A Perspective on Shootings That Liberals Won't Discuss

I do not fear one bit unsafe or in danger in most places I go to. My fear of safety is not for myself alone. In case you've not been reading my posts, I worry about safety of our citizens including my family and friends but also the Newtown kids who died in CT 3 years ago.

Other countries can manufacture all the weapons and ammos they want. If we imposed restrictions on imports, then how will they get the weapons and ammo in here? We regulate alcohol, cigarettes, drugs. And we have many prohibitions on goods and services including prostitution. It doesn't mean it's 100% fool proof. It means we control it, prevent it and try to keep a lid on it as best as we can but it doesn't prevent a spill just because you cover it with a lid.

Tell me, who respects those regulations?

With proper set of laws and enough deterrence such and enforcement and punishment, everyone will respect the laws and reduce gun proliferation.

Easy really to understand this: I respect speeding laws, not because I don't like to speed. It's because I don't like to get tickets. I know I can drive safely up to 120MPH. I know I may be foolish to think that but tha't s bnesides the point. For me the deterrence is the punishment, not safety.

Same for gun owners. They will stop buying guns if we fined them for having guns.

It's worked so well with the drug trade...

Again: Speed limit laws are not meant to prevent ALL speeding. And traffic lights don't prevent ALL accidents that typically happen at the intersections either.

Would you like to see speed limits and traffic lights taken off our roads and highways?

You are welcome.

Your analogy is flawed. Speed limit laws are analogous to murder laws. You have to break them before you chastised.

Gun control laws, you are presumed guilty.

I mean, look at how you talk about gun owners.

You convict them of speeding just for owning a car.

Really? What presumption of guilt is made in a background check?

What presumption of guilt is made when a gun must be registered?
"Gun control" has nothing to do with Liberals. See if you can aim juuuuust slightly higher than Allen Fucking West for a clue.


Let me translate......leftists have taken the name "liberal" as a disguise to hide their statist beliefs...since liberal is a term that is the exact opposite of what they are...so the Liberals, do indeed want to ban guns......

Of course, hazelnut shows he is a racist and had found his home in the racist democrat party....you go girl...show your racism loud and proud...true...it is vile....but you have a right to be a racist if you want....
You liberals all missed the point, as usual. You want more laws that will do nothing. Mass shootings are very rare with less than 600 people killed over a 30 year period.

West did not write the article. It was from another source that he linked to and I don't give a shit what you think of any source. If it makes sense, I'll go with it.

Grow up. I should have known I'd get a clown pic from the clown poster who can't put an intelligent sentence together or actually engage in a discussion.

If laws don't do anything, why do we have any.

YOu guys want laws that "prevent" illegal acts with guns.....which don't actually stop criminals or mass shooters...which you state is the purpose of your laws.....actual gun laws allow criminal who break them to be arrested, just like all the other laws.

Laws that mandate licensing gun owners, registering guns, limiting magazine capacity, "universal" background checks, do not achieve prevention of criminals or mass shooters from getting guns....

As far as arresting people who commit crimes with guns, or felons who merely possess a gun....we can do that already without any of the above laws. What those new laws do, and what is your actual intention, is to make it more difficult for law abiding people to get a gun, and to punish them if they make a mistake in understanding your byzantine gun laws.....

As far as criminals and mass shooters....again, nothing you guys propose will stop them.............
"Gun control" has nothing to do with Liberals. See if you can aim juuuuust slightly higher than Allen Fucking West for a clue.


The article was not written by West, not that it matters. He's still better than half the lunatics in the liberal media. Why don't you learn how to read. Sheeeesh.

I think liberals are all about gun control, or maybe banning guns is more accurate. It's always the liberals crying about the 2nd amendment.

Wrong, and ignorantly so. Liberals wrote the Second Amendment.

The people who want to ban guns today are leftists, statists, who have taken the term "Liberal" to hide who they really are.....
Tell me, who respects those regulations?

With proper set of laws and enough deterrence such and enforcement and punishment, everyone will respect the laws and reduce gun proliferation.

Easy really to understand this: I respect speeding laws, not because I don't like to speed. It's because I don't like to get tickets. I know I can drive safely up to 120MPH. I know I may be foolish to think that but tha't s bnesides the point. For me the deterrence is the punishment, not safety.

Same for gun owners. They will stop buying guns if we fined them for having guns.

It's worked so well with the drug trade...

Again: Speed limit laws are not meant to prevent ALL speeding. And traffic lights don't prevent ALL accidents that typically happen at the intersections either.

Would you like to see speed limits and traffic lights taken off our roads and highways?

You are welcome.

Your analogy is flawed. Speed limit laws are analogous to murder laws. You have to break them before you chastised.

Gun control laws, you are presumed guilty.

I mean, look at how you talk about gun owners.

You convict them of speeding just for owning a car.

Really? What presumption of guilt is made in a background check?

What presumption of guilt is made when a gun must be registered?

For one, felons so not have to register guns....a Supreme Court case said that that would violate their right against self incrimination...

We are against registration because it is the first step to banning or forced turn ins and that has been proven historically.......and criminals won't register their guns...defeating the purpose, and mass shooters will gladly register their guns, then go out and kill lots of people, again defeating your purpose...it is again just a needless layer of paperwork and money against law abiding gun owners......

What is the reason to register gun owners? Again...it is not needed to arrest someone who commits a crime with a gun...right? And it is not needed to arrest a felon who is caught in possession of a gun, right? We can arrest them right now without registration.

If you sell a gun to a felon.....when you catch the felon with a gun...you can arrest that felon..right now, without registration.

Registration is simply the first step to finding out which law abiding citizen has a gun, so they can later be gathered up when the left has the political power to do it.....that is what happened in Germany, Britain and Australia......we are going to keep it from happening here....
"Gun control" has nothing to do with Liberals. See if you can aim juuuuust slightly higher than Allen Fucking West for a clue.


The article was not written by West, not that it matters. He's still better than half the lunatics in the liberal media. Why don't you learn how to read. Sheeeesh.

I think liberals are all about gun control, or maybe banning guns is more accurate. It's always the liberals crying about the 2nd amendment.

As someone often accused of being a liberal (admittedly, only by stupid people) I'm on record all over this board as anti gun control. Or more specificly, anti blaming a scapegoat.

Gun control is futile. You don't increase the regulation of cars to fight drunk driving.
First they came for the Jews.........

Hitler did not bring any laws to restrict gun owership...

Idiot RWers have to stop reading their own propaganda so much.

It is as simple as this, if you want no gun control you are pro criminials with guns.

No....the Weimar Government did all the gun control that modern gun controllers want....they mandated registering weapons....and it did nothing to stop gun crime, and then, when the nazis came to power, they used the records of gun ownership created in the Weimar Government to gather up the guns from political enemies.........
You liberals all missed the point, as usual. You want more laws that will do nothing. Mass shootings are very rare with less than 600 people killed over a 30 year period.

West did not write the article. It was from another source that he linked to and I don't give a shit what you think of any source. If it makes sense, I'll go with it.

Grow up. I should have known I'd get a clown pic from the clown poster who can't put an intelligent sentence together or actually engage in a discussion.

If laws don't do anything, why do we have any.

When you're talking about criminals, they don't stop them. Laws affect those who respect it, which thankfully is the majority. Do you think another law would have stopped the guy from shooting the people at that church? He already broke 4 laws by committing that crime. He wasn't allowed to have a gun because of felony charges, it was illegal to enter a gun-free zone with a gun, his father and he both broke the law by the father giving him a gun when he shouldn't have had one and, of course, murder is still against the law. If there had been other laws imposed, they would not have stopped the guy.

Laws exist as a means of drawing a red that will earn you punishment if you cross it. Most people won't. The laws aren't what stop people, it's either a sense of decency and what's right and wrong for most and maybe a fear of the punishment for breaking it that stops some. Many criminals don't fear getting caught and don't care what laws they break. Only hope is to catch them and not let them off the hook.

Actually, I don't think they actually gave him the gun, I think we know that they gave him money and he bought the gun on his own...and his info. wasn't in the system because he was waiting on a felony charge at the time he bought the gun....

Laws exist as a means of drawing a red that will earn you punishment if you cross it.

Exactly, well said......
"Gun control" has nothing to do with Liberals. See if you can aim juuuuust slightly higher than Allen Fucking West for a clue.


The article was not written by West, not that it matters. He's still better than half the lunatics in the liberal media. Why don't you learn how to read. Sheeeesh.

I think liberals are all about gun control, or maybe banning guns is more accurate. It's always the liberals crying about the 2nd amendment.

As someone often accused of being a liberal (admittedly, only by stupid people) I'm on record all over this board as anti gun control. Or more specificly, anti blaming a scapegoat.

Gun control is futile. You don't increase the regulation of cars to fight drunk driving.

Begs the question why most of western Europe has a murder rate that is nearly 5 times lower than the US murder rate, but apparently gun control doesn't work.

What are you going to blame then?
Any pro-gun rant that assumes all liberals want to totally ban guns is misinformed and should be disregarded.

You know damn well the vast majority of lowlife scum anti-gun anti-constitution gun control freaks are libs. Not all, just almost all.

I am all for cons carrying guns on them. In their households, on their kids, wives, in their bedrooms, in their own private situations like birthday parties, weddings, in their own backyard. Keep the guns everywhere you like.

I bet you probably live in fear of your life every second of your life, which is why you carry deadly weapons on you. Fortunately, most normal people nlcuding liberals, do not live their lives in total fear of losing it every 5 seconds.

What do you do when you go out for a walk in the park? Look over your shoulders every 2 seconds to make sure no criminal is ffollowing you? Do you provide deadly weapons to your kids when they go out to play or visit their friends in the next block away from you? Do you hire security detail to protect your wife and girlfriend when she goes shopping at a local mall?

Thank "god" unlike you, we on the left don't exactly love in panic mode 24-7.

It's funny...gun owners who carry a gun for self defense invest about as much emotion into carrying that gun as they do when they put their cell phone on their belt.......it is liberas ( statists hiding their true nature) who have all the emotion about guns....you nuts are terrified of them.....you guys should get help.....
With proper set of laws and enough deterrence such and enforcement and punishment, everyone will respect the laws and reduce gun proliferation.

Easy really to understand this: I respect speeding laws, not because I don't like to speed. It's because I don't like to get tickets. I know I can drive safely up to 120MPH. I know I may be foolish to think that but tha't s bnesides the point. For me the deterrence is the punishment, not safety.

Same for gun owners. They will stop buying guns if we fined them for having guns.

It's worked so well with the drug trade...

Again: Speed limit laws are not meant to prevent ALL speeding. And traffic lights don't prevent ALL accidents that typically happen at the intersections either.

Would you like to see speed limits and traffic lights taken off our roads and highways?

You are welcome.

Your analogy is flawed. Speed limit laws are analogous to murder laws. You have to break them before you chastised.

Gun control laws, you are presumed guilty.

I mean, look at how you talk about gun owners.

You convict them of speeding just for owning a car.

Really? What presumption of guilt is made in a background check?

What presumption of guilt is made when a gun must be registered?

For one, felons so not have to register guns....a Supreme Court case said that that would violate their right against self incrimination...

We are against registration because it is the first step to banning or forced turn ins and that has been proven historically.......and criminals won't register their guns...defeating the purpose, and mass shooters will gladly register their guns, then go out and kill lots of people, again defeating your purpose...it is again just a needless layer of paperwork and money against law abiding gun owners......

What is the reason to register gun owners? Again...it is not needed to arrest someone who commits a crime with a gun...right? And it is not needed to arrest a felon who is caught in possession of a gun, right? We can arrest them right now without registration.

If you sell a gun to a felon.....when you catch the felon with a gun...you can arrest that felon..right now, without registration.

Registration is simply the first step to finding out which law abiding citizen has a gun, so they can later be gathered up when the left has the political power to do it.....that is what happened in Germany, Britain and Australia......we are going to keep it from happening here....

The question is, how do you stop guns getting into the hands of criminals? The only way really seems to be to have guns as a rare item. In the US they're just not. People get them easily, so do criminals. To use one isn't such a big deal. You lose one gun, just go get another one.

Until the US can stop this happening then gun violence will still be high. But then some people seem to think this is just great.
"Gun control" has nothing to do with Liberals. See if you can aim juuuuust slightly higher than Allen Fucking West for a clue.


The article was not written by West, not that it matters. He's still better than half the lunatics in the liberal media. Why don't you learn how to read. Sheeeesh.

I think liberals are all about gun control, or maybe banning guns is more accurate. It's always the liberals crying about the 2nd amendment.

As someone often accused of being a liberal (admittedly, only by stupid people) I'm on record all over this board as anti gun control. Or more specificly, anti blaming a scapegoat.

Gun control is futile. You don't increase the regulation of cars to fight drunk driving.

Begs the question why most of western Europe has a murder rate that is nearly 5 times lower than the US murder rate, but apparently gun control doesn't work.

What are you going to blame then?

That is because their culture tends to be less violent...they are homogenous, they have very little other crime besides low gun crime, and they have a great deal of respect for the government. Their criminals get fully automatic rifles and 30 round magazines easily..whenever they want them......despite the strict, extreme gun control laws such as those in France....they just don't choose to use them as much....

And Britain has 2 times the violent crime that we do...and they have absolute bans on guns....
Any pro-gun rant that assumes all liberals want to totally ban guns is misinformed and should be disregarded.

You know damn well the vast majority of lowlife scum anti-gun anti-constitution gun control freaks are libs. Not all, just almost all.

I am all for cons carrying guns on them. In their households, on their kids, wives, in their bedrooms, in their own private situations like birthday parties, weddings, in their own backyard. Keep the guns everywhere you like.

I bet you probably live in fear of your life every second of your life, which is why you carry deadly weapons on you. Fortunately, most normal people nlcuding liberals, do not live their lives in total fear of losing it every 5 seconds.

What do you do when you go out for a walk in the park? Look over your shoulders every 2 seconds to make sure no criminal is ffollowing you? Do you provide deadly weapons to your kids when they go out to play or visit their friends in the next block away from you? Do you hire security detail to protect your wife and girlfriend when she goes shopping at a local mall?

Thank "god" unlike you, we on the left don't exactly love in panic mode 24-7.

It's funny...gun owners who carry a gun for self defense invest about as much emotion into carrying that gun as they do when they put their cell phone on their belt.......it is liberas ( statists hiding their true nature) who have all the emotion about guns....you nuts are terrified of them.....you guys should get help.....

Can't think why people would be afraid of a weapon that helps people kill 5 times more people than should be the case, can you?
"Gun control" has nothing to do with Liberals. See if you can aim juuuuust slightly higher than Allen Fucking West for a clue.


The article was not written by West, not that it matters. He's still better than half the lunatics in the liberal media. Why don't you learn how to read. Sheeeesh.

I think liberals are all about gun control, or maybe banning guns is more accurate. It's always the liberals crying about the 2nd amendment.

As someone often accused of being a liberal (admittedly, only by stupid people) I'm on record all over this board as anti gun control. Or more specificly, anti blaming a scapegoat.

Gun control is futile. You don't increase the regulation of cars to fight drunk driving.

Begs the question why most of western Europe has a murder rate that is nearly 5 times lower than the US murder rate, but apparently gun control doesn't work.

What are you going to blame then?

Unless part of 'gun control' is 'gun confiscation' can restrict new purchases all you want and not change a thing.

Problem isn't the means with which people commit violent crimes, but the impulse to be violent in the first place. Take away American guns and they'll just use knives and clubs. It's the culture of 'violence is good, sex is bad' that has to change and what differs from the US to European coutnries. They'd rather have sex with people then start off thinking someone's a physical threat.
With proper set of laws and enough deterrence such and enforcement and punishment, everyone will respect the laws and reduce gun proliferation.

Easy really to understand this: I respect speeding laws, not because I don't like to speed. It's because I don't like to get tickets. I know I can drive safely up to 120MPH. I know I may be foolish to think that but tha't s bnesides the point. For me the deterrence is the punishment, not safety.

Same for gun owners. They will stop buying guns if we fined them for having guns.

It's worked so well with the drug trade...

Again: Speed limit laws are not meant to prevent ALL speeding. And traffic lights don't prevent ALL accidents that typically happen at the intersections either.

Would you like to see speed limits and traffic lights taken off our roads and highways?

You are welcome.

Your analogy is flawed. Speed limit laws are analogous to murder laws. You have to break them before you chastised.

Gun control laws, you are presumed guilty.

I mean, look at how you talk about gun owners.

You convict them of speeding just for owning a car.

Really? What presumption of guilt is made in a background check?

What presumption of guilt is made when a gun must be registered?

For one, felons so not have to register guns....a Supreme Court case said that that would violate their right against self incrimination...

We are against registration because it is the first step to banning or forced turn ins and that has been proven historically.......and criminals won't register their guns...defeating the purpose, and mass shooters will gladly register their guns, then go out and kill lots of people, again defeating your purpose...it is again just a needless layer of paperwork and money against law abiding gun owners......

What is the reason to register gun owners? Again...it is not needed to arrest someone who commits a crime with a gun...right? And it is not needed to arrest a felon who is caught in possession of a gun, right? We can arrest them right now without registration.

If you sell a gun to a felon.....when you catch the felon with a gun...you can arrest that felon..right now, without registration.

Registration is simply the first step to finding out which law abiding citizen has a gun, so they can later be gathered up when the left has the political power to do it.....that is what happened in Germany, Britain and Australia......we are going to keep it from happening here....

lol you're an idiot. When will our cars be confiscated?
It's worked so well with the drug trade...

Again: Speed limit laws are not meant to prevent ALL speeding. And traffic lights don't prevent ALL accidents that typically happen at the intersections either.

Would you like to see speed limits and traffic lights taken off our roads and highways?

You are welcome.

Your analogy is flawed. Speed limit laws are analogous to murder laws. You have to break them before you chastised.

Gun control laws, you are presumed guilty.

I mean, look at how you talk about gun owners.

You convict them of speeding just for owning a car.

Really? What presumption of guilt is made in a background check?

What presumption of guilt is made when a gun must be registered?

For one, felons so not have to register guns....a Supreme Court case said that that would violate their right against self incrimination...

We are against registration because it is the first step to banning or forced turn ins and that has been proven historically.......and criminals won't register their guns...defeating the purpose, and mass shooters will gladly register their guns, then go out and kill lots of people, again defeating your purpose...it is again just a needless layer of paperwork and money against law abiding gun owners......

What is the reason to register gun owners? Again...it is not needed to arrest someone who commits a crime with a gun...right? And it is not needed to arrest a felon who is caught in possession of a gun, right? We can arrest them right now without registration.

If you sell a gun to a felon.....when you catch the felon with a gun...you can arrest that felon..right now, without registration.

Registration is simply the first step to finding out which law abiding citizen has a gun, so they can later be gathered up when the left has the political power to do it.....that is what happened in Germany, Britain and Australia......we are going to keep it from happening here....

The question is, how do you stop guns getting into the hands of criminals? The only way really seems to be to have guns as a rare item. In the US they're just not. People get them easily, so do criminals. To use one isn't such a big deal. You lose one gun, just go get another one.

Until the US can stop this happening then gun violence will still be high. But then some people seem to think this is just great.

Arrest criminals caught with guns and put them in jail a long time.....that fixes the problem, they won't want to be caught in possession of a gun, or commit a crime with a gun...that way you focus on the problem...criminals, not law abiding gun owners who don't use guns to break the law.....

As I pointed out, European criminals get guns as easily as our criminals do...even easier since they get fully automatic rifles whenever they want....so their gun laws are no more effective than our gun laws are at Preventing gun violence........
Never gonna win battles against disease if you only ever focus on alleviating symptoms. Gun violence is only the symptom of the actual condition: violence. Can suppress the pain of a cancer patient, but if that's all you do the patient still has cancer. Getting rid of guns isn't fixing anything.
It's worked so well with the drug trade...

Again: Speed limit laws are not meant to prevent ALL speeding. And traffic lights don't prevent ALL accidents that typically happen at the intersections either.

Would you like to see speed limits and traffic lights taken off our roads and highways?

You are welcome.

Your analogy is flawed. Speed limit laws are analogous to murder laws. You have to break them before you chastised.

Gun control laws, you are presumed guilty.

I mean, look at how you talk about gun owners.

You convict them of speeding just for owning a car.

Really? What presumption of guilt is made in a background check?

What presumption of guilt is made when a gun must be registered?

For one, felons so not have to register guns....a Supreme Court case said that that would violate their right against self incrimination...

We are against registration because it is the first step to banning or forced turn ins and that has been proven historically.......and criminals won't register their guns...defeating the purpose, and mass shooters will gladly register their guns, then go out and kill lots of people, again defeating your purpose...it is again just a needless layer of paperwork and money against law abiding gun owners......

What is the reason to register gun owners? Again...it is not needed to arrest someone who commits a crime with a gun...right? And it is not needed to arrest a felon who is caught in possession of a gun, right? We can arrest them right now without registration.

If you sell a gun to a felon.....when you catch the felon with a gun...you can arrest that felon..right now, without registration.

Registration is simply the first step to finding out which law abiding citizen has a gun, so they can later be gathered up when the left has the political power to do it.....that is what happened in Germany, Britain and Australia......we are going to keep it from happening here....

lol you're an idiot. When will our cars be confiscated?

Well asshole, gun confiscation has happened, actually happened in history...it is not a myth......Germany, before they murdered their citizens, and Britian and Australia....France did it right after World War 2 when they rounded up the weapons of the resistance fighters.....so fuck you asshole....

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