A Most Disturbing Phenomenon

And, what/who exactly are you going to replace it with? Some "honest" people?!?

Every time someone with good intentions and our best interest at heart shows up ( there have been a few ).....The establishment destroys them.
Yes! You've got the talking point right and you could help convince Chicy too.
The establishment destroys all hope.
The real hope that must come will have to be acceptable to the ordinary working class of all political persuasions. That's the part that the Chic always seems to miss.
The stars are lining up for Trump in 24 but the chances of him starting a NUCLEAR WAR are going to get in the way. Americans who support both parties are going to be considering how their asses could get scorched by incoming Chinese ballistic missiles.
Destroying Milley isn't going to dispel that fear when the Dems start using it.

Remember Trump's comments on the topic!
Showing strength is the way you avoid war.

It also detours being taken advantage of.
You just re-elected that moron Trudeau! LOL
Yes, we can talk about that too here on Chic's thread.
We elected a 'progressive' minority government that will have no difficulty finding enough support from the other progressive parties to make government work.
The Conservative party are alone on the right now because the PPC/neo-nazi party was completely eliminated.
The Cons screwed themselves over the gun issue in the 905. (ask for an explanation)
The real hope that must come will have to be acceptable to the ordinary working class of all political persuasions.

That is why I don't believe it will ever happen.

They keep us divided on so many levels that we can't come together in any meaningful way.

Trump was a good start ( IMO ) but he only had 4 years. And, now here we are with an establishment

team member destroying all the good achieved by Trump.
Showing strength is the way you avoid war.

It also detours being taken advantage of.
There's nothing wrong with showing strength but to ask why the US doesn't use nuclear weapons doesn't build confidence is over the top.
Imagine him not understanding why not!!
That is why I don't believe it will ever happen.

They keep us divided on so many levels that we can't come together in any meaningful way.

Trump was a good start ( IMO ) but he only had 4 years. And, now here we are with an establishment

team member destroying all the good achieved by Trump.
Trump certainly tried to remove the establishment but he abandoned ship at the critical moment. His lieutenants sat around with their feet up waiting for direction. Had he said the work the protesters would have quickly ferreted out the corrupt congress members and started to carry out their intentions.
Comrad Che's and Comrad Fidel's spirit was there but the leadership wasn't!

He said he was going with the protesters but he didn't.
Should he be given another chance?
There's nothing wrong with showing strength but to ask why the US doesn't use nuclear weapons doesn't build confidence is over the top.
Imagine him not understanding why not!!

I don't buy the danger of him using nuclear weapons.

It was just one ( of many ) scare tactics used against him by the establishment.
They keep us divided on so many levels that we can't come together in any meaningful way.
There's no shortage of people like you who get it. There's a shortage of people who don't understand how to 'get it'.
Chicy is one of them who can only go half way because of her politics of hate.

Here's an opportunity to convince her to take the next step to support the revolutionary spirit you are suggesting.
I have pretty good instincts though.

You have loads of common sense to go with your formal education. That's becoming rare these days.

Very rare.

But no deal on 'Queenie'????
Comrad Che's and Comrad Fidel's spirit was there but the leadership wasn't!

It's hard to lead when both sides of the aisle are fighting you every step of the way.

Very few Republicans supported Trump 100%......A lot of them never supported him.

If the Republicans would have supported Trump the way ALL democrats support their agenda he could have lasted.
I don't buy the danger of him using nuclear weapons.

It was just one ( of many ) scare tactics used against him by the establishment.
The dems haven't started to promote it yet and so people aren't starting to think it through.

I think the R's will distance themselves from destroying Milley because of the risk of it backfiring on them.

There's no bigger bugaboo in the American mind than M.A.D.
There's never going to be enough confidence to take the chance of needing to stop all of China's incoming!
It's hard to lead when both sides of the aisle are fighting you every step of the way.

Very few Republicans supported Trump 100%......A lot of them never supported him.
Yes of course few Republicans supported Trump all the way, and nobody should expect that to change. Tell that to chicy and we start making some progress here on her thread!

Trump represented a bid to break the establishment but he wasn't on board at the critical time when directions were needed. Now his 'faithful' have to suffer the punishment being dealt out by the winning establishment side. Will they trust him again to not run for cover at the worst time?
Chicy is one of them who can only go half way because of her politics of hate.

I have to respectfully disagree. She is one of my favorite posters here.

She's after the truth.....IMO

I recall what my father told me years ago........ "Son, if you agreed with everything I said, I'd wonder if you were listening".

I don't care who you're talking to, if you talk long enough, you're going to find something you disagree on. We have to rally around what we AGREE on.
Perhaps we don't have a party in america that represents it's best interests. A growing number of people are believing this.

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