A Message From Our Great President

Reminded me of Ragan too. People with alzheimer's often sound like that.

Sound like what?

Like someone without a grasp on reality.

I can see how STOIC AND SUCCESSFUL doesn't fit your reality.

Trump is neither.

Facts are listed. I know liberals are allergic to facts.
How's this fact? The SB in our WH now is the the biggest liar by far than any other president in our history and a vile POS besides
No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.

Isn't that cute? You're claiming he won the popular vote just like Trump is. Are you intentionally lying, or do you really believe that crap?

Thank God he didn't win Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from indecent, classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.
No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.

Isn't that cute? You're claiming he won the popular vote just like Trump is. Are you intentionally lying, or do you really believe that crap?

Thank God he didn't win Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from indecent, classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

More people want Trump impeached than wanted Nixon impeached at this point in their investigations. About twice as many.

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

The fruits of his predecessor's labors, empty platitudes, broken promises, demagoguery and good ol' fashioned Bull$hit... all Talk, very little Action.
...It doesn't what Trump does or doesn't do with you people. You're going to hate him no matter what...
Quite possibly. I mean, what's not to hate? He's a boorish creature with zero class and a lying sack of $hit to boot.

...However those with us with a more open mind can relate to what he's saying and what he's accomplished...
He's mostly talk and very little action.

...Considering he's never held any political office before and a handful of Commie activist judges getting in his way whenever they can, he's doing a super job.
Excuses... excuses... excuses...

Mister Big Mouth wanted the job.

Well, he's got it.

Either he gets the job done, or he's fired.

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

And Trump had nothing to do with any of that.

1. Stock market has been in a recovery period for the last 3 years.
2. Employment gains have also come back starting 3 years ago.
3. We are still funding global initiatives.
4. There are still regulations--(albeit a few have been cut--but any GOP President would have done that.)
5. War on coal & energy--I don't think so.
6. There is no tax plan.
7. Factories returning (Where?)
8. No welfare for illegals--(there was never any welfare for illegals--(they aren't eligible for welfare.)
9. Americans have always been free to pursue their dreams.

So that leaves us with no accomplishments, except we have an Ass Clown sitting in the Oval office--who has brought a YUUUGE circus with him.

With the lowest approval rating of any President in the last 75 years.
Poll: Trump's approval rating down to 33%


No wall
No immigration policy
No repeal/replace Obamacare
No ban on Muslims

Just a daily comedy disaster T.V. reality show coming out of the White House.

Regarding the Trump Jr. meeting at the Trump Tower

Smith explains in this 8 minute video that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian Intelligence agents, including the very day that Russia hacked into DNC databases.

James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

What the Trump inner circle still hasn't figured out is they were being watched since 2015, and not by U.S. Intelligence agencies.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For more information on the evidence against Trump go to this link--(ignore the error message.)
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

The fruits of his predecessor's labors, empty platitudes, broken promises, demagoguery and good ol' fashioned Bull$hit... all Talk, very little Action.

Go ahead and tell me what on that list is wrong.
1. Stock market has been in a recovery period for the last 3 years.
2. Employment gains have also come back starting 3 years ago.
3. We are still funding global initiatives.
4. There are still regulations--(albeit a few have been cut--but any GOP President would have done that.)
5. War on coal & energy--I don't think so.
6. There is no tax plan.
7. Factories returning (Where?)
8. No welfare for illegals--(there was never any welfare for illegals--(they aren't eligible for welfare.)
9. Americans have always been free to pursue their dreams.

1. DJ on Feb 27, 2015 - $18,132.7; DJ on July 1, 2016 - $17,949.37; that's a little thing called stagnation. If you want to call that "recovery," then that's your deal. But my own personal stocks were in similar stagnation these past three years, dude. So, I know you're pretty much speaking out of your ass.
2. Obama's overall unemployment is pretty abysmal for the eight years. That happens when bull shit "stimulus" plans rip off Americans for trillions and do jack shit.
3. Nobody said we're not funding global activities. Trump is cutting out much of the fat.
4. Trump has cut out a shit load of regulations; not merely the token shit a RINO Bush would cut out.
5. War on coal is your term; but Hillary wanted to "put a lot of coalminers out of business."
6. Oh, there's a tax plan. It's been stated many o' times. So, don't bull shit me, dude.
7. I guess you don't follow the news if you're disputing factories returning.
8. I know first hand that illegals get welfare. In California, they give bonus money to illegals under the guise of "migrant farm workers." Don't bull shit me, dude. I DO NOT SUFFER LIARS, GLADLY.
9. Americans are constantly having their dreams impeded by BIG BROTHER.
No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.
What was the disaster? Slow growth?
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.

He pulled us out of TPP and Paris on his own, border enforcement, negotiating with companies to stay/come back to the US, and EO's rescinding regulations.

Those are all actions directly responsible for the market having optimism again.

Remind us what the Hussein passed as legislation his last 6 years with a Republican Congress that made the economy so great after he left office.
Great speech! President Trump is definitely a 2 term President!

Yea, if the illegal voter problem gets fixed, it'll be Reagan/Mondale Part Deux. Except it'll be Hawaii and not Minnesota going to the Dems.
In the address to the nation, President Trump reminded me of President Reagan.

Reminded me of Ragan too. People with alzheimer's often sound like that.

Sound like what?

Untethered from reality.
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.

He pulled us out of TPP and Paris on his own, border enforcement, negotiating with companies to stay/come back to the US, and EO's rescinding regulations.

Those are all actions directly responsible for the market having optimism again.

Remind us what the Hussein passed as legislation his last 6 years with a Republican Congress that made the economy so great after he left office.

When did the market stop having optimism? Under Obama we saw the longest bull market in history. The stock market gains are simply a continuation of Obama's bull market.

Trump is simply riding Obama's coat tails and taking credit for the work Obama did for 8 years.

Trump hasn't passed a signed a significant piece of legislation since he was elected.
Great speech! President Trump is definitely a 2 term President!

Yea, if the illegal voter problem gets fixed, it'll be Reagan/Mondale Part Deux. Except it'll be Hawaii and not Minnesota going to the Dems.
In the address to the nation, President Trump reminded me of President Reagan.

Reminded me of Ragan too. People with alzheimer's often sound like that.

Sound like what?

Untethered from reality.

Yes you are. And you fuckers honestly shouldn't be making light of serious diseases like Alzheimer's, honestly.
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.

He pulled us out of TPP and Paris on his own, border enforcement, negotiating with companies to stay/come back to the US, and EO's rescinding regulations.

Those are all actions directly responsible for the market having optimism again.

Remind us what the Hussein passed as legislation his last 6 years with a Republican Congress that made the economy so great after he left office.

When did the market stop having optimism? Under Obama we saw the longest bull market in history. The stock market gains are simply a continuation of Obama's bull market.

Trump is simply riding Obama's coat tails and taking credit for the work Obama did for 8 years.

Trump hasn't passed a signed a significant piece of legislation since he was elected.

I predicted these kinds of reactions from the left a year before DumBama even left office.

Again, a President doesn't create jobs. All a President can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to create jobs. So tell us, what has the most anti-business President done to influence the private sector to invest and create these jobs?
Given that job creation has slowed under Trump, what is it specifically that Trump has done which merits all this celebration of the Trump economy?
No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.

Isn't that cute? You're claiming he won the popular vote just like Trump is. Are you intentionally lying, or do you really believe that crap?

Thank God he didn't win Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from indecent, classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

More people want Trump impeached than wanted Nixon impeached at this point in their investigations. About twice as many.

Shows you how ignorant your average voter is. This is why I say you should have to take a short test before they give you a ballot and allow a person to vote. It doesn't matter what the people think, you can't impeach a President because you don't like him or like his policies. We don't impeach Presidents because of stupid leftist polls.
No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.

Isn't that cute? You're claiming he won the popular vote just like Trump is. Are you intentionally lying, or do you really believe that crap?

Thank God he didn't win Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from indecent, classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

More people want Trump impeached than wanted Nixon impeached at this point in their investigations. About twice as many.

Shows you how ignorant your average voter is. This is why I say you should have to take a short test before they give you a ballot and allow a person to vote. It doesn't matter what the people think, you can't impeach a President because you don't like him or like his policies. We don't impeach Presidents because of stupid leftist polls.

But you do impeach for crimes like bribery, money laundering, favours given to foreign governments. Stuff like that.

There's that knotty problem with Sessions settling that money laundering case for 3 cents on the dollar. The one involving the Russian lawyer Junior met with. The one with the unlimited budget to get the Magnitsky Act repealed.

There's also the possibility that Donnie has been laundering Russian money for years, with all of those real estate deals with Russian oligarchs and mobsters he's been doing.

And giving a free hand to Russia in the Ukraine while shitting all over your NATO allies. Little things like this.

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