A baker must bake a cake for a gay couple if memory serves


Party members cannot be expected to follow laws meant for Proles.
Protected from what, winning the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS :auiqs.jpg:Destroying liberal propaganda on illegals? Stealing the Dem voter base by focusing on jobs and getting rid of jobs killing regulations and high taxes? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Protected from the rest of the world hating you. A snowflake Trump cultist sued the bar that kicked him out for his MAGA hat. He wants Trump cultists to be a protected class.

LOL, the rest of the world" hates us? You sound like a not job :cuckoo:

Yes. Sorry if that hurts your tender sensibilities, but it's true. It certainly hurt the snowflake Trump supporters feelings enough that he sued over being tossed from a bar.

^^^^ hater - hating

Nothing new here

No, truth teller...telling.

"In countries where confidence in the U.S. president fell most, America’s overall image has also tended to suffer more,” Pew reports. “In the closing years of the Obama presidency, a median of 64% had a positive view of the U.S. Today, just 49% are favorably inclined toward America. Again, some of the steepest declines in U.S. image are found among long-standing allies.”

World Opinion of Trump and U.S. - FactCheck.org

Your rationalization is noted
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
THen, work to get political views added to your state's PA laws.
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.
Immutable Characteristic

Please learn the meaning of the words above. That will help you understand
why it is OK to deny a Trump supporter service because he is a Trump supporter
while it is not OK to deny a gay person service because he is gay.

You will undoubtedly argue that sexual orientation is a choice and therefore is not
immutable. It is at that point that you announce to the world that you are not capable
of critical thought.

If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.

Then you should have no problem when a restaurant refuses service to someone wearing a pussy hat, BLM shirt, Hil Yea shirt, or Hope and Change. All of these are politician messages just as Make America Great Again.

Be consistent.
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.

Then you should have no problem when a restaurant refuses service to someone wearing a pussy hat, BLM shirt, Hil Yea shirt, or Hope and Change. All of these are politician messages just as Make America Great Again.

Be consistent.

I absolutely have no problem with any of that.
If you can throw a Trump supporter out of a restaurant, that is refusal of service based on political views. Another slippery slope The Left has placed us onto.
How did the left place something not covered under a law which both Democrats and Republicans voted on? You poor abused soul...Imma gonna cry for ya.

Then you should have no problem when a restaurant refuses service to someone wearing a pussy hat, BLM shirt, Hil Yea shirt, or Hope and Change. All of these are politician messages just as Make America Great Again.

Be consistent.

I think private businesses should be able to refuse service to whoever they want for whatever reason they want.
Immutable Characteristic

Please learn the meaning of the words above. That will help you understand
why it is OK to deny a Trump supporter service because he is a Trump supporter
while it is not OK to deny a gay person service because he is gay.

You will undoubtedly argue that sexual orientation is a choice and therefore is not
immutable. It is at that point that you announce to the world that you are not capable
of critical thought.

That means Hillary Supporters, Obama Suppirters and BLM Supporters can be tossed or refused not for Immutable Characteristics either.
I just went through this whole debate with another guy in another thread. The end result was, because there are so many religions witg so many different beliefs that if you accept one, you have to accept them all. Meaning, religions that believe in human sacrifice and marrying children, if they are religious beliefs, cannot be denied but you accept the religious beliefs of others.

Those are not my words or opinions by the way, it was those of another poster. The end result of the argument was, religious people who own private businesses do not have any rights, they cannot refuse service to anyone and must comply when someone wants a service done that directly contradicts their religious beliefs.

So, there ya have it folks, religion loses, the world wins.
Immutable Characteristic

Belief in the novel social institution of Gay Marriage isn't "immutable" at all, its a political position.

And one that numerous homosexuals throughout history from J. Edgar Hoover to Milo Yiannopoulos in current day have found abhorrent.

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