A detailed look at the democrat party and the destruction of Black Americans.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
It amazes me that you still have black Americans defending the democrat party.....the party of slavery, jim crow, the kkk, lynching and the Civil War......this article details the continuous destruction against the black American community by the democrat party......

The democrats have trapped black children in generational poverty and crime, and their policies have led to the deaths of 10s of thousands of black children every year.....

And blacks still vote for the democrats...

To sum it up, since 1964, Democrat policies that are ostensibly intended to benefit blacks have, instead, impoverished them, broken up their families, ravaged their communities with unchecked crime, and left their children illiterate and uninformed. These inculcated societal problems have spread to Hispanics, too, but they’re a little less vulnerable to them because they don’t have the blacks’ long, tangled history with the Democrats.

But Democrats aren’t done. Most recently, in the name of equity, Democrats are using their war on children’s education to reinstate…segregation. It’s not just for college dormitories anymore. According to the Wall Street Journal:

School leaders in this college town just north of Chicago have been battling a sizable academic achievement gap between Black, Latino and white students for decades. So a few years ago, the school district decided to try something new at the high school: classrooms voluntarily separated by race.
Nearly 200 Black and Latino students at Evanston Township High School signed up this year for math classes and a writing seminar intended for students of the same race, taught by a teacher of color. These optional so-called affinity classes are designed to address the achievement gap by making students feel more comfortable in class, district leaders have said, particularly in Advanced Placement courses that historically have enrolled few Black and Latino students.

Another white expert on being black.

This is a bunch of garbage from the American thinker

American Thinker – Bias and Credibility​


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We were Republicans for 100 years and their policies definetly destroyed blacks.
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It amazes me that you still have black Americans defending the democrat party.....the party of slavery, jim crow, the kkk, lynching and the Civil War......this article details the continuous destruction against the black American community by the democrat party......

The democrats have trapped black children in generational poverty and crime, and their policies have led to the deaths of 10s of thousands of black children every year.....

And blacks still vote for the democrats...

To sum it up, since 1964, Democrat policies that are ostensibly intended to benefit blacks have, instead, impoverished them, broken up their families, ravaged their communities with unchecked crime, and left their children illiterate and uninformed. These inculcated societal problems have spread to Hispanics, too, but they’re a little less vulnerable to them because they don’t have the blacks’ long, tangled history with the Democrats.

But Democrats aren’t done. Most recently, in the name of equity, Democrats are using their war on children’s education to reinstate…segregation. It’s not just for college dormitories anymore. According to the Wall Street Journal:

Some white folks--conservative asshats--believe that a white cop who shoots a black man in his own apartment should get zero jail time.

And you’re amazed that blacks aren’t down with that?
Another white expert on being black.

This is a bunch of garbage from the American thinker

American Thinker – Bias and Credibility​

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We were Republicans for 100 years and their policies definetly destroyed blacks.
LMAO. Says who? Some dipshit? :laughing0301:
Another white expert on being black.

This is a bunch of garbage from the American thinker

American Thinker – Bias and Credibility​

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We were Republicans for 100 years and their policies definetly destroyed blacks.
There is some truth in giving an ethnic group low expectations resulting in low behaviors, IM2. Taking no survivors through marginalization of a debater is not an answer to the problems of the world that competition in politics can breed if stoked enough.
Some white folks--conservative asshats--believe that a white cop who shoots a black man in his own apartment should get zero jail time.

And you’re amazed that blacks aren’t down with that?
Unfortunately many of those same people prefer being told stealing shoes and beer is an acceptable way to protest injustice. They enjoy having a party excuse their criminal behavior rather than hold them accountable for it.
There is some truth in giving an ethnic group low expectations resulting in low behaviors, IM2. Taking no survivors through marginalization of a debater is not an answer to the problems of the world that competition in politics can breed if stoked enough.
Do better than this racist nonsense. Whites had such low expecctatons that they excluded everybody else until 1964.
Unfortunately many of those same people prefer being told stealing shoes and beer is an acceptable way to protest injustice. They enjoy having a party excuse their criminal behavior rather than hold them accountable for it.
Less than 2 percent are not many. Meanwhile whites get training and certification in order to steal billions of dollars and call that success. These whites pay lawyers to stop them from being held accountable for their criminal behavior.
Less than 2 percent are not many. Meanwhile whites get training and certification in order to steal billions of dollars and call that success. These whites pay lawyers to stop them from being held accountable for their criminal behavior.
Are you talking about white people like William Jefferson who stores $90,000 in a freezer? Maybe try a little less white versus black mentality and improve yourself
Do better than this racist nonsense. Whites had such low expecctatons that they excluded everybody else until 1964.

No...democrats excluded blacks until they were forced to finally surrender and voted for the very last of the Civil Rights acts...after trying to murder blacks and republicans to keep the others from passing.
Another white expert on being black.

This is a bunch of garbage from the American thinker

American Thinker – Bias and Credibility​

View attachment 864720

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Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
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Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

We were Republicans for 100 years and their policies definetly destroyed blacks.
says the racists that claims to be an expert on whites ..
Are you talking about white people like William Jefferson who stores $90,000 in a freezer? Maybe try a little less white versus black mentality and improve yourself
How about you say that to the OP?

You can't, sorry miserable racist P..O.T.

Because the democratic party has not destroyed me or any other black person I know
says the racists that claims to be an expert on whites ..
Your comment in shows just how dumb you are.

As you idiots are so quick to tell us, there are 5 times more whites. We have too learn about whites to survive.
No...democrats excluded blacks until they were forced to finally surrender and voted for the very last of the Civil Rights acts...after trying to murder blacks and republicans to keep the others from passing.
It was bi partisan. And todays republican party is trying to take us back there.
No responsibility
No commitment to family
No work ethic
Prone to violence
Label authority as the problem
You sound upset your bullshit was called out. Maybe if you worked on yourself a little you wouldn’t be so upset all the time
You the one mad because right wing whites are getting called out. I'm fine, you're the one with the problem. Call out the white op or shut your mouth..

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