A baker must bake a cake for a gay couple if memory serves

If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.

Then you should have no problem when a restaurant refuses service to someone wearing a pussy hat, BLM shirt, Hil Yea shirt, or Hope and Change. All of these are politician messages just as Make America Great Again.

Be consistent.

I think private businesses should be able to refuse service to whoever they want for whatever reason they want.

Private businesses could not exist if not for the commons. Therefore, society rightfully imposes rules upon them. PA laws
are among those rules and are accepted as the norm in just about every community.
Immutable Characteristic

Please learn the meaning of the words above. That will help you understand
why it is OK to deny a Trump supporter service because he is a Trump supporter
while it is not OK to deny a gay person service because he is gay.

You will undoubtedly argue that sexual orientation is a choice and therefore is not
immutable. It is at that point that you announce to the world that you are not capable
of critical thought.

That means Hillary Supporters, Obama Suppirters and BLM Supporters can be tossed or refused not for Immutable Characteristics either.

Yes. Toss them out.

Party members cannot be expected to follow laws meant for Proles.
There is no law against it...Sorry...


What about the "Public Accommodation Laws" you Stalinists are always harping about?

I get it, one law for the party, a different law for the proles.
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.

Then you should have no problem when a restaurant refuses service to someone wearing a pussy hat, BLM shirt, Hil Yea shirt, or Hope and Change. All of these are politician messages just as Make America Great Again.

Be consistent.

I think private businesses should be able to refuse service to whoever they want for whatever reason they want.

We had that in the past. It was called Jim Crow.

Party members cannot be expected to follow laws meant for Proles.
There is no law against it...Sorry...


What about the "Public Accommodation Laws" you Stalinists are always harping about?

I get it, one law for the party, a different law for the proles.
I'm more of a John Leninist myself.
There is no law protecting poltical opinions in a business...Just like years ago they refused to serve me with long hair in a GOP redneck establishment.
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.

Then you should have no problem when a restaurant refuses service to someone wearing a pussy hat, BLM shirt, Hil Yea shirt, or Hope and Change. All of these are politician messages just as Make America Great Again.

Be consistent.
I am consistent, when I ran a business I couldn't care if you were the devil as long as you paid for services rendered...
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.

Then you should have no problem when a restaurant refuses service to someone wearing a pussy hat, BLM shirt, Hil Yea shirt, or Hope and Change. All of these are politician messages just as Make America Great Again.

Be consistent.
I am consistent, when I ran a business I couldn't care if you were the devil as long as you paid for services rendered...

The guy in the MAGA hat was willing to pay yet you have no problem with the business refusing service to him.
Private businesses could not exist if not for the commons. Therefore, society rightfully imposes rules upon them. PA laws
are among those rules and are accepted as the norm in just about every community.

I think if Cleetus wants to hinder his own sales by refusing service to negros then he should be able to do that. It's not like they have nowhere else to shop. I think the business laws that were largely a reaction to racism have become obsolete. It's stupid for businesses to be obligated to service people they take issue with, even if they're stupid for it.
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.

Then you should have no problem when a restaurant refuses service to someone wearing a pussy hat, BLM shirt, Hil Yea shirt, or Hope and Change. All of these are politician messages just as Make America Great Again.

Be consistent.
I am consistent, when I ran a business I couldn't care if you were the devil as long as you paid for services rendered...

The guy in the MAGA hat was willing to pay yet you have no problem with the business refusing service to him.
I don't control what other people do...He can do like I have done when refused service, move on...
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.

Then you should have no problem when a restaurant refuses service to someone wearing a pussy hat, BLM shirt, Hil Yea shirt, or Hope and Change. All of these are politician messages just as Make America Great Again.

Be consistent.
I am consistent, when I ran a business I couldn't care if you were the devil as long as you paid for services rendered...

The guy in the MAGA hat was willing to pay yet you have no problem with the business refusing service to him.
I don't control what other people do...He can do like I have done when refused service, move on...

So you don’t care as long as on pays or can pay for services rendered yet you have refused service and you move on?
Private businesses could not exist if not for the commons. Therefore, society rightfully imposes rules upon them. PA laws
are among those rules and are accepted as the norm in just about every community.

I think if Cleetus wants to hinder his own sales by refusing service to negros then he should be able to do that. It's not like they have nowhere else to shop. I think the business laws that were largely a reaction to racism have become obsolete. It's stupid for businesses to be obligated to service people they take issue with, even if they're stupid for it.

Nope. We've decided as a society that we won't do it your way. Being a business owners comes with rights ( usually in the form of benefits ) and responsibilities ( usually in the form of regulations ).

Just about every modern society has developed similar rules. Maybe you are just in the wrong. Ever consider that?
Maybe you are just in the wrong. Ever consider that?

Constantly, but no amount of consideration makes me think it's reasonable to penalize somebody for not servicing people they take issue with.

I'm sure that it could. Just ask yourself if businesses need society ( the tax base ) in order to exist. The answer is clear and it leads you to the realization that society is going to make demands on businesses.
Sounds like conservative snowflakes want "Trumpism" to be a protected class...good luck with that.

They are objecting to the government picking and choosing who can be discriminated against and who cannot be. Either everyone should be protected or no one should be.

No they aren't. They're bitching because some states and localities behave added gays to already existing protections. Protections that have been in place since the 60s. The guy that sued believed that party affiliation should be added. I say good luck.
Immutable Characteristic

Please learn the meaning of the words above. That will help you understand
why it is OK to deny a Trump supporter service because he is a Trump supporter
while it is not OK to deny a gay person service because he is gay.

You will undoubtedly argue that sexual orientation is a choice and therefore is not
immutable. It is at that point that you announce to the world that you are not capable
of critical thought.

Except that religion is protected by Federal Law and that is not an immutable trait like race or sexual orientation.

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