A Little Learning For Our Pals Voting Democrat


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. You may know the poetry of Alexander Pope, unless you went to government school:

A little learning is a dangerous thing ;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring :
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.


3. Communism or Capitalism? Finland and Estonia

In 1939 Finland and its southern neighbor Estonia were identical in many ways. Then, in 1940, the USSR occupied Estonia, and it remained under communist rule for 50 years. Here are the words of Mart Laar, Estonia’s former prime minister, stating what communism did to his country:

“Look at what happened in this context during these fifty years and then you can understand how terrible the communist system really is. And it’s not only in the economy. This is in all fields of life—the social structure, cultural standards, education, healthcare, or whatever. When you compare those two countries, which were exactly the same in 1939[,] in 1989, then you will find what communism really means, and how bad it is. Our economy, our nature, and our environment was [sic] destroyed.”

The conclusion:

Their economic and social differences grew so large that no informed person could honestly dispute the pernicious effect that communist rule had on occupied Estonia.
Finland and Estonia

In 1991 Estonia became capitalist, and experienced massive economic growth. They discovered the errors of progressive class warfare.

4. The Democrat Party is the most recent iteration of the Nazis and the Bolsheviks. All three are socialist/communist/Marxist.
One can only wonder at the any with even a modicum of knowledge of history, voting for policies that have proven failure whenever tried.

5. In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:

“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” https://www.deseretnews.com/article/181738/GORBACHEV-YELTSIN-SAY-COMMUNISM-FAILED-USSR.html

6. "Tim Walz's Socialism: Is Really the Same as Neighborliness?

National Review
https://www.nationalreview.com › corner › is-socialism-r...

Aug 8, 2024 — Socialism can only exist through force and oppression; and socialist economies cannot and do not produce wealth. That Minnesota's governor ...
1. You may know the poetry of Alexander Pope, unless you went to government school:

A little learning is a dangerous thing ;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring :
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.

2. View attachment 1013293

3. Communism or Capitalism? Finland and Estonia

In 1939 Finland and its southern neighbor Estonia were identical in many ways. Then, in 1940, the USSR occupied Estonia, and it remained under communist rule for 50 years. Here are the words of Mart Laar, Estonia’s former prime minister, stating what communism did to his country:

“Look at what happened in this context during these fifty years and then you can understand how terrible the communist system really is. And it’s not only in the economy. This is in all fields of life—the social structure, cultural standards, education, healthcare, or whatever. When you compare those two countries, which were exactly the same in 1939[,] in 1989, then you will find what communism really means, and how bad it is. Our economy, our nature, and our environment was [sic] destroyed.”

The conclusion:

Their economic and social differences grew so large that no informed person could honestly dispute the pernicious effect that communist rule had on occupied Estonia.
Finland and Estonia

In 1991 Estonia became capitalist, and experienced massive economic growth. They discovered the errors of progressive class warfare.

4. The Democrat Party is the most recent iteration of the Nazis and the Bolsheviks. All three are socialist/communist/Marxist.
One can only wonder at the any with even a modicum of knowledge of history, voting for policies that have proven failure whenever tried.

5. In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:

“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” https://www.deseretnews.com/article/181738/GORBACHEV-YELTSIN-SAY-COMMUNISM-FAILED-USSR.html

6. "Tim Walz's Socialism: Is Really the Same as Neighborliness?

National Review
https://www.nationalreview.com › corner › is-socialism-r...

Aug 8, 2024 — Socialism can only exist through force and oppression; and socialist economies cannot and do not produce wealth. That Minnesota's governor ...
Its always easy to blame broke communism. But how does communism come into existence? Do wealthy people revolt? No, they don´t. That is why communism is an inevitable byproduct of uncontrolled capitalism. So while the market economy is the best economy, it is still a very dumb idea to not to intervene when its flaws begin to develop. So when someone goes out and does wrong, the state intervenes. But it should not intervene when its not a private person but a private person behind a company name?
More idiocy.

Malcolm X speech

Digital History - UH
https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu › disp_textbook

The white liberals control the Negro and the Negro vote by controlling the Negro civil rights leaders. As long as they control the Negro civil rights leaders, ...
Its always easy to blame broke communism. But how does communism come into existence? Do wealthy people revolt? No, they don´t. That is why communism is an inevitable byproduct of uncontrolled capitalism. So while the market economy is the best economy, it is still a very dumb idea to not to intervene when its flaws begin to develop. So when someone goes out and does wrong, the state intervenes. But it should not intervene when its not a private person but a private person behind a company name?

Where do you see that imaginary "uncontrolled capitalism"???????

Malcolm X speech

Digital History - UH
https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu › disp_textbook

The white liberals control the Negro and the Negro vote by controlling the Negro civil rights leaders. As long as they control the Negro civil rights leaders, ...

Where do you see that imaginary "uncontrolled capitalism"???????
Its not uncontrolled but maybe it is mal-controlled. See European idiocy for example. While it is a sinister crime for a company to add a browser to its operating system, it is perfectly fine to avoid taxes by offering services from a low tax location. There are so many flaws. Found a sub-company, give it a loan payed for by the parent company and the parent company can charge off the sum as LOSSES. Relocate your factory to abroad and you can charge off the costs as LOSSES.
And in addition, while capitalism works fine in the West, despite all this flaws, the rest of the world with capitalism is often below North Korean standards.
1. You may know the poetry of Alexander Pope, unless you went to government school:

A little learning is a dangerous thing ;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring :
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.

2. View attachment 1013293

3. Communism or Capitalism? Finland and Estonia

In 1939 Finland and its southern neighbor Estonia were identical in many ways. Then, in 1940, the USSR occupied Estonia, and it remained under communist rule for 50 years. Here are the words of Mart Laar, Estonia’s former prime minister, stating what communism did to his country:

“Look at what happened in this context during these fifty years and then you can understand how terrible the communist system really is. And it’s not only in the economy. This is in all fields of life—the social structure, cultural standards, education, healthcare, or whatever. When you compare those two countries, which were exactly the same in 1939[,] in 1989, then you will find what communism really means, and how bad it is. Our economy, our nature, and our environment was [sic] destroyed.”

The conclusion:

Their economic and social differences grew so large that no informed person could honestly dispute the pernicious effect that communist rule had on occupied Estonia.
Finland and Estonia

In 1991 Estonia became capitalist, and experienced massive economic growth. They discovered the errors of progressive class warfare.

4. The Democrat Party is the most recent iteration of the Nazis and the Bolsheviks. All three are socialist/communist/Marxist.
One can only wonder at the any with even a modicum of knowledge of history, voting for policies that have proven failure whenever tried.

5. In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:

“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” https://www.deseretnews.com/article/181738/GORBACHEV-YELTSIN-SAY-COMMUNISM-FAILED-USSR.html

6. "Tim Walz's Socialism: Is Really the Same as Neighborliness?

National Review
https://www.nationalreview.com › corner › is-socialism-r...

Aug 8, 2024 — Socialism can only exist through force and oppression; and socialist economies cannot and do not produce wealth. That Minnesota's governor ...
Your boss Putin is the only Communist I am aware of on the political spectrum these days.
Its not uncontrolled but maybe it is mal-controlled. See European idiocy for example. While it is a sinister crime for a company to add a browser to its operating system, it is perfectly fine to avoid taxes by offering services from a low tax location. There are so many flaws. Found a sub-company, give it a loan payed for by the parent company and the parent company can charge off the sum as LOSSES. Relocate your factory to abroad and you can charge off the costs as LOSSES.
And in addition, while capitalism works fine in the West, despite all this flaws, the rest of the world with capitalism is often below North Korean standards.
But you said "uncontrolled."
Glad you admit that only exists for the enemies of America.

For Americans the economy is strongly controlled.

For Democrats...ie. the Clintons and the Bidens, the sale of American policy for $millions is well known yet goes unpunished. Nor could this occur without the aid of the most corrupt organization in the nation, the media.
But you said "uncontrolled."
Glad you admit that only exists for the enemies of America.

For Americans the economy is strongly controlled.

For Democrats...ie. the Clintons and the Bidens, the sale of American policy for $millions is well known yet goes unpunished. Nor could this occur without the aid of the most corrupt organization in the nation, the media.
Oh yes, I did. I didn´t claim this applies to our countries, though. Yet, it happens often enough that companies provide the text of laws. I meant we need to be careful. Else they take over and will reverse all the accomplishments. Look at some "enemy of America". Peru for example:
Oh yes, I did. I didn´t claim this applies to our countries, though. Yet, it happens often enough that companies provide the text of laws. I meant we need to be careful. Else they take over and will reverse all the accomplishments. Look at some "enemy of America". Peru for example:
What do you think happens in other countries........notably Bolshevik Russia and Nazi Germany, other Leftist havens?

When we include America up until recent Democrat regimes, where do you suppose individuals had better lives?

Or, the case of Finland vs Estonia as the OP mentions.
There is zero indication that by electing Democrats this election cycle that the country will "go communist".

Besides... was not Jesus of Nazareth a "communist" in the literal sense?

"Go sell all that thou hast and give it to the poor."

"Consider the lilies of the field... the birds of the air... they toil not and yet..."

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."

Jesus lived communally with his disciples and they shared income and expenses during Jesus' ministry.

Voting Democratic is NOT going to trigger a shift into communism but in its purest sense you could do a lot worse. :cool:
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There is zero indication that by electing Democrats this election cycle that the country will "go communist".

Besides... was not Jesus of Nazareth a "communist" in the literal sense?

"Go sell all that thou hast and give it to the poor."

"Consider the lilies of the field... the birds of the air... they toil not and yet..."

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."

Jesus lived communally with his disciples and they shared income and expenses during Jesus' ministry.

Voting Democratic is NOT going to trigger a shift into communism but in its purest sense you could do a lot worse. :cool:

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