A Christian lives well, a brothers in need, and he won't help him-can God's love be within him?

How many people have you helped, Rderp? That's the problem, you want to bitch and moan but you expect the government to do all of it. Christians are the ones out there doing the leg work, they are with the Outreach programs, they are feeding and providing clothing. Without their help the less fortunate would be in even worse shape. Stop confusing politics with what Christians are doing. It's complete and utter BS
Yep. As we speak chaplains are arraigning for poor families to get food baskets for Christmas and thanksgiving as well as clothing and toys. Not to mention poor children abroad to receive boxes with school supplies,toiletries and gifts.
Stuff that lasts two weeks. What about school lunches for children who may find that to be the only really good meal they get that day? What about health care for children? What about daycare so people can go to work and know their children are being taken care of?

Oh, that's "free stuff".

Oh, that's right. Republicans believe in "let him die".

Get a grip
RDean must not be aware that due to modern technology food banks and pantries now can take online money donations :)

He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
I know. What if Christians (like libs) just said.... All you get is the $ 200.00 to 300.00 the government takes out of my check every week in taxes.

The needy would be screwed.
Btw RDean. Just an FYI... Dollar Tree and Family Dollar store have had food drive barrels in store for several months now. And Dollar tree also will have toy and school supply drives around Christmas and before school starts.

Since I know you hate Christian based charities there is no excuse for not making a donation or two or three. :)

Plus...did you leave non parishable food out for your mailman this weekend? They were collecting for the needy.

On Tuesday my daughter and I carried three bags of canned goods to a Charity Drive at her school.

The school had planned to have pictures taken of those involved inside of a bus with the collected food, but the response was to great and the bus was to full too get anyone inside for photos, so they had to take pictures of people standing outside of the bus.
Yep. As we speak chaplains are arraigning for poor families to get food baskets for Christmas and thanksgiving as well as clothing and toys. Not to mention poor children abroad to receive boxes with school supplies,toiletries and gifts.
Stuff that lasts two weeks. What about school lunches for children who may find that to be the only really good meal they get that day? What about health care for children? What about daycare so people can go to work and know their children are being taken care of?

Oh, that's "free stuff".

Oh, that's right. Republicans believe in "let him die".

Get a grip
RDean must not be aware that due to modern technology food banks and pantries now can take online money donations :)

He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
I know. What if Christians (like libs) just said.... All you get is the $ 200.00 to 300.00 the government takes out of my check every week in taxes.

The needy would be screwed.

Exactly, my Mom works with her church in Indiana and Indiana just cut 18,000 people off food stamps because they are not handicapped and are eligible to work. she said the pantries are overwhelmed since the cuts. Before any jumps in and screams "see Indiana doesn't care!!!" They left the stamps in place for three years longer than they had to.
He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Btw RDean. Just an FYI... Dollar Tree and Family Dollar store have had food drive barrels in store for several months now. And Dollar tree also will have toy and school supply drives around Christmas and before school starts.

Since I know you hate Christian based charities there is no excuse for not making a donation or two or three. :)

Plus...did you leave non parishable food out for your mailman this weekend? They were collecting for the needy.

On Tuesday my daughter and I carried three bags of canned goods to a Charity Drive at her school.

The school had planned to have pictures taken of those involved inside of a bus with the collected food, but the response was to great and the bus was to full too get anyone inside for photos, so they had to take pictures of people standing outside of the bus.
That is awesome. RDean thinks people are greedy. Turns out it's just him.

The hospital where I work had a food drive for seniors in October. I donated three bags of food and tea to them. All totaled donations filled up 4 large food drums. I was proud of my co workers. :)
He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Speaking of. My state has this cool program ( so others probably do too). You see a homeless person panhandling you call 311. The state worker will show up and offer them 10.00/hr for a days work pulling weeds or picking up trash.
He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Speaking of. My state has this cool program ( so others probably do too). You see a homeless person panhandling you call 311. The state worker will show up and offer them 10.00/hr for a days work pulling weeds or picking up trash.

My understanding is Indiana will keep the stamps in place but they have to work a certain number of hours per week. That's fair
He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Speaking of. My state has this cool program ( so others probably do too). You see a homeless person panhandling you call 311. The state worker will show up and offer them 10.00/hr for a days work pulling weeds or picking up trash.

My understanding is Indiana will keep the stamps in place but they have to work a certain number of hours per week. That's fair
I agree. Volunteering time is a fair trade.
He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Speaking of. My state has this cool program ( so others probably do too). You see a homeless person panhandling you call 311. The state worker will show up and offer them 10.00/hr for a days work pulling weeds or picking up trash.
That's cruel and unusual punishment, making them work for a living? I know people who have offered them work but got declined. Some do pretty well panhandling, more than 10 bucks an hour.

I like how they are all so religious too, the signs say God Bless....
He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Speaking of. My state has this cool program ( so others probably do too). You see a homeless person panhandling you call 311. The state worker will show up and offer them 10.00/hr for a days work pulling weeds or picking up trash.
That's cruel and unusual punishment, making them work for a living? I know people who have offered them work but got declined. Some do pretty well panhandling, more than 10 bucks an hour.

I like how they are all so religious too, the signs say God Bless....

I rarely give money to panhandlers, too many scam artists.
He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Speaking of. My state has this cool program ( so others probably do too). You see a homeless person panhandling you call 311. The state worker will show up and offer them 10.00/hr for a days work pulling weeds or picking up trash.
That's cruel and unusual punishment, making them work for a living? I know people who have offered them work but got declined. Some do pretty well panhandling, more than 10 bucks an hour.

I like how they are all so religious too, the signs say God Bless....
Probably why our state does this. To weed out the frauds that are ripping people off from the truly needy.
More businesses currently running food drives.

Bank Of America

He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Speaking of. My state has this cool program ( so others probably do too). You see a homeless person panhandling you call 311. The state worker will show up and offer them 10.00/hr for a days work pulling weeds or picking up trash.
That's cruel and unusual punishment, making them work for a living? I know people who have offered them work but got declined. Some do pretty well panhandling, more than 10 bucks an hour.

I like how they are all so religious too, the signs say God Bless....

I rarely give money to panhandlers, too many scam artists.
I never do. It's enabling them and encouraging them to do more of it. They got so aggressive here they had to pass a law to back them off of people walking downtown.
He worked for some "social" agency and thinks that is truly helping people. It's not, he has no clue as to what Christians do in helping the needy.
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Speaking of. My state has this cool program ( so others probably do too). You see a homeless person panhandling you call 311. The state worker will show up and offer them 10.00/hr for a days work pulling weeds or picking up trash.
That's cruel and unusual punishment, making them work for a living? I know people who have offered them work but got declined. Some do pretty well panhandling, more than 10 bucks an hour.

I like how they are all so religious too, the signs say God Bless....

I rarely give money to panhandlers, too many scam artists.
I never do. It's enabling them and encouraging them to do more of it. They got so aggressive here they had to pass a law to back them off of people walking downtown.

They put up boxes here people can donate money in, the money is supposed to go to agencies that help the homeless, somebody stole the damn things.
My relatives tried to pay me to go to church, I wasn't having any of their blood money...
The asshole probably gives a homeless guy $1 once a month and thinks he's a philanthropist.
Speaking of. My state has this cool program ( so others probably do too). You see a homeless person panhandling you call 311. The state worker will show up and offer them 10.00/hr for a days work pulling weeds or picking up trash.
That's cruel and unusual punishment, making them work for a living? I know people who have offered them work but got declined. Some do pretty well panhandling, more than 10 bucks an hour.

I like how they are all so religious too, the signs say God Bless....

I rarely give money to panhandlers, too many scam artists.
I never do. It's enabling them and encouraging them to do more of it. They got so aggressive here they had to pass a law to back them off of people walking downtown.

They put up boxes here people can donate money in, the money is supposed to go to agencies that help the homeless, somebody stole the damn things.
Probably a damn liberal :)
Christians give more of their time and money than any other group.
From the Hoover Institute-

Charity differences between religious and secular people persist if we look at the actual amounts of donations and volunteering. Indeed, measures of the dollars given and occasions volunteered per year produce a yawning gap between the groups. The average annual giving among the religious is $2,210, whereas it is $642 among the secular. Similarly, religious people volunteer an average of 12 times per year, while secular people volunteer an average of 5.8 times. To put this into perspective, religious people are 33 percent of the population but make 52 percent of donations and 45 percent of times volunteered. Secular people are 26 percent of the population but contribute 13 percent of the dollars and 17 percent of the times volunteered.

These differences hardly change when we consider them in isolation from the other demographics, using a statistical technique called tobit regression. Religious practice by itself is associated with $1,388 more given per year than we would expect to see from a secular person (with the same political views, income, education, age, race, and other characteristics), as well as with 6.5 more occasions of volunteering.

How many people have you helped, Rderp? That's the problem, you want to bitch and moan but you expect the government to do all of it. Christians are the ones out there doing the leg work, they are with the Outreach programs, they are feeding and providing clothing. Without their help the less fortunate would be in even worse shape. Stop confusing politics with what Christians are doing. It's complete and utter BS

Not confusing politics and Christians. However, people who claim Christianity for political reasons are a different story. If the right wing really was motivated by Christ's teachings, you wouldn't be as hateful and greedy as you are. You have no way of knowing what anyone else has done to help others, and while you want to take credit for the known good works of Christian organizations, the crap you continually post deny any real compassion for anybody.
How many people have you helped, Rderp? That's the problem, you want to bitch and moan but you expect the government to do all of it. Christians are the ones out there doing the leg work, they are with the Outreach programs, they are feeding and providing clothing. Without their help the less fortunate would be in even worse shape. Stop confusing politics with what Christians are doing. It's complete and utter BS

Not confusing politics and Christians. However, people who claim Christianity for political reasons are a different story. If the right wing really was motivated by Christ's teachings, you wouldn't be as hateful and greedy as you are. You have no way of knowing what anyone else has done to help others, and while you want to take credit for the known good works of Christian organizations, the crap you continually post deny any real compassion for anybody.
Says the party of activists that issue death threats to those they don't like or agree with.
How many people have you helped, Rderp? That's the problem, you want to bitch and moan but you expect the government to do all of it. Christians are the ones out there doing the leg work, they are with the Outreach programs, they are feeding and providing clothing. Without their help the less fortunate would be in even worse shape. Stop confusing politics with what Christians are doing. It's complete and utter BS

Not confusing politics and Christians. However, people who claim Christianity for political reasons are a different story. If the right wing really was motivated by Christ's teachings, you wouldn't be as hateful and greedy as you are. You have no way of knowing what anyone else has done to help others, and while you want to take credit for the known good works of Christian organizations, the crap you continually post deny any real compassion for anybody.

You have no way of knowing anybody either...but that doesn't stop you from proclaiming it. Hypocrite
How many people have you helped, Rderp? That's the problem, you want to bitch and moan but you expect the government to do all of it. Christians are the ones out there doing the leg work, they are with the Outreach programs, they are feeding and providing clothing. Without their help the less fortunate would be in even worse shape. Stop confusing politics with what Christians are doing. It's complete and utter BS

Not confusing politics and Christians. However, people who claim Christianity for political reasons are a different story. If the right wing really was motivated by Christ's teachings, you wouldn't be as hateful and greedy as you are. You have no way of knowing what anyone else has done to help others, and while you want to take credit for the known good works of Christian organizations, the crap you continually post deny any real compassion for anybody.
Says the party of activists that issue death threats to those they don't like or agree with.

You're kidding. The right has no shortage of crazies issuing death threats.
Right-wing death threats rise: Republicans should condemn Rush Limbaugh

The Dixie Chicks even turned it into a song

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