A Message From Our Great President

Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.

Hey occupied, you have proven that you aren't very smart from the minute you came here. Trump has done a great many things already, and if he is unable to push through his agenda, which is also a lie, it's because the swamp consists of all democrats and a great many republicans. Not Trumps fault.
No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.

Isn't that cute? You're claiming he won the popular vote just like Trump is. Are you intentionally lying, or do you really believe that crap?

Thank God he didn't win Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from indecent, classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

More people want Trump impeached than wanted Nixon impeached at this point in their investigations. About twice as many.

Shows you how ignorant your average voter is. This is why I say you should have to take a short test before they give you a ballot and allow a person to vote. It doesn't matter what the people think, you can't impeach a President because you don't like him or like his policies. We don't impeach Presidents because of stupid leftist polls.

But you do impeach for crimes like bribery, money laundering, favours given to foreign governments. Stuff like that.

There's that knotty problem with Sessions settling that money laundering case for 3 cents on the dollar. The one involving the Russian lawyer Junior met with. The one with the unlimited budget to get the Magnitsky Act repealed.

There's also the possibility that Donnie has been laundering Russian money for years, with all of those real estate deals with Russian oligarchs and mobsters he's been doing.

And giving a free hand to Russia in the Ukraine while shitting all over your NATO allies. Little things like this.

You can't impeach a President for something his son did, or what he did in his private life before taking office, or made-up Russian stories, or any other stories leftists decide to make up.

Leftists believe that only they should control government, and that our system of free voting is a threat. They don't believe in allowing the public to choose their representatives unless it's their representatives. And if we do, find a scheme to disenfranchise those voters.
...Go ahead and tell me what on that list is wrong.
I'm not disputing a single one of your bullet points...

Mussolini made the trains run on-time, and Hitler eliminated unemployment and promoted economic growth, too...

Some of the points on your list are, most likely true, others are, most likely, bull$hit.

But I'm not here to get myself (or others) lost in the distracting shiny-bauble minutiae of your laundry list, so...

Go ahead and give us something substantive and credible on each of those points, to prove they are Drumpf's doing in his first six ineffectual months in office...

Rather than - in many cases - a mere continuation of events set into motion months or years before Drumpf took office...

Or which are merely attributable to the natural oscillating cycle of economic circumstances.

And, of course, and FAR more importantly...

Go ahead and tell us, why we should let any of that Happy Hor$e$hit distract Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Grand Jury from their important investigative work.

Work designed to ferret-out traitors and liars and deceivers and obstructionists, who, like grubs curling up into a ball when their rock is lifted, shun the light...

Special Counsel Mueller will point-out the most likely location of such rocks, the Grand Jury will lift the rocks and evaluate what they find underneath...

If the Imperial Cheeto and his minions are not under such rocks, then you need not worry...

However... Special Counsel Mueller and his Grand Jury will give us the answer to such questions... not you.

You might as well relax...

This is going to take a very, very long time...

The legal and ethical construction of Airtight Cases usually does..

And now that a Grand Jury has been impaneled and has begun issuing subpoenas, from a practical political perspective, there isn't jack-$hit you can do about it....

You may commence sweating at your discretion...

Tick... tick... tick...
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Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.
Well he has been on vacation or campaign rallies or golf trips between vacations at tax payers expense since losing the popular vote and is the largest welfare collector ever to hold office so this shouldn't come as a surprise
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.

Hey occupied, you have proven that you aren't very smart from the minute you came here. Trump has done a great many things already, and if he is unable to push through his agenda, which is also a lie, it's because the swamp consists of all democrats and a great many republicans. Not Trumps fault.
Trump has built the swampiest swamp that ever swamped and that is all his fault. Mr. "populist" came in and hired/appointed people so deeply at odds with a populist agenda it was clear he never had any intention of doing anything except make life better for Wall Street and the billionaires. Wall street is building another bubble now that they feel safe from federal oversight, what will be your excuse for shifting blame away from Trump when it implodes? Start thinking about it now, you have about 12-18 months.
No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.

Isn't that cute? You're claiming he won the popular vote just like Trump is. Are you intentionally lying, or do you really believe that crap?

Thank God he didn't win Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from indecent, classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

More people want Trump impeached than wanted Nixon impeached at this point in their investigations. About twice as many.

This country is so full of whackos and filthy human cockroaches that it wouldn't surprise me at all.
AWESOME if it's true though....That tells me he's governing on behalf of the right people.
...Go ahead and tell me what on that list is wrong.
I'm not disputing a single one of your bullet points...

Mussolini made the trains run on-time, and Hitler eliminated unemployment and promoted economic growth, too...

Some of the points on your list are, most likely true, others are, most likely, bull$hit.

But I'm not here to get myself (or others) lost in the distracting shiny-bauble minutiae of your laundry list, so...

Go ahead and give us something substantive and credible on each of those points, to prove they are Drumpf's doing in his first six ineffectual months in office...

Rather than - in many cases - a mere continuation of events set into motion months or years before Drumpf took office...

Or which are merely attributable to the natural oscillating cycle of economic circumstances.

And, of course, and FAR more importantly...

Go ahead and tell us, why we should let any of that Happy Hor$e$hit distract Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Grand Jury from their important investigative work.

Work designed to ferret-out traitors and liars and deceivers and obstructionists, who, like grubs curling up into a ball when their rock is lifted, shun the light...

Special Counsel Mueller will point-out the most likely location of such rocks, the Grand Jury will lift the rocks and evaluate what they find underneath...

If the Imperial Cheeto and his minions are not under such rocks, then you need not worry...

However... Special Counsel Mueller and his Grand Jury will give us the answer to such questions... not you.

You might as well relax...

This is going to take a very, very long time...

The legal and ethical construction of Airtight Cases usually does..

And now that a Grand Jury has been impaneled and has begun issuing subpoenas, from a practical political perspective, there isn't jack-$hit you can do about it....

You may commence sweating at your discretion...

Tick... tick... tick...

Okay, so you basically admit that Trump is doing a good job and that your main focus is the Russian witch hunt in an effort to treat your butthurt.
...Okay, so you basically admit that Trump is doing a good job...
Nope... that's what YOU are reading into it... not what I said, which inherently credited Drumpf's predecessor's far more than him, for what is happening at present.

...and that your main focus is the Russian witch hunt in an effort to treat your butthurt.
Nope... my main focus is the Justice Department investigation, headed by Republican appointee and former FBI Director Robert Mueller, and his new Grand Jury.

( this is not going well for TrumpBots at the moment, is it? )
...Okay, so you basically admit that Trump is doing a good job...
Nope... that's what YOU are reading into it... not what I said, which inherently credited Drumpf's predecessor's far more than him, for what is happening at present.

...and that your main focus is the Russian witch hunt in an effort to treat your butthurt.
Nope... my main focus is the Justice Department investigation, headed by Republican appointee and former FBI Director Robert Mueller, and his new Grand Jury.

( this is not going well for TrumpBots at the moment, is it? )

Well, you couldn't say how Trump was doing a bad job; so.....

And Robert Mueller is compromised and corrupt as sh**. Dems tried to say this of Ken Starr, who doesn't have 1/20th of the baggage and conflict of interest that Mueller has. This won't go anywhere; this is just a dog and pony show for the Dems to distract from real progress.
...Well, you couldn't say how Trump was doing a bad job; so...
It is not incumbent upon me to do so.

...And Robert Mueller is compromised and corrupt as sh**...
That's not what members of your own Party were saying about him when he was first appointed.

...Dems tried to say this of Ken Starr, who doesn't have 1/20th of the baggage and conflict of interest that Mueller has...

...This won't go anywhere; this is just a dog and pony show for the Dems to distract from real progress.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his Grand Jury will settle such matters.
...Well, you couldn't say how Trump was doing a bad job; so...
It is not incumbent upon me to do so.

...And Robert Mueller is compromised and corrupt as sh**...
That's not what members of your own Party were saying about him when he was first appointed.

...Dems tried to say this of Ken Starr, who doesn't have 1/20th of the baggage and conflict of interest that Mueller has...

...This won't go anywhere; this is just a dog and pony show for the Dems to distract from real progress.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his Grand Jury will settle such matters.

*Trump doing a good job; you'd say otherwise.
*GOP is not my party.
* Mueller making a mockery of justice, just like his deep state friend, Comey did. This will backfire in their faces.
...*Trump doing a good job; you'd say otherwise...
You may continue to delude yourself along those lines; doesn't make the slightest difference to me.

...*GOP is not my party...
Believable... generally speaking, TrumpBots are not Republicans.

...* Mueller making a mockery of justice...
Justice is the identification of wrongdoing, then prosecuting that wrongdoing, and Mueller is only getting warmed-up.

...just like his deep state friend, Comey did...
If you say so.

...This will backfire in their faces.

Mueller was in charge of FBI at time of 911. Trump poked holes in it and called out that it was inside job even then. Mueller should recuse himself on that basis alone. He's fighting for a shadow govt. Yet, you think he's some kind of hero.
Trump hasnt signed one single piece of legislation making him responsibe for any damn thing, especially being called great.

Fuk Trump.
Trump hasnt signed one single piece of legislation making him responsibe for any damn thing, especially being called great.

Fuk Trump.

He doesn't have to sign anything to be labeled great, as long as he's accomplishing things and trying to set the country in the right direction.

You don't need to sign anything to put in great judges. You don't need to sign anything to remove DumBama's job killing business regulations. You don't need to sign anything to work out deals with businesses to stay in America or expand operations.

Mueller was in charge of FBI at time of 911. Trump poked holes in it and called out that it was inside job even then. Mueller should recuse himself on that basis alone. He's fighting for a shadow govt. Yet, you think he's some kind of hero.
Sorry. That makes no sense whatsoever. Mueller should recuse himself based on what, again? Because your Whackoid-in-Chief threw rocks at Mueller's FBI?

Mueller was in charge of FBI at time of 911. Trump poked holes in it and called out that it was inside job even then. Mueller should recuse himself on that basis alone. He's fighting for a shadow govt. Yet, you think he's some kind of hero.
Sorry. That makes no sense whatsoever. Mueller should recuse himself based on what, again? Because your Whackoid-in-Chief threw rocks at Mueller's FBI?

He's far from independent, dude. You fuckers called for Sessions to recuse himself for what, saying hi to a Russian? Mueller is all in it. His Clinton ties are up the ass.

Mueller was in charge of FBI at time of 911. Trump poked holes in it and called out that it was inside job even then. Mueller should recuse himself on that basis alone. He's fighting for a shadow govt. Yet, you think he's some kind of hero.
Sorry. That makes no sense whatsoever. Mueller should recuse himself based on what, again? Because your Whackoid-in-Chief threw rocks at Mueller's FBI?

He's far from independent, dude. You fuckers called for Sessions to recuse himself for what, saying hi to a Russian? Mueller is all in it. His Clinton ties are up the ass.
Doesn't matter... what DOES matter is what the Justice Department comes up with... and we'll know that when Mueller and the Grand Jury are ready to "go public".

Tick... tick.. tick...
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.

It doesn't what Trump does or doesn't do with you people. You're going to hate him no matter what.

However those with us with a more open mind can relate to what he's saying and what he's accomplished. And no, it's not a friendly Congress with this President. There are those on the right don't like him either.

Considering he's never held any political office before and a handful of Commie activist judges getting in his way whenever they can, he's doing a super job.
Yeah he is doing a great job at completely polarizing our political discourse with his egotistical garbage. Thanks dude
I hope someone has told Trump about the problem with North Korea. His twitters seem quiet on that subject.

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