A gift for Mac1958: The origins of Political Correctness

Here, let me help.

Scroll up a bit to Post 51. There you'll find my long and expanding list of honest liberals who admit that PC has gone too far.

All the examples you'll ever need. Calm, topical, thoughtful insight from honest liberals.

Something tells me you won't read a word.

I'd rather you explain what you're talking about without the links. The PC police is an imaginary police force in your head. You're free to say what you want, but there's no guarantee there will be no consequences....there never has been.
Yep, I didn't expect you to read any of those articles by honest liberals.

Including President Obama.

I guess it's all in HIS head, too.

Actually, I did. One link didn't work. The Washington Post link said nothing about PC, and I disagree with Don Lemon. I'm not debating Jerry Seinfeld, I'm debating you.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

There is no one trying to silence you. No one.

And one private citizen cannot ‘silence’ another private citizen even if he tried.

Someone might ‘try’ through intimidation or violence, but that exit the realm of private society and become a matter of criminal law, where the effort to ‘silence’ someone would ultimately fail.
I'd rather you explain what you're talking about without the links. The PC police is an imaginary police force in your head. You're free to say what you want, but there's no guarantee there will be no consequences....there never has been.
Yep, I didn't expect you to read any of those articles by honest liberals.

Including President Obama.

I guess it's all in HIS head, too.

Actually, I did. One link didn't work. The Washington Post link said nothing about PC, and I disagree with Don Lemon. I'm not debating Jerry Seinfeld, I'm debating you.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

There is no one trying to silence you. No one.

And one private citizen cannot ‘silence’ another private citizen even if he tried.

Someone might ‘try’ through intimidation or violence, but that exit the realm of private society and become a matter of criminal law, where the effort to ‘silence’ someone would ultimately fail.

Fascinating... I didn't know this level of delusion to even be possible. The marxist indoctrination must have really worked on yourself.
I'd rather you explain what you're talking about without the links. The PC police is an imaginary police force in your head. You're free to say what you want, but there's no guarantee there will be no consequences....there never has been.

Yeah right... in reality, not only aren't you free to say whatever you want before the marxist indoctrinated kids attack at you... you aren't even able to wear what you want. Do you remember shirtgate?

Liberal tolerance at work. Time to end the liberal hysteria... and the marxist degrees that are the production line while we are at it.

No, I have never heard of shirtgate.

What is liberal tolerance at work? What do you mean by that?

I don't talk politics at the workplace, never have. So how do you know if they're left or right leaning?

You don't get to make the rules at work, and neither do I.

Dude, you must be a retard

No wait... you have a job? I don't believe that for a second with the kind of garbage you are spewing. At no point did you make any sort of sense what so ever. Why even respond if you don't address the issue at all.

But whatever... keep your head stuck in the sand. Even Obama got this right for once.

I'm asking you to be specific, and tell us what you mean by "liberal tolerance at work".


After coming up with a ridiculously long list of the PC culture and the regressives here just dismissing it... It's time to move on. You can't convince a retard to be reasonable. This is like disagreeing whether gravity works downwards. That is the level of cluelessness at display.

The only thing ridiculous is the notion of ‘PC culture’ – there is no ‘PC culture,’ it’s merely a moronic variation on the ‘PC’ myth, and another example of the right trying to divide the American people.
Yep, I didn't expect you to read any of those articles by honest liberals.

Including President Obama.

I guess it's all in HIS head, too.

Actually, I did. One link didn't work. The Washington Post link said nothing about PC, and I disagree with Don Lemon. I'm not debating Jerry Seinfeld, I'm debating you.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

There is no one trying to silence you. No one.

And one private citizen cannot ‘silence’ another private citizen even if he tried.

Someone might ‘try’ through intimidation or violence, but that exit the realm of private society and become a matter of criminal law, where the effort to ‘silence’ someone would ultimately fail.

Fascinating... I didn't know this level of delusion to even be possible. The marxist indoctrination must have really worked on yourself.

I'd say you're out of your league.
Actually, I did. One link didn't work. The Washington Post link said nothing about PC, and I disagree with Don Lemon. I'm not debating Jerry Seinfeld, I'm debating you.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

There is no one trying to silence you. No one.

And one private citizen cannot ‘silence’ another private citizen even if he tried.

Someone might ‘try’ through intimidation or violence, but that exit the realm of private society and become a matter of criminal law, where the effort to ‘silence’ someone would ultimately fail.

Fascinating... I didn't know this level of delusion to even be possible. The marxist indoctrination must have really worked on yourself.

I'd say you're out of your league.

You must have been course mates when indoctrinated. This is why you say no to Marxist indoctrination. It works on the crazies.

Anyway, the list is there, and it's the tip of the iceberg. No reason to debate with those who are unable to observe reality. Good bye.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

There is no one trying to silence you. No one.

And one private citizen cannot ‘silence’ another private citizen even if he tried.

Someone might ‘try’ through intimidation or violence, but that exit the realm of private society and become a matter of criminal law, where the effort to ‘silence’ someone would ultimately fail.

Fascinating... I didn't know this level of delusion to even be possible. The marxist indoctrination must have really worked on yourself.

I'd say you're out of your league.

You must have been course mates when indoctrinated. This is why you say no to Marxist indoctrination.

You're the dummy that can't come up with an example, in your own words. You're a tool...a parrot.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

You really need to watch the video in the OP. You will find out that PC has nothing to do with insulting a person. It is agenda driven. It is a vehicle to quiet the opposition. Trump saying things about his "hand" size isn't anti-pc it is just him talking roughly. PC is much more sinister.
There is no one trying to silence you. No one.

And one private citizen cannot ‘silence’ another private citizen even if he tried.

Someone might ‘try’ through intimidation or violence, but that exit the realm of private society and become a matter of criminal law, where the effort to ‘silence’ someone would ultimately fail.

Fascinating... I didn't know this level of delusion to even be possible. The marxist indoctrination must have really worked on yourself.

I'd say you're out of your league.

You must have been course mates when indoctrinated. This is why you say no to Marxist indoctrination.

You're the dummy that can't come up with an example, in your own words. You're a tool...a parrot.

I have given plenty of examples during this thread. You just do what you always do. Refuse to get educated and keep living in your alternate reality bubble. Also, I am fascinated how anyone could have missed the cloud of PC that has swept over America in the last few years. You must have been reading your gender studies at a Marxist institute for the past few years, that's the only explanation.

But as stated earlier, no point debating with the crazies... the only reason I am still here is because this amount of cognitive dissonance is extraordinary, even for a regressive liberal. It's literally like claiming that religion doesn't exist while being the religious fanatic. In addition, it's funny to watch as regressives make themselves look like complete tools. This is some embarrassingly dumb shit you are spewing. So long.
Yep, I didn't expect you to read any of those articles by honest liberals.

Including President Obama.

I guess it's all in HIS head, too.

Actually, I did. One link didn't work. The Washington Post link said nothing about PC, and I disagree with Don Lemon. I'm not debating Jerry Seinfeld, I'm debating you.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

Can you name a specific time when you weren't able to practice free speech?
Me? Nope.

But my list has several of them, which is why honest liberals like President Obama have made a point to speak out about this issue.

Out of all the threads you've started on political correctness, I would have thought you could at least come up with ONE example of when you lost your right to free speech.
I have also many times - and somehow you've "missed" this while seeing those other threads - pointed out that this is not a First Amendment "rights" issue, it is a cultural issue.

You disagree with Obama and all the other honest liberals I have provided in links and my sig. I agree with them.

You keep trying to avoid that. I don't blame you.
Actually, I did. One link didn't work. The Washington Post link said nothing about PC, and I disagree with Don Lemon. I'm not debating Jerry Seinfeld, I'm debating you.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

Can you name a specific time when you weren't able to practice free speech?
Me? Nope.

But my list has several of them, which is why honest liberals like President Obama have made a point to speak out about this issue.

Out of all the threads you've started on political correctness, I would have thought you could at least come up with ONE example of when you lost your right to free speech.
I have also many times - and somehow you've "missed" this while seeing those other threads - pointed out that this is not a First Amendment "rights" issue, it is a cultural issue.

You disagree with Obama and all the other honest liberals I have provided in links and my sig. I agree with them.

You keep trying to avoid that. I don't blame you.

Are you stating that....in your opinion.....Obama is an honest man?

Have you ever accused the president of being a member of the PC police? I believe you have.
I'd rather you explain what you're talking about without the links. The PC police is an imaginary police force in your head. You're free to say what you want, but there's no guarantee there will be no consequences....there never has been.
Yep, I didn't expect you to read any of those articles by honest liberals.

Including President Obama.

I guess it's all in HIS head, too.

Actually, I did. One link didn't work. The Washington Post link said nothing about PC, and I disagree with Don Lemon. I'm not debating Jerry Seinfeld, I'm debating you.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

Can you name a specific time when you weren't able to practice free speech?

In no manner is anyone denied the opportunity to express his views and opinions in the context of private society.

And as a matter of Constitutional law, no citizen is subject to his speech being preempted or restricted by government that does not comport with First Amendment jurisprudence; and should government overreach and restrict speech in conflict with the Constitution, citizens adversely effected have the right to file suit in Federal court where such a measure would be invalidated.

Only government has the authority to place restrictions on the right to free speech consistent with First Amendment case law, not private citizens or organizations – and in the context of private society the right to be free speech cannot be ‘denied.’

These facts clearly illustrate that the notions of ‘PC’ and a ‘chilling effect’ on speech are completely devoid of merit, that the concept of free speech applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations, and that private citizens in the context of private society are at liberty to oppose or denounce speech they consider offensive or objectionable, where such denunciations do not manifest as the myth of ‘PC,’ nor ‘violate’ the right to free speech.
I notice you keep avoiding the fact that it's not a First Amendment issue, it's a cultural issue.

Why don't you ever respond to these links I post featuring Obama and all the other honest liberals below who disagree with your dishonest spin?

Are Obama and the others liars about PC too?

Not expecting a straight answer from you, of course.

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Indeed, this was the original understanding and intent of the Framing Generation, to allow private citizens to decide the conflicts and controversies of the day in the context of a free and democratic society, without interference from the government or the courts, where the people themselves decide what is warranted and appropriate conduct, consistent with their own good faith and good conscience, something most on the right understandably fear.
Yeah it was white conservative males demanding "safe spaces" on college campuses so they won't be offended by Mexican sombreros or live in utter fear having to read Trump 2016 chalked on the sidewalk, LOL
When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.

Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.

People whom the liberals/Democrats/Progressives just LOVE to describe as racists, are the people who point out indisputable and totally correct shortcomings of the people whom the above mentioned do gooders perceive as the aggrieved victims of conservative racism.
When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.

Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.

People whom the liberals/Democrats/Progressives just LOVE to describe as racists, are the people who point out indisputable and totally correct shortcomings of the people whom the above mentioned do gooders perceive as the aggrieved victims of conservative racism.
It's done for leverage.

Put the target on the defensive by screaming "racist", even if what was said was not 500 miles from racism, and you control the conversation.

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When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.

Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.

People whom the liberals/Democrats/Progressives just LOVE to describe as racists, are the people who point out indisputable and totally correct shortcomings of the people whom the above mentioned do gooders perceive as the aggrieved victims of conservative racism.

If anyone accuses you of being racist, it's probably because of the racist comments you've splatter all over this forum, dumb fuck.

Here you are saying whites are superior. That is the definition of racism, dumb fuck.

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Physically, perhaps, but superior physical strength did not prevent the dumb African blacks to be slaves of the physically weaker, but mentally far superior whites. It was true then and it is true now and it will be true forever.

When all those fucking white crackers are dead finally the black folks will have arrived at social justice, equality, freedom, rights and paradise like in Togo and Chad.

So, Obama could not find a little BLACK doggie?

You mean the first HALF black president, who has utter disdain for the entire race of his mother and the white grandparents who raised him after the ever so loving and responsible black father bailed out on him?
Yep, I didn't expect you to read any of those articles by honest liberals.

Including President Obama.

I guess it's all in HIS head, too.

Actually, I did. One link didn't work. The Washington Post link said nothing about PC, and I disagree with Don Lemon. I'm not debating Jerry Seinfeld, I'm debating you.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

Can you name a specific time when you weren't able to practice free speech?

In no manner is anyone denied the opportunity to express his views and opinions in the context of private society.

And as a matter of Constitutional law, no citizen is subject to his speech being preempted or restricted by government that does not comport with First Amendment jurisprudence; and should government overreach and restrict speech in conflict with the Constitution, citizens adversely effected have the right to file suit in Federal court where such a measure would be invalidated.

Only government has the authority to place restrictions on the right to free speech consistent with First Amendment case law, not private citizens or organizations – and in the context of private society the right to be free speech cannot be ‘denied.’

These facts clearly illustrate that the notions of ‘PC’ and a ‘chilling effect’ on speech are completely devoid of merit, that the concept of free speech applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations, and that private citizens in the context of private society are at liberty to oppose or denounce speech they consider offensive or objectionable, where such denunciations do not manifest as the myth of ‘PC,’ nor ‘violate’ the right to free speech.
I notice you keep avoiding the fact that it's not a First Amendment issue, it's a cultural issue.

Why don't you ever respond to these links I post featuring Obama and all the other honest liberals below who disagree with your dishonest spin?

Are Obama and the others liars about PC too?

Not expecting a straight answer from you, of course.

Let me elaborate on the position that the PC deniers take following this obliteration of their regressive ideology:

Actually, I did. One link didn't work. The Washington Post link said nothing about PC, and I disagree with Don Lemon. I'm not debating Jerry Seinfeld, I'm debating you.
You're not debating, you're denying.

I'll agree with the two honest liberals in my sig, and the honest liberals on my list.

Can you name a specific time when you weren't able to practice free speech?

In no manner is anyone denied the opportunity to express his views and opinions in the context of private society.

And as a matter of Constitutional law, no citizen is subject to his speech being preempted or restricted by government that does not comport with First Amendment jurisprudence; and should government overreach and restrict speech in conflict with the Constitution, citizens adversely effected have the right to file suit in Federal court where such a measure would be invalidated.

Only government has the authority to place restrictions on the right to free speech consistent with First Amendment case law, not private citizens or organizations – and in the context of private society the right to be free speech cannot be ‘denied.’

These facts clearly illustrate that the notions of ‘PC’ and a ‘chilling effect’ on speech are completely devoid of merit, that the concept of free speech applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations, and that private citizens in the context of private society are at liberty to oppose or denounce speech they consider offensive or objectionable, where such denunciations do not manifest as the myth of ‘PC,’ nor ‘violate’ the right to free speech.
I notice you keep avoiding the fact that it's not a First Amendment issue, it's a cultural issue.

Why don't you ever respond to these links I post featuring Obama and all the other honest liberals below who disagree with your dishonest spin?

Are Obama and the others liars about PC too?

Not expecting a straight answer from you, of course.

Let me elaborate on the position that the PC deniers take following this obliteration of their regressive ideology:

He never responds to this challenges.

Typical troll.
When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.

Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.

People whom the liberals/Democrats/Progressives just LOVE to describe as racists, are the people who point out indisputable and totally correct shortcomings of the people whom the above mentioned do gooders perceive as the aggrieved victims of conservative racism.

If anyone accuses you of being racist, it's probably because of the racist comments you've splatter all over this forum, dumb fuck.

Here you are saying whites are superior. That is the definition of racism, dumb fuck.

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Physically, perhaps, but superior physical strength did not prevent the dumb African blacks to be slaves of the physically weaker, but mentally far superior whites. It was true then and it is true now and it will be true forever.

When all those fucking white crackers are dead finally the black folks will have arrived at social justice, equality, freedom, rights and paradise like in Togo and Chad.

So, Obama could not find a little BLACK doggie?

You mean the first HALF black president, who has utter disdain for the entire race of his mother and the white grandparents who raised him after the ever so loving and responsible black father bailed out on him?
Why is the NBA mostly black male starters?

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