Zone1 A big step in eradicating systemic racism, and 2/3rds of Americans approve

Wow. You’re right. The leftists might use the excuse of “descendants of slaves” to continue to get less qualified blacks in over whites, knowing that the vast majority of American slaves were black.

Of course, it WILL limit the degree to which the liberal colleges can be racist against Asians and whites. They won’t be able to just point-black say, “he’s black, so in he goes.” There would have to be a requirement that the person using this excuse proves his ancestry.
Give it up, Lisa558. Go find yourself a hobby. Something fun and relaxing. It has to be toxic to your brain the way you worry about Affirmative Action.
They are not racist. They are restorative.
Any policy that takes race into consideration, with the goal of advantaging one race over others, is of course racist. Odd how you’re supportive of racism when it goes against whites and Asians.
Has nothing to do with being anti-white racist now, but thanks for admitting that it IS racist.
It's plain to see that you can't allow African-Americans to have the same humanity that you want for yourself. So, I have no more to say. Bye. Have a nice day, Lisa588. :bye1:
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It's plain to see that you can't allow African-Americans to have the same humanity that you want for yourself. So, I have no more to say. Bye. Have a nice day, Lisa588. :bye1:
Wow. Just because I‘m not in favor of racist policies? And so you do that Democrat thing and call me a racist, when in fact the opposite is true. It is YOU who is supporting racism - against whites - and you admitted it one post up.

No need in my wasting any more time on someone who is OK with giving special advantages to people simply based on skin color, which is what you’re advocating. Bye, bye Michelle.
Wow. Just because I‘m not in favor of racist policies? And so you do that Democrat thing and call me a racist, when in fact the opposite is true. It is YOU who is supporting racism - against whites - and you admitted it one post up.

No need in my wasting any more time on someone who is OK with giving special advantages to people simply based on skin color, which is what you’re advocating. Bye, bye Michelle.

It's ridiculous. The democrats wanted equality of opportunity and passed anti-discrimination laws guaranteeing that, but now they want to discriminate against some people based on skin color. They want equity whether it has been earned or not.
It's ridiculous. The democrats wanted equality of opportunity and passed anti-discrimination laws guaranteeing that, but now they want to discriminate against some people based on skin color. They want equity whether it has been earned or not.
And they KNOW it’s racist. That Newsvine just admitted it by saying how whites have been giving favoritism for 350 years, so now it’s time to suck it up [as blacks are given favoritism].

What she and others like her don’t want to admit is that whites alive TODAY haven’t been favored over blacks. In fact, for the last 40 years, blacks have been favored. But still it’s not enough. They want to punish whites who have ALREADY lost out on college spots and job promotions to less-qualified blacks even further because they might have had ancestor who might have been a slave.

My own family didn’t arrive here until the 20th century - poor, uneducated, and without a word of English. By the next generation, everyone had graduated from college and owned homes in the suburbs. All it took was brains, motivation, and discipline.
THANK YOU. You are telling the absolute truth. I know young African-American and Mexican students who still receive special help financially with school. I didn't even know Affirmative Action had been outlawed in California. Anyone who needs and wants help to attend college can easily get it.
But, some folks (like Lisa558) still get a hard-on from thinking there will be no more Affirmative Action. :auiqs.jpg:
I don't know why Lisa hates the policy that has allowed her to get what she has.
It's ridiculous. The democrats wanted equality of opportunity and passed anti-discrimination laws guaranteeing that, but now they want to discriminate against some people based on skin color. They want equity whether it has been earned or not.
What equity have whites earned without government policy giving it to them.


Now it's time to drop the damn amnesia and face the truth.
I kinda think it is. What other race is seeking preferential treatment through this designation?
It isn’t about any race seeking preferential treatment but the rights of universities to crate a diverse campus and determine what factors they want to consider in admissions. The courts have previously upheld that it can use race as one of multiple factors in making admissions decisions.

Why do people focus entirely on that one aspect and ignore the fact that legacy admits and athletes each take up more slots than Blacks? Why do they not complain about such factors as being first generation, indiginous or female?
Those other categories aren’t racist. Unrelated.
But some of them take away more seats from deserving Whites and Asians than Blacks and that has been part of the underpinning of this argument.

Three questions:

Do you feel admissions should be based solely on gpa and test scores?

Do you think college should only be focused only on academics or is there more to it than that?

Do you think there is value for students to be part of diverse student body on campus: economic, race, gender, ethnicity, religion?
It won't work. California did that. The universities figured out new criteria based on lived experiences that had the same result.
Which I don't have a problem with, as long as it is not blatantly set up such that only certain races can have had the life experiences sought.

Giving extra points to someone who grew up in a housing project, and attended DC, or other Democrat run dysfunctional schools, regardless of color, makes a lot more sense than giving 1/8th black person extra points for "being black" when they grew up in a mansion on Matha's Vinyard.
It's ridiculous. The democrats wanted equality of opportunity and passed anti-discrimination laws guaranteeing that, but now they want to discriminate against some people based on skin color. They want equity whether it has been earned or not.
I disagree.

It is earned. The admitted students still must meet the academic criteria for admissions. Race cannot be the sole or main factor, but it can be one of many factors to consider.

Now I agree Dems and Repubs differ on what equality means: equality of outcome or equality at the start. Both have pros and cons.

I don’t see it in those lights. Higher Ed has traditionally been a driver of economic success and upward mobility. College educated parents are more likely to pass on the value of an education to their kids and be able to academically support them. I think you will find college educated Blacks are no different than college educated Whites in that regard. But to get there, you need to be admitted and you then need to finish. Many Black students may also be first generation, a category that struggles and is given consideration in the admissions process. But those admissions are worth it in their ability to give back to their communities.

I see this holistically.
But some of them take away more seats from deserving Whites and Asians than Blacks and that has been part of the underpinning of this argument.

No, the underpinning of the argument has been whether colleges can use one’s skin color as a factor in deciding whom to admit or reject, which often outweighs predictive factors of success.
Three questions:

Do you feel admissions should be based solely on gpa and test scores?

I feel that should be most of it, yes, with other consideration given to activities that are predictive of success in the program - such as editor of high school newspaper if journalism major, Hospital volunteer for pre-med, etc.
Do you think college should only be focused only on academics or is there more to it than that?

That should be the primary focus. Other areas which are beneficial to students are learning to live independently, solving one’s own problems, and, like every stage of life, enjoying friends and social activities.
Do you think there is value for students to be part of diverse student body on campus: economic, race, gender, ethnicity, religion?
To an extent. The problem comes about when standards are significantly lowered to allow this diversity, thus creating two classes of students: the better students, admitted after meeting higher standards; and the weaker students, who were still admitted but under lower standards for the purpose of diversity. It lowers the teaching level of the class, and the better students suffer for it.

I saw first-hand what happens when you mix top students with “less good” students as far back as elementary school. For my first four years, I was in a school that ”tracked,” and I was placed in the top group where the lessons were challenging and interesting. I advanced quickly and was doing 6th grade math by grade 4, along with my classmates.

Then they redistricted to where there was no tracking, and I was placed in regular classes for the next four years. The first two years were a total waste. The two years after that were OK, but nothing especially challenging. Then my parents moved back to the district where there had been tracking, and my old friends from elementary school were there. They had remained in the tracked district, and were YEARS ahead of me.

IOW, putting less academically qualified students (the AA admits) hurts the better academically qualified students (those who get in under higher standards), and lowers the caliber of the instruction. It hurts the better stidents.
Which I don't have a problem with, as long as it is not blatantly set up such that only certain races can have had the life experiences sought.

Giving extra points to someone who grew up in a housing project, and attended DC, or other Democrat run dysfunctional schools, regardless of color, makes a lot more sense than giving 1/8th black person extra points for "being black" when they grew up in a mansion on Matha's Vinyard.
Bingo! And i know someone like that. She was a so-so student who was rejected from a good, although not Ivy, college. She then applied to a much more prestigious and competitive college, checked ”black” on the box because one of her eight great-grandparents was black, and got in. She then needed tutoring all the way through to keep a C average.
School administrators will always find ways to admit blacks who by every objective, measurable criterion are less intelligent than the least intelligent non blacks they admit. Those blacks will find they can't do the work, so they will drop out, flunk out, or major in useless puff courses like black studies.

The university will still deposit their tuition into the bank, and brag about having a student body that "looks like America."

I am looking forward to a Supreme Court decision against affirmative action in hiring decisions. Few managers like to be pressured by the government to hire unqualified blacks.

Diversity, equate, and inclusion are the enemies of merit, qualifications, and excellence.

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