A Church Can Have its Own Police Force, Alabama's Senate Decided!!

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!
Bwahahaha! Where in the U.S. Constitution does it establish policing as a “power of government”? :laugh:

It is astounding how the left is so disturbingly ignorant of the U.S. Constitution.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Quit clutching your pearls.
That's funny that you think he has any.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."

Quit swigging the paranoia juice and put it down. You've got your panties all in a ruffle over insane hypotheticals you've imagined MIGHT happen. Try to focus on the present reality. Sheesh.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."

Your hatred and biases warp your view son. Would you "feel" better if they called it a "Security" team?

He'd feel better if it was someone he thought DESERVED to be protected.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Let's hope the measure is struck down as in violation of the Establishment Clause.

And this is a violation of the "Establishment Clause" how? (I mean the REAL First Amendment, not the one you leftists imagine is there.)
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

relax, theres another name for that. It's called "Security Guard". Ever hear of that before? no that doesn't mean the Spanish Inquisition is coming back .
There is a difference between security guards and police.

LOL, even if they have the same duties?
They don't have the same powers. Security guards do not have government sanctioned police powers

So you upset they're thwarting your plans to rob the collection plate?

I don't get the Hysteria ..


Religious people - except for Muslims - are second-class citizens and deviants who deserve anything that happens to them because they refuse to adhere to the beliefs and life choices the left has VERY CLEARLY told them are acceptable, you see. They therefore do not deserve any sort of protection of their safety, and should NEVER, EVER have any interaction with government beyond the government telling them to get back into their ghettoes, per the "Establishment Clause" leftists have imagined.

Hope that clears up Prog's psychosis for you.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Fuck off. You don’t like our laws?Stay the fuck out....

This about our laws. It’s about our constitution Don’t like it ? Get out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If it's Unconstitutional for places to have private police forces, I'd suggest you get busy and starting showing this level of melodrama at every university and community college in the country.

If it's only "Unconstitutional" because it's a church and you think your apocryphal "separation of church and state" means they are ineligible for the same rights and protections as more leftist institutions - like universities - you're invited to take your made-up Constitution and get out yourself.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

So you don’t understand the difference between a school and a church? Shit for brains

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So you don't understand that this church HAS a school? Shitforbrains.

And frankly, there IS no difference between a church and school in terms of the same exact frigging right to the safety and security of their people. I get that you approve of schools and disapprove of churches, but that doesn't change the fact that church members are just as much full citizens as students are (however much you'd like to change that).
Are you really this stupid?
Stupid?? Please explain, Bubba

The level of your hysteria is astonishing. You immediately descend to accusations of behaviors that only progressives loons, like you, engage in.
I am not in the lease bit hysterical.

Of course you are, your hormones have you completely off kilter. If a Church wants it's own security/police force who are you to say no?
My hormones? You fucking idiot. I'm 72 years old. It's not me who is saying that a Church can't have a police force.Its the fucking constitution!

Your hormones, you fucking idiot. What, did you manage to be so ignorant that you didn't know emotions are caused by hormones for 7 decades? You definitely appear to have spent 72 years hormonally wailing about "the Constitution!" without ever reading it.
relax, theres another name for that. It's called "Security Guard". Ever hear of that before? no that doesn't mean the Spanish Inquisition is coming back .
There is a difference between security guards and police.

LOL, even if they have the same duties?
They don't have the same powers. Security guards do not have government sanctioned police powers

You're struggling here....YOU'RE the one talking about "Gov", not the Church. The Church can call it anything they want and give them any power/authority (within the boundaries) of the law they want. If you're unruly and disruptive they can (and will) put you down and detain you until the "real" police get there.
I'm struggling? Horseshit! You have no idea what you're talking about. Are you so fucking stupid that you think that a church can assume the power of government in the United States of America>

You're so fucking stupid that you think private police are "assuming the power of the government" . . . but only when there's a church and those icky Christian weirdos involved. Anyone else, and it's no big deal.
relax, theres another name for that. It's called "Security Guard". Ever hear of that before? no that doesn't mean the Spanish Inquisition is coming back .
There is a difference between security guards and police.

LOL, even if they have the same duties?
They don't have the same powers. Security guards do not have government sanctioned police powers

So you upset they're thwarting your plans to rob the collection plate?

I don't get the Hysteria ..


Religious people - except for Muslims - are second-class citizens and deviants who deserve anything that happens to them because they refuse to adhere to the beliefs and life choices the left has VERY CLEARLY told them are acceptable, you see. They therefore do not deserve any sort of protection of their safety, and should NEVER, EVER have any interaction with government beyond the government telling them to get back into their ghettoes, per the "Establishment Clause" leftists have imagined.

Hope that clears up Prog's psychosis for you.
I'll say one thing for you girls, you're really god at making up a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement at the drop of a hat.
There is a difference between security guards and police.

LOL, even if they have the same duties?
They don't have the same powers. Security guards do not have government sanctioned police powers

You're struggling here....YOU'RE the one talking about "Gov", not the Church. The Church can call it anything they want and give them any power/authority (within the boundaries) of the law they want. If you're unruly and disruptive they can (and will) put you down and detain you until the "real" police get there.
I'm struggling? Horseshit! You have no idea what you're talking about. Are you so fucking stupid that you think that a church can assume the power of government in the United States of America>

You're so fucking stupid that you think private police are "assuming the power of the government" . . . but only when there's a church and those icky Christian weirdos involved. Anyone else, and it's no big deal.
You're so fucking stupid as to think that there is such a thing as private police. All police are sanctioned by the government, even if they work for a non governmental agency or institution. Police - Wikipedia
You're so fucking stupid as to think that there is such a thing as private police. All police are sanctioned by the government, even if they work for a non governmental agency or institution.
That's like saying there are no private doctors since they have to pass a state-controlled board exam. :eusa-doh:

Good grief, liberals are special. All of that acid and pot has just fried their tiny brains. They can barely function at the level of the mentally retarded at this point.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Never mind minorities-the Spanish Inquisition tortured everybody!
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."

Muzzies already have that in NYC

Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."

Just stay away from the churches, faggot.

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