A Judge Has Been Chosen.But To The Left,It's The End Of The World And We Are All Gonna Die.

well its been over 24 hours since Trump nominated Kava, and so far,i dont see any dead bodies in my neighborhood,just a few rats.
Blacks will no longer be able to sit at lunch counters. Evolution won't be taught in school.
this is one of my predictions if Kava makes it to the Supreme Court.Every resident of Guam will get on their boats and race to any border on the south coast of the USA and demand asylum.
Yup, as expected, the left will now warn us of bad things to come if this Judge gets onto the Supreme Court. So far,it looks like all pregnant women will either be prosecuted, convicted, summoned, lose all rights to a lawyer or free speech, maybe even sent to jail?
And thats just one warning, what else will happen with a 5/4 Supreme Court? Are we all gonna starve to death and eventually wind up like Chicago and Venezuela? And will all major cities be taken out by giant monsters? What else is gonna happen if Kavanaugh gets on the bench?

How did you come to this conclusion? Did you read or hear something we haven't?
Yup, as expected, the left will now warn us of bad things to come if this Judge gets onto the Supreme Court. So far,it looks like all pregnant women will either be prosecuted, convicted, summoned, lose all rights to a lawyer or free speech, maybe even sent to jail?
And thats just one warning, what else will happen with a 5/4 Supreme Court? Are we all gonna starve to death and eventually wind up like Chicago and Venezuela? And will all major cities be taken out by giant monsters? What else is gonna happen if Kavanaugh gets on the bench?

How did you come to this conclusion? Did you read or hear something we haven't?
Yep Chuck Schumer spoke just yesterday
Schumer: Freedom For Women Is At Stake With Supreme Court
Yup, as expected, the left will now warn us of bad things to come if this Judge gets onto the Supreme Court. So far,it looks like all pregnant women will either be prosecuted, convicted, summoned, lose all rights to a lawyer or free speech, maybe even sent to jail?
And thats just one warning, what else will happen with a 5/4 Supreme Court? Are we all gonna starve to death and eventually wind up like Chicago and Venezuela? And will all major cities be taken out by giant monsters? What else is gonna happen if Kavanaugh gets on the bench?

Well, how would you feel?

The last two Republican presidents got elected with less votes than their Democratic opponents. That takes you back to 1988 the last time a Republican became president with more votes than their opponent.

Democrats need 3 million+ more votes than their opponents to win an election. The Republicans start with that advantage every single time.

Wouldn't you be angry?
The left is going to lie and use emotion to slow this process down and try to stall this out until the new Congress is sworn in, this could be as dangerous as the left believing that Hillary was going to be a lock as president and could cost moderate Democrats in red states to lose elections.
Yup, as expected, the left will now warn us of bad things to come if this Judge gets onto the Supreme Court. So far,it looks like all pregnant women will either be prosecuted, convicted, summoned, lose all rights to a lawyer or free speech, maybe even sent to jail?
And thats just one warning, what else will happen with a 5/4 Supreme Court? Are we all gonna starve to death and eventually wind up like Chicago and Venezuela? And will all major cities be taken out by giant monsters? What else is gonna happen if Kavanaugh gets on the bench?

Well, how would you feel?

The last two Republican presidents got elected with less votes than their Democratic opponents. That takes you back to 1988 the last time a Republican became president with more votes than their opponent.

Democrats need 3 million+ more votes than their opponents to win an election. The Republicans start with that advantage every single time.

Wouldn't you be angry?

Bush won with the most votes in 2004, so you start out lying. Had Clinton been smart she would have focused her campaign in Michigan, Wisconsin and a couple other states where she had a chance to win, she campaigned hard in Iowa even when the strategists told her is was a lost cause.

I would be mad at Clinton for running such a bad campaign. The most impressive run for office was under Obama where he went into states that were close and campaigned in specific districts where he knew they were a key to winning the states and the Electoral votes.

Gore couldn’t win his own state, how telling is that, he wins his home state, where his dad was a hero and it would have been Gore as president and not Bush.

Maybe Democrats need to nominate smarter candidates that will listen to their strategists.
the fact that he is associated with the Bush family makes him the perfect candidate to be the next judge. would you guys rather he be associated with the Obama's

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