Zone1 A big step in eradicating systemic racism, and 2/3rds of Americans approve

A nation cannot decline if it has never reaked it's peak. These racists don't get that. America has been an example of the greatest waste of human resources perhaps in world history. Talent haas been wasted to maintain a system of whie male preference that was based on a false construct to begin with. Racism is costing this nation trillions of dollars annually and we sink further into the abyss because there are whites that have been so brrainwashed into believing in their superiority that they live perpetually in a delusion of grandeur.
Because there were blacks in my parents’ colleges, taking advantage of the same opportunities.

Yes, my grandparents. What’s the confusion?
I doubt there were all that many. The record shows that blacks were denied entry into many HWCU's.
You know how you get upset when you say you see too many Black people in T.V. commercials and too many Black people on the posters in the store windows at the mall. Were there "too many" black people enrolled in the same school as your grandparents or was the school predominantly white or Jewish? Or did they attend a Black school? Were there as many Black people in the school as there were in the population, percentage wise?

There have ALWAYS been Black people who are exceptional just like in any other population (in answer to your question "why do some..."). That does not mean that they have not been discriminated against or have not faced discrimination on their journey to be at the top of their craft or career. However no one achieves these heights without a support system of some sort...

Because last you mentioned the topic, you said your parents and their siblings, I just wanted to verify that you actually meant your grandparents.
Why do you liberals always lie about what people say - and then attack them on something they never said? I didn’t say “too many black people” - I pointed out that there is an extreme overrepresentation of this one small minority, and that means that there is racism against whites. (Also, many people on this forum have pointed out the overrepresentation; why do you let it slide from them and direct all your anger toward the Jewish woman?’

And you are mixed up with my family. My grandparents arrived here, fleeing antisemitism, with no money, no English, and no education. They lived an impoverished life, in tenements, and yet their CHILDREN - who are my parents, aunt, and uncle - all graduated from college. The point is that people can rise from abject poverty in one generation to the successful middle class in the next - IF they do the right things.

And blacks have had a LOT of favoritism over the last two generations. Most have moved beyond poverty to the working and middle classes. They made the right choices, and has the right personal traits.
I doubt there were all that many. The record shows that blacks were denied entry into many HWCU's.
Not where my parents attended. (Different colleges.) I have their yearbooks, and I’d estimate that at least 20% of the students were black. I imagine they all went on to successful careers.
Just a reminder, we are in Zone 1 - no put downs, insults flaming, discuss the topic, not each other.
If that is your objective, have every eighteen-year-old serve a mandatory two years of public service. It could be the military, or VISTA, or some other residential program like the old CCC during the depression.
I’m actually a big fan of that.

The country would benefit, the participants would benefit, and they'd get the socialization and exposure to people from different backgrounds and economic strata you want an expensive college education to provide. Keep college as a training ground for very difficult endeavors like chemistry, engineering and medicine.
I still think college is important for more than just that.

Things like accounting and the law can be taught in trade schools alongside plumbing, computer repair and electrical installation and repair..
Not law, but the rest, yes.
I’m actually a big fan of that.

I still think college is important for more than just that.

Not law, but the rest, yes.
There’s nothing special about the law. It’s mostly rote memorization and learning just how close to what few ethical rules lawyers have without actually stepping over the line. I’ve heard lawyers called “attack librarians” and there is certainly a lot of truth to that label.
The illegitimate children of unmarried mothers who do not know who their fathers are and who are admitted because standards are lowered for them bring nothing to the university but loud rap music when serious students are trying to study.
I asked that this comment be deleted. When discussing highly controversial issues I try to be more decorous than this.

I do not dislike anyone because the person belongs to a racial or national group.

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