Zone1 A big step in eradicating systemic racism, and 2/3rds of Americans approve

I do agree that the wage discrepancy at the very, very top is too extreme. I worked at the senior manager/director level for a Fortune 100, and the CEO got close to $30 million per year once you factor in the stock options.

I also care about the working class and middle class, but how we view supporting them is different. I think what the Dems are doing now is making life very, very hard for the backbone of America by inflating prices and making things harder for the businesses (which ends up hurting employees and investors alike).
The Democrats are not trying to inflate prices. They are trying to reduce inflation. Inflation is an international problem.

The real problem facing the American people is that historical advantages have stopped working for us. Republicans have tried to mask this by cutting taxes. Now they are using the rising national debt for which they are responsible in efforts to cut popular domestic spending programs.
The Democrats are not trying to inflate prices. They are trying to reduce inflation. Inflation is an international problem.
That’s the Dem talking point. Biden’s continuing big spending bills put more money into the economy, and this cause inflation - essentially fighting the Fed’s attempt to reduce inflation by tightening the money supply. Econ 101.

You cannot spend your way out of inflation.
That’s the Dem talking point. Biden’s continuing big spending bills put more money into the economy, and this cause inflation - essentially fighting the Fed’s attempt to reduce inflation by tightening the money supply. Econ 101.

You cannot spend your way out of inflation.
Republican tax cuts for the rich have the same effect by pumping money into the economy without taking it out in taxes. Reagan was saved from the inflation that would have resulted from his deficit spending by the decline in the world price of petroleum.

Crude Oil Prices Adjusted for Inflation

The rise in the price of petroleum under Carter, and its decline under Reagan happened because of fluctuations over which neither president had much control over.
Republican tax cuts for the rich have the same effect by pumping money into the economy without taking it out in taxes. Reagan was saved from the inflation that would have resulted from his deficit spending by the decline in the world price of petroleum.

Crude Oil Prices Adjusted for Inflation

The rise in the price of petroleum under Carter, and its decline under Reagan happened because of fluctuations over which neither president had much control over.
You ignored what I said and went straight toward defending Democrats.

You know why the stock market went up today? Because the Fed’a tightening of the money supply is having an effect - slowing the economy. Now why in Gd’s name is Biden trying to pump more money into the economy NOW? He’s fighting the Fed because the Dems do NOT care about inflation. They want the middle class to cry uncle and take government money for survival.

Example: why now is the Biden regime making it as inviting as possible for illegals to come into this country? The majority have no skills or education, and will just take up needed resources as the Recession takes hold.
It isn’t about any race seeking preferential treatment but the rights of universities to crate a diverse campus and determine what factors they want to consider in admissions. The courts have previously upheld that it can use race as one of multiple factors in making admissions decisions.

Why do people focus entirely on that one aspect and ignore the fact that legacy admits and athletes each take up more slots than Blacks? Why do they not complain about such factors as being first generation, indiginous or female?
Because they have been race pimped by right wing loudmouths.
Example: why now is the Biden regime making it as inviting as possible for illegals to come into this country? The majority have no skills or education, and will just take up needed resources as the Recession takes hold.
I agree with the GOP on immigration, but it is not something I feel strongly about. I enjoy dining at a Mexican near to where I live. I suspect that most of the people who work there and dine there are illegal immigrants. They like me. I like them. Some of them practice their English with me and buy me drinks.

In my life I have only had problems with two Hispanics. They lived briefly at a rooming house where I was the manager. They were irritating, but they did not harm me.

I like the way Hispanics stand up to blacks, fight back, and sometimes take the initiative against them. I will not dislike a person simply because he is black. Nevertheless, blacks have mugged me, robbed me at gunpoint, and nearly murdered me. That influences the way I feel about the Negro race.
IMHO, race should not be a factor at all. When a black student is admitted over a more qualified student of another color then how can anyone say that race was not the driving factor? And that a more qualified student that wasn't admitted may be a minority student of another race. What I hear is that Asian kids are the ones taking it in the shorts. That just ain't right. It flies in the face of equality of opportunity and is an affirmation of discrimination for some people and against others and I cannot support that.

I do not see any 'pro' for equality of outcome, that is (sorry) crap. Some people outperform others and should receive more compensation for that, while others underperform and should receive less, and the reasons why either case occurs is irrelevant. The gov't should never be allowed to pick winners and losers, that is the antithesis of equal justice for all. If a private university or company wants to promote some form of affirmative action, so be it but the gov't should not be sudsidizing such programs IMHO.

You don't have to be admitted to Harvard to achieve economic success and upward mobility, because it's not the school that goes out into the world to earn a living, it's the individual. You are promoting a sense of entitlement based on race where you are telling black people that you are not smart enough or good enough to make it on your own merits so we'll cheat somebody else. We'll lower the bar just for you; why? Pity? Guilt? Whose fault is it when a black kid doesn't clear the same bar that someone else did, and now that person gets screwed. I think people of any race or creed can become successful and give back to their communities without discrimination for or against anybody. IOW, the answer is not to lower the bar for some, it's to address the reasons why black kids are not achieving the same academic results that others are.
Race is the reason whites have everything they do. So damage caused 247 years of race based policies favoring whites will not be fixed by not considering race.

Asians are not taking anything in the shorts. Asians are being used by white racists to end AA.

Under SAT-Only Admissions, Asian American Applicants to Selective Colleges Would Gain Fewer than 3,000 Seats Out of 120,000, Georgetown University Report Find
21% of Asian American students at the most selective colleges would not have been admitted
under a test-only admissions policy

Critics of affirmative action point to the stable enrollment share of Asian American students at the most selective colleges for the past two decades as evidence that these institutions maintain a predetermined racial balance of students. However, CEW researchers found that the enrollment share of Asian American and Pacific Islander students at Harvard and at the 90 other most selective colleges in the US has kept pace with their growing share of the four-year college-going population. In fact, the Asian American and Pacific Islander share of enrollments at the most selective colleges grew by 4 percentage points even while their enrollment share at all four-year colleges grew by just 2 percentage points between 1999 and 2018.
Race is the reason whites have everything they do. So damage caused 247 years of race based policies favoring whites will not be fixed by not considering race.

Asians are not taking anything in the shorts. Asians are being used by white racists to end AA.
IQ power is the reason we whites have everything we do. East Asians are catching up on us and will surpass us. Blacks never will. East Asians are suing Harvard to eliminate affirmative action in university admissions.

If affirmative action is eliminated in hiring decisions millions of blacks will be fired from jobs they never should have gotten. This will be good for east Asians and whites. Jobs that we can perform adequately will open up for us.
Race is the reason whites have everything they do. So damage caused 247 years of race based policies favoring whites will not be fixed by not considering race.

Asians are not taking anything in the shorts. Asians are being used by white racists to end AA.

Under SAT-Only Admissions, Asian American Applicants to Selective Colleges Would Gain Fewer than 3,000 Seats Out of 120,000, Georgetown University Report Find
21% of Asian American students at the most selective colleges would not have been admitted
under a test-only admissions policy

Critics of affirmative action point to the stable enrollment share of Asian American students at the most selective colleges for the past two decades as evidence that these institutions maintain a predetermined racial balance of students. However, CEW researchers found that the enrollment share of Asian American and Pacific Islander students at Harvard and at the 90 other most selective colleges in the US has kept pace with their growing share of the four-year college-going population. In fact, the Asian American and Pacific Islander share of enrollments at the most selective colleges grew by 4 percentage points even while their enrollment share at all four-year colleges grew by just 2 percentage points between 1999 and 2018.
Give us a break. Whites have everything they do because they have built the most productive society in the history of mankind.
Give us a break. Whites have everything they do because they have built the most productive society in the history of mankind.
Imagine what the United States would be like with virtually no Negroes. The crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our welfare systems and criminal justice systems would be much lower. Affirmative action would not elevate blacks to positions they lack the intelligence to perform well.

The downtown areas of our cities would not be asphalt jungles of crime and moral depravity. They would be centers of civilization, known for art galleries, museums, libraries, book stores, theaters, concert halls and atmospheric taverns and restaurants.

It would be possible to watch a movie or a play or to attend a symphony concert or ballet that ended at 10:00 pm, and walk safely for two miles to get home.
IMHO, race should not be a factor at all. When a black student is admitted over a more qualified student of another color then how can anyone say that race was not the driving factor? And that a more qualified student that wasn't admitted may be a minority student of another race. What I hear is that Asian kids are the ones taking it in the shorts. That just ain't right. It flies in the face of equality of opportunity and is an affirmation of discrimination for some people and against others and I cannot support that.

We are obviously not going to agree on this…but the issue with Asian kids in Harvard is interesting, and it isn’t an issue of “unqualified blacks” but rather less qualified white students.

Continued use of affirmative action of the kind upheld by the Supreme Court is perfectly compatible with tackling the discrimination at issue. The problem is not race-conscious holistic review; rather, it is the added, sub-rosa deployment of racial balancing in a manner that keeps the number of Asians so artificially low relative to whites who are less strong on academic measures. It is also time to look seriously at the impact on Asians (many of them immigrants or the children of immigrants) of the advantage enjoyed by legacy admissions and wealthy families who are likely to give significant donations. It distorts and confuses the debate to lay the preferential treatment for whites over Asians at the feet of affirmative action—or, on the other side, to deny that Asians are disadvantaged in admissions today.

Let me ask this: what is the purpose of going to college and getting a college education?

Equality of opportunity vs. equality of opportunity.

GPA and test scores have NEVER been the sole criteria for admissions. There is a baseline they must meet to be admitted, after that it really depends on what the school is looking for.

Should academic rigor be the sole criteria?

I do not see any 'pro' for equality of outcome, that is (sorry) crap. Some people outperform others and should receive more compensation for that, while others underperform and should receive less, and the reasons why either case occurs is irrelevant. The gov't should never be allowed to pick winners and losers, that is the antithesis of equal justice for all. If a private university or company wants to promote some form of affirmative action, so be it but the gov't should not be sudsidizing such programs IMHO.
Well…in most of these arguments, it is about elite private institutions. IMO, for state universities, one of the best is Texas University which automatically admits the top 10% of every Texas Highschool. That means those in economicaly. areas as well as the more priveledged and insures a diverse student body. I can get behind that.

You don't have to be admitted to Harvard to achieve economic success and upward mobility, because it's not the school that goes out into the world to earn a living, it's the individual.

I disagree here, because in the post college employment world, a degree from Harvard carries far more weight than a degree from U of MD.

You are promoting a sense of entitlement based on race where you are telling black people that you are not smart enough or good enough to make it on your own merits so we'll cheat somebody else. We'll lower the bar just for you; why? Pity? Guilt? Whose fault is it when a black kid doesn't clear the same bar that someone else did, and now that person gets screwed. I think people of any race or creed can become successful and give back to their communities without discrimination for or against anybody. IOW, the answer is not to lower the bar for some, it's to address the reasons why black kids are not achieving the same academic results that others are.
How is the bar lowered? Do they meet the admission criteria which is high)?
We are obviously not going to agree on this…but the issue with Asian kids in Harvard is interesting, and it isn’t an issue of “unqualified blacks” but rather less qualified white students.
An area where I disagree with white nationalists (although I am a white Gentile) is that they want white Gentiles to be discriminated in favor of in university admissions and I do not. That disagreement has gotten me banned from white nationalist websites. I am opposed to affirmative action policies for any demographic.

I admire Jews and East Asians for the same reasons white nationalists resent them; they tend to be intelligent, successful, and prosperous.
An area where I disagree with white nationalists (although I am a white Gentile) is that they want white Gentiles to be discriminated in favor of in university admissions and I do not. That disagreement has gotten me banned from white nationalist websites. I am opposed to affirmative action policies for any demographic.

I admire Jews and East Asians for the same reasons white nationalists resent them; they tend to be intelligent, successful, and prosperous.
What? Who wants white “gentiles” to be discriminated against when whites with lower academic qualifications are getting admitted over better qualified Asians?
What? Who wants white “gentiles” to be discriminated against when whites with lower academic qualifications are getting admitted over better qualified Asians?
Read my post again. I do not want white Gentiles to be discriminated in favor of. White nationalists do.
Let me ask this: what is the purpose of going to college and getting a college education?
The purpose of going to college should be to learn a profession, but only if one has the native intelligence to learn the profession. Most people lack this and should not be in college.
Well…in most of these arguments, it is about elite private institutions. IMO, for state universities, one of the best is Texas University which automatically admits the top 10% of every Texas Highschool. That means those in economicaly. areas as well as the more priveledged and insures a diverse student body. I can get behind that.
Texas University is practicing affirmative action by the back door. The top ten percent in affluent areas is going to be more intelligent on the average than the top ten percent in poor areas. IQ is what matters.

About a year ago I read about the valedictorian in a black majority public school in Washington, DC whose combined SAT score was 700. No one at that level belongs in any college, regardless where the person stands relevant to others in the school the person attended.

What good is diversity when it discriminates against those who have the intelligence to benefit from college, and admits those who do not?

As intelligence becomes more important to our economy and our society it becomes more important to discriminate in favor of those with high IQ's.
That’s the Dem talking point. Biden’s continuing big spending bills put more money into the economy, and this cause inflation - essentially fighting the Fed’s attempt to reduce inflation by tightening the money supply. Econ 101.

You cannot spend your way out of inflation.
Under President Franklin Roosevelt we did tax and spend our way to prosperity.

In 1944 the top tax rate was 94%.

The unemployment rate was 1.2%.

The per capital gross domestic product (GDP) in 1996 dollars was $12,380. It had never been that high before.
Under President Franklin Roosevelt we did tax and spend our way to prosperity.

In 1944 the top tax rate was 94%.

The unemployment rate was 1.2%.

The per capital gross domestic product (GDP) in 1996 dollars was $12,380. It had never been that high before.
The war had something to do with the low unemployment rate and recovery.

And it is SHAMEFUL to take 94% of someone’s top dollar while half the country doesn’t pitch in a cent toward the federal government.
The purpose of going to college should be to learn a profession, but only if one has the native intelligence to learn the profession. Most people lack this and should not be in college.
The problem is that leftists see college as the means to bring about equity - not prepare for a profession. And to do so, they have to lower the bar for less qualified students, and thus water down the value of a college degree.

When I went to college 40+ years ago, only about half of high school grads went on to college. When my parents went, only about 15% did. Now, the Democrats (most of them) have denigrated the idea of trade school for the “non-college material” and in doing so created millions of college drop outs with loans they can’t repay.

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