A kind of odd, unintended moment on Fox News


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
I was watching.. I think it was Fox and Friends (?) this morning, which I don't normally get up in time to watch.

And there were 3 people sitting there on the couch commenting on news stories

The woman in the middle began to mention how traditional Catholics are persecuted by gummit

And the guy next to her.. will cain.. started getting kind of odd looks on his face.

i get thefeeling he is not too fond of Catholicism... Yes, I could be projecting bc I've experienced much anti-Catholic stuff... but doubt it
You didn't expect Fox to be fair and balanced? Try to find a conservative opinion on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC pr PBS.
I was watching.. I think it was Fox and Friends (?) this morning, which I don't normally get up in time to watch.

And there were 3 people sitting there on the couch commenting on news stories

The woman in the middle began to mention how traditional Catholics are persecuted by gummit

And the guy next to her.. will cain.. started getting kind of odd looks on his face.

i get thefeeling he is not too fond of Catholicism... Yes, I could be projecting bc I've experienced much anti-Catholic stuff... but doubt it
What is gummit?
You didn't expect Fox to be fair and balanced? Try to find a conservative opinion on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC pr PBS.
I love Fox News... not so sure about Will Cain, though...

Anti-Catholicism (not saying absolutely he is guilty of that...God knows) is rather ridiculous in my opinion... I mean, like I've said b4, if I myself don't care for a particular religion, I just forget about it completely and go my merry way. And a lot of people are like that... except for Catholicism, apparently!

The anti-Catholics... seem to think it is their job to destroy Catholicism, convert all Catholics to their fake religion(s)
I love Fox News... not so sure about Will Cain, though...

Anti-Catholicism (not saying absolutely he is guilty of that...God knows) is rather ridiculous in my opinion... I mean, like I've said b4, if I myself don't care for a particular religion, I just forget about it completely and go my merry way. And a lot of people are like that... except for Catholicism, apparently!

The anti-Catholics... seem to think it is their job to destroy Catholicism, convert all Catholics to their fake religion(s)
You are a victim of left wing anti-Fox bias promoted by the media by assuming that Fox is in the bag for the Catholic religion or any other religion.
You are a victim of left wing anti-Fox bias promoted by the media by assuming that Fox is in the bag for the Catholic religion or any other religion.
oh, did I do that?

I didn't know. I really do need to get hold of myself


(and this is assuming I even get what you're saying)
Does it look like I am?

quit with the antiCatholic stuff. It is creepy
If the shoe fits, wear it. The history of the Catholic Church has some very dark times. It is what it is. One of them is how they get in bed with governments and then control the people through governments. A lot of that has been changed recently. But, there are still countries that bend to the will of the church. They scratch each other's back. It's how pedophile priests have gotten away with it over the centuries.
sure is a lot of judging of Catholics going on

people you don't even know..

very creepy
You didn't expect Fox to be fair and balanced? Try to find a conservative opinion on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC pr PBS.
Actually all of those except MSNBC have conservative op/eds all the time. MSNBC is the left leaning equivalent of faux noise and will not.
oh, did I do that?

I didn't know. I really do need to get hold of myself


(and this is assuming I even get what you're saying)
Fox's news analysis is neither odd nor unintended, it's politics as usual. Your perception of Fox however is more likely "odd and unintended".
I love Fox News... not so sure about Will Cain, though...

Anti-Catholicism (not saying absolutely he is guilty of that...God knows) is rather ridiculous in my opinion... I mean, like I've said b4, if I myself don't care for a particular religion, I just forget about it completely and go my merry way. And a lot of people are like that... except for Catholicism, apparently!

The anti-Catholics... seem to think it is their job to destroy Catholicism, convert all Catholics to their fake religion(s)
Until the Vatican vacates the Socialist Poop, who demands that we keep our borders open while he sits behind a very tall wall, accepting government hand outs moving illegals and sheltering them in the US. i am very anti-Catholic, because of the church and devil working against US.

Until the Vatican vacates the Socialist Poop, who demands that we keep our borders open while he sits behind a very tall wall, accepting government hand outs moving illegals and sheltering them in the US. i am very anti-Catholic, because of the church and devil working against US.

So you ditch the entire Church over what some individuals do?

Well, it is true that the entire Church has serious issues, but again, that is due to a few individuals, though they are more, way more numerous than ever in the past.

I have a complicated story vis a vis the Catholic Church. I have had to reject much of what I've seen there... and I know more than anyone outside its walls about what is wrong there (and also what is not).

I love the Catholic Church as it is supposed to be, as Christ meant it to be. It may never be that way again, though...

until Jesus returns. And if I were those individuals who helped water down its teachings and destroy a lot of what is good there.. I'd be very worried.
So you ditch the entire Church over what some individuals do?

Well, it is true that the entire Church has serious issues, but again, that is due to a few individuals, though they are more, way more numerous than ever in the past.

I have a complicated story vis a vis the Catholic Church. I have had to reject much of what I've seen there... and I know more than anyone outside its walls about what is wrong there (and also what is not).

I love the Catholic Church as it is supposed to be, as Christ meant it to be. It may never be that way again, though...

until Jesus returns. And if I were those individuals who helped water down its teachings and destroy a lot of what is good there.. I'd be very worried.
Some individual? The same Church that whisked away a Cardinal who knew that his region was full of queers diddling with young boys. That church? d

Dont worry i believe there is a God, but i also believe that Lucifer was meant to walk the Earth and cast doubt on US, many people including those in Rome have taken the easy path to Hell, than the trials and tribulations which will eventually have you end up in Heaven.

It isnt just the Catholic church, but all churches who are more interesting in their own wealth(accepting bribes from big government) instead of keeping God's word intact.

Some individual? The same Church that whisked away a Cardinal who knew that his region was full of queers diddling with young boys. That church? d

Dont worry i believe there is a God, but i also believe that Lucifer was meant to walk the Earth and cast doubt on US, many people including those in Rome have taken the easy path to Hell, than the trials and tribulations which will eventually have you end up in Heaven.

It isnt just the Catholic church, but all churches who are more interesting in their own wealth(accepting bribes from big government) instead of keeping God's word intact.

You know, I have reached my quota on the CatholicsBad/ProtestantsGood BS

I'm tired of hearing people judging whole groups of people w/ a broad moral brush when they are nothing but sinners themselves...

A lot of people love money... even Protestants!!!!!!!!!!!!


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