A Judge Has Been Chosen.But To The Left,It's The End Of The World And We Are All Gonna Die.

Thomas V Kagan. No doubts why Kagan got SCOTUS
Laurie Symczyk got her Genesis HealthCare Corp. v. Symczyk, all the way to SCOTUS. She settled with her employer but she was suing for her...
Thread by: CrusaderFrank, Dec 1, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Law and Justice System

  1. Thread
    Kagan documents expose manipulation of reports used in SCOTUS case.
    I haven't had a strong opinion about Kagan and her nomination to SCOTUS before this, but this story has managed to tip the scales to me being...
    Thread by: Quantum Windbag, Jun 29, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: Law and Justice System

  2. Post
    Doing the "Kagan" Math
    This is a hoot. The math which reduced 10,000 potential SCOTUS candidates from Harvard and Yale down to Kagan's selection: So what Obama was...
    Post by: boedicca, May 13, 2010 in forum: Politics

  3. Post
    SCOTUS gets one right
    After coming down with a unanimous ruling that dogs can do the impossible just lat month they decide that allowing dogs to do the impossible on...
    Post by: Quantum Windbag, Mar 26, 2013 in forum: Law and Justice System

  4. Post
    Unconfirming a SCOTUS confirmation
    Looks like dey tryin' to unconfirm her... :confused: Citing Evidence They Call 'Contradictory' to Kagan's Confirmation Testimony, 49 Lawmakers...
    Post by: waltky, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Law and Justice System

  5. Post
    Roberts SCOTUS Republican hero!
    Uninformed sources have just told me why Chief Justice Roberts sided with Putin's justices Kagan, Soty, Gingberg and Breyer to uphold Obamacare;...
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Jun 28, 2012 in forum: Conspiracy Theories

  6. Post
    Kagan's first vote on SCOTUS
    What a surprise, she's a liberal hack who wanted to stay the execution of a murderer. Not because of any evidence that he might be innocent, but...
    Post by: theHawk, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Law and Justice System

  7. Thread
    Elena Kagan, SCOTUS Nominee - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
    Okay, we now are beginning to get some actual papers in to evaluate Elena Kagan, President Obama's Supreme Court nominee. I suspect Ms. Kagan...
    Thread by: Foxfyre, Jun 4, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Current Events

  8. Post
    Kagan: A Threat to Freedom of Speech?
    Kagan's thin record does yield some things which, when considered in the context of Obama's negative attitude towards the alternative media,...
    Post by: boedicca, May 12, 2010 in forum: Politics

  9. Post
    Sales tax on internet sales allowed by SCOTUS
    In an incredible cross-coalition vote by the Justices on the SCOTUS, sales tax is now allowed on virtually all internet sales. Kennedy, a swing...
    Post by: yiostheoy, Jun 22, 2018 in forum: USMB Breaking News

  10. Post
    Liberals Worst Nightmare - 100% Conservative SCOTUS
    The anti-Trump hysterical protesting seems to be dying down now. Liberals gone batty over the Trump victory, went crazy during the transition...
    Post by: protectionist, Apr 5, 2017 in forum: Politics

  11. Post
    One SCOTUS Appointee Away From National Gay Marriage
    Obama's Gay Marriage Ploy And The Coming Antietam Of The Culture War | VDARE.com Four liberal activists on the Supreme Court—Elena Kagan,...
    Post by: William Joyce, May 12, 2012 in forum: Law and Justice System

  12. Post
    BREAKING: SCOTUS rules "immigrants" can be held indefinitely
    Much to the outrage from the left and the 9th Circuit.
    Post by: DigitalDrifter, Feb 27, 2018 in forum: Current Events

  13. Post
    Random Thoughts on the Falling Empire
    Kagan got the SCOTUS gig because she's covered Obama's real records at Harvard
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Jan 14, 2013 in forum: Current Events

  14. Post
    About Obama, can anyone tell me?
    Kagan is a full blown Marxist, the perfect ideological choice for Obama. Harvard connections couldn't hurt, but mostly Kagan was chosen as a Marxist.
    Post by: Uncensored2008, May 7, 2012 in forum: Politics

  15. Post
    Trump Predicts He'll Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices in First Term
    Kagan is on SCOTUS for keeping her silence on Obama's academic record and foreign born enrollment
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Oct 18, 2017 in forum: Politics

  16. Post
    Trump Still Won't Say He Was Wrong About Obama's Birthplace
    You know, maybe Kagan got SCOTUS to buy her silence on Obama foreign status
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Dec 16, 2015 in forum: Politics

  17. Post
    Alabama supreme court tells SC to take a hike on marriage opinion
    Kagan? Gay sex? You're biased.
    Post by: SwimExpert, Mar 10, 2016 in forum: Politics

  18. Post
    So the press tracked down Trump's tax returns. Why not obama's school records?
    Obama graduated, but never attended classes. Why do you think Kagan got SCOTUS?
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Mar 15, 2017 in forum: Current Events

  19. Post
    The 5-4 Supreme Court
    The only reason Kagan is on SCOTUS is for her silence on Obama's Foreign student status
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Apr 11, 2014 in forum: Politics

  20. Post
    How DID Barry Graduate From Harvard?
    Elain Kagan got SCOTUS as a repayment for her silence on Obama's real record at Harvard
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Oct 9, 2013 in forum: The Rubber Room

  21. Post
    GObP wonn't cooperate with The President of The United States
    Kagan got SCOTUS because Obama was her favorite Kenyan born student
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Jun 19, 2012 in forum: Congress

  22. Post
    The Clarence Thomas Follies!
    Kagan on SCOTUS was pay back for Obama not doing any homework at Harvard
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Law and Justice System

  23. Post
    How can Obama pick this person for the Supreme Court?
    Kagan is as qualified as Harriet Miers to be on the SCOTUS. Just sayin'.
    Post by: boedicca, May 11, 2010 in forum: Politics

  24. Post
    President Obama's "sealed" records
    Kagan got SCOTUS in exchange for her keeping silent that Obama never attended any classes at Harvard Law
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Oct 28, 2014 in forum: Conspiracy Theories

  25. Post
    Where is the "earthshaking evidence" birther mike zullo promised he'd have in march?
    Obama put Kagan on SCOTUS to buy her silence, she knows he went to Harvard as a Foreign student
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: Conspiracy Theories

  26. Post
    Email Released Shows Elana Kagan Celebrating Obamacare's Passage
    The only reason she's on SCOTUS in the first place is payback for covering for Obama at Harvard. Kagan = Recuse
    Post by: CrusaderFrank, Nov 16, 2011 in forum: Politics

  27. Post
    Where is the "earthshaking evidence" birther mike zullo promised he'd have in march?
    You....you do realize that you imagined virtually everything you just posted, right? That you can't factually back up any of it other than Obama...
    Post by: Skylar, Jul 6, 2014 in forum: Conspiracy Theories

  28. Post
    Scalia Keeping It Real
    Left Winger, Dana Milbank, has his own heros on the SCotUS, whose behavior, which is praises, is as bad, if not worse, than the behavior he...
    Post by: OriginalShroom, Mar 1, 2013 in forum: Politics

  29. Post
    *Is There A *Homo* On The Supreme Court?*
    One can be opposed to Kagan having gotten the SCOTUS Associate Justice position on pure principles, without being concerned about her sexuality.
    Post by: Liability, Jun 24, 2012 in forum: The Flame Zone
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According to Al Gore, the world will be submerged in water anytime now. So, these Supreme Court picks don't really matter in the long run.
Thank God the days of a renegade president are over....


an apt illustration of the OPs frantic emotional projections ^

yeah, those were the days when you all were wetting your pants daily over "the end of the world". :itsok:
Not the end of the world......just the possibility of a total economic collapse.
Thankfully it was averted. Hillary was set to bring it to fruition but her lousy campaign prevented it.
According to Al Gore, the world will be submerged in water anytime now. So, these Supreme Court picks don't really matter in the long run.
Hah! Trump brats the left again. Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are excellent swimmers!
If, at the end of the Trump Administration, Roe v Wade is repealed and single payer healthcare is the law of the land, I am going to be laughing my fucking ass off.
According to Al Gore, the world will be submerged in water anytime now. So, these Supreme Court picks don't really matter in the long run.
Hah! Trump brats the left again. Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are excellent swimmers!
i am waiting for the maxine waters response.lets see if she accuses Kava of being one of those cops who sprayed down black people in 1865
Democrats need to manufacture mass faux outrage and 'crisis.' They have nothing to offer voters. Inciting race riots and such, is all they have left. Their Race Baiting and 'Trump is Hitler!' ranting & raving, is gonna heat up bigtime as we get closer to the Mid-Terms.

They're really desperate to get those riots started before the elections. But hopefully most Americans know what Democrats are about these days. Hopefully they'll do the right thing come election time.
the day after Kava is nominated,i predict a 10.5 in Sanfransisco and Nancy Pelosi will blame President Bush and Justice Kava
what about the 2.3 million males who are currently pregnant? are they going to jail?
Thank God the days of a renegade president are over....


an apt illustration of the OPs frantic emotional projections ^

yeah, those were the days when you all were wetting your pants daily over "the end of the world". :itsok:
Not the end of the world......just the possibility of a total economic collapse.
Thankfully it was averted. Hillary was set to bring it to fruition but her lousy campaign prevented it.
Thank God the days of a renegade president are over....


an apt illustration of the OPs frantic emotional projections ^

yeah, those were the days when you all were wetting your pants daily over "the end of the world". :itsok:
Not the end of the world......just the possibility of a total economic collapse.
Thankfully it was averted. Hillary was set to bring it to fruition but her lousy campaign prevented it.
so what is the latest coming from the left? if Kava gets nominated, we are all gonna get gonnoreah or syphillis?
we need intellect. we need logic. we need reason. we need a lot of things.

Justice Kavanaugh has all those tools!
Thank God the days of a renegade president are over....


an apt illustration of the OPs frantic emotional projections ^

yeah, those were the days when you all were wetting your pants daily over "the end of the world". :itsok:
Not the end of the world......just the possibility of a total economic collapse.
Thankfully it was averted. Hillary was set to bring it to fruition but her lousy campaign prevented it.
so what is the latest coming from the left? if Kava gets nominated, we are all gonna get gonnoreah or syphillis?

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