A nation without Conservatism

I think that the free existence of conservative, moderate, liberal ideas and philosophies is what makes this country a great country to live in.

The problem is you got that moron Nyvin who thinks that a 100% Leftist USA is a utopia.

It's not really a problem because there are other people who believe the opposite and in between who counteract the extremes of various groups. I would maybe ask him what his or her view of a "100% Leftist USA utopia" actually is and agree with, discuss, or debate what they present.
Well you have your fine example of Detroit. No Conservative governance in over sixty fucking years there, genius.

Most large Eastern cities have been 1 party (Democrat) rule for decades. I'm not certain if their decline is the fault of the Dems or their election is a result of the cities' decline.
In either event someone should turn out the lights when the party is over:
Half of Detroit?s Streetlights May Go Out as City Shrinks - Bloomberg
To liberals the utopia looks like Cuba or Mao's China, without the morality of either.
So, to Liberals here, would an America without a Conservative voice to keep you in check be an ideal dream come true for you??

It's a pity no sane conservative who isn't a flaming hypocrite is allowed to come to the fore.
I think that the free existence of conservative, moderate, liberal ideas and philosophies is what makes this country a great country to live in.

Wrong. No liberal or moderate ideas made this country great. For one thing, moderates don't have ideas. Modern liberalism is indistinguishable from Stalinism, and we all know how those ideas work in practice.
So, to Liberals here, would an America without a Conservative voice to keep you in check be an ideal dream come true for you??

This isn't exactly a hypothetical question. Just look at California.

Without the Tea Party having the numbers to cockblock every single thing, no matter how innocuous, that state has focused on the things that really matter to normal people out there, and now they're in budget surplus again.

Why? Because they raised taxes and cut spending in moderation and balanced their books.

Without Republicans blocking everything in Washington, President Obama would have gotten his $4 trillion Grand Bargain Debt Deal passed.

What did he get? Right, only $1 trillion because House Republicans want no part in raising revenue and couldn't even meet Obama's $2.3 trillion in spending cuts in that package because they love welfare for their rich corporate backers and huge military industrial complex spending.

Our yearly deficit would be $300 billion smaller today if not for Republicans agreeing in principle to the Grand Bargain and then never voting on it.

Without Republicans blocking everything, we could pass a more progressive tax system that would then put us back into budget surplus while billionaires still make billions, but pay just a little bit more at greater and greater levels they surpass in income.

Without Republicans, President Obama would have closed Gitmo and brought everyone there home already, while putting the remaining detainees in super-max facilities in America where they would finally move through the justice system.

Is everyone here aware of the fact that Congress needs to send the President a bill funding the closing of Gitmo? And that they refuse to do so?

Do you know that Republicans in the House only propose the opposite? They ask for hundreds of millions to keep Gitmo open and to expand it while the President only needs tens of millions to close it. And they put it in almost every budget they pass, which is why the Senate can never take up House budget bills.

Without Republicans, we'd have passed the Dream Act and a few million people would start paying into the system who are already here, are Americanized, are good citizens, are productive. It makes sense and it means revenues. The Dream Act is deficit neutral.

Without Republicans, we'd have passed a Jobs Bill paid for by the increased revenue from closing loopholes that funnel tens of billions to multinational corporations. Corporate Welfare. And we'd have construction projects and infrastructure projects and all the shovel ready jobs we've been waiting for. Our unemployment rate would be a whole point lower had we passed a Jobs Bill a year or two ago, but Republicans refuse. If unemployment comes down and revenues go up and moderate spending cuts are made and deficits turn into surpluses, they hate the fact that the President would share in the credit for it, so they would rather make everyone suffer than do the right thing.

All of these things add up to a more prosperous country that gets back to work and focuses like a laser beam on the important things.

That Republicans now think that a prosperous America is only a progressive dream just shows how far out to lunch they are.
Without Republicans, President Obama would have closed Gitmo and brought everyone there home already, while putting the remaining detainees in super-max facilities in America where they would finally move through the justice system.
And everywhere those detainees were put, that prison (and the American citizens living nearby) would be put at risk for terrorist attacks in an effort to free them. And then we have the costs of security upgrades to prevent such a thing at prisons and the courthouses their trials would be held at.

Without Republicans, we'd have passed the Dream Act and a few million people would start paying into the system who are already here, are Americanized, are good citizens, are productive. It makes sense and it means revenues. The Dream Act is deficit neutral.
Translation: Without Republicans, we'd finally be able to reward the criminals that have been violating the law since the moment they crossed our border.

And we'd have construction projects and infrastructure projects and all the shovel ready jobs we've been waiting for. Our unemployment rate would be a whole point lower had we passed a Jobs Bill a year or two ago, but Republicans refuse. If unemployment comes down and revenues go up and moderate spending cuts are made and deficits turn into surpluses, they hate the fact that the President would share in the credit for it, so they would rather make everyone suffer than do the right thing.
We had such a bill before. It was one of Odumbo's first domestic policy disasters. Or have you Libturds forgotten?

An $800 billion "Stimulus" bill to create "Shovel Ready" infrastructure jobs. What happened to the money? A good chunk of it went to dumb shit such as studying the mating rituals of houseflies. More of it went to Odumbo's Union pals and campaign contributers. End result: Our infrastructure still sucks!

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