a hate white people book at target?

Dang we going Mien Kampf all over gain on white people? this is like hate probaganda at its best. How is this legal? and a best seller?
Well when you have a store that promotes a man named Jennifer taking a shit next to your 10 yr old daughter in the Targets bathroom, it does not surprise me.

I guess I'm glad I haven't set foot in a Target ever since they told me that they don't give a damn about women's safety. I really don't feel like I'm missing anything.
there are videos of therm at blm raleys saying they want a civil war with whites and to kill us all and take our homes. ther are white people telloing other to get locked and loaded their so scared. its crazy.
No different to what whites did to native Americans.
Karma, bitch.

I've never done a damned thing to any Native American, thank you so very much. And your stupid ass might want to find out how karma actually works before ignorantly trying to use it to justify your mindless racism.

If you were a human being, you would have had a mother, and she would have told you that two wrongs don't make a right. Since you're a leftist, I can only assume that your hive queen didn't mention this little life lesson.
For goodness' sake.

Who in the world cares what that woman says?

She is just a silly ninny who apparently has no marketable skills, so she pays the bills by writing such nonsense.

Dang we going Mien Kampf all over gain on white people? this is like hate probaganda at its best. How is this legal? and a best seller?
Well when you have a store that promotes a man named Jennifer taking a shit next to your 10 yr old daughter in the Targets bathroom, it does not surprise me.

I guess I'm glad I haven't set foot in a Target ever since they told me that they don't give a damn about women's safety. I really don't feel like I'm missing anything.
Since I was a young man I always escorted a female to the bathroom and waited outside seeing what is going in there. Especially at concerts and higher risk weirdo stuff like that. Even if I didn't have to go. If I did, she then waited for me. Lol

Men back then would pulverize anything weird. Unfortunately I can't do anything waiting anymore or I'd do life if Jennifer the hairy backed man entered the wimmens room
there are videos of therm at blm raleys saying they want a civil war with whites and to kill us all and take our homes. ther are white people telloing other to get locked and loaded their so scared. its crazy.
No different to what whites did to native Americans.
Karma, bitch.

I've never done a damned thing to any Native American, thank you so very much. And your stupid ass might want to find out how karma actually works before ignorantly trying to use it to justify your mindless racism.

If you were a human being, you would have had a mother, and she would have told you that two wrongs don't make a right. Since you're a leftist, I can only assume that your hive queen didn't mention this little life lesson.

I wonder if Billy realizes Native Americans were slave owners?
there are videos of therm at blm raleys saying they want a civil war with whites and to kill us all and take our homes. ther are white people telloing other to get locked and loaded their so scared. its crazy.
No different to what whites did to native Americans.
Karma, bitch.
Have you offered to give your home to the Native Americans in your area?



Dang we going Mien Kampf all over gain on white people? this is like hate probaganda at its best. How is this legal? and a best seller?
Unfortunately we are in a race-conscious society. There is racial allegiance and on the other side of the same coin, there is race-based animosity. These things can be found in many places, very possibly in this very thread. There are a couple of ways to solve the problem, and there is the option to live with the problem indefinitely by considering it a fact of life. In my opinion the only two ways to solve the problem are #1, have a multi-generational program to eliminate completely race from our thinking... that is eliminate race completely from our thinking. It might look a bit like the anti-smoking campaign of past years, only more demanding. Such a program would take decades and my guess is that anyone reading this post has never considered, or heard of such a thing until this moment. Opinion #2 would be a geographic separation of the races. Blacks are given 5 or six states, whites given 28 or 30, Hispanics given 5 or 6 and Asians given 3 or 4. It would be a surrender to the intellectual shortcomings of the human species. But one thing seems clear, what we have now, ethnic multiculturalism, does not work if the desire is to have a peaceful society.
there are videos of therm at blm raleys saying they want a civil war with whites and to kill us all and take our homes. ther are white people telloing other to get locked and loaded their so scared. its crazy.
No different to what whites did to native Americans.
Karma, bitch.
Have you offered to give your home to the Native Americans in your area?


i'm part cheeroke . say again?

Dang we going Mien Kampf all over gain on white people? this is like hate probaganda at its best. How is this legal? and a best seller?
Well when you have a store that promotes a man named Jennifer taking a shit next to your 10 yr old daughter in the Targets bathroom, it does not surprise me.
when is a man named jennifer?
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...proof everyday all day blacks are more racist than whites

Robin DiAngelo Is the cult leader of the academic anti white movement. It’s not that they care about blacks. They just want to destabilize America

Dang we going Mien Kampf all over gain on white people? this is like hate probaganda at its best. How is this legal? and a best seller?
Well when you have a store that promotes a man named Jennifer taking a shit next to your 10 yr old daughter in the Targets bathroom, it does not surprise me.

I guess I'm glad I haven't set foot in a Target ever since they told me that they don't give a damn about women's safety. I really don't feel like I'm missing anything.
Since I was a young man I always escorted a female to the bathroom and waited outside seeing what is going in there. Especially at concerts and higher risk weirdo stuff like that. Even if I didn't have to go. If I did, she then waited for me. Lol

Men back then would pulverize anything weird. Unfortunately I can't do anything waiting anymore or I'd do life if Jennifer the hairy backed man entered the wimmens room
sence when is a man named Jennifer?
there are videos of therm at blm raleys saying they want a civil war with whites and to kill us all and take our homes. ther are white people telloing other to get locked and loaded their so scared. its crazy.
Right wingers have been doing that for years. I never saw you whining about that.
Show me that book
go to target and look for it. you know how to do that.
Sorry. When Target allowed a guy to crap with your sister, I said that is enough of that place.

Dang we going Mien Kampf all over gain on white people? this is like hate probaganda at its best. How is this legal? and a best seller?
Well when you have a store that promotes a man named Jennifer taking a shit next to your 10 yr old daughter in the Targets bathroom, it does not surprise me.
when is a man named jennifer?

When said male decides to have his name legally changed to match his delusion that he can just decide he's female.

Dang we going Mien Kampf all over gain on white people? this is like hate probaganda at its best. How is this legal? and a best seller?
Well when you have a store that promotes a man named Jennifer taking a shit next to your 10 yr old daughter in the Targets bathroom, it does not surprise me.
when is a man named jennifer?

When said male decides to have his name legally changed to match his delusion that he can just decide he's female.
I never said I shopped there.

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