A drunken cowboy .

Do not strain the French girl ...
She was already frightened, so how do you ask such questions that she will have brain-carrying

I love France...
Unfortunately, they do not know how to communicate with foreign tourists, they do not like Englishmen, Germans, Gollans, Russians, Chinese and others ...
The French do not like America, but prefer to rest in the southern states of America ..

I was in Paris in the late 90s ...
Visited all their interesting places, including Platz-Pegal ..
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Thank but i give up it was Waterloo at this forum !

The French were defeated by the Russians in the company when Napoleon invaded Russia.
Including the National Guard of France

Waterloo is a small company, when Napoleon, after exile, collected a small army
I understand that you are reading the Anglo-Saxon version of history, but that's not true ...
I can prove in numbers ...

The French "Bistro" is a small cafe, which the Russian Cossacks, who occupied Paris in 1814, really demanded ...
The name is translated from the Russian language БЫСТРО !
Do not strain the French girl ...
She was already frightened, so how do you ask such questions that she will have brain-carrying


I love France...
Unfortunately, they do not know how to communicate with foreign tourists, they do not like Englishmen, Germans, Gollans, Russians, Chinese and others ...
The French do not like America, but prefer to rest in the southern states of America ..

I was in Paris in the late 90s ...
Visited all their interesting places, including Platz-Pegal ..
View attachment 174920
Ha, it's funny, si je puis dire:biggrin: the French do not like strangers at all. belle photo, merci
Russian troops were in Paris in 1914, when France asked for help from the Russian Empire against the Germans
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Learn History!
Ha, it's funny, si je puis dire:biggrin: the French do not like strangers at all. belle photo, merci
Yes it is...
But, when I was young, I met a charming Frenchwoman in Prague .. It was great ...
Russian troops were in Paris in 1914, when France asked for help from the Russian Empire against the Germans
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Learn History!
Hey, calm down I know the story of my country it's you who brings more information no need to insult others.
You're not going to fizzle here long with an attitude like that :eek:
Cowboy, John, took $ 25 from his mother and $ 25 from his father ...
Balance = $ 50
Then, John went to the tavern, and drank 45 dollars ..
Balance = 5 dollars
Then, drunk John went home ... He met his girlfriend Mary, who asked him to borrow $ 3
Balance = 2 dollars
John came home and returned the Mother - 1 dollar and the Father - 1 dollar ...
John must return his mother 24 dollars and his father 24 dollars
Another $ 3 he will return to Mary ...

Now we consider the financial balance:
= 24 + 24 + 3 = 51 dollars ...
But, John took only $ 50 !!!!

Where did the "extra 1 dollar" come from?

that's false, he gets $3 BACK from Mary. :rolleyes:
Hey, calm down I know the story of my country

learn the history of your country, but not in Anglo-Saxon history, but on the real ...
- Cossacks in Paris in 1814
- Russian troops in Paris in 1914
You can not doubt ...
It's true

- Why do you show a terrible dinosaur, but do not show yourself?
- remove the dinosaur and show yourself
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or ... just clean the dinosaur ...
Hey, calm down I know the story of my country

learn the history of your country, but not in Anglo-Saxon history, but on the real ...
- Cossacks in Paris in 1814
- Russian troops in Paris in 1914
You can not doubt ...
It's true

- Why do you show a terrible dinosaur, but do not show yourself?
- remove the dinosaur and show yourself
-------------------------------------------------- ----------
or ... just clean the dinosaur ...
I answer about the history in French about Charles de Gaulle and Napoleon but I translate in English.
What about my dinosaur he is great.
I'm old-fashioned, so do not understand what it is?

If you are talking about music, then I love:
- American Country and Hard Rock
- French Dassin and Delilah
I'm old-fashioned, so do not understand what it is?

If you are talking about music, then I love:
- American Country and Hard Rock
- French Dassin and Delilah
Me too I am the same i am old-fashioned, you mean Joe Dassin ?

As I understand, you like T-REX
This is the year that you showed me?
Cowboy, John, took $ 25 from his mother and $ 25 from his father ...
Balance = $ 50
Then, John went to the tavern, and drank 45 dollars ..
Balance = 5 dollars
Then, drunk John went home ... He met his girlfriend Mary, who asked him to borrow $ 3
Balance = 2 dollars
John came home and returned the Mother - 1 dollar and the Father - 1 dollar ...
John must return his mother 24 dollars and his father 24 dollars
Another $ 3 he will return to Mary ...

Now we consider the financial balance:
= 24 + 24 + 3 = 51 dollars ...
But, John took only $ 50 !!!!

Where did the "extra 1 dollar" come from?

Your math is off.


He already gave back $2

Where did you come up with 24?

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