A LIBERAL woman, right now, on Fox News just said that the intelligence community risked their lives

To get to the conclusion that Russia interfered in our election. She just said that COMPLETE FABRICATED BULLSHIT on live TV.

Is this what the left means by Fake News?

I just watched Bill O'really tonight totally fabricate and twist around what Obama said about heroin drug attacks.

His speaker Charles Krauthammer didn't know what the fuck he was talking about..So it happens on all stations..

Bill O'Reilly Blames Obama For Rise Of Opioid Addiction Deaths
So create a thread about it and quit pissing in this thread with off topic bullshit.
i wonder if we should start buying stock in Russian Vodka being Trump is now the President !!!!
I surfed MSNBC, CNN and FOX and they were all presenting fake news that the Wikileaks emails (Podesta emails) showing democrat corruption were hacked by "The Russians." They are not stating that false information very clearly and thus some confusion as to what was hacked that supposedly undermined the election. The content was hacked a long time ago, long before The Donald won the primary. Again, the butthurt propaganda liars like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, and the fairy on before that featuring demented liar Crazy Bernie, CNN's Cooper Anderson and Gergen, some replacement for Maygayn "Great to see you" Kelly all were lying and presenting fake news. Fortunately Hannity is on in 20 minutes. He is most likely going to play some audio from the Wikileaks guy who knows were the Podesta emails came from. The Podesta emails did not come from Russia, but even if they did it doesn't matter!

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