA domestic spying.

Way to lap at those jackboots of The State, tovarich.
Not that this will get much attention nowadays, given the hyper divide we have amongst ourselves politically, but I can remember the day after it happened. September 12, 2001. The embers were still smoldering and cadaver dogs were still combing the ruins. People everywhere were still in shock. As the naive child I was, I went back to playing with my toys and blocked it all out of my mind as if it didn't happen.

But for a brief moment in time, that day, America was truly united as one. Sure, there was hatred directed at Muslims, but the mature and level headed of us embraced them and said "it's not your fault, it's theirs". Bush made clear that the people responsible for this cowardly attack were "going to hear from all of us soon". We all embraced each other regardless of gender, religion or creed. We were exactly as our founders intended us to be, the United States of America.

But today... today we view each other with disdain based on what we believe or what we are. The exact opposite of the united nation we were all those years ago. I miss that unity. I'm tired of the bickering and the fighting. I'm tired of people on both sides unwilling to find common ground on issues that truly matter, not on ones they (respectively) think that matter.

When can we go back to the way things were? I for one yearn for it. I yearn for a time when our national pride transcended our individual beliefs, our race, or religion. Eh, but who am I kidding. This will probably be lost on most. Very few will understand, or care.

But I remember that day, 9/12/01, we were truly the United States of America.


Well it is interesting how we process things. How many died in that attack, a few thousand?

Currently Americans die at a rate of about 300 a day from drugs coming across the border. Every year about as many people die from these drugs as died in the entire Vietnam war, yet very few people seem to give a damn.

Is it because we see these people as deserving of death because they are labeled "junkies"?

When will we see that Mexico is at war with the US and threatens to destroy it and come join together to fight them?
Not that this will get much attention nowadays, given the hyper divide we have amongst ourselves politically, but I can remember the day after it happened. September 12, 2001. The embers were still smoldering and cadaver dogs were still combing the ruins. People everywhere were still in shock. As the naive child I was, I went back to playing with my toys and blocked it all out of my mind as if it didn't happen.

But for a brief moment in time, that day, America was truly united as one. Sure, there was hatred directed at Muslims, but the mature and level headed of us embraced them and said "it's not your fault, it's theirs". Bush made clear that the people responsible for this cowardly attack were "going to hear from all of us soon". We all embraced each other regardless of gender, religion or creed. We were exactly as our founders intended us to be, the United States of America.

But today... today we view each other with disdain based on what we believe or what we are. The exact opposite of the united nation we were all those years ago. I miss that unity. I'm tired of the bickering and the fighting. I'm tired of people on both sides unwilling to find common ground on issues that truly matter, not on ones they (respectively) think that matter.

When can we go back to the way things were? I for one yearn for it. I yearn for a time when our national pride transcended our individual beliefs, our race, or religion. Eh, but who am I kidding. This will probably be lost on most. Very few will understand, or care.

But I remember that day, 9/12/01, we were truly the United States of America.


Being a bit over dramatic ?

We live in good times . What’s the biggest issue right now ? Whether a wall is built on the Mexico border.

Gasp! So much worse than when we worried about nuke war wh Russia .
Civil liberties have been under constant attack by the state and federal governments ever since. What's worse is the people love them for it. Problem. Reaction. Solution.


If that don't make a feller wanna whistle Dixie, I don't know what does.
These days the disaster is the president, not exactly a national rallying point.
Awesome thread.

The OP longs for the day when all Americans stood shoulder to shoulder in support of our leader George W Bush.

And then he squandered the opportunity.

And the OP stood with him as he did.

Wow. LoneLaugher. You are truly one incorrigible human being, aren't you?

Mind you., I was 12 when it happened. I didn't have a political opinion. I didn't pay attention to who was president until I ran into my first uber liberal high school teacher.

Anyhow, I'm not going to go back and forth with you. But it is funny, though, you regret how Bush "squandered" an opportunity, while you stood shoulder to shoulder with your liberal friends doing the same exact thing.

Anyway, welcome to my ignore list.
Awesome thread.

The OP longs for the day when all Americans stood shoulder to shoulder in support of our leader George W Bush.

And then he squandered the opportunity.

And the OP stood with him as he did.

Wow. LoneLaugher. You are truly one incorrigible human being, aren't you?

Mind you., I was 12 when it happened. I didn't have a political opinion. I didn't pay attention to who was president until I ran into my first uber liberal high school teacher.

Anyhow, I'm not going to go back and forth with you. But it is funny, though, you regret how Bush "squandered" an opportunity, while you stood shoulder to shoulder with your liberal friends doing the same exact thing.

Anyway, welcome to my ignore list.

Weeeeee! You’ve said nothing.
Not that this will get much attention nowadays, given the hyper divide we have amongst ourselves politically, but I can remember the day after it happened. September 12, 2001. The embers were still smoldering and cadaver dogs were still combing the ruins. People everywhere were still in shock. As the naive child I was, I went back to playing with my toys and blocked it all out of my mind as if it didn't happen.

But for a brief moment in time, that day, America was truly united as one. Sure, there was hatred directed at Muslims, but the mature and level headed of us embraced them and said "it's not your fault, it's theirs". Bush made clear that the people responsible for this cowardly attack were "going to hear from all of us soon". We all embraced each other regardless of gender, religion or creed. We were exactly as our founders intended us to be, the United States of America.

But today... today we view each other with disdain based on what we believe or what we are. The exact opposite of the united nation we were all those years ago. I miss that unity. I'm tired of the bickering and the fighting. I'm tired of people on both sides unwilling to find common ground on issues that truly matter, not on ones they (respectively) think that matter.

When can we go back to the way things were? I for one yearn for it. I yearn for a time when our national pride transcended our individual beliefs, our race, or religion. Eh, but who am I kidding. This will probably be lost on most. Very few will understand, or care.

But I remember that day, 9/12/01, we were truly the United States of America.

I did not feel that way. Bush was told of the danger and just scoffed at it. I believe the PDB on it has been put out on the net. To me it was just another try at martial law by republicans.
Our border patrol intercepted a produce truck from Mexico carrying enough fentanyl to kill 57 million people! That’s way more than 3000. Eighteen thousand Americans died from fentanyl this year and the fucking democrats don’t want to do a thing about it!
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After 9/11, everyone realized what we have to lose. We never used to worry about the terrorists the way other "progressive" countries did. It was commonplace across Europe to deal with radicals wanting to attack.

Since the beginning of this country, those our forefathers escaped from vowed to come after us. The idea of a free country never set well with tyrants.

Our border patrol intercepted a produce truck from Mexico carrying enough fentanyl to kill 57 million people! That’s way more than 300. Eighteen thousand Americans died from fentanyl this year and the fucking democrats don’t want to do a thing about it!

It's called population control. They want to seriously reduce the world's population and eventually will want only a certain kind of people to exist. Very much like Hitler in that regard.
Our border patrol intercepted a produce truck from Mexico carrying enough fentanyl to kill 57 million people! That’s way more than 300. Eighteen thousand Americans died from fentanyl this year and the fucking democrats don’t want to do a thing about it!
Why should we? With luck it will kill off at least 20 million republicans.

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