A drunken cowboy .

Я повторяю свой вопрос...

Cowboy, John, took $ 25 from his mother and $ 25 from his father ...
Balance = $ 50
Then, John went to the tavern, and drank 45 dollars ..
Balance = 5 dollars
Then, drunk John went home ... He met his girlfriend Mary, who asked him to borrow $ 3
Balance = 2 dollars
John came home and returned the Mother - 1 dollar and the Father - 1 dollar ...
John must return his mother 24 dollars and his father 24 dollars
Another $ 3 he will return to Mary ...

Now we consider the financial balance:
= 24 + 24 + 3 = 51 dollars ...
But, John took only $ 50 !!!!

Where did the "extra 1 dollar" come from?

I do not see a single correct answer to my question ...
Users of the forum - you should think more, but write less letters ..

I'm waiting for the right answer ...
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l parle Russe, moi aussi je veux parler dans ma langue :th_yourecute:

"I love France, but I do not like the French ..."
Sorry, but this is not my phrase ...
This historical phrase was said by one Great Politician ...
Who said this phrase?


French, do not publish photos of de Gaulle ...
This is your national hero and we do not argue.
Unfortunately, most of the French in the Second World War were calloborations ...
Stalin allowed you to join the "brigade of winners" - CCCR, USA, Great Britain ...

One German Marshal, when he signed the "capitulation of Germany" ....
He saw in the list of winners - France ..
He was really surprised and said:
"Did even these frogs defeat us?"

French, do not publish photos of de Gaulle ...
This is your national hero and we do not argue.
Unfortunately, most of the French in the Second World War were calloborations ...
Stalin allowed you to join the "brigade of winners" - CCCR, USA, Great Britain ...

One German Marshal, when he signed the "capitulation of Germany" ....
He saw in the list of winners - France ..
He was really surprised and said:
"Did even these frogs defeat us?"

The German Marshall was apparently unaware that none of the Allied countries defeated them alone. It was the efforts of all. France, while losing the battles and being overrun, was on the winning team.
So we should alter our lives so as to avoid insulting or offending anyone? Sounds like a great plan for being unable to do or be anything.
I have a great book ..
It is called "nurturing intelligence in chickens" ...
If you do not understand what I wrote, then I will give you this book.
Absolutely free...
The German Marshall was apparently unaware that none of the Allied countries defeated them alone. It was the efforts of all. France, while losing the battles and being overrun, was on the winning team.
Do not clog the air, my young and uneducated friend ...
I can argue for money about Science, History, Construction with any person who is present at this forum
So we should alter our lives so as to avoid insulting or offending anyone? Sounds like a great plan for being unable to do or be anything.
I have a great book ..
It is called "nurturing intelligence in chickens" ...
If you do not understand what I wrote, then I will give you this book.
Absolutely free...

Thanks, but my reading list is full right now.
The German Marshall was apparently unaware that none of the Allied countries defeated them alone. It was the efforts of all. France, while losing the battles and being overrun, was on the winning team.
Do not clog the air, my young and uneducated friend ...

First of all, spare me the pretense that you know my age or my intelligence.
Second of all, what I posted was accurate.
I already answered you.
Put money into the dispute ...
I do not spend my time arguing "forum talkers" ..
- If you argue with me - only money
- If you do not argue with me - shut up ..

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Not a good idea to post personal email accounts on a public message board. Your decision.. I'll delete it this time for you..
Last edited by a moderator:
Ребята, давайте жить дружно!
I'd wil never argur with Selivan
I'm waiting for an answer to my simple question ...
- If you know the answer - show and prove
- If you do not know the answer - get out of my branch!
I'm waiting for an answer to my simple question ...
- If you know the answer - show and prove
- If you do not know the answer - get out of my branch!
Your demands are amusing.

$5 were simply loaned and repaid. $45 were actually spent.
And in your problem, Mary actually borrowed $3. So the cowboy would not repay HER. She would repay him.
Russian troll take $25 from mother, take $25 from father
Go to bar, drink $50 vodka

Next day
Do same
Russian troll walk into bar with duck under arm
Bartender say....Where get pig?
Russian troll say...No is pig, is duck
Bartender say....I talk to duck
Two drunk Russians walk down street
See dog licking self
One say.....Wish I could do
Other say....Why not pet? Maybe he let you

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