A gift for Mac1958: The origins of Political Correctness

I agree!

Trump's embarrassing, juvenile behavior is not about PC for me. It's about the leading candidate for a major national party acting in a way unbecoming of the Leader of the Free World.

PC is the cynical, intellectually dishonest and (in my opinion) un-American manipulation of the language for control, intimidation and political advantage.

Two different things indeed.

But repeatedly lying to the American people is okay? Boffing interns in the White House is okay? Allowing millions of illegals to flood into the country murdering, raping American citizens is okay?

you mean like trump lies?

Oh that's brilliant lib /sarcasm /eyeroll lol

it's what your idiocy deserved.

just saying.

(gives jillian a Benny Hill pat on the head) :itsok:
"A gift for Mac1958: The origins of Political Correctness"

It’s the origins of a myth, a partisan contrivance of the right in an effort to conceal the bigotry and racism that finds refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives.

It represents the fear common to most conservatives of open, unfettered debate in our free and democratic society, a desire to stifle dissent and demonize those with a different point of view, and to compel conformity.

Private citizens in the context of private society are at liberty to oppose, condemn, and denounce anything and anyone they wish, including those who advocate for discrimination, bigotry, or racism – where to denounce such bigotry and hate does not manifest as ‘political correctness,’ nor the myth of a ‘chilling effect.’

Should bigots and racists elect to refrain from expressing their ignorance and hate because of such public condemnation, they do so of their own accord and free will, absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Indeed, this was the original understanding and intent of the Framing Generation, to allow private citizens to decide the conflicts and controversies of the day in the context of a free and democratic society, without interference from the government or the courts, where the people themselves decide what is warranted and appropriate conduct, consistent with their own good faith and good conscience, something most on the right understandably fear.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.

What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.

What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?

Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.

What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?

Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.

You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?
Is it PC to ridicule Trump and Cruz for their anti Muslim rhetoric? Is Obama not running around screaming about Islam due to PC?
It’s politically incorrect for conservatives to accuse ‘liberals’ of being ‘politically correct’ – hence the myth.

Conservatives accusing others of being ‘PC’ is in of itself a manifestation of being ‘PC.’

No one is telling anyone he can’t be a bigot or racist, no one is telling anyone he can’t express his bigoted or racist views.

No one is advocating that laws be enacted subjecting racists or bigots to criminal prosecution because of their bigoted or racist opinions, further proof that ‘PC’ is a myth.

And telling someone that he’s a bigot or racist because he wants homosexuality criminalized or believes all African-American men are ‘thugs’ is not to be ‘PC.’

One is at complete liberty to express his belief that homosexuality should be criminalized and that all African-American men are ‘thugs,’ just as one is at liberty to correctly identify such advocacy for what it is: bigotry and racism.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.

What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?

Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.

You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?
Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.

What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?

Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.

You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?

I was being sarcastic, moron.
Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.

What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?

Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.

You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?
They are emotional critters.......easy to make cry.........LOL
I don't know what the origins are, and I frankly don't care.

Trump will be the end of it. Finally...
Trump can’t ‘end’ something that doesn’t exist.

In fact, talk of ‘ending’ the myth of ‘PC’ is to simply advocate for opposing dissent and compelling conformity – something Trump and most on the right clearly have no problem with.
Is it PC to ridicule Trump and Cruz for their anti Muslim rhetoric? Is Obama not running around screaming about Islam due to PC?
It’s politically incorrect for conservatives to accuse ‘liberals’ of being ‘politically correct’ – hence the myth.

Conservatives accusing others of being ‘PC’ is in of itself a manifestation of being ‘PC.’

No one is telling anyone he can’t be a bigot or racist, no one is telling anyone he can’t express his bigoted or racist views.

No one is advocating that laws be enacted subjecting racists or bigots to criminal prosecution because of their bigoted or racist opinions, further proof that ‘PC’ is a myth.

And telling someone that he’s a bigot or racist because he wants homosexuality criminalized or believes all African-American men are ‘thugs’ is not to be ‘PC.’

One is at complete liberty to express his belief that homosexuality should be criminalized and that all African-American men are ‘thugs,’ just as one is at liberty to correctly identify such advocacy for what it is: bigotry and racism.

All you said there amounts to the Rooster saying: Look, I caused the Sun come up because I yelled CoCkAdOOdLedooo.

Learn to differentiate between cause and effect.
Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.

What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?

Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.

You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?

I was being sarcastic, moron.

So, there you go with the name calling. Pardon me if I don't sink to your level, and call you a moron, in spite the fact you earned that title far more deservedly than I.
Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.

What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?

Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.

You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?
They are emotional critters.......easy to make cry.........LOL

Can you explain exactly what it is that you're not allowed to say, you know, because of the invisible PC police?
What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?

Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.

You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?

I was being sarcastic, moron.

So, there you go with the name calling. Pardon me if I don't sink to your level, and call you a moron, in spite the fact you earned that title far more deservedly than I.

I'm glad that you understand now how free speech works. I'm happy to help anytime.
Of course you can. And I dismiss it
What, we can't name call now? Aren't you being a little too PC?

Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.

You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?
They are emotional critters.......easy to make cry.........LOL

Can you explain exactly what it is that you're not allowed to say, you know, because of the invisible PC police?
Ask our military about their ROE's and what they can and can't say........

I've been of the mind to say blow your PC BS out your ass...........But that doesn't mean they aren't being pushed..........

Like Fort Hood...........Work Place Violence my ass.......

And now the military is in DIVERSITY TRAINING............LOL

Right is left. left is right....up is down and down is up in a liberal world......

While I'm at it...........I'm a Racist, Homophobe, Sexist, or whatever because I DARE TO SAY I DISAGREE WITH OBAMA.....

Yeah....that kind of shit..........That is your sides attempt to shut down the other side...I don't care but it is there.........

Are your BLM goons gonna burn down another city........wear kkk hoods and whine when someone smacks their asses.........

That kind of stuff.
Of course you can. And I dismiss it
Of course you can. And I dismiss it, as I said earlier, I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

The only words that might, might have a tiny little chance to offend me were if somebody called me politically correct.
Why? Because it would make me look like liberal.

You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?
They are emotional critters.......easy to make cry.........LOL

Can you explain exactly what it is that you're not allowed to say, you know, because of the invisible PC police?
Ask our military about their ROE's and what they can and can't say........

I've been of the mind to say blow your PC BS out your ass...........But that doesn't mean they aren't being pushed..........

Like Fort Hood...........Work Place Violence my ass.......

And now the military is in DIVERSITY TRAINING............LOL

Right is left. left is right....up is down and down is up in a liberal world......

While I'm at it...........I'm a Racist, Homophobe, Sexist, or whatever because I DARE TO SAY I DISAGREE WITH OBAMA.....

Yeah....that kind of shit..........That is your sides attempt to shut down the other side...I don't care but it is there.........

Are your BLM goons gonna burn down another city........wear kkk hoods and whine when someone smacks their asses.........

That kind of stuff.

You seem to have a lot of issues going on here.

Maybe you are a racist, homophobe, and a sexist, and that's why others tell you that you are??? I don't know. I've never been accused of those things.

But you're free to say whatever you wish, and I'm free to have an opinion about it.

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