A Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman

THIS is why normal people have more respect for Vlad Putin than almost anyone in the Borg Democrat Party.

For the leader of a "communist" country, at least he understands the necessary role of the spiritual in human cultures

What a douche bag your 'hero' Putin is, talking about a multi-confessional society in Russia and respect to each other developed out of that. Completely ignoring repercussions against the Starovery, Molokans, years of anti-Jewish policies etc.

Btw, has anybody heard this story about a transgender prisoner who raped his female cellmate? Is it a true story or Putin was talking out of his ars as usual?
What a douche bag your 'hero' Putin is, talking about a multi-confessional society in Russia and respect to each other developed out of that. Completely ignoring repercussions against the Starovery, Molokans, years of anti-Jewish policies etc.

Btw, has anybody heard this story about a transgender prisoner who raped his female cellmate? Is it a true story or Putin was talking out of his ars as usual?

The right has had a huge shortage of sanity for quite a while.

You go with that.
More Putin-loving from the cult.

They do love their authoritarians.

Only to Republicans who worship Putin and do his bidding
Your inability to discredit or argue against what the man said is showing. Just because someone is an authoritarian doesn't mean that everything out of their mouth is wrong or that everything they do is wrong. And just because I can appreciate what he said doesn't mean I condone anything other than what he said. His actions or anything he's said in the past or will say is irrelevant to what he just said in the context of whether it is good or bad. It's a simple mind who cant separate the two. Im willing to bet that Putin favor's single payer healthcare, and certain welfare state programs. Are those evil because he supports them? Are you a Putin loving Russian puppet because you support them?
Yeah, because we should be listening to the demented old fool you voted for.

I have this dream of Biden getting on TV and announcing everyone should breathe continuously, just to see how many wingnuts suffocate because they don't want the gummit telling them what to do.

So, are you happy with this?

That a mannish woman signs up for a sport knowing that she is going to get beaten up and she gets beaten up? Um... yeah, that's weird and stuff, but I don't see the difference between a womanish man beating her up or another mannish woman.

Funny. You don't mind shooting your mouth off about Russia, which is literally on the other side of the planet, but you don't want to talk about sports here in this society, even though it impacts many people and it also the topic of THE THREAD YOU ARE SPOUTING ON IN?

The only reason why ANYONE cares about women's sports at all is because a bunch of money is tied to it for college. Not because the colleges are making any money, but because the mandates the government has put on them through Title IX.

So what you are complaining about is a benefit created by a government mandate is being nullified by another government mandate

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