A Nation Of Idiots

hurting animals, or playing the knockout game on random strangers on the street.

So all these Africans punching whites are "conservative"?

No, telling people that using their right to use a ball pit as a form of therapy is dumb, that's what a conservative does.

I didn't say it was dumb. I said it was childish.

Well the title of the thread is "A Nation of Idiots" so I would find it hard to surmise that you aren't calling it dumb.

Okay, you win. It's damned dumb.
Amen to this.

And for Conservatives, it's their freedom to get their emotions out by playing in balls. It could be worse, they could be secretly cutting themselves, hurting animals, or playing the knockout game on random strangers on the street.
I second this.

God bless you two always!!!


Uh -- where is anybody who's actually involved in this thing quoted as "seeking emotional safety"?

Always read past the headline, Grasshopper. Headlines can say anything they want. Their entire purpose is to sell papers by grabbing eyeballs. Doesn't mean they actually have the point they claim to.

Learn to make elementary connections. Of what use is a "safe space" to someone not seeking emotional safety?

Uh -- where is anybody who's actually involved in this thing quoted as "seeking emotional safety"?

Always read past the headline, Grasshopper. Headlines can say anything they want. Their entire purpose is to sell papers by grabbing eyeballs. Doesn't mean they actually have the point they claim to.

Learn to make elementary connections. Of what use is a "safe space" to someone not seeking emotional safety?

Ah, so you're making ass-umptions. Or more specifically, carrying the water for a headline hype writer who made a projected ass-umption, and you can't be bothered to question whether his ass-umption is soundly based, or just hyped-up to grab your attention.

Thanks for clearing that up. Yeah, I'm welcome, don't mention it.

Uh -- where is anybody who's actually involved in this thing quoted as "seeking emotional safety"?

Always read past the headline, Grasshopper. Headlines can say anything they want. Their entire purpose is to sell papers by grabbing eyeballs. Doesn't mean they actually have the point they claim to.

Learn to make elementary connections. Of what use is a "safe space" to someone not seeking emotional safety?

Ah, so you're making ass-umptions. Or more specifically, carrying the water for a headline hype writer who made a projected ass-umption, and you can't be bothered to question whether his ass-umption is soundly based, or just hyped-up to grab your attention.

Thanks for clearing that up. Yeah, I'm welcome, don't mention it.

College kids for the most part are spoiled self centered idiots. You shouldn't be eligible to vote until you are 21 except if you are serving in the Military.
And for Conservatives, it's their freedom to get their emotions out by playing in balls. It could be worse, they could be secretly cutting themselves, hurting animals, or playing the knockout game on random strangers on the street.
Those are liberal traits. Quit looking like an idiot.
hurting animals, or playing the knockout game on random strangers on the street.

So all these Africans punching whites are "conservative"?

Of course not, don't be silly, immediately blindly supporting and rationalizing the agents of state power murdering "all these Africans", often unarmed, in the streets is "conservative".
So the black man killing the other black man daily is conservative? Can you use the bathroom by yourself?
And for Conservatives, it's their freedom to get their emotions out by playing in balls. It could be worse, they could be secretly cutting themselves, hurting animals, or playing the knockout game on random strangers on the street.
Those are liberal traits. Quit looking like an idiot.

It's a liberal trait to have a therapy session in a ball pit? As opposed to the Conservative trait of getting therapy in a ball pit and lying about it and saying you were in church instead?
hurting animals, or playing the knockout game on random strangers on the street.

So all these Africans punching whites are "conservative"?

Of course not, don't be silly, immediately blindly supporting and rationalizing the agents of state power murdering "all these Africans", often unarmed, in the streets is "conservative".

No, it's not, but then again, I'd much rather have them doing that then rioting downtown. Or is that what you prefer?
No, I'd rather them working. But that's impossible in Obama's economy.
And for Conservatives, it's their freedom to get their emotions out by playing in balls. It could be worse, they could be secretly cutting themselves, hurting animals, or playing the knockout game on random strangers on the street.
Those are liberal traits. Quit looking like an idiot.

It's a liberal trait to have a therapy session in a ball pit? As opposed to the Conservative trait of getting therapy in a ball pit and lying about it and saying you were in church instead?
No, this conservative is to busy working to do that. Liberals well not really, have you visited your safety zone today? Another liberal invention.
hurting animals, or playing the knockout game on random strangers on the street.

So all these Africans punching whites are "conservative"?

No, telling people that using their right to use a ball pit as a form of therapy is dumb, that's what a conservative does.

I didn't say it was dumb. I said it was childish.

Well the title of the thread is "A Nation of Idiots" so I would find it hard to surmise that you aren't calling it dumb.

Parents give their children Adderall to retard their movement, so that they will sit and learn, instead of sitting, getting up like normal children will do and playing often.

It works. But it makes them into robots or cyborgs, whatever your point of view might be.

Speed kills, no matter what your reasoning.

Kids grown into adults, living a life of rote can be idiots, just as well as assholes. Assholes are always equal opportunity employers.
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The ball pits aren't appearing on college campuses because the students are looking for emotional healing or whatever it is.................

The students have been lobbying for ball pits ever since the first frat boy ate a whole bag of mushrooms and spent the next 3 hours in a ball pit at Chuck E Cheese's.
Hilarious story. lol, jesus. Ball pitts? What in the hell is happening on college campuses....good lord.

But even more amusing to me are the same ol' conservatives ranting and raving about "safe spaces." You guys seek out your own form of "safe space" by putting people who's opinions you don't like (or who kick your asses over and over again in debate) on ignore on this very forum. You guys are bigger babies than the college kids in the article.
hurting animals, or playing the knockout game on random strangers on the street.

So all these Africans punching whites are "conservative"?

No, telling people that using their right to use a ball pit as a form of therapy is dumb, that's what a conservative does.

We need a "limp dick" icon for asinine posts like yours, I think, but limp wristic might do for now.

Even vegetables are more crisp than you. :lol:

Maybe, there are some zuchinins in the ball pit. Let's dive and find out!

I'm goin' in. :D


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