A dire warning from the bench.

If Trump wins in 2024 all hell is going to break out on the Dem side.

They're already desperate to spin their coming planned violence as 'Trump's fault'. It's obvious they think it will be impossible to over come his large vote advantages in several key states, especially since they've alienated so much of their base.This time around don't be surprised if they will be tossing bombs and blowing up school houses, police and fire stations, and outright murdering opposition candidates. They already have lots of judges and Federal agencies working for them.
Well, we know they would say a loss was rigged. We know it's possible that states will not certify votes Trump doesn't win. We know that there will be more violence if he loses again.

So this November most likely just won't be a very good month. They're getting the destruction they wanted.
A loss in 2024 would be rigged.That is just common sense. No one is going to beat Trump. Admit it hack.
That is the remark of a coward.
I'm beginning to wonder if we're careening towards a "dog catches car" moment.

They're making progress towards their goal of breaking down our foundations, without giving much (if any) thought to what that would actually look like.

The Founders didn't envision this, and I think the Bannon types know that.

The Judicial System Is Failing Democracy​

In retrospect, I came into the Trump era with way too much confidence that the legal system was up to the task. The last eight years have been humbling in that regard.

As a lawyer-turned-editor, I cautioned my reporting team not to be impatient with the pace and deliberation of legal processes. These things take time. Don’t be hot-headed about it. Chill out. Let things run their course.

The sometimes plodding pace of the system is by design, more a feature than a bug. There’s an entire vernacular around the downsides of too-swift justice: “rough justice,” “lynch mob,” “show trial,” “railroaded.” The list is long.

In the early days of the Trump presidency, efforts to obtain his tax returns or enforce the Emoluments Clause were slow, clumsy, and sometimes reluctantly undertaken by Democrats in Congress. I was inclined to excuse that slowness. But as the threat mounted and become more obvious and the reaction to it failed to rise to the challenge, my own sense of urgency began to change.

When the travesties of the Trump presidency accumulated and potential accountability shifted from the political to legal realms, especially after the Jan. 6 attack, I feared that the legal system was more inclined to sweep it all under the rug than confront it. A lot of our coverage was focused on framing the Jan. 6 attack as merely the culmination of a broad, months-long conspiracy to subvert the election. While the attack on the Capitol did historic damage and finally started to stir law enforcement into action, over-focusing on the physical attack would miss the myriad other ways the election had been subverted using the powers of the executive branch.

It is debatable as to whether the judicial system is up to the task in dealing with the many ways Trump has exploited its vulnerabilities.
Trump's sideshow freak attorneys are certainly exploiting every loophole for delay they can get away with and yes, exposing what a two-tiered justice system we have in this country where a wealthy, well connected citizen like Trump is afforded breaks and delays that just aren't available to most people facing similiar charges.
Ultimately though it's obvious he's not going to evade accountability forever. He's just delaying the inevitable.
Even after this morning's reprieve on his full bond payment he's still going to have to write a pretty BIG check within 10 days and he's still going to have to come up with the other $279 million plus interest once he loses his final appeal on this case; which he certainly will.
And it wasn't all "good news" for the orange cat turd king this morning. His lawyers were told rather harshly that they've reached the end of their leashes on their senseless delays in the Stormy Daniels hush money case and that they should expect to begin trial on April 15th.
Once that starts we'll see his poll numbers begin to drop and once he's convicted they will tank.
The ice is getting pretty thin under his feet but yes, he's going down. It's just slow motion for now.
It will speed up soon.
I'm beginning to wonder if we're careening towards a "dog catches car" moment.

They're making progress towards their goal of breaking down our foundations, without giving much (if any) thought to what that would actually look like.

The Founders didn't envision this, and I think the Bannon types know that.
The founders' visions took a nosedive in 1913. What could we do? We were a burgeoning world power that was bursting at the seams for top dog. The gold and silver backed currency held us from global dominance. So, a fiat currency was created from a deal with the devil. We went to a war quickly from that. Then a massive printing press on overtime that created extra prosperity in the 1920's until the federal Reserve pulled the cord in 1929 and created the worst economic depression in history. And kept it going for a decade until we were ready for another war. After that war we became the top dog and numero uno. For a quarter century it was our world. Now the payment is due. It started over a half century ago a slow decline.
I'm beginning to wonder if we're careening towards a "dog catches car" moment.

They're making progress towards their goal of breaking down our foundations, without giving much (if any) thought to what that would actually look like.

The Founders didn't envision this, and I think the Bannon types know that.
The Following has given no indication they will object to anything Trump has in store to degrade the bedrock institutions of our democracy. After all, what bigger shit on the Constitution could he take beyond trying to install himself as prez? And they loved it.
The Following has given no indication they will object to anything Trump has in store to degrade the bedrock institutions of our democracy. After all, what bigger shit on the Constitution could he take beyond trying to install himself as prez? And they loved it.
I wonder how many of them have really thought this through. I'm guessing not many.

My question remains: How many of them don't understand what they're asking for, and how many really do want it?

I'd also like to know how many of those people have wanted it for a long time.
I wonder how many of them have really thought this through. I'm guessing not many.

My question remains: How many of them don't understand what they're asking for, and how many really do want it?

I'd also like to know how many of those people have wanted it for a long time.
They know they adore Trump and believe he is their champion despite all evidence to the contrary. Specifically, they don't know what they want. Other than to "own the libs."
Russian interference in the 2020 election was squashed despite Trumpolini, not because of him.
No, he did it. There's no other way we could have gone from the most corrupt election in history to the most secure election in history. I mean, you're trying to claim that president TRUMP! had less power over the election than candidate TRUMP!.
Federal Judge Warns Of A Jan. 6 Repeat In The 2024 Election

A federal judge in Washington, D.C., warned Thursday that Donald Trump could provoke a Jan. 6-style attack with another call to arms in response to the 2024 election.

U.S. District Judge Rudy Contreras made his comments from the bench during the sentencing of a Jan. 6 rioter. Noting that Trump and his allies had “spurred” the attack, the judge expressed concern that the defendant before him would respond to a similar “call” in the future.

“It doesn’t take much imagination to imagine a similar call coming out in the coming months,” Contreras said.

This is, by my count, at least the third federal judge sitting in DC who has publicly warned of the threat we still face right now – not just the retrospective assigning of blame for what happened in the 2020 election, but actively and frantically sending out alerts that we may face more political violence ahead.


I think it's a mistake to think of a threat in terms of a repeat of the 1/6 riot Trump inspired. I'm sure Mike Johnson will have the Capital Police prepared this time (just kidding on two counts).

The more salient point is Trump maintains control over potentially violent followers who he has proven willing to unleash on any governmental body he sees fit. If not with actual violence, which have been less frequent, then with threats of it.

The reflexive reaction of Trump's defenders no doubt displaying, without realizing it, how the violence associated with Trumpery has been normalized.
Bring it.
Trump and his supporters are illiberal, anti-democratic thugs with a history of resorting to violence and lawlessness.

We must make sure the political violence Trump fomented in 2020 doesn’t happen in 2024.
you are beyond smart enough to have an intellectual conversation about such things. You can't be honest cuckster!
No, he did it. There's no other way we could have gone from the most corrupt election in history to the most secure election in history. I mean, you're trying to claim that president TRUMP! had less power over the election than candidate TRUMP!.
they're all screaming that nonsense. he's a dictator, but thought of too late for them!! hilarious shit I tell you. oxymoron is one word.
A federal judge in Washington, D.C., warned Thursday that Donald Trump could provoke a Jan. 6-style attack with another call to arms in response to the 2024 election.
The only things that will provoke unrest are Trump winning or the dims cheating again.

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