A message to America from Black America.

Are you posting from a cave in europe? If not then you are not at home.

That nonsensical. My family has been here for several generations. This is my home.

The recent immigrants we were discussion, their home is some crappy THird World nation in Africa or the ME.

Try to be less ridiculous.
Yes you are nonsensical..Just because you've been here doesnt make it your home. Your place of origin/home are the caves of europe were you interbred with neanderthals and painted yourseleves blue like Mel Gibson did in Braveheart.

Your place of origin is Africa. That doesn't make Africa your home.

I am not Scottish nor British. I have never eaten haggis, I do not even like Scotch, or Bag pipes.
I know my place of origin is Africa. Yes that does make it my home.

I didnt ask you what you like. I said go back home first then and only then can you suggest I go back home.

Africa is your home? Have you ever been there? Which nation do you have citizenship in there? DO you own a home there? SPeak any of the languages? Practice any of their religions?

America is my home.
Yes Africa is my home.

Yes I have been there several times.

None of your business.



No I dont practice any organized religion.

The caves of your europe are you home. Go back.
Why didn't whites have the same view as you did prior to the Civil Rights act? If whites had not given themselves legislated AA for 300 plus years there would be no economic or educational deficit for Blacks to make up

Who passed the Civil Rights Acts?

Hint, Congress was not dominated by blacks. The President who signed it was not black.
Malcom X

As you well know, it was white people.

You're welcome.
Malcom X wasnt white. Matter of fact he scared most white people.

And he had jack to do with passing Civil Rights.

If anything such aggressive asshole-ness would have undermined the arguments of those who argued for equality.
Quite contrary. If the Civil Rights Act had not been passed they would have had to deal with Malcom X instead of MLK. Actually they would have had to deal with Malcolm X and a more militant MLK from what I have been told by people in the movement.
Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.


I recall plenty of discussion of the issue, but never personal claims.

Normally, you don't see the discrimination that clearly.

YOu don't get the job. If you don't sue, you don't know why you didn't.

I've been inside the hiring process when such discrimination took place. No one outside knew that only black candidates were considered despite more qualified whites applying.
What was the job? I'll bet you its a job anyone is qualified to do.

And you are describing aa. I bet that company didn't even have 10% blacks employed there and the company was trying to do the right thing.

You sound like an anti aa exec. Crying because you weren't allowed to hire your white friends.

Not quite a job anyone could do. The first black woman they promoted, over my objections got fired within a couple of months.

It wasn't quite a formal aa program, but fear of a discrimination lawsuit because of a lack of blacks in management.

NO, the whites in question were not my friends. The one was my best employee, and the other had a degree in a related field.

My point is bringing it up was that an injustice was done.
Waaa :crybaby:

Support from whites for AA is based on the idea of making up for past injustices in the hopes of a future of racial equality and harmony.

YOu dismissing and ridiculing the sacrifices whites have made, is a great boon to me, as someone who thinks it is time to give up on such efforts as a bad idea.

You are my greatest ally.

Thank you for helping to wake up Seely.
Who passed the Civil Rights Acts?

Hint, Congress was not dominated by blacks. The President who signed it was not black.
Malcom X

As you well know, it was white people.

You're welcome.
Malcom X wasnt white. Matter of fact he scared most white people.

And he had jack to do with passing Civil Rights.

If anything such aggressive asshole-ness would have undermined the arguments of those who argued for equality.
Quite contrary. If the Civil Rights Act had not been passed they would have had to deal with Malcom X instead of MLK. Actually they would have had to deal with Malcolm X and a more militant MLK from what I have been told by people in the movement.

In my reading of the time, I don't recall much discussion of fear of such violence as opposed to the moral arguments against racism and discrimination and inequality.

THough, I am not surprised that you find it necessary to deny that the prime reason for the policy was doing the Right Thing.

After all, admitting the Truth would disprove your racist delusional about white being Evul and still actively out to Keep YOu Down.
You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.


I recall plenty of discussion of the issue, but never personal claims.

Normally, you don't see the discrimination that clearly.

YOu don't get the job. If you don't sue, you don't know why you didn't.

I've been inside the hiring process when such discrimination took place. No one outside knew that only black candidates were considered despite more qualified whites applying.
What was the job? I'll bet you its a job anyone is qualified to do.

And you are describing aa. I bet that company didn't even have 10% blacks employed there and the company was trying to do the right thing.

You sound like an anti aa exec. Crying because you weren't allowed to hire your white friends.

Not quite a job anyone could do. The first black woman they promoted, over my objections got fired within a couple of months.

It wasn't quite a formal aa program, but fear of a discrimination lawsuit because of a lack of blacks in management.

NO, the whites in question were not my friends. The one was my best employee, and the other had a degree in a related field.

My point is bringing it up was that an injustice was done.
Waaa :crybaby:

Support from whites for AA is based on the idea of making up for past injustices in the hopes of a future of racial equality and harmony.

YOu dismissing and ridiculing the sacrifices whites have made, is a great boon to me, as someone who thinks it is time to give up on such efforts as a bad idea.

You are my greatest ally.

Thank you for helping to wake up Seely.
You are giving whites too much credit. Typical white boy thought process.

Youre welcome.

As you well know, it was white people.

You're welcome.
Malcom X wasnt white. Matter of fact he scared most white people.

And he had jack to do with passing Civil Rights.

If anything such aggressive asshole-ness would have undermined the arguments of those who argued for equality.
Quite contrary. If the Civil Rights Act had not been passed they would have had to deal with Malcom X instead of MLK. Actually they would have had to deal with Malcolm X and a more militant MLK from what I have been told by people in the movement.

In my reading of the time, I don't recall much discussion of fear of such violence as opposed to the moral arguments against racism and discrimination and inequality.

THough, I am not surprised that you find it necessary to deny that the prime reason for the policy was doing the Right Thing.

After all, admitting the Truth would disprove your racist delusional about white being Evul and still actively out to Keep YOu Down.
Stop reading and talk to the people involved if you have access. People write down what they want and leave out things they dont want. I've spoken with the people that were there. I'm not looking for you agreement because you are a white boy. I'm just letting you know I know.

I recall plenty of discussion of the issue, but never personal claims.

Normally, you don't see the discrimination that clearly.

YOu don't get the job. If you don't sue, you don't know why you didn't.

I've been inside the hiring process when such discrimination took place. No one outside knew that only black candidates were considered despite more qualified whites applying.
What was the job? I'll bet you its a job anyone is qualified to do.

And you are describing aa. I bet that company didn't even have 10% blacks employed there and the company was trying to do the right thing.

You sound like an anti aa exec. Crying because you weren't allowed to hire your white friends.

Not quite a job anyone could do. The first black woman they promoted, over my objections got fired within a couple of months.

It wasn't quite a formal aa program, but fear of a discrimination lawsuit because of a lack of blacks in management.

NO, the whites in question were not my friends. The one was my best employee, and the other had a degree in a related field.

My point is bringing it up was that an injustice was done.
Waaa :crybaby:

Support from whites for AA is based on the idea of making up for past injustices in the hopes of a future of racial equality and harmony.

YOu dismissing and ridiculing the sacrifices whites have made, is a great boon to me, as someone who thinks it is time to give up on such efforts as a bad idea.

You are my greatest ally.

Thank you for helping to wake up Seely.
You are giving whites too much credit. Typical white boy thought process.

Youre welcome.


"Let us build bridges, my friends, build bridges to human dignity across that gulf that separates black America from white America.
Richard M. Nixon"

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote

Yeah, he sounds really afraid.

What was the job? I'll bet you its a job anyone is qualified to do.

And you are describing aa. I bet that company didn't even have 10% blacks employed there and the company was trying to do the right thing.

You sound like an anti aa exec. Crying because you weren't allowed to hire your white friends.

Not quite a job anyone could do. The first black woman they promoted, over my objections got fired within a couple of months.

It wasn't quite a formal aa program, but fear of a discrimination lawsuit because of a lack of blacks in management.

NO, the whites in question were not my friends. The one was my best employee, and the other had a degree in a related field.

My point is bringing it up was that an injustice was done.
Waaa :crybaby:

Support from whites for AA is based on the idea of making up for past injustices in the hopes of a future of racial equality and harmony.

YOu dismissing and ridiculing the sacrifices whites have made, is a great boon to me, as someone who thinks it is time to give up on such efforts as a bad idea.

You are my greatest ally.

Thank you for helping to wake up Seely.
You are giving whites too much credit. Typical white boy thought process.

Youre welcome.


"Let us build bridges, my friends, build bridges to human dignity across that gulf that separates black America from white America.
Richard M. Nixon

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote

Yeah, he sounds really afraid.

Nixon??!!! :rofl:
As you well know, it was white people.

You're welcome.
Malcom X wasnt white. Matter of fact he scared most white people.

And he had jack to do with passing Civil Rights.

If anything such aggressive asshole-ness would have undermined the arguments of those who argued for equality.
Quite contrary. If the Civil Rights Act had not been passed they would have had to deal with Malcom X instead of MLK. Actually they would have had to deal with Malcolm X and a more militant MLK from what I have been told by people in the movement.

In my reading of the time, I don't recall much discussion of fear of such violence as opposed to the moral arguments against racism and discrimination and inequality.

THough, I am not surprised that you find it necessary to deny that the prime reason for the policy was doing the Right Thing.

After all, admitting the Truth would disprove your racist delusional about white being Evul and still actively out to Keep YOu Down.
Stop reading and talk to the people involved if you have access. People write down what they want and leave out things they dont want. I've spoken with the people that were there. I'm not looking for you agreement because you are a white boy. I'm just letting you know I know.

My father in law was the first police detective in the city who partnered with a black detective. He has spoken of it many times.

He also brags of how he almost had a chance to beat up Angela Davis.

And he has discussed helping put down the riots, including shooting a sniper.

It wasn't fear that motivated him to work with his partner.
Not quite a job anyone could do. The first black woman they promoted, over my objections got fired within a couple of months.

It wasn't quite a formal aa program, but fear of a discrimination lawsuit because of a lack of blacks in management.

NO, the whites in question were not my friends. The one was my best employee, and the other had a degree in a related field.

My point is bringing it up was that an injustice was done.
Waaa :crybaby:

Support from whites for AA is based on the idea of making up for past injustices in the hopes of a future of racial equality and harmony.

YOu dismissing and ridiculing the sacrifices whites have made, is a great boon to me, as someone who thinks it is time to give up on such efforts as a bad idea.

You are my greatest ally.

Thank you for helping to wake up Seely.
You are giving whites too much credit. Typical white boy thought process.

Youre welcome.


"Let us build bridges, my friends, build bridges to human dignity across that gulf that separates black America from white America.
Richard M. Nixon

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote

Yeah, he sounds really afraid.

Nixon??!!! :rofl:


"If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together.
Richard M. Nixon"

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote

The 1964 Civil RIghts Act passed was a bi-partisan bill that passed by a wide margin with support from both parties and reflected a national consensus on Civil Rights that is still the law of the land and the stated platform of both parties.
Malcom X wasnt white. Matter of fact he scared most white people.

And he had jack to do with passing Civil Rights.

If anything such aggressive asshole-ness would have undermined the arguments of those who argued for equality.
Quite contrary. If the Civil Rights Act had not been passed they would have had to deal with Malcom X instead of MLK. Actually they would have had to deal with Malcolm X and a more militant MLK from what I have been told by people in the movement.

In my reading of the time, I don't recall much discussion of fear of such violence as opposed to the moral arguments against racism and discrimination and inequality.

THough, I am not surprised that you find it necessary to deny that the prime reason for the policy was doing the Right Thing.

After all, admitting the Truth would disprove your racist delusional about white being Evul and still actively out to Keep YOu Down.
Stop reading and talk to the people involved if you have access. People write down what they want and leave out things they dont want. I've spoken with the people that were there. I'm not looking for you agreement because you are a white boy. I'm just letting you know I know.

My father in law was the first police detective in the city who partnered with a black detective. He has spoken of it many times.

He also brags of how he almost had a chance to beat up Angela Davis.

And he has discussed helping put down the riots, including shooting a sniper.

It wasn't fear that motivated him to work with his partner.
Youre source was not a member of the movement try again. He brags how he almost had a chance to beat Angela Davis? You mean the female? I'm pretty sure it was fear. He is coward that wanted to fight a woman. :laugh:

Support from whites for AA is based on the idea of making up for past injustices in the hopes of a future of racial equality and harmony.

YOu dismissing and ridiculing the sacrifices whites have made, is a great boon to me, as someone who thinks it is time to give up on such efforts as a bad idea.

You are my greatest ally.

Thank you for helping to wake up Seely.
You are giving whites too much credit. Typical white boy thought process.

Youre welcome.


"Let us build bridges, my friends, build bridges to human dignity across that gulf that separates black America from white America.
Richard M. Nixon

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote

Yeah, he sounds really afraid.

Nixon??!!! :rofl:


"If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together.
Richard M. Nixon

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote

The 1964 Civil RIghts Act passed was a bi-partisan bill that passed by a wide margin with support from both parties and reflected a national consensus on Civil Rights that is still the law of the land and the stated platform of both parties.
You do realize Nixon was a virulent racist right? I cant belive you are really that clueless and stupid. :laugh:

Nixon speaking about Black people
"'I think it’s wrong if you’re talking in terms of 50 years. What has to happen is they have to be, frankly, inbred.

Read more: Revealed: Richard Nixon's slurs on blacks, Jews, Italians, and the Irish
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"
And he had jack to do with passing Civil Rights.

If anything such aggressive asshole-ness would have undermined the arguments of those who argued for equality.
Quite contrary. If the Civil Rights Act had not been passed they would have had to deal with Malcom X instead of MLK. Actually they would have had to deal with Malcolm X and a more militant MLK from what I have been told by people in the movement.

In my reading of the time, I don't recall much discussion of fear of such violence as opposed to the moral arguments against racism and discrimination and inequality.

THough, I am not surprised that you find it necessary to deny that the prime reason for the policy was doing the Right Thing.

After all, admitting the Truth would disprove your racist delusional about white being Evul and still actively out to Keep YOu Down.
Stop reading and talk to the people involved if you have access. People write down what they want and leave out things they dont want. I've spoken with the people that were there. I'm not looking for you agreement because you are a white boy. I'm just letting you know I know.

My father in law was the first police detective in the city who partnered with a black detective. He has spoken of it many times.

He also brags of how he almost had a chance to beat up Angela Davis.

And he has discussed helping put down the riots, including shooting a sniper.

It wasn't fear that motivated him to work with his partner.
Youre source was not a member of the movement try again. He brags how he almost had a chance to beat Angela Davis? You mean the female? I'm pretty sure it was fear. He is coward that wanted to fight a woman. :laugh:


He was a member of the vastly larger white population that supported Civil Rights and voted for pro-Civil Rights candidates.

He is the people that got the bill passed.

That you can't admit that, is just you being an ungrateful punk.
Support from whites for AA is based on the idea of making up for past injustices in the hopes of a future of racial equality and harmony.

YOu dismissing and ridiculing the sacrifices whites have made, is a great boon to me, as someone who thinks it is time to give up on such efforts as a bad idea.

You are my greatest ally.

Thank you for helping to wake up Seely.
You are giving whites too much credit. Typical white boy thought process.

Youre welcome.


"Let us build bridges, my friends, build bridges to human dignity across that gulf that separates black America from white America.
Richard M. Nixon

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote

Yeah, he sounds really afraid.

Nixon??!!! :rofl:


"If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together.
Richard M. Nixon

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote

The 1964 Civil RIghts Act passed was a bi-partisan bill that passed by a wide margin with support from both parties and reflected a national consensus on Civil Rights that is still the law of the land and the stated platform of both parties.
You do realize Nixon was a virulent racist right? I cant belive you are really that clueless and stupid. :laugh:

Nixon speaking about Black people
"'I think it’s wrong if you’re talking in terms of 50 years. What has to happen is they have to be, frankly, inbred.

Read more: Revealed: Richard Nixon's slurs on blacks, Jews, Italians, and the Irish
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"

And yet, he supported Affirmative Action and desegregation.

"A president can ask for reconciliation in the racial conflict that divides Americans. But reconciliation comes only from the hearts of people."

Richard M. Nixon

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote.com

The 1964 Civil RIghts Act passed was a bi-partisan bill that passed by a wide margin with support from both parties and reflected a national consensus on Civil Rights that is still the law of the land and the stated platform of both parties
Quite contrary. If the Civil Rights Act had not been passed they would have had to deal with Malcom X instead of MLK. Actually they would have had to deal with Malcolm X and a more militant MLK from what I have been told by people in the movement.

In my reading of the time, I don't recall much discussion of fear of such violence as opposed to the moral arguments against racism and discrimination and inequality.

THough, I am not surprised that you find it necessary to deny that the prime reason for the policy was doing the Right Thing.

After all, admitting the Truth would disprove your racist delusional about white being Evul and still actively out to Keep YOu Down.
Stop reading and talk to the people involved if you have access. People write down what they want and leave out things they dont want. I've spoken with the people that were there. I'm not looking for you agreement because you are a white boy. I'm just letting you know I know.

My father in law was the first police detective in the city who partnered with a black detective. He has spoken of it many times.

He also brags of how he almost had a chance to beat up Angela Davis.

And he has discussed helping put down the riots, including shooting a sniper.

It wasn't fear that motivated him to work with his partner.
Youre source was not a member of the movement try again. He brags how he almost had a chance to beat Angela Davis? You mean the female? I'm pretty sure it was fear. He is coward that wanted to fight a woman. :laugh:


He was a member of the vastly larger white population that supported Civil Rights and voted for pro-Civil Rights candidates.

He is the people that got the bill passed.

That you can't admit that, is just you being an ungrateful punk.
He was scared. He didnt want to have to deal with Malcolm X and a more militant MLK who was already pissed because they were dragging their feet on passing the bill all the white people supposedly wanted but were stalling on passing.


"If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together.
Richard M. Nixon

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote

The 1964 Civil RIghts Act passed was a bi-partisan bill that passed by a wide margin with support from both parties and reflected a national consensus on Civil Rights that is still the law of the land and the stated platform of both parties.
You do realize Nixon was a virulent racist right? I cant belive you are really that clueless and stupid. :laugh:

Nixon speaking about Black people
"'I think it’s wrong if you’re talking in terms of 50 years. What has to happen is they have to be, frankly, inbred.

Read more: Revealed: Richard Nixon's slurs on blacks, Jews, Italians, and the Irish
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"

And yet, he supported Affirmative Action and desegregation.

"A president can ask for reconciliation in the racial conflict that divides Americans. But reconciliation comes only from the hearts of people."

Richard M. Nixon

Read more at Richard M. Nixon Quotes at BrainyQuote.com

The 1964 Civil RIghts Act passed was a bi-partisan bill that passed by a wide margin with support from both parties and reflected a national consensus on Civil Rights that is still the law of the land and the stated platform of both parties
Again because he was afraid of the backlash if he didnt.
Uhmmmmm . . . . that's exactly what Affirmative Action does, idiot.
You should know. White males had 400 years of exclusive, legislated AA. Now they have to share a little more with people of color and women and they are whining about that. :laugh:
Why did/do we "have to"? We didn't. You are welcome.

Blacks and women only make 75 cents on the dollar because that is what they are worth.
You have to because the alternative would be chaos. People like to claim MLK brought about the Civil Rights act but what is kept quiet is that people like Malcolm X gave them an option. They could do it willingly or face the consequences. You see which path they decided was more intelligent for all concerned?
Stop your incessant begging and whining. You were dealt a low hand and weak mind, but that does not preclude your being of some use. So. some jungle bunny civilization stories to amuse your superiors.

Thank you
I was dealt the best hand of all time. I'm Black. I wont die out in the sun like you.
If you've been dealt such a great hand, then why do you need Affirmative Action?
You should know. White males had 400 years of exclusive, legislated AA. Now they have to share a little more with people of color and women and they are whining about that. :laugh:
Why did/do we "have to"? We didn't. You are welcome.

Blacks and women only make 75 cents on the dollar because that is what they are worth.
You have to because the alternative would be chaos. People like to claim MLK brought about the Civil Rights act but what is kept quiet is that people like Malcolm X gave them an option. They could do it willingly or face the consequences. You see which path they decided was more intelligent for all concerned?
Stop your incessant begging and whining. You were dealt a low hand and weak mind, but that does not preclude your being of some use. So. some jungle bunny civilization stories to amuse your superiors.

Thank you
I was dealt the best hand of all time. I'm Black. I wont die out in the sun like you.
If you've been dealt such a great hand, then why do you need Affirmative Action?
I dont. Why did you need it for 400 years?
In my reading of the time, I don't recall much discussion of fear of such violence as opposed to the moral arguments against racism and discrimination and inequality.

THough, I am not surprised that you find it necessary to deny that the prime reason for the policy was doing the Right Thing.

After all, admitting the Truth would disprove your racist delusional about white being Evul and still actively out to Keep YOu Down.
Stop reading and talk to the people involved if you have access. People write down what they want and leave out things they dont want. I've spoken with the people that were there. I'm not looking for you agreement because you are a white boy. I'm just letting you know I know.

My father in law was the first police detective in the city who partnered with a black detective. He has spoken of it many times.

He also brags of how he almost had a chance to beat up Angela Davis.

And he has discussed helping put down the riots, including shooting a sniper.

It wasn't fear that motivated him to work with his partner.
Youre source was not a member of the movement try again. He brags how he almost had a chance to beat Angela Davis? You mean the female? I'm pretty sure it was fear. He is coward that wanted to fight a woman. :laugh:


He was a member of the vastly larger white population that supported Civil Rights and voted for pro-Civil Rights candidates.

He is the people that got the bill passed.

That you can't admit that, is just you being an ungrateful punk.
He was scared. He didnt want to have to deal with Malcolm X and a more militant MLK who was already pissed because the were dragging their feet on passing the bill all the white people supposedly wanted but were stalling on passing.

Easiest thing in the world would have been to refuse to work with his black partner. Wouldn't have come back on him at all.

Saying yes took more balls than you'll ever have.

Took flak from the cops. Took flak from the public. Extra pissed off the Brothers.

He was a member of the vastly larger white population that supported Civil Rights and voted for pro-Civil Rights candidates.

He is the people that got the bill passed.

That you can't admit that, is just you being an ungrateful punk

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