A gift for Mac1958: The origins of Political Correctness

I don't know what the origins are, and I frankly don't care.

Trump will be the end of it. Finally...
Trump can’t ‘end’ something that doesn’t exist.

In fact, talk of ‘ending’ the myth of ‘PC’ is to simply advocate for opposing dissent and compelling conformity – something Trump and most on the right clearly have no problem with.

This is the most retarded piece of text I have read yet.

Only in the middle of the echo chamber can it possibly seem like the echoes don't exist. Now, go whine more in your safe space.
Of course you can. And I dismiss it
You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?
They are emotional critters.......easy to make cry.........LOL

Can you explain exactly what it is that you're not allowed to say, you know, because of the invisible PC police?
Ask our military about their ROE's and what they can and can't say........

I've been of the mind to say blow your PC BS out your ass...........But that doesn't mean they aren't being pushed..........

Like Fort Hood...........Work Place Violence my ass.......

And now the military is in DIVERSITY TRAINING............LOL

Right is left. left is right....up is down and down is up in a liberal world......

While I'm at it...........I'm a Racist, Homophobe, Sexist, or whatever because I DARE TO SAY I DISAGREE WITH OBAMA.....

Yeah....that kind of shit..........That is your sides attempt to shut down the other side...I don't care but it is there.........

Are your BLM goons gonna burn down another city........wear kkk hoods and whine when someone smacks their asses.........

That kind of stuff.

You seem to have a lot of issues going on here.

Maybe you are a racist, homophobe, and a sexist, and that's why others tell you that you are??? I don't know. I've never been accused of those things.

But you're free to say whatever you wish, and I'm free to have an opinion about it.
Yeah I do.......with your side's tactics...............This is what you people do........yeah I said that.............I think your normal BS is just that............BS..............

Let me make this perfectly clear to you..........I don't give a fuck what liberals call me........and your side does it all the time...........I think I'm not the only one sick of that shit............you are seeing blow back nation wide this time.
I agree!

Trump's embarrassing, juvenile behavior is not about PC for me. It's about the leading candidate for a major national party acting in a way unbecoming of the Leader of the Free World.

PC is the cynical, intellectually dishonest and (in my opinion) un-American manipulation of the language for control, intimidation and political advantage.

Two different things indeed.
Rubio is the one who started this stuff about the size of Trump's hands.
I don't know what the origins are, and I frankly don't care.

Trump will be the end of it. Finally...
Trump can’t ‘end’ something that doesn’t exist.

In fact, talk of ‘ending’ the myth of ‘PC’ is to simply advocate for opposing dissent and compelling conformity – something Trump and most on the right clearly have no problem with.

This is the most retarded piece of text I have read yet.

Only in the middle of the echo chamber can it possibly seem like the echoes don't exist. Now, go whine more in your safe space.

You can say that about pretty much everything Clayton posts. If you want to know what the truth is, just take the opposite of what Clayton believes.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.
Correctly identifying those on the right who are bigots and racists as indeed being bigots and racists because of their statements and positions on the issues is not ‘name-calling.’

For example, Trump wants to ‘register’ Muslims and ‘investigate’ mosques; Cruz wants to subject Muslim communities to enhanced police surveillance for no other reason than being Muslim – both are bigots as a consequence of their statements, no ‘name calling’ or ‘PC’ involved.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.
Correctly identifying those on the right who are bigots and racists as indeed being bigots and racists because of their statements and positions on the issues is not ‘name-calling.’

You have never correctly identified anything, Clayton, especially racists or logical fallacies.

For example, Trump wants to ‘register’ Muslims and ‘investigate’ mosques; Cruz wants to subject Muslim communities to enhanced police surveillance for no other reason than being Muslim – both are bigots as a consequence of their statements, no ‘name calling’ or ‘PC’ involved.

Being a Muslim is sufficient cause to put you on the list of possible terrorists.

Trump never said he wants to register all Muslims. Those are words that some douche bag leftist reporter tried to put in his mouth.

And I see nothing wrong with enhanced police surveillance of communities that are the greatest potential sources of mass murderers. You put more police where the criminals live. That's basic policing.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.
Correctly identifying those on the right who are bigots and racists as indeed being bigots and racists because of their statements and positions on the issues is not ‘name-calling.’

For example, Trump wants to ‘register’ Muslims and ‘investigate’ mosques; Cruz wants to subject Muslim communities to enhanced police surveillance for no other reason than being Muslim – both are bigots as a consequence of their statements, no ‘name calling’ or ‘PC’ involved.

It's hilarious when the liberals accuse others of being bigots and racists while upholding the BLM movement. Also, perhaps the surveillance is not because they are muslims, but because they are criminals with a religion completely incompatible with western values. Some are also terrorists as we know.

But of course - America - the nation that elected black president... is obviously racist. And as per liberal ideology, religion and ideology is a race.

This is to be expected from a regressive, whose only arguing tactic is to invoke the race card..... It's going to be sweet when Trump finally wrecks that card for good.

Republican bigotry and racism my ass... it's called respecting the truth.
Of course you can. And I dismiss it
You sure sounded politically correct in your last posting. Are you sure you're not a liberal?

You have no concept of sarcasm, do you?
They are emotional critters.......easy to make cry.........LOL

Can you explain exactly what it is that you're not allowed to say, you know, because of the invisible PC police?
Ask our military about their ROE's and what they can and can't say........

I've been of the mind to say blow your PC BS out your ass...........But that doesn't mean they aren't being pushed..........

Like Fort Hood...........Work Place Violence my ass.......

And now the military is in DIVERSITY TRAINING............LOL

Right is left. left is right....up is down and down is up in a liberal world......

While I'm at it...........I'm a Racist, Homophobe, Sexist, or whatever because I DARE TO SAY I DISAGREE WITH OBAMA.....

Yeah....that kind of shit..........That is your sides attempt to shut down the other side...I don't care but it is there.........

Are your BLM goons gonna burn down another city........wear kkk hoods and whine when someone smacks their asses.........

That kind of stuff.

You seem to have a lot of issues going on here.

Maybe you are a racist, homophobe, and a sexist, and that's why others tell you that you are??? I don't know. I've never been accused of those things.

But you're free to say whatever you wish, and I'm free to have an opinion about it.

Let me start by saying that when I say "you", I don't mean you in particular, but people who think like you.

When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.
There is nowhere any law, except maybe in the Bible, that you - again not you, particularly, but your fellow liberals - besmirch and degrade and ridicule, which says that one should love the neighbor as they love themselves. There is no obligation for any group of people to love another group of people with different color of skin. Neither is there any law that might force one group of people to support, love and agree with, or pay restitution for past injustices. Neither is there any law that might bestow historical obligation for "SINS" committed by ancestors of one group against the ancestors of another group. Neither is there a law that demand moral obligation to pay a single cent of restitution by people who had nothing to do with past injustices to people who claim to be victims of such injustices when they were not even born.
When you think that you are entitled to judge a person's opinion about WHATEVER, you are the one who is prejudiced and possibly (depending on the subject of your ire) a racist.

"Racism" is a constitutional right. Nobody can make to love somebody else.

As soon as blacks stop being racists, things might look up for the future..

When you declare someone a homophobe, you are declaring yourself a heterophobe.

When you call someone a sexist it is safe to say that you - again I mean people who think like you - would not lift a finger for a male co-worker who was falsely accused of sexual harassment for complimenting a fellow female worker on her new dress.

If you have never been accused of any of those "crimes" all to frequently attached to white males it is because you are a protected species. You know that, and you also know that you can get away with far more insults towards those have the nerve to disagree with you than those of us who merely try to express our opinions.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.
Correctly identifying those on the right who are bigots and racists as indeed being bigots and racists because of their statements and positions on the issues is not ‘name-calling.’

You have never correctly identified anything, Clayton, especially racists or logical fallacies.

For example, Trump wants to ‘register’ Muslims and ‘investigate’ mosques; Cruz wants to subject Muslim communities to enhanced police surveillance for no other reason than being Muslim – both are bigots as a consequence of their statements, no ‘name calling’ or ‘PC’ involved.

Being a Muslim is sufficient cause to put you on the list of possible terrorists.

Trump never said he wants to register all Muslims. Those are words that some douche bag leftist reporter tried to put in his mouth.

And I see nothing wrong with enhanced police surveillance of communities that are the greatest potential sources of mass murderers. You put more police where the criminals live. That's basic policing.
And the above quoted post would be an example of a rightwing bigot, racist, and liar – where to identify him as such is not ‘name calling,’ nor being the myth of ‘PC.’

We know for a fact he’s a rightwing bigot, racist, and liar because of his very own posts – in thread after thread he demonstrates his fear, ignorance, bigotry, hate, and propensity to lie.
Political correctness nothing but pretending that certain people have right to be NOT insulted.

In other words a totally stupid concept, promoted by pathetic semi-humans who have no valid arguments to support their position and certainly don't have the spine to ignore stuff they consider insulting.

One person's honest belief is the greatest insult to a dishonest person.

I can't speak for others, but for me, call me anything you like. I will not be offended. I will take into consideration the person/place the insult came from. I dismiss them by saying in a cool and calm manner: "I have been called worse than that by better people than you".

Try it. It will calm your emotions. It will set your mind to do better things than worrying about historical wrongs that have long been corrected, or worrying about words that a half-mature 12 year old would not get upset about.

The alternate is displaying your immaturity and overly sensitive character that does not tolerate anything or anybody except those who sing your tune. It will prove that you prefer the shit the likes of Al Sharpton throws your way to what your mind tells you.

Can you name some USMB members who get offended by words?

Too numerous to mention by name, but when you liberals start name-calling, it is a sure sign that you have consider yourselves offended.
Correctly identifying those on the right who are bigots and racists as indeed being bigots and racists because of their statements and positions on the issues is not ‘name-calling.’

You have never correctly identified anything, Clayton, especially racists or logical fallacies.

For example, Trump wants to ‘register’ Muslims and ‘investigate’ mosques; Cruz wants to subject Muslim communities to enhanced police surveillance for no other reason than being Muslim – both are bigots as a consequence of their statements, no ‘name calling’ or ‘PC’ involved.

Being a Muslim is sufficient cause to put you on the list of possible terrorists.

Trump never said he wants to register all Muslims. Those are words that some douche bag leftist reporter tried to put in his mouth.

And I see nothing wrong with enhanced police surveillance of communities that are the greatest potential sources of mass murderers. You put more police where the criminals live. That's basic policing.
And the above quoted post would be an example of a rightwing bigot, racist, and liar – where to identify him as such is not ‘name calling,’ nor being the myth of ‘PC.’

We know for a fact he’s a rightwing bigot, racist, and liar because of his very own posts – in thread after thread he demonstrates his fear, ignorance, bigotry, hate, and propensity to lie.

Nothing I posted indicates racism. For one thing, Islam isn't a race.

Everything you believe to be a fact is not a fact. It's bullshit.
...the myth of ‘PC.’
When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.

Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.
When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.
Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.
You do realize there is a difference between calling someone out and (a) trying to get them fired, (b) trying to damage their career in some other way, and (c) trying to stop them from speaking in public, don't you?

Do you see even the tiniest distinction there?
When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.
Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.
You do realize there is a difference between calling someone out and (a) trying to get them fired, (b) trying to damage their career in some other way, and (c) trying to stop them from speaking in public, don't you?

Do you see even the tiniest distinction there?

Who's free to say what they want at work? Do you think I should be able to keep my job if I'm telling all the customers that Christian's suck?

Who's stopping anyone from speaking in public?
When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.
Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.
You do realize there is a difference between calling someone out and (a) trying to get them fired, (b) trying to damage their career in some other way, and (c) trying to stop them from speaking in public, don't you?

Do you see even the tiniest distinction there?
Who's free to say what they want at work? Do you think I should be able to keep my job if I'm telling all the customers that Christian's suck?

Who's stopping anyone from speaking in public?
You've gotta be kidding me.

So now you don't see the distinction between a business owner protecting his business and a person expressing themselves outside of work.

And you can't think of any examples of people trying to stop others from speaking in public.

Holy crap.
We have reached a familiar point in this discussion. This is when Mac fails to provide examples of any law or police action that denies anyone the right to say that which he or she wishes. He will point to a couple of cases where assholes got canned for being assholes......and customers or the general public let his or her boss know that they were being assholes.

Mac wants people to allow assholes to be assholes....so he can identify them. Mac thinks the gay couple should just find another baker. Mac thinks it's cool for elected officials to suggest that muzzies need extra eyeballs. Don't want to be mean to those assholes. That's not nice.
When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.
Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.
You do realize there is a difference between calling someone out and (a) trying to get them fired, (b) trying to damage their career in some other way, and (c) trying to stop them from speaking in public, don't you?

Do you see even the tiniest distinction there?
Who's free to say what they want at work? Do you think I should be able to keep my job if I'm telling all the customers that Christian's suck?

Who's stopping anyone from speaking in public?
You've gotta be kidding me.

So now you don't see the distinction between a business owner protecting his business and a person expressing themselves outside of work.

And you can't think of any examples of people trying to stop others from speaking in public.

Holy crap.

Did you not bring up the work place? Let's see, why yes you did.
When you are calling a person a racist, you are attempting to limit his/her free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.
Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.
You do realize there is a difference between calling someone out and (a) trying to get them fired, (b) trying to damage their career in some other way, and (c) trying to stop them from speaking in public, don't you?

Do you see even the tiniest distinction there?
Who's free to say what they want at work? Do you think I should be able to keep my job if I'm telling all the customers that Christian's suck?

Who's stopping anyone from speaking in public?
You've gotta be kidding me.

So now you don't see the distinction between a business owner protecting his business and a person expressing themselves outside of work.

And you can't think of any examples of people trying to stop others from speaking in public.

Holy crap.

Did you not bring up the work place? Let's see, why yes you did.
Here, let me help.

Scroll up a bit to Post 51. There you'll find my long and expanding list of honest liberals who admit that PC has gone too far.

All the examples you'll ever need. Calm, topical, thoughtful insight from honest liberals.

Something tells me you won't read a word.
We have reached a familiar point in this discussion. This is when Mac fails to provide examples of any law or police action that denies anyone the right to say that which he or she wishes. He will point to a couple of cases where assholes got canned for being assholes......and customers or the general public let his or her boss know that they were being assholes.

Mac wants people to allow assholes to be assholes....so he can identify them. Mac thinks the gay couple should just find another baker. Mac thinks it's cool for elected officials to suggest that muzzies need extra eyeballs. Don't want to be mean to those assholes. That's not nice.

This is what we are up against:

Perhaps you should try walking out of the echo chamber for once. Preaching in choir for long periods of time is clearly bad for your sense of reality.
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Of course the above is ridiculous nonsense. If I can't call you a racist, you are attempting to limit MY free speech, ding dong. You are free to be a racist/bigot, and I am free to call you out on it.
You do realize there is a difference between calling someone out and (a) trying to get them fired, (b) trying to damage their career in some other way, and (c) trying to stop them from speaking in public, don't you?

Do you see even the tiniest distinction there?
Who's free to say what they want at work? Do you think I should be able to keep my job if I'm telling all the customers that Christian's suck?

Who's stopping anyone from speaking in public?
You've gotta be kidding me.

So now you don't see the distinction between a business owner protecting his business and a person expressing themselves outside of work.

And you can't think of any examples of people trying to stop others from speaking in public.

Holy crap.

Did you not bring up the work place? Let's see, why yes you did.
Here, let me help.

Scroll up a bit to Post 51. There you'll find my long and expanding list of honest liberals who admit that PC has gone too far.

All the examples you'll ever need. Calm, topical, thoughtful insight from honest liberals.

Something tells me you won't read a word.

I'd rather you explain what you're talking about without the links. The PC police is an imaginary police force in your head. You're free to say what you want, but there's no guarantee there will be no consequences....there never has been.

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