A baker must bake a cake for a gay couple if memory serves

Immutable Characteristic

Please learn the meaning of the words above. That will help you understand
why it is OK to deny a Trump supporter service because he is a Trump supporter
while it is not OK to deny a gay person service because he is gay.

You will undoubtedly argue that sexual orientation is a choice and therefore is not
immutable. It is at that point that you announce to the world that you are not capable
of critical thought.

Except that religion is protected by Federal Law and that is not an immutable trait like race or sexual orientation.

Yeah. I know. I believe that this is a mistake. And it is used by bigots to render PA laws based on immutable characteristics toothless in many cases.
Do PA laws cover political leanings? In any state?

So if you don't bake someone a cake because of their political leanings, that should be okay.


Just like with discrimination against gays, it depends:

A few cities or counties do ban such discrimination. D.C. bans discrimination based on “the state of belonging to or endorsing any political party.” Seattle bans such discrimination based on “any idea or belief, or coordinated body of ideas or beliefs, relating to the purpose, conduct, organization, function or basis of government and related institutions and activities, whether or not characteristic of any political party or group,” “includ[ing] membership in a political party or group and includ[ing] conduct, reasonably related to political ideology, which does not interfere with job performance.” There are a few other places on this list. But New Mexico doesn’t ban such discrimination in public accommodations, and neither do the city of Albuquerque or Bernalillo County.
Do PA laws cover political leanings? In any state?

So if you don't bake someone a cake because of their political leanings, that should be okay.



How many times must this point be made.

It's like the disdain you all have for gay people makes your brains twitch at just the right moment.
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How many times must this point be made.

It's like the disdain you all have for gay people makes your brains twitch at just the right moment.

Hey mental midget ... You have no idea what I think about gay people ... So you can keep your ignorant ideas on that matter to yourself ... :thup:

When it is something as broad as political leanings ... That simply means everything is off the board.
I could be an independent and anything you say or do could be contradictory to my political leanings no matter who you are or what you think.

I could write in Mickey Mouse ... You could vote for Neil Diamond ... Out your ass goes ... :thup:



How many times must this point be made.

It's like the disdain you all have for gay people makes your brains twitch at just the right moment.

Hey mental midget ... You have no idea what I think about gay people ... So you can keep your ignorant ideas on that matter to yourself ... :thup:

When it is something as broad as political leanings ... That simply means everything is off the board.
I could be an independent and anything you say or do could be contradictory to my political leanings no matter who you are or what you think.



Nope. That's you looking for.an excuse to deny others their happiness. As you are terminally unhappy. Fuck off.
Nope. That's you looking for.an excuse to deny others their happiness. As you are terminally unhappy. Fuck off.

What makes you think I am unhappy, or looking for a reason to deny anyone service you silly nit-wit ... :dunno:
I am just laughing at your ignorant futility ... Sorry your fragile emotional state seems incapable of handling that.

Immutable Characteristic

Please learn the meaning of the words above. That will help you understand
why it is OK to deny a Trump supporter service because he is a Trump supporter
while it is not OK to deny a gay person service because he is gay.

You will undoubtedly argue that sexual orientation is a choice and therefore is not
immutable. It is at that point that you announce to the world that you are not capable
of critical thought.

you have it backwards sweetie
Personally, in business, I would take the Michael Jordan approach. He was asked why he wasn’t more involved in Democrat politics. His response: “Because Republicans by sneakers, too.” That said, if someone wants to refuse to bake a cake with a gay couple or serve a guy with a “Make America Great Again” hat, let them reduce their market at their own choice. If someone is refusing outright service to one solely because of race, creed, or sexual orientation, then there are rights that are being violated.
LOL, the rest of the world" hates us? You sound like a not job :cuckoo:

Yes. Sorry if that hurts your tender sensibilities, but it's true. It certainly hurt the snowflake Trump supporters feelings enough that he sued over being tossed from a bar.

You mistake liberal fake news for fact, that's why your side lost.
Trump won the election because he had help from Russia. Without that help, Clinton would have won. Plain and simple. Trump didn't even get the support or votes of the majority of voters. He still is one of America's least popular Presidents, never having obtained an average of over half the populations approval and often only having 4 or every 10 giving him a thumbs up. Usually 6 out of 10 disapprove of his job performance. 6 out of 10.
Most Americans see trump as a serial lying punk.

Sounds like you really believe Hillary wasn't a truly terrible candidate. Keep the faith. I hear it helps when the voices remind you, "Trump beat her, Trump beat her".

Can you even quantity how "Russia" helped defeat her?

Russia helped spread fake news about her.

Fake news abounds during an election. You know that. It's nothing new. Remember "pushing Grandma off a cliff"?
Sounds like conservative snowflakes want "Trumpism" to be a protected class...good luck with that.

They are objecting to the government picking and choosing who can be discriminated against and who cannot be. Either everyone should be protected or no one should be.

No they aren't. They're bitching because some states and localities behave added gays to already existing protections. Protections that have been in place since the 60s. The guy that sued believed that party affiliation should be added. I say good luck.

Since "conservative snowflake" is an oxymoron, I'll be generous and say that the very few that might possibly come close to that description simply don't want the government picking and choosing winners and losers.
Sounds like conservative snowflakes want "Trumpism" to be a protected class...good luck with that.

They are objecting to the government picking and choosing who can be discriminated against and who cannot be. Either everyone should be protected or no one should be.

No they aren't. They're bitching because some states and localities behave added gays to already existing protections. Protections that have been in place since the 60s. The guy that sued believed that party affiliation should be added. I say good luck.

Since "conservative snowflake" is an oxymoron, I'll be generous and say that the very few that might possibly come close to that description simply don't want the government picking and choosing winners and losers.

The MAGA wearing Trump snowflake certainly did. He was so butthurt over being tossed from a bar that he sued.
Sounds like conservative snowflakes want "Trumpism" to be a protected class...good luck with that.

They are objecting to the government picking and choosing who can be discriminated against and who cannot be. Either everyone should be protected or no one should be.

No they aren't. They're bitching because some states and localities behave added gays to already existing protections. Protections that have been in place since the 60s. The guy that sued believed that party affiliation should be added. I say good luck.

Since "conservative snowflake" is an oxymoron, I'll be generous and say that the very few that might possibly come close to that description simply don't want the government picking and choosing winners and losers.

The MAGA wearing Trump snowflake certainly did. He was so butthurt over being tossed from a bar that he sued.
The snowflake wouldn't even remove his hat. He was a trouble maker. He made trouble and annoyed people for attention and to make him feel some kind of control or sense of having power. That is what trouble makers do and why they do what they do.
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Sounds like conservative snowflakes want "Trumpism" to be a protected class...good luck with that.

They are objecting to the government picking and choosing who can be discriminated against and who cannot be. Either everyone should be protected or no one should be.

No they aren't. They're bitching because some states and localities behave added gays to already existing protections. Protections that have been in place since the 60s. The guy that sued believed that party affiliation should be added. I say good luck.

Since "conservative snowflake" is an oxymoron, I'll be generous and say that the very few that might possibly come close to that description simply don't want the government picking and choosing winners and losers.

The MAGA wearing Trump snowflake certainly did. He was so butthurt over being tossed from a bar that he sued.
The snowflake wouldn't even remove his hat. He was a trouble maker. He made trouble and annoyed people for attention and to make him feel some kind of control or sense of having power. That is what trouble makers do and why they do what they do.

Mind readers of the world unite!
They are objecting to the government picking and choosing who can be discriminated against and who cannot be. Either everyone should be protected or no one should be.

No they aren't. They're bitching because some states and localities behave added gays to already existing protections. Protections that have been in place since the 60s. The guy that sued believed that party affiliation should be added. I say good luck.

Since "conservative snowflake" is an oxymoron, I'll be generous and say that the very few that might possibly come close to that description simply don't want the government picking and choosing winners and losers.

The MAGA wearing Trump snowflake certainly did. He was so butthurt over being tossed from a bar that he sued.
The snowflake wouldn't even remove his hat. He was a trouble maker. He made trouble and annoyed people for attention and to make him feel some kind of control or sense of having power. That is what trouble makers do and why they do what they do.

Mind readers of the world unite!
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows and you can't roller skate in a buffalo heard.
No they aren't. They're bitching because some states and localities behave added gays to already existing protections. Protections that have been in place since the 60s. The guy that sued believed that party affiliation should be added. I say good luck.

Since "conservative snowflake" is an oxymoron, I'll be generous and say that the very few that might possibly come close to that description simply don't want the government picking and choosing winners and losers.

The MAGA wearing Trump snowflake certainly did. He was so butthurt over being tossed from a bar that he sued.
The snowflake wouldn't even remove his hat. He was a trouble maker. He made trouble and annoyed people for attention and to make him feel some kind of control or sense of having power. That is what trouble makers do and why they do what they do.

Mind readers of the world unite!
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows and you can't roller skate in a buffalo heard.

What have the buffalo heard? Seriously, how long have you known the guy?
The only people that think political correctness is a good thing are fucked up progressive control freaks... Like I have always said getting along is way overrated...
why must everyone get along???
We can get along fine without agreeing.

They try to shut down opposing views before they can even get OUT.

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